NHL Playoffs 2008-2009

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in AppleOutsider edited January 2014
I'm a big Devils and Stars fan, so my teams are out, but man oh man, have I had a blast watching the current quarter-final games. The Penguins & Capitals games have been amazing. Seeing 2 players each get a hat trick in the same game is exciting. It has been fun to watch Sergei Federov play D too. Im also enjoying the Ducks & Wings games too. Im a big fan of coach Joel Quenneville and goalie Nikki Nikolai Khabibulin for the Blackhawks personally. Im not a Wings fan per say, but I do enjoy watching them play. I used to hate the DUcks, but Im a Teemu Selanne, Chris Pronger and Niedermayer brothers fan! Speaking of brothers, have you noticed how many teams have blood relatives in the playoffs at the same time? 2 Niedermayer's, 3 Stall's, 2 Sundin's, etc.

Nothing like playoff hockey!



  • Reply 1 of 2
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I've had to walk my playoff-beard to a bar for almost all the games...

    The playoffs aren't on broadcast TV except for an occasional game on NBC.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    I've had to walk my playoff-beard to a bar for almost all the games...

    The playoffs aren't on broadcast TV except for an occasional game on NBC.

    Most are on NBC or Versus. BUT: You need to get NHL GameCenter online! Its cheap and you can see 4 games at once. It shows real-time stats and lot of cool info. I am very impressed with it. I will buy it every season. Its amazing. Another cool feature: They are 2 or 3 seasons of games so you can pick out any team and watch any game on demand!
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