Apple said building $1 billion server farm



  • Reply 41 of 212
    ptysellptysell Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by skittlebrau79 View Post

    The government isn't running any part of the banks or the car companies. If they were, maybe we would have banks that actually lent money instead of horded it.

    The government is buying GM...didn't you get the memo? I guess when you own something you aren't running any part of it...right?
  • Reply 42 of 212
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by ptysell View Post

    The same Al Gore that flies coast to coast on his private jet? The same Al Gore that has made hundreds of millions of dollars off scaring people? The same Al Gore that has publicly stated he intends to become the first "green billionaire"? Sounds like his intentions are really the environment and not making money off of it.


    I guess you didn't get the memo but the state of California is bankrupt. California has on of the highest tax burdens in the country. The tax base that has traditionally bear the majority of the tax burden in the state are moving out of the state. ...

    You should at least try to disguise your Rush talking points.

    No one's leaving California... unfortunately. Its a mess, but that's because of Prop 13 that pretty well gutted public services (as it was intended to do.) Add to that the moronic '3 strikes' laws that keep the prisons overflowing and rolling in $$$, and you have the key to the problem.

    BTW, California is about 13th in tax levels. Nice try.

    Go back to your right wing AM radio.
  • Reply 43 of 212
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    why does the server farm cost 1 billion dollars ???

    They'll be building them with Xserves and Mac OS X. It would only cost a fraction of that with Dell hardware and Linux.

    At least we know where they are putting their savings. Instead of buying up companies here and there, they are buying the whole internet. Google ads will all be links to Apple products, links to Microsoft will all end up with 404 errors.

    They could do a number of things with an expensive farm. Given that system spec on the Mac side is typically low, they could offer a service like this:

    that would stream even the latest high end games to Apple's lower end devices. Assuming they used Mac Pros instead of Xserves with 8GB Ram and 4 x GT 120. That's $3000 to buy but would be much less for Apple - say $2000.

    With half of the $1b budget on hardware, that's 250,000 servers with 4 GPUs each with centers in every state to maintain low latency and $10m to build each center. That could mean 1 million simultaneous games of Crysis streaming to Apple TVs and tablets. Only for America though.

    No more system requirements for Apple products for games besides a fast enough internet connection. No more waiting for game ports. No more games piracy. Interesting that one of the people who developed the 1 millisecond compression software was a former Quicktime developer:

    If Apple are streaming HD movies to their ATVs, they can stream games content too.
  • Reply 44 of 212
    skittlebrau79 brilliant post! love how it offests the brain drain the forum has had recently THANK YOU.

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    At least we know where they are putting their savings. Instead of buying up companies here and there, they are buying the whole internet. Google ads will all be links to Apple products, links to Microsoft will all end up with 404 errors.

    for a moment there I thought you were saying that like it was a bad thing!

    RE all the cries of "where will all the money go?"

    the artical states "over ten years" whats the cost of running the building and paying employees for ten years, oh yeah and ONE MORE THING do you think Apple will upgrade the servers at least ONCE during the ten years? how much will THAT cost?

    Love the idea of a game server though
  • Reply 45 of 212
    frankiefrankie Posts: 381member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I'd rather see a state give Apple a $1 Billion tax break to bring its assembly plants back to the US. Then we will put people permanently back to work. The construction to build this thing is only temporary. If you're going to give someone a $1 Billion tax break it better damn well be a permanent thing and not a 6-8 month thing.

    Man, I totally agree. It would be nice to have it say 'Apple, California' and also 'Made in the USA' on the same box!
  • Reply 46 of 212
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    They'll be building them with Xserves and Mac OS X. It would only cost a fraction of that with Dell hardware and Linux.

    At least we know where they are putting their savings. Instead of buying up companies here and there, they are buying the whole internet. Google ads will all be links to Apple products, links to Microsoft will all end up with 404 errors.

    They could do a number of things with an expensive farm. Given that system spec on the Mac side is typically low, they could offer a service like this:

    that would stream even the latest high end games to Apple's lower end devices. Assuming they used Mac Pros instead of Xserves with 8GB Ram and 4 x GT 120. That's $3000 to buy but would be much less for Apple - say $2000.

    With half of the $1b budget on hardware, that's 250,000 servers with 4 GPUs each with centers in every state to maintain low latency and $10m to build each center. That could mean 1 million simultaneous games of Crysis streaming to Apple TVs and tablets. Only for America though.

    No more system requirements for Apple products for games besides a fast enough internet connection. No more waiting for game ports. No more games piracy. Interesting that one of the people who developed the 1 millisecond compression software was a former Quicktime developer:

    If Apple are streaming HD movies to their ATVs, they can stream games content too.

    wow 100x

    Thank you for the cool link .

    this is what apple needs to do with its money

    mega bandwidth
  • Reply 47 of 212
    imgmkrimgmkr Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    If you want to see the areas with double digit UNemployment check this map.

    AP Economic Stress Map

    And considering the location of Apple's server farm, while it would make sense to build in an area that needs employment it is not the primary concern. Reliable power is very important to server farms. Google built one in Oregon in a somewhat remote location because is had easy access to hydroelectric power which is very reliable compared to most other sources. Of course parts North Carolina are on TVA power which also has many hydro plants. Wonder if that is a consideration with Apple?

    Sounds like a good reason WelshDog.

    I also wonder the NC location is closer to major backbone of the network.

    I've heard a rumor that Apple should go into content service biz.

    TV, cable shows, movie streaming and of course MobileMe server hosting which would give it a

    boost from current slow-to-death speed.

    Hey Steve, hang tough and bring iPhones to Korea this year, pls~
  • Reply 48 of 212
    Great site for a Server Farm? "North Carolina has a long and notorious history of destruction by hurricanes. Ever since the first expeditions to Roanoke Island in 1586, hurricanes are ..."
  • Reply 49 of 212
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    My point is, small businesses around the world are not going to buy the MacPro to run their companies. We, small businesses, are turning to platform independent solutions that require an internet connection and browser. The world of business is changing and maybe Apple is getting ready to have an Apple Doc's type setup like Google does. If they made the right move, we would move our intranet and internal operations like email, calendar, scheduling, document sharing within our domain, etc. to Apple in two heart beats.

    Don?t forget that Apple still makes most of their money from their HW sales, SW and services are there to sell more HW. Until Apple decided to make a business class machine they will not be able to get into most businesses in a profound way. Even with executives getting company Mac notebooks they are still very low compared to all other notebooks and desktops and servers in a companies budget.

    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    No one said anything about a $1B tax break.

    Even so, if Apple made an assembly plant in the US it will be fully automated just like NeXT's and will probably only employ 100 people, if not less.

    That said, I want Apple to bring back manufacturing to the US, even if only for their highend high margin products like the Mac Pro and XServe.

    He did correct that in a later posting, but he should make a correction in his post.

    The idea of bringing industry back to the US would be nice. I?d pay a premium for it, but I wonder how much more would it be to make the final assembly here in the US once the automation is set up.

    Originally Posted by brucep View Post



    what does one billion dollars buy

    its just a farm .

    for servers

    and the price of everything has fallen .

    this seems like a monster place .i wonder how many servers it takes to run all those billion dollar s of servers and would you need a few more servers to runthose servers ?? or wouild a g3 imac do the job ??

    i guess itunes just got powerful


    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow what wow wow wow wow wow A wow wow

    GREAT site .. I MEAN WOW !!!

    WAS that crysis ??? playing on the ad ???

    i may ever sleep again

    wow wow wow wow


    damn not good

    i have a job and house and wife

    i would never stop playing games

    thank you for the link

    and i billion is cheap for what we get

    apple should double it two 2.5 billion rght now

    You say you are in your 50?s and that you are trying to post more intelligently, but none of that seems evidence. Why post ?wow? 2 dozen times and write the word ?weeeeeeee? by itself, not to mention the rest of your posts? Why can?t you use capitalization and punctuation? It?s impossible to believe that you are the age you said you were in a previous post. You sound more like 9yo, and that is not an exaggerated comment. Do you honestly think that your posts are link the others on this thread? If you have a medical condition that somehow makes you write like you?re on a Ritalin withdrawal then me know and I?ll back off. If not please try to write like a sane adult.
  • Reply 50 of 212
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by ptysell View Post

    Wonder why Apple wouldn't do this project closer to home in California?

    Why? One word answer ... "earthquake"

    Better to have their systems duplicated/ expanded in a different location just in case.
  • Reply 51 of 212
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by fruiteatingbear View Post

    Great site for a Server Farm? "North Carolina has a long and notorious history of destruction by hurricanes. Ever since the first expeditions to Roanoke Island in 1586, hurricanes are ..."

    True but they will build to be fairly well H proof I expect and these days where isn't a potentially dangerous location? It's better to spread away from one place i.e. CA at least.

    This is a good use of some of Apple's $s too. Invest in their own infrastructure ... Yes they can!
  • Reply 52 of 212
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    An Apple Server Farm: Great Idea

    If the rumor is correct, it wouldn't be a surprise that such a structure would be needed to accommodate Apple's Push Notification System. Right now, Apple is one company that should be well be to afford it.

    Another possibility for such facilities would be for backing up. Certainly with the recent demise of a number of such companies closing down, and more to come, we need more reliable sources from which to draw.
  • Reply 53 of 212
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    It is because your NC's economy is based on tourism. I'm next door to you and I know your pain. Let's hope Apple makes the move because I know the volunteer state would.

    I lived in NC for 35 years and the only areas relying on tourism $$ are the mountains and beaches. The state, as a whole, has been in a flux for the last 15+ years, as its workforce has changed from manufacturing and tobacco to the service and technology sector. It has been quite painful to watch the transition. This "incentives" mess is a joke though. Read up on what it took to get Dell to NC, and read what happened less than three years after they opened up there (200+ layoffs). It is a complete joke with clown shoes!! The only real solid employment opportunities are in the Raleigh/Research Triangle area. There is a lot of potential there, if and when the economy picks back up.
  • Reply 54 of 212
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Don’t forget that Apple still makes most of their money from their HW sales, SW and services are there to sell more HW. Until Apple decided to make a business class machine they will not be able to get into most businesses in a profound way. Even with executives getting company Mac notebooks they are still very low compared to all other notebooks and desktops and servers in a companies budget.

    He did correct that in a later posting, but he should make a correction in his post.

    The idea of bringing industry back to the US would be nice. I’d pay a premium for it, but I wonder how much more would it be to make the final assembly here in the US once the automation is set up.

    You say you are in your 50’s and that you are trying to post more intelligently, but none of that seems evidence. Why post ‘wow’ 2 dozen times and write the word ‘weenie’ by itself, not to mention the rest of your posts? Why can’t you use capitalization and punctuation? It’s impossible to believe that you are the age you said you were in a previous post. You sound more like 9yr, and that is not an exaggerated comment. Do you honestly think that your posts are link the others on this thread? If you have a medical condition that somehow makes you write like you’re on a Ritalin withdrawal then me know and I’ll back off. If not please try to write like a sane adult.

    My first thought was too slam you bad, But then I thought that is how your kind creates the teckspud kind .I went and fixed my last two offensive posts. Yes, they were poor. It was late, I was sloppy and the new gaming site really rocks . And I do change them because to a point ,I do want to fit in. And I would never want to upset anyone here ,for any reason. Even bill gates would get a hug from me .

    My writing is a bit dis-jointed .No matter how much I try to be normal like you. You will have to accept it dude .

    As for 9 yr. old crack Hmm I am not the one to post 9 times a day here for 3 yrs. And what is worse is that you have gained no wisdom from your incredible high post count. Have you become bitter ?

    I come here to post about apple. I may make a friend. I will not flame or troll with you dude. So last warning. Feel free comment on my posts .Thats your right. But speak to me a nice way. BUT STOP THE NASTY cracks. I should be on your ignore list since you dislike me so much, anyway .

    I am writer by the way of sorts. some print and TV ads have used my lines or blurbs, I also in some PF forums write odd kinda of poetry that other members have put to music. maybe i am a little syd barret like in my writing/thinking style .<<not his genius of course >> i say all this above to let you know i am aware of your feelings . and you are not the first to deride me .yet some have found something they like in my <<think different style >>

    again be my buddy or put me on your teckspud list


    And since it's ok to go so far off topic here . Apple loses a ton of sales because the top games crash on most mac machines . Even on low settings . To put it all on a cloud as someone here just said . Wow .

    To play crysis on my black mac 13 in would rock . To choose between every game ever made on any platform and play those games full force on any device .wow

    and it can happen if ....../ apple can light all those thousand of miles of dark fiber optic lines . and have a bunch of billion dollar class of server farms .if they can do all this . then they would have the bandwidth to insure an incredible cloud gaming/other stuff. and if you add google's amount with apple's then cloud would stream endless . i guess hulu would be available planet wide

    Apple should build some wind farms geo farms solar farm to power these server farms .


    Does anyone know how large the gaming community really is ?? And how large could they grow into ?


  • Reply 55 of 212
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    And remember, Steve and company are looking 10 + years out, so think long term?

    Is this the first, or second of several server farms, and if so, why?

    Is Apple going to get into telecommunications by buying out someone, merging with someone?

    Does the long awaited for "New" Apple product have something to do with this?

    What DOES Apple / Steve Jobs know about their future that we don't know?

    Is Apple laying out the foundation for the new American Mega company?

    Apple / Steve Jobs if nothing else, IS a company that has folks thinking and wondering about what they are up to - all the time

  • Reply 56 of 212
    fast fred 1fast fred 1 Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Well the building costs money to build too.

    Expensive of course, Steve has to put a glass staircase in it doesn't he?
  • Reply 57 of 212
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member
    Originally Posted by Fast Fred 1 View Post

    Expensive of course, Steve has to put a glass staircase in it doesn't he?

    I now believe the server farm is exclusively intended to provide 3d architectural rendering power for the design of Steve's new house.
  • Reply 58 of 212
    daseindasein Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by skittlebrau79 View Post

    Prove it. According to federal sources summed up @, California has the 6th highest tax burden of any state, when measured as a percentage of GDP.

    Most people and companies don't measure their liabilities against a state GDP figure. Additionally, that was for 2008. As of May 1st, taxes went up substantially in certain areas. The May 19th vote would've increased them even further were they not smacked down by the votes 2:1. Just because you're not the worst doesn't mean you're doing good. The other states above California as of 2008 are all in trouble as well. If you read the fine print on the article, it's an 'advanced estimate' amalgam by certain groups. Most of us in California know we've slid into a mess over the years with overtaxing people and businesses. How to get out is now playing out. May 19th was the first genuine volley long in coming. Economics is a cold beast.
  • Reply 59 of 212
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I just can't see how giving Apple a $1 Billion tax incentive to hire less than 100 people is helping anything.

    But I guess the money Apple would have to invest in this would make up for it.

    The way I read the article Apple is only getting 46 million deferred for an investment of a billion. That's just like Carolina saying Apple can invest the billion and get the taxes back on it isn't it? In exchange for the jobs and in cognisance of the fact that this thing can only grow. Sounds fair to me.
  • Reply 60 of 212
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by frankie View Post

    Man, I totally agree. It would be nice to have it say 'Apple, California' and also 'Made in the USA' on the same box!

    I think it's funny how Americans always go on about how things "aren't made in the USA anymore" and what a shame it is, but the only reason it's true is because USA workers don't want to really work and won't accept the same wages that others will accept in other countries.

    It's not rocket science. If USA workers actually wanted to work hard for their money or pay a fair price for quality manufactured stuff, everything could be made in the USA. As long as the majority of the population is lazy, overpaid and addicted to cheap asian knockoffs of their own brands, the situation will pretty much continue as it is.
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