Citigroup says slow iPhone sales may spur early refresh



  • Reply 61 of 67
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Right Apple has managed to sell all those iphones because of hype, marketing, and Jobs worshipers for a device that is absolute garbage, you gotta love the internet.

    read much..??

    I didn't say it was garbage...I said its not worth the total outlay. Big difference.
  • Reply 62 of 67
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    That's not the price, I have the iphone on fido. I just got it on Saturday and I'll be paying 80 dollars a month, but then I'm trying out the data plan, if I see a need for it I'll keep it, if not I'll take it off and pay 55 dollars a month. I get 350 daytime minutes, evenings and weekends free, unlimited text, voicemail, call forwarding with my plan.

    iphone without data plan?

    why bother..that the entire poiunt of the device!!
  • Reply 63 of 67
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Where's the line?

    Will you go to your boss tomorrow and tell him to cut your pay by 20%?

    how is that even close to being the same thing...??

    Maybe they'll do a better analogy in school tomorrow??

  • Reply 64 of 67
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    What about what O2 pays in rent for it's buildings? Do you get bitter that the owners of the property that O2 rents don't lower their rent, because O2 just passes that cost onto you? Or the electric company, surely they should lower their prices to O2 because YOU don't have the money to pay for an iPhone that you have the RIGHT to own, correct? And what about the exorbitant cost of the airwaves licenses! Surely since YOU as a member of the public OWN those airwaves, O2 has no right to pass that cost on to you, right?

    What an idiot.

    come back when you have some clue....

    if you re-read the thread.

    business vs exploitation......long term vision?

    I won't hold my breath...
  • Reply 65 of 67
    Originally Posted by bertyao View Post

    greed is a good thing in capitalism. Let the phone companies maximize their profits. But i won't be paying at&t anymore . I canceled iphone service.

    the current world economy proves that capitalism as we know it today is a busted flush.
  • Reply 66 of 67
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    This is competely untrue. Apple does not set AT&T's tariff charges.

    With the original iPhone AT&T charged less for unlimited EDGE than it charged for data plans on all other phones.

    With the iPhone 3G AT&T charges the same for data all it charges for all other phones.

    Its completely ridiculous to say AT&T wants to "lower" its prices.

    mental note****

    lateral thinking will not work on this forum.

    AT&T would like to lower the initial stated TCO (total cost of ownership) to attract more customers who would then hopefully use other services.
  • Reply 67 of 67
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    What other services are you talking about?

    Originally Posted by Archipellago View Post

    mental note****

    lateral thinking will not work on this forum.

    AT&T would like to lower the initial stated TCO (total cost of ownership) to attract more customers who would then hopefully use other services.

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