Apple sued over defective iMac displays



  • Reply 41 of 49
    cy_cy_ Posts: 16member
    At our company we bought in mid-2006 30 iMacs 17" white CTO with 2Gb RAM each + Applecare for each of them.

    After exactly one year, vertical lines appeared randomly and almost everyday on different machines (around 10).

    I called AppleCare for the first time, and had no problem. We were sending them 1 by 1 to Apple as we couldn't get rid of the 10 at the same time.

    After 4 iMacs sent, they escalated the issue for me to get a faster On-Site repairs, and they were fantastic until the last machine got repaired (replaced the screen).

    So I have no complain about that really. And I congratulate myself for having purchased the warranty extensions, otherwise, it would have been different.
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  • Reply 42 of 49

    Just to say that here in the UK I've had a very different experience.

    When I phoned apple about the problem a couple of months back they simply asked how many vertical lines I was seeing and then said that it was a known problem and as it was a manufacturing defect on their part they would fix it free of charge, even though my machine is months out of warranty and was bought from the refurbished store. They then gave me a repair reference code and the address of my local apple repair centre.

    This all despite the fact that they couldn't seem to find my serial number on their big list.

    Family time commitments mean I haven't been able to drop it off to be fixed yet but I certainly had no problems from Apple.

    Best of luck to people getting this fixed.
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  • Reply 43 of 49
    Hi All -

    I just wanted to chime in to say that I am a victim too.

    If anyone has the contact information for the law firm that is representing this case, can you please post it here? I would like to contact them about this suit.

    My story:

    My iMac 20" Duo-Core Intel started having problems several months ago. My iMac will work great for several minutes, then suddenly the single-pixel line problem starts. Then, eventually, the screen either goes totally black or the computer freezes and forces a hard restart.

    I have owned a Mac since the Mac IIe. I have never bought an extended warranty because I have never needed to. Apple has always made products that last long enough so that I feel like I got my money out of them. It appears that those days are over.

    When the lines started on my iMac, I called Apple Support and reported the problem. They mentioned to me that this was a 'hot' issue and that this was a common call subject. Instead of helping me with this obvious (to me - at least) hardware problem, they decided to take the 'you should have bought Apple Care' approach with me. I got no sympathy from them when I explained that any normal customer should not even expect their iMac to have defects for at least 3 years. In my mind, the Apple Care was redundant and historically unnecessary.

    I can't believe that I would have to join a lawsuit to get resolution on this issue. Apple should have stepped up and offered a fair solution to correct the problem once it was an obvious design flaw on their part.

    It seems to me that Apple could increase Apple Care sales by installing defective components. I hope this is not true, but logical deduction would suggest otherwise.

    I would like to think that I am an honorable person. I like to do business with companies that are honorable. After all these years of believing in them, Apple is no longer one of those companies to me and that is sad.

    Apple, please feel free to contact me if you are willing to meet me half way.
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  • Reply 44 of 49
    Originally Posted by mcnaugha View Post

    Like one of the other posters above, I work for an AASP and have done so for over ten years now.

    I for one think that Apple has been very good at acknowledging manufacturing flaws and offering extended repair programs to correct these issues.

    There are just certain types of people who throw their toys out of the baby stroller because their out-of-warranty product develops a fault. It's always Apple's fault in their minds. It's always a design flaw.

    Actually it's just a lottery. Some people just draw a short straw. Just like cars, some of them develop faults when they get to a certain age. Others may last for 20 years plus. This is the inherent nature of today's complex technology. People need to get real. They don't make these things to last forever. It's guaranteed to work for one year and then anything you get after that is a bonus. It's a sad but true fact. This is the way many industries work. Computers are a consumable product, just like a car. It's going to get worn out. Some faster than others through variables out-with the manufacturers' control. You are supposed to buy a new one on an average of every three years. It's not Apple's fault if you can't afford to do that. Apple isn't a charity. It's a business.

    So is Apple better or worse than the competition?

    If it is better, why isn't the warranty better?

    Is it worth what we are paying?

    If so how?

    Make your mind up: Apple is better, or just the same? Don't have it both ways.
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  • Reply 45 of 49
    Originally Posted by mvomac View Post

    Hi All -

    I just wanted to chime in to say that I am a victim too.

    If anyone has the contact information for the law firm that is representing this case, can you please post it here? I would like to contact them about this suit.

    My story:

    My iMac 20" Duo-Core Intel started having problems several months ago. My iMac will work great for several minutes, then suddenly the single-pixel line problem starts. Then, eventually, the screen either goes totally black or the computer freezes and forces a hard restart.

    I have owned a Mac since the Mac IIe. I have never bought an extended warranty because I have never needed to. Apple has always made products that last long enough so that I feel like I got my money out of them. It appears that those days are over.

    When the lines started on my iMac, I called Apple Support and reported the problem. They mentioned to me that this was a 'hot' issue and that this was a common call subject. Instead of helping me with this obvious (to me - at least) hardware problem, they decided to take the 'you should have bought Apple Care' approach with me. I got no sympathy from them when I explained that any normal customer should not even expect their iMac to have defects for at least 3 years. In my mind, the Apple Care was redundant and historically unnecessary.

    I can't believe that I would have to join a lawsuit to get resolution on this issue. Apple should have stepped up and offered a fair solution to correct the problem once it was an obvious design flaw on their part.

    It seems to me that Apple could increase Apple Care sales by installing defective components. I hope this is not true, but logical deduction would suggest otherwise.

    I would like to think that I am an honorable person. I like to do business with companies that are honorable. After all these years of believing in them, Apple is no longer one of those companies to me and that is sad.

    Apple, please feel free to contact me if you are willing to meet me half way.

    If I were you I'd make an appointment to see someone at the store and bring it in. The last thing they want is to have you with your iMac issues right next to people they are trying to sell iMacs to. Hopefully that will get better results. Good luck!
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  • Reply 46 of 49
    jonnyboyjonnyboy Posts: 525member
    my 1st generation alu imac has developed an odd yellow hued patch in the bottom right on the screen which is not always obvious. haven't seen any other reports of this odd effect
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  • Reply 47 of 49
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Never had a problem in 3 years with my 20" white iMac with its gorgeous matte screen.

    Same here. Still looks incredible. You couldn't pay me to use one of those shite glossy screens.
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  • Reply 48 of 49
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Apple has to be making a killing on Applecare. I've read that Best Buy thrives and survives on their extended warranties. Applecare is pretty expensive, about $350 for two years of coverage on a MBP for example. My guess is that they're making more than enough to give away a few machines under the Applecare umbrella.

    That said, I had a problematic MBP that did NOT have Applecare. Apple still replaced it for what some would consider minor issues. Needless to say, I was impressed with the service.

    This is called Insurance. Do you think Insurance companies *don't* make money? Still amazes me when people can't grasp such a concept. I always buy the Future Shop warranties on electronics (including my iMac) because it's paid off so well for me in the past. I've had monitors replaced after years, dying external burners replaced, etc, etc. You just have to make sure you're getting more time over the manufacturer's warranty, otherwise it's not worth it.
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  • Reply 49 of 49
    Bongo, I am sure I am not the first to ask you but how easy was it to fix? Are there any instructions anywhere on the net or do you have any? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.
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