kernel panics

in macOS edited January 2014
hi there

i need some information about kernel panics. has it ever happened to you? under what circumstances? what system (software, hardware) did you use? does it often happen to you?

thank you for every piece of information!

[ 07-04-2002: Message edited by: dr dre ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 17
    ibrowseibrowse Posts: 1,749member
    I personally have never had one, but a friend has had 4 or 5. A few days ago I went ino a local computer store and there had a G4 on display, half way into the boot up proccess, with a kernel panic coming through. There's plenty of info <a href=""; target="_blank">here</a>.
  • Reply 2 of 17
    Hmm, let me see, how about all the ****ing time? i have a DP 533 with 1.5 gb ram and two times 40 gb ATAs. Happened with 10.1, .2, .3. ,.4. and now with 10.1.5. I can run logic under 9.2.2 Ok but OSX on my machine is seriously flaky . Oh and the drive that it was on completly crashed switching back from classic and had to be zeroed. Still get panics and endless spinning beach balls. Anything that you can think of has probably caused a panic, launching an app, quitting an app, trying to save. My favourite was the back button in IE5. Oh and before you ask , Apple were useless and frankly unpleasant.
  • Reply 3 of 17
    Hmm, let me see, how about all the ****ing time? i have a DP 533 with 1.5 gb ram and two times 40 gb ATAs. Happened with 10.1, .2, .3. ,.4. and now with 10.1.5. I can run logic under 9.2.2 Ok but OSX on my machine is seriously flaky . Oh and the drive that it was on completly crashed switching back from classic and had to be zeroed. Still get panics and endless spinning beach balls. Anything that you can think of has probably caused a panic, launching an app, quitting an app, trying to save. My favourite was the back button in IE5. Oh and before you ask , Apple were useless and frankly unpleasant.
  • Reply 4 of 17
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    I wish I was more methodical about bug-tracking, but I guess that's why I'm not a QA/QC Engineer. I have noticed an increased frequency in kernel panics... but not sure when it happened... I put 1.5 GB of RAM in, upgraded my secondary monitor card (PCI), installed a SuperDrive, upgraded the OS at every update release...

    It's definitely not "OS9"-bad... I get about one every 1-2 weeks of up-time. It usually happens when doing a Sherlock find, launching Maya, ummm... doing something processor intensive while iTunes is running... FCP3 gave me a panic once. Not sure about any concrete details though... overall, it's still pretty stable, but I DO get the occasional panic every one or two weeks.

    Some never have them... some people sneeze and they get one... who knows...?

    - Scott
  • Reply 5 of 17
    igiligil Posts: 23member
    I have been running Mac OS X daily since November 2001 starting with version 10.1 and I have never ever had a kernel panic.
  • Reply 6 of 17
    alex londonalex london Posts: 613member
    You lucky, lucky bastard <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 7 of 17
    igiligil Posts: 23member
    [quote]Originally posted by Alex London:

    <strong>You lucky, lucky bastard <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    In fact, I've been running a webserver 24 hours a day on my iMac since February and it has never crashed. :cool:
  • Reply 8 of 17
    pastapasta Posts: 112member
    [quote]Originally posted by Alex London:

    <strong>Hmm, let me see, how about all the ****ing time? i have a DP 533 with 1.5 gb ram and two times 40 gb ATAs. Happened with 10.1, .2, .3. ,.4. and now with 10.1.5. I can run logic under 9.2.2 Ok but OSX on my machine is seriously flaky . Oh and the drive that it was on completly crashed switching back from classic and had to be zeroed. Still get panics and endless spinning beach balls. Anything that you can think of has probably caused a panic, launching an app, quitting an app, trying to save. My favourite was the back button in IE5. Oh and before you ask , Apple were useless and frankly unpleasant.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Have you done a complete wipe and reinstall of OS X? If not, do it and don't install any additional software. Run it with the default software for a while and see if you get any panics. If you don't, start adding additional software 1 app at a time, and take some time testing before adding more. If the problem persists after a clean install, it's 99% likely (or thereabouts) a hardware problem. Try removing all but 1 of your RAM modules. If you still get panics, switch the 1 you left in for another one. Try this a couple of times to rule out bad RAM. If it's not the RAM, take the machine in to an Apple authorized service center and get it fixed. Kernel panics are extremely uncommon on OS X.
  • Reply 9 of 17
    pastapasta Posts: 112member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott F.:

    <strong>I wish I was more methodical about bug-tracking, but I guess that's why I'm not a QA/QC Engineer. I have noticed an increased frequency in kernel panics... but not sure when it happened... I put 1.5 GB of RAM in, upgraded my secondary monitor card (PCI), installed a SuperDrive, upgraded the OS at every update release...

    It's definitely not "OS9"-bad... I get about one every 1-2 weeks of up-time. It usually happens when doing a Sherlock find, launching Maya, ummm... doing something processor intensive while iTunes is running... FCP3 gave me a panic once. Not sure about any concrete details though... overall, it's still pretty stable, but I DO get the occasional panic every one or two weeks.

    Some never have them... some people sneeze and they get one... who knows...?

    - Scott</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The occasional panic once every two weeks or so is totally unacceptable for OS X (although that's considered quite good for windows ). It's probably a hardware issue, since you added quite a bit. If you can reconstruct a panic so that it occurs every time you do a specific sequence of tasks, you'll have a much easier time isolating the cause. For instance, if it panics every time you launch maya while iTunes is playing, you can then start removing the additional hardware 1 item at a time and then seeing if you still get the panic. You should also write down everything it says on the screen for every panic. It's much more helpful for diagnosing, and Apple would probably like to hear about it too.
  • Reply 10 of 17
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    I support over 80 G4s (all types) all running OS X 10.1 and above.

    They have never had a panic although they are only used for one to two specific applications.

    I have only every seen 2 or 3 panics in the 3 years I have been exposed to the Mac world and those have been on my test boxes while surfing and I only use IE so I will blame MS.

  • Reply 11 of 17
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by pasta:


    The occasional panic once every two weeks or so is totally unacceptable for OS X (although that's considered quite good for windows ). It's probably a hardware issue, since you added quite a bit. If you can reconstruct a panic so that it occurs every time you do a specific sequence of tasks, you'll have a much easier time isolating the cause. For instance, if it panics every time you launch maya while iTunes is playing, you can then start removing the additional hardware 1 item at a time and then seeing if you still get the panic. You should also write down everything it says on the screen for every panic. It's much more helpful for diagnosing, and Apple would probably like to hear about it too.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, the second display card is a PCI Radeon Mac Edition... I added a Pioneer SuperDrive... the new RAM, etc... My gut-instinct is that it...

    ummm... nevermind... I was gonna make a half-hearted hypothesis... but in all reality, I have no clue. I guess I'll write down the "code" from the next kernel panic. (Too bad it doesnt auto-save it to a file on the desktop for you...) heheh!

    Unacceptable...? Well... compared to OS9... once every week or two is a WET DREAM. Pre OSX, I was crashing on average 4-12 times a day... seriously. I just took it for granted that running a Mac meant force-quitting, rebooting and hard-restarts. Running OSX is a DREAM!!!

    Maybe I have lowered expectations, but to me... it's like going from a used Honda Civic to a New Lexus and complaining that the heated seats don't warm-up quick enough.

    Okay... that example is a bit extreme...

    I think I'm just gonna do a "Clean Install" (Format the drive & all) when Jaguar (10.2?) is released. Let's hope that does the trick.
  • Reply 12 of 17
    scott f.scott f. Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by dobby:

    <strong>I support over 80 G4s (all types) all running OS X 10.1 and above.

    They have never had a panic although they are only used for one to two specific applications.

    I have only every seen 2 or 3 panics in the 3 years I have been exposed to the Mac world and those have been on my test boxes while surfing and I only use IE so I will blame MS.


    Not to be confrontational or antagonistic... but hasn't OSX only been publicly available for just over a year...? Kernel panics only happen in OSX... not OS9.

    In another thread, someone was boasting about using OSX with no kernel panics or problems for 4-years. It was either a typo, someone typing-out-their-ass... or I just don't know about early alphas or something.
  • Reply 13 of 17
    I was the friend of iBrowse that has had 4 or 5 kernel panics, I have been tinkering around with os x sence developers preview 2 witch oddly enough i still have the install cd of that i have no idea where it came from seeing how i`m not a software developer and never signed up with the apple developer connection but anywho i find that if you stay away from changing themes and all sortsa other goodies like that then you tend to not have them much I have a dual 533 with a gig of ram and when not messing with my systems innards i havent had one KP yet but after i started changing themes and everything else i have had about 4 or 5.
  • Reply 14 of 17
    mac's girlmac's girl Posts: 556member
    just had a kernel panic today. it's been a very long time since the last one. my imac g4 always starts acting a little weird after i run classic mode. even if i shut down classic when im done, i need to rebootsoon or apps will slowly start to go haywire on me. this time i let it slide for 24 hours...
  • Reply 15 of 17
    ibeniibeni Posts: 54member
    Help me please !

    I got a kernel panic on EVERY start up on my pismo/400mhz/192MB. I have that problem since I installed 10.1.5 but I don't think thats the problem. Probably something wrong in the system, but I have no idea how to solve that problem.

    I can reset the PowerBook on the backside and start up, then it starts up, with time reset to 1970. The next time I start up I have the kernel panic again. I tried NortonUtilities with no success.

    Any idea ?

    thanks ben

    <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 16 of 17
    obi-dunobi-dun Posts: 19member
    Please!!! I need help too!!

    I got the kernel panic with 1 hour after I turned my computer on. This problem since I installed 10.0, even I upgraded the system 10.1.5. the kernel panic is still occur.

    My computer is B&W G3-400, 256 Ram, 6G ATA HD, DVD-Rom, ZIP.

    The Kernel panic only happened once on my G4 machine so far.

    My G4?s Spec G4-450, 768 Ram, 20G ATA, 34G U-160 SCSI HD, DVD-Rom, ZIP.

  • Reply 17 of 17
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    [quote]Originally posted by Scott F.:


    Not to be confrontational or antagonistic... but hasn't OSX only been publicly available for just over a year...? Kernel panics only happen in OSX... not OS9.

    In another thread, someone was boasting about using OSX with no kernel panics or problems for 4-years. It was either a typo, someone typing-out-their-ass... or I just don't know about early alphas or something.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sorry I should have been more specific. We were using Mac OS X Server 1.2 then the PB OS X.

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