What exactly happened to the Playstation 3?



  • Reply 301 of 322
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Yeah, it's a total rip-off.

    But think about this.

    Sony loses at least $50 per console.

    MS makes $50 on each WiFi adaptor.

    Who is smarter?


    Nintendo, since they sell cheap consoles with WiFi included and still make money off the sale of each console, which they refuse to sell as loss leaders.
  • Reply 302 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by JavaCowboy View Post

    Nintendo, since they sell cheap consoles with WiFi included and still make money off the sale of each console, which they refuse to sell as loss leaders.


    The only way to win is not playing the game.

  • Reply 303 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Did anyone see this? (Engadget's CES Press Event)

    Can you see anything missing?


  • Reply 304 of 322
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by WaitNextEvent View Post

    Sony's total victory with BluRay over Microsoft and Toshiba's is yet another perfect example of the collossal failure the Xbox 360 fiasco has turned out to be.

    As the Xbox fiasco unfolded and the billions in losses racked up and the Xbox was at least once one meeting away from being completely shut down and put out of its misery there was always the inane hand waving about 'owning the living room' and that the obscene losses were 'worth it'.

    Fast forward to the Xbox 360 and some eight billion or so in losses over seven years and in the only major market, the US, where the 360 was still a viable product it couldn't do anything to stop Sony from easily establishing BluRay as the next gen movie format for consumer 'living rooms'.

    Well both MS and Sony has billions to lose to gain that ground.

    MS could own the living room any time they want to piss off their OEMs. Just release MS Office Student to the 360 with keyboard and mouse. Then the 360 is a no brainer for parents in the console wars and is something that Sony can't answer.

    The only one able to challenge MS in that regard is Apple...a Mini/aTV hybrid with half decent Wii-like games and some kind of motion based controller would go a long way toward making it a non-hobby and a real bid for set-top dominance.

    iWork needs to be better and Apple would have to release a Keynote player on windows at a minimum. Even then they'd be playing with fire if MS killed Office on OSX.
  • Reply 305 of 322
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Did anyone see this? (Engadget's CES Press Event)

    Can you see anything missing?



    "On the the PS3 and PSP. Not a ton to say about that apparently. They exist, they're on the floor."

    No surprise...they aren't new, and they aren't kicking butt.

    Stringer keynote now...wish I could catch the Tom Hanks portion...sounds funny.
  • Reply 306 of 322
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    EB Games/Game Stop is currently running a special when you trade in a working PS2 and extra Sony controller you will get a $100 off a Playstation 3? This console was just released a couple of months ago. Retailers need to find creative ways to sell these.

    What exactly happened to the Playstation 3? It appears it has become a gigantic flop! I see them in practically every store I visit. Yes they are expensive, but I figured with the massive PS2 user base, early adaptors still would have paid the bucks to own the latest and greatest. Apparently, I was wrong. What ever happened to Sony fan-boys? Is the PS3 as good as dead or what??


    Sony overestimated the impact of the hardcore gamer on the overall market and underestimated the costs of the new technologies. the PS2's launch price of $299 was pushing it and that didn't really explode until it got more affordable. Wii is doing new and exciting things for the casual gamer and the Xbox 360 can do most of what the PS3 can for half the price and has a better selection. Being last to the part didn't help either. Ironically, that was the same situation the original xbox was in. Better system but too late, too expensive, not enough AAA titles.
  • Reply 307 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Stringer keynote now...wish I could catch the Tom Hanks portion...sounds funny.

    I followed the Stringer keynote.


    Tom Hanks, Doctor Oz and Reggie Jackson? And a phone powered by sugar.

    Not to mention the Touch-Screen-open-platform-alarm-clock.

    Double You Tee Eff!

  • Reply 308 of 322
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    The PS3 has a long way to go before Sony will think about replacing or updating it. The PS2 lasted 6 years so there's no reason to expect an update before 2012 even if there's some amazing tech breakthrough.

    Games take time to develop so they can't churn out consoles without annoying developers. At this halfway point, things still look a bit bleak for Sony and their consoles aren't coming down in price. They need to drop below the £200 mark.

    Although Blu-Ray is seen as a good addition, it is also holding the PS3 back in terms of price. Is 3 years long enough for the choice to go all Blu-Ray to pay off? Even if/when it replaces DVD for the most part, Microsoft can simply make another console and include Blu-Ray.

    Sony at least know how to put on an interesting event unlike some people. The amount of things they announced puts Apple to shame. They even announced interesting stuff they are working on.

    Originally Posted by BenRoethig

    Ironically, that was the same situation the original xbox was in. Better system but too late, too expensive, not enough AAA titles.

    Yeah, that's exactly what's happened. Following in Microsoft's footsteps is a sure route to disaster.
  • Reply 309 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Games take time to develop so they can't churn out consoles without annoying developers. At this halfway point, things still look a bit bleak for Sony and their consoles aren't coming down in price. They need to drop below the £200 mark.

    What is interesting to me is at this point, Stringer must have pretty good revenue predictions which go forward the next four years. Right to the end-of-life of the console.

    This would Include projections for console sale revenues & losses. Development costs for titles. And revenues from game unit licenses. It looks really unlikely that PS3 will will go into profit within two years. (Not looking at how Sony's key titles are money pit projects.)

    Stringer also knows that if he does not slash the console retail price soon - the installed base will grow more slowly - and more importantly, that would cost them even more developer good will. But cutting the price will drive up the losses even more.

    Listening to the keynote, the only clue was that he wants to drive as many content sales as possible though the internet. Cutting-out boxed goods middlemen and selling content directly to consumers could double the revenues on some content. But its going to piss-off lots of partners.

  • Reply 310 of 322
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    ...What's incredible is Gran Turismo 5 is still not finished.

    (from Wikipedia)

    In an April 2008 interview, Kazunori Yamauchi revealed that 150 people had worked on Gran Turismo 5 for four years, with all of Polyphony Digital's 120 employees working on GT5, and the game costing 50 times more to develop than 1997's Gran Turismo. He also confessed that GT5 might not be released until after 2009. In a July 2008 interview with IGN, Yamauchi mentioned that at the moment, Polyphony Digital is focused on updates for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and that Gran Turismo 5 may not be released until 2010.

    Do I see the little red-laser-dot of Howard Stringers sacred-cow-cannon being pointed at Polyphony?


    Bingo. Even from a neutral perspective, I really do not know what the hell is so great about Gran Turismo. GT5 Prologue is well, average. I mean Grid came in and opened up a big can of racing game whoopass on a variety of platforms.

    At the risk of sounding harsh, Gran Turismo is one sacred cow that needs to be swiftly decapitated and then cremated.
  • Reply 311 of 322
    [QUOTE=nvidia2008;1360629]GT5 Prologue is well, average. I mean Grid came in and opened up a big can of racing game whoopass on a variety of platforms.



  • Reply 312 of 322
    It is amazing that the Xbox fiasco wasn't killed off like so many at Microsoft wanted back in 2002-2005. But it is funny to think back to the Xbox team making desperate promises that they would get things right with the next Xbox if they were given another chance.

    And then went on to create what is universally regarded as the worst console in history with the Xbox 360.

    Already talked about the botched and wimpy 360 graphics hardware. And everyone is painfully aware of the RRoD fiasco, disc scratching and destroying drives, and various other hardware problems with the 360.

    But if anyone had told you that a console would ever be created that actually had less usuable storage space for games than previous gen consoles did, no one would of believed that a company would be that stupid.

    The PS2 and Xbox had roughly 4/8.5 gigabytes per DVD for games.

    The PS3 has 25/50 gigabytes pre BluRay disc for games.

    And the Xbox 360 only has 3.5/7 gigabytes per DVD for games.

    It does make the Xbox 1.5 label the 360 has for the crappy graphics innacurate. Should have been Xbox 0.8.

    It isn't funny though when you consider how it has ruined some major titles like GTA 4 that have had to be massively downgraded to fit on the gimped 360 hardware. You have to have nothing but pity for the poor Rockstar devs dealing with the nightmare of having to work with the gimped 360 hardware. Can't imagine what it must have felt like to find out that instead of making a real next gen game you instead are going to be going through the nightmare of trying to fit your new game onto a smaller storage format than you had last gen.
  • Reply 313 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    GTA4 - PS3 640p

    GTA4 - 360 720p

  • Reply 314 of 322
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    I think it's obvious that WaitNextEvent has stopped reading what anyone else is writing in this thread. Valid points get in the way of his propaganda
  • Reply 315 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    I think it's obvious that WaitNextEvent has stopped reading what anyone else is writing in this thread. Valid points get in the way of his propaganda

    I thought he was a troll - but now I am thinking he's a bot.

  • Reply 316 of 322
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    GTA4 - PS3 640p

    GTA4 - 360 720p


  • Reply 317 of 322
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    You might want to check the numbers.

    Sony makes 4c per Blu Ray disk - plus licencing fees.

    A Blu Ray buying PS3 owner has to buy an awful lot of disks to pay back that PS3 loan.

    Yes, but the 4c is almost pure profit, and I would expect Bluray to be around for a long, long time. And it doesn't matter if the buyer has a PS3 or not.
  • Reply 318 of 322
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by WaitNextEvent View Post





    If you read the last thread you can see examples that clearly show...

    360 is running @ 1280x720p with 2x anti-aliasing.

    PS3 is running @ 1152x640p with no anti-aliasing.

    It's a marginal difference.

  • Reply 320 of 322
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    After all the hype nowadays when I look at PS3 graphics I realise they're not that good compared to XBox360 and PCs. It's quite obvious to me now, once I look past the "gloss".

    Halo Wars looks... interesting... too.
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