Apple responds to Microsoft ads: "a PC is no bargain"



  • Reply 41 of 357
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    My experience, from friends and family, is that you buy the cheap PC and it gradually grinds to a halt over a period of about a year. They don't know from virus protection, beyond running (a few times early on) whatever the sales guy talked them into a , or taking it in to the Best Buy for "repair", whereupon they're informed that it would be cheaper to just get a new PC, which, of course, is "much better." Which the do. The average home PC is disposable.

    The real cost of a PC, as far as I can tell, should take into account the several iterations the average PC user will go through for every one the average Mac user does.

    Have to say, gotta love the PC centric notion that not being adept at keeping an insecure system running properly is proof that Mac users are stupid. Judging from the people chiming in on this board, the average PC user is a bullying asshole that deserves to be kicked in the teeth a few times to shut them the fuck up.
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  • Reply 42 of 357
    I find it so very interesting how Apple has become a label, and almost a religion these days.

    That and the age of internet and animosity make it so people can say and do some very hurtful things... all over a company and its products.

    That said, I do wish the other companies would focus more on leaving Apple alone. No need to emulate them. Do your own thing, don't chase. That's how you will stand out. Apple's products (though over priced) stand out because they have something different about them. MS, Dell, HP, Toshiba, etc... figure out your own ways to stand out from the pack. Apple will be back to its 90's presence soon enough anyhow. MS, your days are numbered too if you continue down your path.
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  • Reply 43 of 357
    logicallogical Posts: 11member
    "They do need to own up that it sucks for business."

    Dude, I'm in banking and I use a Mac. I'm a project manager who also does copy and publication work. Quickview alone makes my Mac better than any PC. I get my work done well over twice as fast as folks in other departments because of the reliability and streamlined ease of use of the OS. And, I've NEVER once called IT for any type of support.
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  • Reply 44 of 357
    Guys, for every Apple user's sake, please drop the wine analogy. For crying out loud, nothing could promote the snob stereotype more. You're basically just calling the customer a tasteless idiot... Not a great sales strategy.

    A far better analogy would compare a product that is demonstrably more efficient and easier to use and maintain to the ostensibly cheaper counterpart -- e.g., a Toyota vs. a GM.

    The wine thing doesn't work because the drinker will be completely satisfied with his $10 bottle. He'll get his buzz, save his $40, and never have to screw with viruses, part replacements, freezes, crappy apps, or miserable resale value 2 years after the fact.
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  • Reply 45 of 357
    columbuscolumbus Posts: 282member
    Originally Posted by linapple_xp View Post

    But the company is getting too proprietary and that will be the downfall. No one knows about media center PC's but they kick ass compared to iTunes


    - Apple's kernel is open source (NT isn't).

    - Apple uses many open source components such as OpenGL, OpenCL, ZFS and D-Trace (Microsoft would rather sue and issue patent threats and use their own proprietary solutions like Direct X and NTFS).

    - Apple Webkit is open source (Microsoft uses their own proprietary Trident engine, Webkit canes it in every benchmark ever done).

    - launchd is open source

    - Bonjour is open source

    - Quicktime streaming sever is open source.

    - Darwin calendar server is open source

    - Apple funds other open source projects such as CUPS, Clang

    - Apple favours open solutions on the client side for web development, like HTML 5, Javascript (and the Sproutcore framework) and CSS 3 (Microsoft prefers their own proprietary Silverlight).

    - Apple favours open solutions on the server side for web development, like Apache, Ruby on Rails and Python (Microsofts prefers ASP.NET and Windows Server, all propriety).

    - Apple favours standards for digital audio (AAC) (Microsoft wanted everyone to use Windows Media)

    - Apple favours stanards for digital video (H.264) (as above)

    - Apple favours OpenDirectory and OpenLDAP (Microsoft favours proprietary solutions like Active Directory)

    Mac OS X is UNIX and Fully POSIX-compliant (NT isn't)

    I don't need to tell you Apple will favour in standards and interoperability, because the company's actions bare this out.

    So how is Apple too proprietary compared to Microsoft?
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  • Reply 46 of 357
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The guy stating that Mac is really cool doesn't make sense to me to sell more HPs. I have no idea why that was included. The rest of the ads seems to work in the way they are meant to, except that I think the audience that seem to be targeting would have already decided on the budget computer, thus making it pointless. They need to convince people that the budget machine is worth the money, but i have no idea how they could do that.

    Let them have their cheap machines. Macs aren't for everyone. And if they did get one and liked it they would be stuck with Macs forever, like when you get an HDTV and HD cable and can't stand to watch SD anymore.

    Microsoft´s add campaigns seem to be targeted to the "Sarah Palins" of the world, whereas Mac adds are addressed to the other "cool" guy who won the elections.

    Just a little political humor...
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  • Reply 47 of 357
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Has anyone posted the new laptop hunter ad yet?
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  • Reply 48 of 357
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Galapagos View Post

    Microsoft´s add campaigns seem to be targeted to the "Sarah Palins" of the world, whereas Mac adds are addressed to the other "cool" guy who won the elections.

    Just a little political humor...

    Welcome to the message board, Galapagos, total posts two. After a few more posts you will realize that only half of the world laughs at any political joke, while the other half gets pissed. Posting such an incredibly witty political joke will tend to cause a thread to go to the crapper, please refrain in the future.
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  • Reply 49 of 357
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Has anyone posted the new laptop hunter ad yet?

    Hehe, yes, it's been making the rounds on AI, Macrumors, and even Neowin.

    It's very clever.
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  • Reply 50 of 357
    kpodkpod Posts: 9member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    This guy Hesseldahl sounds like a true fanboy. Widows people don't make PC's , electronics companies do.

    Notice again how it's always HP and the other bottom of the barell Dell and Gateway- never Sony or Lenovo.

    If this weren't from someone with nearly 2500 posts over 18 months, I'd swear it was a troll.
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  • Reply 51 of 357
    jeff zjeff z Posts: 1member
    I could never understand the Argument between Apple and Windows. I mean, Apple makes Hardware AND Software, Windows just (for the most part) makes Software/OS. If Apple actually allowed their OS to run on an HP or an IBM ThinkPad or something, I bet it would run just as bad as Windows Does. Windows on a Mac runs very well, albeit not as well as OS X does, but still. Apple makes the BEST Hardware, and this is why it is more expensive. If people actually complained about HP, Toshiba, IBM, Sony, Dell, Gateway, Acer, and all the other HARDWARE makers, maybe THEN something would be done to aleviate people's problems with Windows. They would still have to deal with Viruses and everything else, but it would at least be a step in the right direct.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Macs, but I support Windows on a day to day basis and some of the PCs are slower than molasses.
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  • Reply 52 of 357
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
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  • Reply 53 of 357
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post


    - Apple's kernel is open source (NT isn't).

    - Apple uses many open source components such as OpenGL, OpenCL, ZFS and D-Trace (Microsoft would rather sue and issue patent threats and use their own proprietary solutions like Direct X and NTFS).

    - Apple Webkit is open source (Microsoft uses their own proprietary Trident engine, Webkit canes it in every benchmark ever done).

    - launchd is open source

    - Bonjour is open source

    - Quicktime streaming sever is open source.

    - Darwin calendar server is open source

    - Apple funds other open source projects such as CUPS, Clang

    - Apple favours open solutions on the client side for web development, like HTML 5, Javascript (and the Sproutcore framework) and CSS 3 (Microsoft prefers their own proprietary Silverlight).

    - Apple favours open solutions on the server side for web development, like Apache, Ruby on Rails and Python (Microsofts prefers ASP.NET and Windows Server, all propriety).

    - Apple favours standards for digital audio (AAC) (Microsoft wanted everyone to use Windows Media)

    - Apple favours stanards for digital video (H.264) (as above)

    - Apple favours OpenDirectory and OpenLDAP (Microsoft favours proprietary solutions like Active Directory)

    Mac OS X is UNIX and Fully POSIX-compliant (NT isn't)

    I don't need to tell you Apple will favour in standards and interoperability, because the companies actions bare this out.

    So how is Apple too proprietary compared to Microsoft?

    The cool thing about open source is that you don't have to open-source the result of gluing this lot together into a coherent whole. It doesn't stop you licensing the software in such a way that it can't be installed on specific hardware, either.

    On the whole, I found the Apple reps' statements persuasive. I take issue with the anti-virus point, though. I don't run any antivirus on my home PC. I've yet to receive a virus.
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  • Reply 54 of 357
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by Logical View Post

    "They do need to own up that it sucks for business."

    Dude, I'm in banking and I use a Mac. I'm a project manager who also does copy and publication work. Quickview alone makes my Mac better than any PC. I get my work done well over twice as fast as folks in other departments because of the reliability and streamlined ease of use of the OS. And, I've NEVER once called IT for any type of support.

    Best first post ever.
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  • Reply 55 of 357
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    I find his responses to be rather snarky and trite, IMO. Most people realize what they're buying into these days when choosing a computer. And the anti-virus issue? So what, big deal. Most of the companies out there allow multiple usages per software key for their security suites. I'm 24 years old, and I install Zone Alarm (which is an excellent antivirus/spyware program) for my PC, which is paid for annually by my father, and I get any/all upgrades free throughout the year. For $50 a year, its well worth it, especially when I don't even have to pay for it. I am willing to extrapolate this further and say that many PC users do this, and sharing product keys among relatives is common practice anyway. And even college undergrads get antivirus/spyware software for free by their institutions. So the issue that Macs come with built in security is a moot point, IMO.

    You're joking, right? I never heard such convoluted logic!
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  • Reply 56 of 357
    columbuscolumbus Posts: 282member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Best first post ever.

    From Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Campaign Keeps Getting Stranger (With Videos)


    In reality, they’re the ones who have been stereotyping, calling Macs ‘not ready for business,’ despite the fact the Microsoft Excel first appeared on the Macintosh and that Apple pursued a decade long lead in graphical computing ahead of Windows, and that Apple helped pioneer mobile business computing, and laser printing, and trackpads, and easy to use networking, and wireless networking, and Gigabit Ethernet with auto-configuration, and plenty of other features that businesses now take for granted.

    Still waiting for a reply on this:


    Hypothetically speaking, I need to use Macnification and Checkout.

    Find me the free PC equivalents... go, go, go!

    And this:


    So how is Apple too proprietary compared to Microsoft?

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  • Reply 57 of 357
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    I'll try to paraphrase a quote made by a famous super-salesman. It may been Zig Ziglar but I don't know. Anyway...

    "There will always exist a man who makes a product more cheaply, of less quality, and for a lower price. Those who consider price alone are the just prey of such men."

    Not the exact words but close.

    In my life experience I have found that you do generally get what you pay for. Quality and real value cost more, whether it's cars, food, or computers. A lot of people don't understand that. These are the "I got one just as good as (insert brand name product) for half the price" crowd. No they didn't.
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  • Reply 58 of 357
    zeasarzeasar Posts: 91member
    Seriously anyone who remotely consider themselves as a geek and still recommends Sony computers needs to get their head checked.
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  • Reply 59 of 357
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple has responded to the new Microsoft ads promoting low-cost generic PCs as a cheaper alternative to the Mac, stating "A PC is no bargain when it doesn't do what you want."

    And if your Mac doesn't do what you want?


    The comment, from Apple spokesman Bill Evans, appeared in a BusinessWeek article by Erik Hesseldahl, which examined the differences between the $699 HP notebook Microsoft recommended to its TV audience over Apple's 17" MacBook Pro, a system in a considerably higher quality and price range.

    "The one thing that both Apple and Microsoft can agree on is that everyone thinks the Mac is cool," Evans added. "With its great designs and advanced software, nothing matches it at any price."

    Which is great if you have unlimited budget. Nobody is arguing that that Macbook Pro isn't a much better machine, they're just arguing that not everybody would do well with a 17" screen needs that much notebook and Apple doesn't make a 17" whitebook.


    The analysis also points out that PC users who run into inevitable problems will face a $129 fee from Geek Squad just to diagnose the problem, while pointing out that Apple offers free help from its retail stores' Genius Bar.

    The fuel and the day you have to take off of work to drive a couple of hours to the nearest Apple isn't free. It would be a better point if Apple stores were located outside the super-metros. I don't think an Apple store exists in an area smaller than half a million people.

    What you get


    Hesseldahl also outlined the difference in what users get in terms of usability with iLife's iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, and other software. He noted that the PC ships with some third party movie editing tools that usually cost $184, but figures that collecting a few other software titles to match what ships on the Mac would easily cost another $340. Never mind that all those PC programs don't offer much in terms of tight integration like the Mac's iLife titles.

    Valid point for Apple, however are these worth tripling your budget for the highest echelon of portable.


    All that missing software and the extra fees can easily double the cost of the cheap PC hardware. And as the report describes, the bargain basement HP hardware isn't very compelling, with a wimpy battery rated for 2.5 hours compared to the MacBook Pro's eight, an extra 1.2 pounds of weight in a thicker case, and a far lower quality display with much lower resolution, 1440x900 compared to the MacBook Pro's 1920x1200.

    The article also notes that Consumer Reports ranked the Mac first among a half dozen notebooks with 17" to 18" screens, while the HP came in fourth. Hesseldahl also cited a Forrester Research study that ranked Apple first in "usefulness, usability, and enjoyability" ahead of HP, Dell and Gateway, which is now part of Acer.

    "PC makers in the Windows camp have done everything possible to make their products progressively worse by cutting corners to save pennies per unit and boost sales volume," he wrote. "There's good reason Apple is seeing healthy profits while grabbing market share. It refuses to budge on quality and so charges a higher price. Rather than running ads that seem clever at first but really aren't, the Windows guys ought to take the hint and just build better computers."

    Apple is trying to argue quality when the issue is choice. You cannot buy a quality entry level 17 from Apple because they don't make one. If Apple is so black and white what they don't see the difference in segment beyond screen size, we might have some problems in the not too distant future. They're trying to push a Bimmer-7 to the Camry crowd and thinking they're similar markets.
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  • Reply 60 of 357
    I think what most are missing here is the fact that Apple is simply saying. If you are going to compare Apple to Apples then do so! Its that simple. Microsoft on the other hand is trying to confuse people with selecting low cost and low quality computers and comparing them to the cost of a premium computer from Apple.

    When you compare Apple and most of the Macs with the same quality as in Sony, HP, Lenovo, and Dell. You will get a better ideal of what you are buying. What Microsoft did here was compared Yugo with a BMW. Of course the BMW is going to look more expensive. But once you take in the consideration of total ownership and the quality of the Yugo vs. the BMW. You will see that a BMW has the overall better value.

    The problem here is fact. Those who use Windows on their PC are always crying that us Mac owners/user are snobs. Yet, they are the ones that always talking down about the Mac. When I worked for IBM I had to deal with a Pro-Windows/PC Owner/User who loved to bash the Mac. Yet when I would bring my Mac in to work he couldn't take his hands off of it. But he would never own one.

    What I have always dealt with over the years I have worked in the computer industry is the same ole line of BS. The person who bashes the Mac and the owner/user either has never taken the time to use a Mac. Only remember using a Mac back when the 512K Mac was around or just really has no clue.

    Every friend I have met along the way has either owned a PC with Windows or Linux or some other OS on it. When I have shown them why I love my Mac it never fails I get the same old line of BS again. Yet when they have the money the first thing they is go look at and end up buying a Mac.

    Mac's are not perfect but they are very close to perfection when it comes to computers. Another point missed is the fact that a computer should be a help to your every day life. It should not require you to figure our what the hell is going on. For my Geek friends I will not argue over the fact you like to take your computer apart to see what makes it tick. There are computers out there for you and you like what you have chosen. However, for those of us who prefer to turn on our computers use it and then shut it down or put it to sleep till we want to use it again are not looking to have to waste time in what the hell they just downloaded and what kind of effect it has their computer and or if their information is safe.

    Apple has pretty much kept quiet about Microsoft and its misleading ads. I myself feel Apple should have went after Microsoft years ago. Microsoft does not make the computer... They do not design the computer... Microsoft is a company that buys other peoples hard work and slaps their name on the product. They have being doing this since at least DOS.

    A Macintosh is just not a Mac because of one thing. Its from the whole, The computer, The OS and other software that is integrated and works. Too many people like to claim there is more software on the Windows side. When I used to work for CompUSA as Macintosh specialist I took the time to walk with my customer down the software. Of course they were amazed at the software selection. But, when I explained to them that the software they are looking at is 9 times out of 10 just a different version of the same software taking up aisle space and pointing the quality titles vs. the Mac quality titles they learned real quick the Mac was in fact on Par with The PC with software.

    In the end people who really do they're shopping and really take time to think about their investment will make the best choice. Those who think a piece of blue plastic makes for a great computer will be the one calling foul when they can't get beyond turning the computer on.

    A lot of people when they look at products make the mistake of buying on impulse. They see this shinny neat looking computer and buy it because the price saved them $400.00 that day. Then when they get it home they take time with it and learn to regret their purchase.

    I looked at those neat little netbooks because I do want one that small. However, because I am used to buy Macs I took my time and looked over the who netbook I then saw the cheapness of them. Sure $300. for a netbook right on, Right? If it would have been a quality Mac I would have said lets do it. So, let those who think cheap up front is a bargin. In the end while they are frustrated with the crap they bough I am sipping my tea in Starbucks and writting this response.

    Whew! - sorry I can get lost in this If you read this far you are better man then I LOL
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