Microsoft unveils new mobile OS with Apple-like app store



  • Reply 21 of 56
    Originally Posted by xirtus View Post

    so what does this mean for android; or more realistically, what does android mean for windows mobile?

    It means that with Google & Microsoft you can synch your phone and data for FREE.

    With Apple you are still paying $99 for Beta Software with less features.
  • Reply 22 of 56
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Glad to see that Apple provided inspiration to Microsoft - again.
  • Reply 23 of 56
    Originally Posted by Jimzip View Post

    While I just love LG's attempt here, I'm always cautious of buying products with that new-fangled 'bluethooth' technology. It's just so unpredictable!

    ... I couldn't resist.


    Yes, but I'm betting LG's "bluethooth" supports more profiles than the iPhone's "bluetooth". Hell, my crappy, free after rebate, LG phone from 4 years ago does.
  • Reply 24 of 56
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    Does it come in 20 versions like Vista / Windows 7?

    Best. Post. Ever.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    Originally Posted by Lisamacnewton View Post

    Best. Post. Ever.

    It's bad enough the guy posted a giant graphic, did you really have to double-post it?

    Edit: now it's triple posted! argh!

    Did you guys only just hear of the internet or what?
  • Reply 26 of 56
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member

    A MY-PHONE!!!!
  • Reply 27 of 56
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member
    Give me a break, Ball-merrr. You should have spent more time trying to stop Gates from stealing the OS from Apple back in 84. Now here you are just stealing the retail store, the Dock, and now the iPhone look and feel! Anything else?
  • Reply 28 of 56
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    After the thousands of dollars some of us individually spent on WM devices, each time hoping for a decent browser, this is what Microsoft can offer 2 years after iPhone 1.0? Too little, way too late.

    I suspect the makers of the iPhone clone called "MiPhone" will not be pleased! :-)

    Will the MyPhone sync with
  • Reply 29 of 56
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    I know this is not directly rated but ever since I put he latest iPhone update, Safari has refused to crash on my iPhone. I've been away from home and using the iphone to browse the internet and it handles everything I throw at it wonderfully, Apple had done a great job improvig it and Im loving this phone the more I use it, this is my first smartphone.
  • Reply 30 of 56
    Gravity sensors huh? Well I'm sure that'll come in handy in space. "No Gravity Here - this phone is pretty light huh?"
  • Reply 31 of 56
    Nah, I don't think is "the future", but I don't think my iPhone is either. I'm one of the strangers who enjoys WM (even though I just sold mine) phones. I'm loving the Pre too. I just like gadgets, no matter who makes them or how other feel about the company that puts them out.

    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    You are a crazy person.

    Even if for some really weird reason you think Windows Mobile is "the future" or some such, 6.5 is just a dressed up version of the same thing.

    Microsoft got caught with their pants down when the iPhone came out and made their "market leader" OS irrelevant almost overnight. Windows Mobile 6.5 is the reaction to that, it's the version where they kind of "dress up the corpse" and make it look like all the other innovative systems out there. Windows Mobile 7.0 (to match Balmer's "lucky seven" theme), is the one where they will present what they think is going to be competition to iPhone.

    6.5 is just intended to stop the bleeding, if you want to move to Windows Mobile, wait for 7.0.

  • Reply 32 of 56
    Originally Posted by rnp1 View Post

    Give me a break, Ball-merrr. You should have spent more time trying to stop Gates from stealing the OS from Apple back in 84. Now here you are just stealing the retail store, the Dock, and now the iPhone look and feel! Anything else?

    What else? Apple's OS X Leopard? Renamed 'Windows 8'?
  • Reply 33 of 56
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    The new phones are based on a customised version of the os. Developer hell for 3rd party apps.
  • Reply 35 of 56
    I was just hoping MS would call it the ProgStore.




  • Reply 36 of 56
    citycity Posts: 522member
    When I demonstrated my iPhone to my 97 year young father, he said it needed a stylus. I think he was a Microsoft focus group contributor. It's just something else to track or loose and replace for $29.95.
  • Reply 37 of 56
    I think it's great Microsoft are investing in this market. It'll certainly keep Apple on its toes.

    Whilst they can't dominate in a free market they have a massive user base and that's a lot of leverage.
  • Reply 38 of 56
    Serious competition is coming with high quality features such as:

    - a better and bigger screen;

    - a 5 MegaPixel auto-focus camera;

    - a finger friendly larger QWERTY keyboard;

    - a much lower price.

    Consumers and business customers will turn down a lower quality and more expensive iPhone, $600 before carrier subsidies, showing once more that an early entry into a new market is not a guarantee of long term success, especially when you gauge early customers on the mistaken belief that you are special and that no one, absolutely no one, can offer a better deal (higher quality components and a lower price).

    It's Windows 95 all over again.

    There is an obvious ego problem at Apple, but I am tempted to conclude with this business maxim:

    Either lead, follow, or get out of the way.

    What I mean to say is that Apple should abandon the intelligent phone market if it cannot or will not provide a better iPhone with higher quality components and a lower price. That's how competition works.

    As a customer, I look forward to the increased offer of better, newer and lower priced cell phones.

  • Reply 39 of 56
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Yeah, Microsoft will keep Apple on its toes, while Microsoft two years later is still on its own heels.

    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Either lead, follow, or get out of the way.

    Right, Microsoft should get out of the way!
  • Reply 40 of 56
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Serious competition is coming ... What I mean to say is that Apple should abandon the intelligent phone market if it cannot or will not provide a better iPhone with higher quality components and a lower price. ...

    It looks to me like serious delusions have already arrived in your case, whether or not serious competition ever does.

    You are saying that the market leader, that produces one of the highest quality, lowest priced smart phones ever made, and has a multi-decade reputation for the highest quality parts and products and the best customer service, might be "in trouble" because of what now?

    Because they somehow aren't all those things? WTF?

    I bet Steve Jobs is shaking in his boots after reading your post.
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