Circuit City calls it quits, to liquidate assets



  • Reply 41 of 67
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    I applaud you for your reply. It is really disheartening to hear people are taking joy in 34,000 people (and their families) losing their jobs at any time but especially considering the current state of the economy.

    I have 1 question.

    How do any of the retail stores mentioned (that are so evil) differ from an Apple retail store. I have seen no comments in this posting that doesn?t apply to Apple?s retail stores.

    Should we also wish that all Apple retail stores are closed and thousands more lose their jobs for taking part in an evil conspiracy of trying to sell a product.

    For those of you that said ?you have the choice? to purchase the equipment are exactly right. Personally I like having retail stores to go and look at the products I?ve been researching online.

    Unlike the rest of the retail stores mentioned here at least they allow you return the product if you are not happy with it.

    The App store has no return policy and you are buying the software purely based on mostly bogus hyped up reviews.

    Leave it to "MacOldTimer" to find a way to turn a thread on Circuit City into an opportunity to bash Apple.

    It's like some kind of mental illness or compulsion.
  • Reply 42 of 67
    Few weeks ago I went to a closing Circuit City to buy a mouse (none left), store was 90-95% empty. So, I decided to look at HDTVs since I want to buy one. They were still selling items (mostly TV/AV) for only 10-20% off retail prices. I told the clerk Amazon has better prices than they do, she told me "yeah... I know, but management knows not everyone goes to Amazon and is hoping they can still get these prices." THAT is why Circuit City failed, not paying attention to or caring what the competition is doing and thinking customers are too stupid to look elsewhere. Ignorance, Arrogance and Greed.
  • Reply 43 of 67
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    The App store has no return policy and you are buying the software purely based on mostly bogus hyped up reviews.

    What the heck are you talking about?? How old are you?? How do you turn an article on C.C. into bashing Apple? No cell phone maker gives returns on Apps, just as any small App you buy and download from the Internet for your computer is non-returnable. Stay focused and stick to the storyline.
  • Reply 44 of 67
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Leave it to "MacOldTimer" to find a way to turn a thread on Circuit City into an opportunity to bash Apple.

    It's like some kind of mental illness or compulsion.

    If you can find any error with my logic please let me know.

    The room was bashing CC for being a bad store and giddy with the fact that 34,000 people are losing their job and bashing that CC was always a bad store and "deserved" to go down long ago.

    I simply pointed out the fact the besides being extremely insensitive posts that at least CC allowed you to return a product if you were unhappy with it.

    Where is there any bashing in that statement other than the truth?

    And please give me a break with "It's like some kind of mental illness or compulsion".

    This rooms bashes everything that is non Apple regardless of how good or innovative the product is.

    Now please get back to the topic of how happy all you Mac fans are so pleased that 1000's have lost their jobs.

    2. Answer the question I asked. How is Circuit City any worse or better than Apple Retail stores in their motives to sell product.

    A Windows site in a few years may be making a post of closing Apple stores. I doubt you'd see the same reaction.

    There are some seriously sick and wrong postings in this room.
  • Reply 45 of 67
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    What the heck are you talking about?? How old are you?? How do you turn an article on C.C. into bashing Apple? No cell phone maker gives returns on Apps, just as any small App you buy and download from the Internet for your computer is non-returnable. Stay focused and stick to the storyline.

    Android Application Store does.

    Quote from article.

    Additionally, Google has announced that in the event a pay-application is remotely removed from handsets, Google will do everythign they can to recover the money paid to the developer and refund that money back to consumers. Computerworld also notes that the Android Marketplace will have a 24-hour refund policy for paid applications, if users are dissatisfied with the purchase. Initially, all Android Marketplace apps will be free, because Goole hasn't implemented the mechanisms necessary for developers to charge for software. A 24-hour return policy addresses one of the core complaints about the App Store: the inability to try apps before buying. That's a positive move for consumers.

    As for how old am I? Old enough to do my research before making an ignorant posting such as yours.
  • Reply 46 of 67

    Lastly, how dare you take pleasure in 34,000 people losing their jobs! I hope karma bites you in the ass so you can be unemployed and looking for a job in this economy. Then maybe you will get a clue and have some respect for others. Same goes for Foodmetaphors! The majority of them are not skilled? If you think you are so smart, why would you need to ask a technical question in the first place? Outrageous prices? They have the same prices as every other store selling electronics! I hope your employer goes under and you lose your job too.

    If the taking pleasure in 34k ppl losing jobs line was directed at me, that's not true.. it's just I have no sympathy for them. And one can be smart and ignorant at the same time, bro. Why wouldn't I expect someone who works at an electronics store to know more about the wares than I, the customer do.

    And yeah, other stores sell ridiculously marked up MONSTER cables, but it's not their only option, and they don't try telling unsuspecting people that they "need it to get the best picture quality possible."
  • Reply 47 of 67
    So are we to take it from this article that all "The Source by Circuit City" are closing their doors too? They never did seem to be able to compete against Best Buy here in Canada especially after Best Buy bought Futureshop.
  • Reply 48 of 67
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    I feel very bad for the employee's... Finding a job in this economy is tough. Retail is in bad shape.

    I haven't read all the posts in this thread, but I personally like them.

    I did like buying online and then picking up the product in stores. They had a decent return policy. At times, they had great deals on some products (i.e., games, DVDs, CDs, etc.). Sure they weren't perfect, but what retail chain is?

  • Reply 49 of 67
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    If you can find any error with my logic please let me know.

    The room was bashing CC for being a bad store and giddy with the fact that 34,000 people are losing their job and bashing that CC was always a bad store and "deserved" to go down long ago.

    I simply pointed out the fact the besides being extremely insensitive posts that at least CC allowed you to return a product if you were unhappy with it.

    Where is there any bashing in that statement other than the truth?

    And please give me a break with "It's like some kind of mental illness or compulsion".

    This rooms bashes everything that is non Apple regardless of how good or innovative the product is.

    Now please get back to the topic of how happy all you Mac fans are so pleased that 1000's have lost their jobs.

    2. Answer the question I asked. How is Circuit City any worse or better than Apple Retail stores in their motives to sell product.

    A Windows site in a few years may be making a post of closing Apple stores. I doubt you'd see the same reaction.

    There are some seriously sick and wrong postings in this room.

    I've routinely had my local Apple Store simply swap out malfunctioning equipment that was well out of warranty, no questions asked. I have never had a CC do that.

    I can make a Genius appointment at an Apple Store and have all manner of hardware and software problems resolved. I've had Geniuses back up my drive while I waited so they could do a swap, or change keycaps on my keyboard, or reinstall software, etc. There is nothing remotely like that at CC.

    Apple employees are typically pretty well informed about the products they sell. Power users, of course, might find some lapses, but the level of focus and training for the staff puts CC employees to shame.

    And, of course, the proof is in the pudding: CC is bankrupt and closing their doors while Apple Stores are a phenomena of the retail industry and show no signs of slowing down.

    Some people here have had bad experiences with CC and thus do not mourn its passing. Others regret the loss of jobs while noting that CC didn't really offer much in the way of customer service or value. A few apparently really hated the place and its employees. From that you decide that crazed Apple fanatics are all cheering the death of anything that isn't Apple.

    I'm beginning to suspect that you're posting from a room in an institution, the walls of which are covered with crude pictures of Steve Jobs being stabbed and hung and the phrase "All work and no play make Apple sucks" repeated over and over again.
  • Reply 50 of 67
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    No offense, but if you were to only work for an ethical corporate chain, you wouldn't have very many choices. Moreover, if you live in a State like Michigan, people don't have a whole lot of choices of where to work.

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Yes I would because these people made a choice to work for an unethical business and frankly should be held accountable. They had a choice to spend their lives hustling worthless extended warranties and grossly over priced cables.

    Frankly this is no different than a guy lying down with a whore and then getting some sickness that spells a slow death. He made his bed and needs to lay in it, like wise these employees need to be held accountable for their actions.

    There is nothing at all here that is even remotely comparable.

  • Reply 51 of 67
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Don't be so sure about that. My brother in law works for Apple Retail. He has worked for the company two years. His hours have recently been halved.

    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    And, of course, the proof is in the pudding: CC is bankrupt and closing their doors while Apple Stores are a phenomena of the retail industry and show no signs of slowing down.

  • Reply 52 of 67
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    That one is easy. The Bush Administration, and Republican party in general, has been a big champion of so called Free Trade Agreements. So good paying jobs get shipped overseas merely in the name of profit. Consumers have no money to spend at places like Circuit City.

    For most of this Country's history, imports have been taxed. OUr FOunding Fathers understood a Country's resources must be kept in the Country and put to use here. For most of our history they have been. People need decent jobs to buy things.

    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    How do you rationalize a connection between Bush and Chenney with respect to Circuit City?

    Circuit City was going down the tubes and frankly it had nothing to do with the economy. That is like saying GM should blame the president for not producing fuel efficient cars or taking hybrid technology seriously. Sure the economy hurts both companies but both companies suffer from a management team with no respect for the consumer.


  • Reply 53 of 67
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I've routinely had my local Apple Store simply swap out malfunctioning equipment that was well out of warranty, no questions asked. I have never had a CC do that.

    I can make a Genius appointment at an Apple Store and have all manner of hardware and software problems resolved. I've had Geniuses back up my drive while I waited so they could do a swap, or change keycaps on my keyboard, or reinstall software, etc. There is nothing remotely like that at CC.

    Apple employees are typically pretty well informed about the products they sell. Power users, of course, might find some lapses, but the level of focus and training for the staff puts CC employees to shame.

    And, of course, the proof is in the pudding: CC is bankrupt and closing their doors while Apple Stores are a phenomena of the retail industry and show no signs of slowing down.

    Some people here have had bad experiences with CC and thus do not mourn its passing. Others regret the loss of jobs while noting that CC didn't really offer much in the way of customer service or value. A few apparently really hated the place and its employees. From that you decide that crazed Apple fanatics are all cheering the death of anything that isn't Apple.

    I'm beginning to suspect that you're posting from a room in an institution, the walls of which are covered with crude pictures of Steve Jobs being stabbed and hung and the phrase "All work and no play make Apple sucks" repeated over and over again.

    Please go to the Apple help forums and tell me that everyone has the same experience.

    Apple has had countless Monitors, Graphic Cards, Software and general hardware problems that Apple ignores until it comes to Class Action Status (and many still are).

    Apple ignores every problem until it becomes a problem with the press. The App Store is a perfect example of this.

    I don't want to have to pay $99 per year for every Apple product I own to know I am safe for 1 year. It adds up quick if you have a lot of Apple products.

    If this is the case then Apple should add $99 dollars to every product.

    I've had many great experiences with CC and they never blinked an eye when I had a problem, even with my Sony TV out of warranty.

    I'll be sad to see them and their employees go because it leaves people with less choices and Apple with more power to ignore not only the press and their stock obligations but they can ignore the end users now even longer.

    Example. How many people who own an iPhone 3G were even remotely happy until firmware/software until 2.2 came out and yet we still don't even has the most basic features a phone from 5 years ago offers.

    As to the Genius support, you pay for that option (commonly known as Apple TAX) and you've obviously experienced numerous problems with your purchases if you know it so well.

    Apple is putting out bug ridden Hardware and Software these days and using the end user as BETA testers.
  • Reply 54 of 67
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    That one is easy. The Bush Administration, and Republican party in general, has been a big champion of so called Free Trade Agreements. So good paying jobs get shipped overseas merely in the name of profit. Consumers have no money to spend at places like Circuit City.

    For most of this Country's history, imports have been taxed. OUr FOunding Fathers understood a Country's resources must be kept in the Country and put to use here. For most of our history they have been. People need decent jobs to buy things.


    I guess that's why they picked the APPLE as their logo it's RED.
  • Reply 55 of 67
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    That one is easy. The Bush Administration, and Republican party in general, has been a big champion of so called Free Trade Agreements. So good paying jobs get shipped overseas merely in the name of profit. Consumers have no money to spend at places like Circuit City.

    I'm going to burst your bubble: Free Trade Agreements have been around, and have been pushed, for a long time. So long as we're relatively good friends (with good reason) with the other country in question, they stick up for freedom, and they also purchase things FROM us,as well as sell TO us, things are extremely beneficial.

    What has been relatively new and very damaging is Free Trade with scum-bucket countries - i.e. ones:

    - with no rights for their people,

    - that allow the most ridiculous of environmental damage,

    - that routinely spy against our companies and steal their IP,

    - and that even have nukes pointed at us.

    (Hello, Mainland Dictatorial China.)

    And that has been an extremely bipartisan production, with both Republicans and Democrats cheerleading all along the way.

    Major players in this were:

    - George H.W. Bush, who was a diplomat for the US in China years ago;

    - Bill Clinton, who a) cleared sensitive technology to be exported to China in exchange for campaign cash, and b) worked on getting China "Most Favored Nation" trading status;

    - Hillary Clinton, who took loads of campaign contributions from the Chinese funneled via the Chinese immigrant working poor (dishwashers making ~$2000 donations to her campaign);

    - George W. Bush, who never acted against China because they were buying up so much of our federal debt;

    ...and last, but very far from least....

    - Senator Diane Feinstien, who votes consistently for more Chinese trade - and even groveled to the Chinese government when they forced down our P3 Orion signal intelligence plane that was flying in open airspace. Oh, by the way, she just happens to be married to one Richard Blum, who earned much of his Billions (with a "B") via trade with China.

    So there you go. You want to pin this clusterscrew on someone? Blame the modern U.S. Professional Politician, of the ubiquitous "Demolican-Republicrat" Party.

    (At least old-school Republicans stand up for Taiwan - a good country, that was once sometimes low cost, but is now highly skilled. Taiwan has a warm place in my heart, because they stick up for human rights, and defends themselves against threatening China - with U.S. arms....)
  • Reply 56 of 67
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post


    I guess that's why they picked the APPLE as their logo it's RED.

    I'm pretty sure that was exactly his point. Companies, including Apple, have high incentives to move jobs overseas. I saw nothing in his reply that hinted towards defending Apple on that stance, but simply stating the truth. Oh well, it is obvious that you are only on here to ridicule Apple, and while I agree with you that many of the posts on here are ill-mannered, irresponsible, and flat out ignorant on behalf of Circuit City and and their former employees, you certainly are the most extreme Apple hater I've encountered to waste your time making post after post on a web site that follows a company you hate. At least I waste my time on here because I like Apple products.
  • Reply 57 of 67
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    Please go to the Apple help forums and tell me that everyone has the same experience.

    Apple has had countless Monitors, Graphic Cards, Software and general hardware problems that Apple ignores until it comes to Class Action Status (and many still are).

    Apple ignores every problem until it becomes a problem with the press. The App Store is a perfect example of this.

    I don't want to have to pay $99 per year for every Apple product I own to know I am safe for 1 year. It adds up quick if you have a lot of Apple products.

    If this is the case then Apple should add $99 dollars to every product.

    I've had many great experiences with CC and they never blinked an eye when I had a problem, even with my Sony TV out of warranty.

    I'll be sad to see them and their employees go because it leaves people with less choices and Apple with more power to ignore not only the press and their stock obligations but they can ignore the end users now even longer.

    Example. How many people who own an iPhone 3G were even remotely happy until firmware/software until 2.2 came out and yet we still don't even has the most basic features a phone from 5 years ago offers.

    As to the Genius support, you pay for that option (commonly known as Apple TAX) and you've obviously experienced numerous problems with your purchases if you know it so well.

    Apple is putting out bug ridden Hardware and Software these days and using the end user as BETA testers.

    Yeah. Whatever.

    You demanded to know how the Apple Store was any different from CC, and when I listed several ways that it is a much, much better retail experience, you switch to attacking Apple's products and some random bug you have up your ass about the app store.

    Enough is enough, nut boy. Onto my ignore list you go.
  • Reply 58 of 67
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Few weeks ago I went to a closing Circuit City to buy a mouse (none left), store was 90-95% empty. So, I decided to look at HDTVs since I want to buy one. They were still selling items (mostly TV/AV) for only 10-20% off retail prices. I told the clerk Amazon has better prices than they do, she told me "yeah... I know, but management knows not everyone goes to Amazon and is hoping they can still get these prices." THAT is why Circuit City failed, not paying attention to or caring what the competition is doing and thinking customers are too stupid to look elsewhere. Ignorance, Arrogance and Greed.

    Ignorance demonstrated.

    Circuit City has/had ZERO involvement in the stores that were closing. All of these stores were under the control of the liquidation companies.
  • Reply 59 of 67
    halvrihalvri Posts: 146member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    How do you rationalize a connection between Bush and Chenney with respect to Circuit City?

    Circuit City was going down the tubes and frankly it had nothing to do with the economy. That is like saying GM should blame the president for not producing fuel efficient cars or taking hybrid technology seriously. Sure the economy hurts both companies but both companies suffer from a management team with no respect for the consumer.


    It's fairly easy to see what he's saying. Big Box retailers in general buy product on credit and sell using credit as well. So, when the credit markets shut down, the entire system gets shuttered. Bush's policies have resulted in the credit crunch. This is not to say that Circuit City's policies weren't not also to blame, but economic issues in general accelerated the problem.
  • Reply 60 of 67
    Originally Posted by Halvri View Post

    Bush's policies have resulted in the credit crunch.

    Whoa! You mean you have no recollection of the role Democrats like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd - and especially the Congressional Black Caucus - played in making Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a giant millstone around the neck of the credit market?!?

    Bush pushed the "ownership society", yes - but the dems in the house pushed the "it's not fair that we're not a big house owner" society. And guess what led to defaults?
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