Bluetooth 3.0 arrives with promise of eightfold speed increase



  • Reply 41 of 47
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Any idea what speed differences will be between WiMax and Bluetooth 3.0? I know what the technical differences are in the technology, but not the speeds.


    Hmm... I found this on Wikipedia:

    So it sounds like Bluetooth 3.0 still would be no faster than 802.11, is this correct?

    WiMax isn't the next WiFi, if that's what you were thinking. WiMax has a very different use from WiFi and Bluetooth, that's a very long range standard generally intended for internet service, it is actually close to a 3G/4G type service, which one depends on who you read, you get a range of several miles out of WiMax. Bluetooth is generally a low power short-range standard for "personal area networking", which I think just means networking things within arm's reach. Not only that, Bluetooth 3 isn't going to be as fast as WiFi n or even g. Then there is wireless USB, but I don't think either Wireless USB or Bluetooth are good for syncing from another part of the house. So it comes down to WiFi.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Speaking of which- does anybody know what the average charging cycle for an iPhone is? Is it once a day- twice a day? I swear I charge my iPod Touch every other day and it doesn't even have phone useage. Just wondering.

    At minimum, I need to charge every two or three days, but I sync every day anyway, so I charge every day. A typical day's use may be 30-40% of a charge. I never turn it off, but Bluetooth is off right now because it's of no use to me. WiFi is on, I play maybe 4 hours of audio and not much talk or internet on a given day. With heavy internet use in 3G, it's maybe 75% of a charge gone in a day.

    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Definitely true for the initial sync. Beyond that, people tend to only sync an album of music or a couple photo rolls during each sync. So wifi is fast enough for the vast majority of syncing. I suppose the conundrum is whether to implement the feature when at times it would result in an unacceptably long sync time.

    OK, makes sense. Initial sync definitely needs to be by USB cord. A day's worth of podcasts for me might be 100MB, and my smart playlists replace most of the songs that I've listened to in a day too. The less media you change in a sync, the better wireless syncing to your computer would be.
  • Reply 42 of 47
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    "paves way for iPhones, iPods that sync wirelessly"

    My iPhone already syncs wirelessly, at least e-mails (and calenders and addresses if I wanted to), the only thing I need synced in a timely matter. I charge my iPhone every second or third day anyway, weekly podcasts and music purchases can usually wait a day or two until I plug in my iPhone for charging.

    In general, anything that lives in the cloud is synced automatically anyway and that is an increasing amount of my data.
  • Reply 43 of 47
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Speaking of which- does anybody know what the average charging cycle for an iPhone is? Is it once a day- twice a day? I swear I charge my iPod Touch every other day and it doesn't even have phone useage. Just wondering.

    With OS 2.0 and 2.1 it was every second day (and that was pushing it), since OS 2.2 it is every three days (if I don't use it much).
  • Reply 44 of 47
    nitronitro Posts: 91member
    within the workplace remote desktop will be more useful. great news
  • Reply 45 of 47
    xtrmtrkxtrmtrk Posts: 21member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) MobileMe doesn't sync your media, only your contacts and calenders. All your media and personal iPhone settings are done through iTunes.

    2) The APIs do allow for accessing contacts but I doubt that Apple would allow an app that wants to constantly sync all your data and media.

    3) MobileMe can be had for $69, but even that would be pricey if dynamic contact syncing is all you need it for. For even the $99 price what you get is very competitive, but again, if you won't use all those features then it becomes a waste.

    4) You can already setup Exchange on your iPhone and have that data synced dynamically. It's cheap, and possibly free. It just won't sync your media, but then again, neither will MobileMe.

    Yes, exactly!

    This seems like a great 3rd party opportunity. I wonder if the apps behaved well, were power aware, etc. etc., would #2 be a blocker? $49.95, maybe even $64.95 paid just once to keep ALL of your stuff in sync sounds good to me.
  • Reply 46 of 47
    Very interesting. Wireless syncing would be great. I could charge the phone in the bedroom while synching it with my computer downstairs.

    I really hope Apple allows the ability to use this connection to easily transfer a "contact card" to another iPhone user, sort of like the Palms used to do with infrared. That's a feature I could really use.
  • Reply 47 of 47
    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    My iPhone already syncs wirelessly, at least e-mails (and calenders and addresses if I wanted to), the only thing I need synced in a timely matter.

    Do you do this with Mobile Moi?

    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    I charge my iPhone every second or third day anyway...

    Damn! How often do you use your iPhone each day? I charge mine at least once a day, sometimes twice. I mostly use it for Internet and email over WiFi.
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