Microsoft unveils new mobile OS with Apple-like app store



  • Reply 41 of 56
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    Anyone who has seen the WM6.5 Demo video will agree that this is really sad and that Microsoft shareholders should start worrying about Microsoft big time, here's the link in case you haven't seen it.

    Wow!! MS loves making people dizzy don't they? I guess when you are confused that's all you can do.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Maybe Ballmer should do a TV commercial for WM 6.5 like the one he did for Windows 1.0 15 years ago...
  • Reply 43 of 56
    I think the phones look pretty cool. Hopefully they aren't resistive touch and hopefully they don't lag like the iPhone. And windows 7 only has 2 buyable versions... otherwise if you buy a PC your getting home premium unless you request otherwise.
  • Reply 44 of 56
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    I think the phones look pretty cool.



    Hopefully they aren't resistive touch

    You should know by now: hope gets you nowhere with Microsoft.
  • Reply 45 of 56
    Amazing what $51 billion in R&D can get you these days. Looks like an upgrade to BOB.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member

    "It's Windows 95 all over again."

    ....Thats fer sure! More direct thievery!

    "There is an obvious ego problem at Apple, but I am tempted to conclude with this business maxim:

    Either lead, follow, or get out of the way."

    ....No ego problem at MicroSoft!!!! But you're right, Ballmer ahd better get out of the way so Apple can continue to lead by years!

    "As a customer, I look forward to the increased offer of better, newer and lower priced cell phones."

    ....Good. Go hang out at your local Apple store till they bring it out.They'll do it regardless of Ballmers copy threats.
  • Reply 47 of 56
    More Microsoft doublespeak. Richer - more crap, and I wish Ball-mur would stop talking about the user experience, because the user experiences of his products sucks.

    I see LG loved WM6.5 so much they put the own UI over the top of it.
  • Reply 48 of 56
    imatimat Posts: 212member
    At first it was funny but now I just think it is sad and will eventually become worrying!!!

    MS can happily cut on R&D as they are really doing none! I really hope There is a legal basis for suing... Because MS is blatantly copying, even with the naming! I favour competition, but this is just none. Aren't the folks at MS ashamed of what they are doing? It seems like MS's R&D major job is to copy just enough to avoid court! There are more lawyers in MS R&D than engineers!!
  • Reply 49 of 56
    Originally Posted by fraklinc View Post

    Anyone who has seen the WM6.5 Demo video will agree that this is really sad and that Microsoft shareholders should start worrying about Microsoft big time, here's the link in case you haven't seen it.

    What did I miss in the video? 6.5 seemed to work quite well in the video. The only issues seemed to be with the user trying to access features that currently aren't available like the app store and the My Phone service and the web browser seemed a bit flaky loading the one page. Besides, as far I could tell it wasn't a Microsoft produced video and the 6.5 software was a beta version.
  • Reply 50 of 56
    What are you SMOKING dude.... super duper socialist pig weed up there in Canada ey?

    You're hypothesis is COMPLETELY FLAWED..... I seem to remember some similarly Asinine comments about the iPod.... way back when... then comes the Zune.... and a bunch of other cheap ass POS mpeg players on the market. And who's still the leader.... ?


    You need to sober up so maybe you can see some of the many ungodly flaws in your logic. It's not just Mega-Pixels... or god forbid a crappy QERTY keyboard. Is the user experience and quality.... which is why Apple has such incredible customer loyalty.

    Buy your MS crap and enjoy the hastles.... I'm sticking with my iPhone, iPod and several other Mac systems that I couldn't be happier with....


    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Serious competition is coming with high quality features such as:

    - a better and bigger screen;

    - a 5 MegaPixel auto-focus camera;

    - a finger friendly larger QWERTY keyboard;

    - a much lower price.

    Consumers and business customers will turn down a lower quality and more expensive iPhone, $600 before carrier subsidies, showing once more that an early entry into a new market is not a guarantee of long term success, especially when you gauge early customers on the mistaken belief that you are special and that no one, absolutely no one, can offer a better deal (higher quality components and a lower price).

    It's Windows 95 all over again.

    There is an obvious ego problem at Apple, but I am tempted to conclude with this business maxim:

    Either lead, follow, or get out of the way.

    What I mean to say is that Apple should abandon the intelligent phone market if it cannot or will not provide a better iPhone with higher quality components and a lower price. That's how competition works.

    As a customer, I look forward to the increased offer of better, newer and lower priced cell phones.

  • Reply 51 of 56
    stylus based? i don't see a big imporvment over the last version of WM???

    this is an insult... sad...!
  • Reply 52 of 56
    I may be pro MSFT in terms of software ( windows 7 looks great in beta stage and very different from dock: plus it runs well in older machines and believe I.T. Will upgrade this time unlike Vista), but when it comes to hardware don't we need MSFT so Apple can show everyone how it's done the right way? Sure no push to MM yet but apple by far, has the GUI down , unless Mesh turns out to do well. Otherwise, MSFT doesn't surprise and am shocked that they can't hire out 3rd party design companies in order to ensure nice looking hardware. Apple will always win when it comes to hardware.

    Anyone remember those ugly all in one neon iMac PCs, beige box with neon plastic? Ugggg.

    With respect to appstore, all majors players will go appstore. Every phone company will have an appstore and tv manufactures will be releasing more TVs with computer built in very soon. As is, you can currenty purchase tvs that have ethhernet and allow streaming from pc to tv now. Hope to see apple tv mature and/or Apple tv merge somehow with Apples LG contract.

    Anyway, we need MSFT so Apple can show the world how it's done, the right way. LOL. :-)
  • Reply 53 of 56
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member
    Originally Posted by iMat View Post

    At first it was funny but now I just think it is sad and will eventually become worrying!!!

    MS can happily cut on R&D as they are really doing none! I really hope There is a legal basis for suing... Because MS is blatantly copying, even with the naming! I favour competition, but this is just none. Aren't the folks at MS ashamed of what they are doing? It seems like MS's R&D major job is to copy just enough to avoid court! There are more lawyers in MS R&D than engineers!!

    YES....K&L Gates LLP-1700 laywers!!!! How else could MS exist?
  • Reply 54 of 56
    Originally Posted by rnp1 View Post

    YES....K&L Gates LLP-1700 laywers!!!! How else could MS exist?

    wouldn't it be great if Apple really sued and actually won...??? ;-)

    isn't the term "airplane mode" patented??? was one of the first things that i noticed on the WM 6.5 settings...
  • Reply 55 of 56
    Let me state up front that obviously Mozilla and Opera are both making headway into advanced mobile browsers, and WebKit/Mobile Safari will have to continue to innovate to stay on top.

    That said, let me just state some facts..
    • The currently available version of Internet Explorer Mobile (5.x) is based on the rendering engine from desktop Internet Explorer 4.x, which was initially released in September 1997.

    • Microsoft's *NEW* version which won't be released until Q2 2009 or later --- Internet Explorer Mobile 6.0 -- is based upon the rendering engine from desktop Internet Explorer 6.0 (yes that which is otherwise known as the web developers worst nightmare, second to only IE 5.5) Desktop IE 6.x was initially released in August 2001.

    Need I say more?
  • Reply 56 of 56
    Originally Posted by smokeonit View Post

    stylus based? i don't see a big imporvment over the last version of WM???

    this is an insult... sad...!

    Of course you to know that Apple retail stores use windows mobile for their EZ pay, stylus and all, for their Apple stores, right.
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