The Reason behind the Apple and LG Deal.

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Is Not OLED. Since during these economy we do not expect OLED to be price competitive for the next 3 - 4 Years at least.

It is something Apple wanted for a long time i think, other then OLED.

E-IPS Panel.

Nothing much is known yet. Some Site speculate on the E as Enhanced. However source from far east thinks it means Economy.

It is much cheaper to produce, and go down to size as small as 20"; which is very unusual for IPS Panel. ( New iMac 20"Screen anyone? )

For a Monitor that uses this panel you can look at the review here,00.htm

Even though it is a cut down, economy class IPS. It is still better then TN panel in every aspect apart from Response time.

Not to mention LGD has all sort of interesting back end technology that could go with it. Such as new Power Saving technology and 120Hz.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    E-IPS. Very interesting... I'm still catching up on what this IPS stuff is but now I know what to look for in a monitor... I think.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    phongphong Posts: 219member
    I thought it was pretty clear that OLED displays will go into iPods before they reach the desktop, specifically the iPod nano. Then it'll go in the iPhone. Then Macbooks. Then, maybe one absurdly priced desktop display. Then the rest of the displays and the iMac.

    It could go into the nano as soon as Fall 2010. Maybe even 2009. Why not?
  • Reply 3 of 5
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    I thought it was pretty clear that OLED displays will go into iPods before they reach the desktop, specifically the iPod nano. Then it'll go in the iPhone. Then Macbooks. Then, maybe one absurdly priced desktop display. Then the rest of the displays and the iMac.

    It could go into the nano as soon as Fall 2010. Maybe even 2009. Why not?

    I agree. The competition is catching up. Apple needs to wow the public some time in 2009 with some new mobile hardware. And that means the ipods and the iphone. A handheld device with a screen that takes up the entire front face of the unit would put Apple ahead of the competition yet again.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Originally Posted by Phong View Post

    I thought it was pretty clear that OLED displays will go into iPods before they reach the desktop, specifically the iPod nano. Then it'll go in the iPhone. Then Macbooks. Then, maybe one absurdly priced desktop display. Then the rest of the displays and the iMac.

    It could go into the nano as soon as Fall 2010. Maybe even 2009. Why not?

    Smaller OLED displays are just easier and cheaper to make at this point in time. Bigger panels are ridiculously expensive. The Sony XEL-1, an 11" TV, costs $2500.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    I've already said this elsewhere, but I think it's relevant here. IMO, Apple might use the LG deal to release an actual flat panel television that incorporates a slot loading DVD (or BD) drive and a lite version of OSX that runs an enhanced version of Front Row. Add iTunes store functionality, and maybe a cable deal or two (UVerse...?) and you have the makings of a multimedia hub that has considerable appeal. Maybe the cut down "iPhone Nano" we've been seeing is actually a ripoff of a new touchscreen remote. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to add iPhone applications (namely games) to the TV OS, and give console manufacturers a run for their money. You could even have built-in iSight, and really leverage VOIP potential.

    Pure speculation, I know, but I'd buy one!
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