Apple execs disclose options for boosting iPhone market share



  • Reply 41 of 94
    p lp l Posts: 64member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    How does the iPhone grow from infancy if it eventually stalls at some point unless it is made available to mutiple carriers in the USA?

    300 million USofA verses billions world wide.
  • Reply 42 of 94
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "iPhone is still in its early days and could gain share by: providing more functionality; lowering prices; growing geographically; or segmenting the market with different models."

    Wow, did Apple really reveal such top secret thoughts? Astounding! I am shocked. More functionality? I never would have thought.... Lowering prices? Holy cow! There's an original idea! Growing geographically and segmenting the market with more models? This really is major newsworthy stuff. These guys must have been lurking here at the these (top secret) AI forums over the last 12 months.

    Well, I am glad I read this article. Now I know more about what Apple might do if they want to gain market share. Obviously they may choose not to and just stay with the present 3G. Until 5 minutes ago that's what I thought they'd do. now I just don't know.
  • Reply 43 of 94
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    not all socialists are saints, either
  • Reply 44 of 94
    p lp l Posts: 64member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    DrJJones edited his original post rather than respond directly. If you think Europe is pure socialism and the U.S. is pure capitalism you're incredibly naive. Both have some of each. Most Americans are very happy having "socialist" institutions like social security, medicare, police, fire departments, public schools and colleges, and the military. Yes, we could privatize them all, but most Americans would resist that with great vigor. There are limits to what profit motive can deliver. I like capitalism in my business sector--its the best system. But unregulated or under-regulated capitalism, including the "piggish" greed that led to the mortgage meltdown, are the result. No system is the perfect answer for everything. It takes a balance. Telling people to who don't see it your way to leave the country is un-American. It reminds me of those who were hawks during the Vietnam war putting bumper stickers on their cars saying "America: Love It Or Leave It." The right may not have a monopoly on "Knownothing-ism" but they sure have their fair share of it. I am a Vietnam vet--did two tours of duty in the war zone so don't play the I'm more patriotic than you card.

    EU pure NOT, USofA pure NOT. Piggish greed causing mortgage meltdown were/are the general public wanting something for nothing. "There's a sucker born every minute". Over regulation is Socialism, Hello are you reading, hearing the news.
  • Reply 45 of 94
    tokyojimutokyojimu Posts: 532member
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    It probably wouldn't have been the success that it has been to date had they gone with Verizon.

    Get your iPhone, with V CAST Music, Photo & Video!

    iTunes? Not allowed. iPhoto syncing? Sorry. YouTube? Nope.
  • Reply 46 of 94
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    not all socialists are saints, either

    Really? Get outta here!
  • Reply 47 of 94
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    According to sites that measure such things, i.e., Analyst Performances, Shaw Wu has quite a history* for his accuracy, in particular re Apple.


    That's nice to know. Thanks.
  • Reply 48 of 94
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Wow, did Apple really reveal such top secret thoughts? Astounding! I am shocked. More functionality? I never would have thought.... Lowering prices? Holy cow! There's an original idea! Growing geographically and segmenting the market with more models? This really is major newsworthy stuff. These guys must have been lurking here at the these (top secret) AI forums over the last 12 months.

    The author does not claim that ideas are new or breakthrough. This is the first time Apple talks about their options in a way that makes them public. The ordering of the options is also important.

    Regarding the ideas on this forums, there are tons of ideas here and there is hardly any chance that you may come up with something nobody thought it was a possibility. If Apple comes with a tablet, those who started speculating or sharing "rumors" of an Apple tablet 5 years ago will say Apple listened or pretend that there was some credibility to the rumors.

    There is lot's of BS on these forums as well. So many people know what Apple should do better than Apple's management. Many of the ideas just show total misunderstanding of Apple's strengths and long term strategy. Apple licensing the OS and abandoning the HW business anyone?
  • Reply 49 of 94
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    not all socialists are saints, either

    In general, I expect that most humans aren't saints (for the lack of a more appropriate word), regardless of ideology or political leanings. I suspect that there is almost no correlation, people are people, I don't think holding or saying certain beliefs equates to being a good person.

    Sometimes it's easier to expect that the people that claim to have a higher moral ground to be the most suspect, but that may be because they're at risk of a bigger fall.
  • Reply 50 of 94
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by shadow View Post

    There is lot's of BS on these forums as well. So many people know what Apple should do better than Apple's management. Many of the ideas just show total misunderstanding of Apple's strengths and long term strategy. Apple licensing the OS and abandoning the HW business anyone?

    No one is infallible, that includes Apple's management, but a lot of what we see here is wishful thinking based on what we want, not necessarily on what's in Apple's best interests.
  • Reply 51 of 94
    Isn't it interesting. Sorry, Apple managers: this is all but hot air and won't stimulate ANY growth unless you start addressing your "taboo issues". So there are two very simply points to be done:

    1. Stop limiting iPhone use to only one national carrier per country and start selling mobile phone contract subsidised phones like everybody else does.

    2. Open up the App Store, stop this ridiculous nonsense of banning some apps while allowing others.

    Both very simply steps can even be boiled down to one big sales measure:

    Stop paying lip service to AT&T!

    This is your real growth problem. Not the phone models or features.

    Example: Why can't I for example user tethering on my iPhone with a German T-Mobile contract while ALL other data capable German T-Mobile phones have that on board and T-Mobile is happy selling data packages that allows tethering? Is it because maybe AT&T in the United States is so technically behind to fear they could not live up with the bandwidth demand? Apple is paying lip service to AT&T the full way (and AT&T have profited SOOO much from the iPhone that the real question might be: what is REALLY behind that deal)

    This is just one personal example. But THAT is the problem, Apple. Apple IS a bunch of really clever people but corporate governance seems to be holy, so holy even that the number one factor for boosting sales doesn't even seem to be slightly considered!
  • Reply 52 of 94
    john2john2 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Man, it must be nice to hide behind anonymity.

    According to sites that measure such things, i.e., Analyst Performances, Shaw Wu has quite a history* for his accuracy, in particular re Apple. Otherwise Apple would not welcome his presence, or for that matter be on their preferred list of invitees to their financial conference calls.


    LOL... You must be Shaw or one of his friends. Here's Shaw's record regarding Apple predictions:

    He's about as unreliable as they come. The drunk on your local street corner could do a better job at predicting upcoming Apple products.
  • Reply 53 of 94
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by john2 View Post

    LOL... You must be Shaw or one of his friends. Here's Shaw's record regarding Apple predictions:

    He's about as unreliable as they come. The drunk on your local street corner could do a better job at predicting upcoming Apple products.

    Two different metrics. The original link was just regarding predicting stock prices and profits, not what a given company might actually do.
  • Reply 54 of 94
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Panatlantica View Post

    Isn't it interesting. Sorry, Apple managers: this is all but hot air and won't stimulate ANY growth unless you start addressing your "taboo issues". So there are two very simply points to be done:

    1. Stop limiting iPhone use to only one national carrier per country and start selling mobile phone contract subsidised phones like everybody else does.

    2. Open up the App Store, stop this ridiculous nonsense of banning some apps while allowing others.

    Both very simply steps can even be boiled down to one big sales measure:

    Stop paying lip service to AT&T!

    This is your real growth problem. Not the phone models or features.

    Example: Why can't I for example user tethering on my iPhone with a German T-Mobile contract while ALL other data capable German T-Mobile phones have that on board and T-Mobile is happy selling data packages that allows tethering? Is it because maybe AT&T in the United States is so technically behind to fear they could not live up with the bandwidth demand? Apple is paying lip service to AT&T the full way (and AT&T have profited SOOO much from the iPhone that the real question might be: what is REALLY behind that deal)

    This is just one personal example. But THAT is the problem, Apple. Apple IS a bunch of really clever people but corporate governance seems to be holy, so holy even that the number one factor for boosting sales doesn't even seem to be slightly considered!

    I can't make heads or tails of any of that. AT&T is controlling German T-Mobile? The app approval process is a major growth constraint? What?
  • Reply 55 of 94
    lemieuxdlemieuxd Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I think that you're probably right about that but I hold out a tiny possibility that they might make a nano-ish version. When I was talking about smaller I was mostly referring to the fact that over time they will all of course shrink down to be as close to a simple screen as possible. You only have to handle the 2.0 iPod touch to all of a sudden realise how bulky the current iPhone 3G is and imagine it as an even smaller more svelte device.

    I continue to hope that they come out with a 6x9 tablet soon. The keyboard on the iPhone is fantastic, but if it were just a little bit bigger it would really fly.

    Remember that the iPod nano was given a smaller screen than the Classic but Steve insisted to mention that it had the same resolution.

    My guess is that the Touch will move to HD since it is used for movies and games a lot AND Zune is rumoured to be introducing such a machine this fall and Apple would be happy to cut that down early.

    The iPhone Nano will be 2/3 of the 3G with same resolution (saving developers headaches)

    Apple will figure out a way to scale the software based UI components to simplify use of machine on a smaller screen. The beauty is that all that stuff is in APIs the coder need not worry about as much.

    My 2 cents.
  • Reply 56 of 94
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by john2 View Post

    LOL... You must be Shaw or one of his friends. Here's Shaw's record regarding Apple predictions:

    He's about as unreliable as they come. The drunk on your local street corner could do a better job at predicting upcoming Apple products.

    Perhaps you should do a little due diligence to understand what financial analysts do and to whom they service. Then read their entire reports, (which by the way you won't find unless you subscribe to them), before you make such asinine comments.
  • Reply 57 of 94
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Umm, here in Australia (it's like Austria with an 'al' in it but a lot further away) all three main national carriers have iPhone's so your first point is wrong.

    Take it up with your government if they allow restrictive practices.

    Originally Posted by Panatlantica View Post

    Isn't it interesting. Sorry, Apple managers: this is all but hot air and won't stimulate ANY growth unless you start addressing your "taboo issues". So there are two very simply points to be done:

    1. Stop limiting iPhone use to only one national carrier per country and start selling mobile phone contract subsidised phones like everybody else does.

  • Reply 58 of 94
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
    Couching American politics as a battle between Capitalism and Socialism is stupidity of the highest order. I thought we had got past that.
  • Reply 59 of 94
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by P L View Post

    EU pure NOT, USofA pure NOT. Piggish greed causing mortgage meltdown were/are the general public wanting something for nothing. "There's a sucker born every minute". Over regulation is Socialism, Hello are you reading, hearing the news.

    If by news you mean television, then just stop talking. Some people still buy into that BS.. I believe Fox is down to about 4 million viewers, CNN down to about 12 million.

    Most people realized that was BS, advertising, and propaganda a long time ago.

    How did people who were too dumb to know what they could afford, also design a system that gives large loans to people who can't afford them? Hmmm.

    That's right...they didn't. It was designed to take advantage of them, not BY them.
  • Reply 60 of 94
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Multple carriers are out of the question at this point, where it can be, due to the ecosystem controll that Apple needs.

    Though true, it should have better been put following way: carriers in 80 countries distribute iPhones. In France, for instance, all 3 major carriers distribute iPhones. The point on exclusive contracts is of no more interest in regards to iPhone maturity.
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