The grammar in Appleinsider's headlines is getting more and more bizarre. Would it have hurt to put 'to be' in the sentence so it actually made sense?
This is a rumor site. Is it too much to ask that every punctuation, spelling or grammar error not get pointed out?
I can understand if the error actually changes the meaning of the post, but this is not the Wall Street Journal and the meaning came across clear enough.
I've been reading this and many rumor sites for years and the entire subject of the posting gets derailed by pointing out mistakes.
Please also keep in mind that many people read this from all over the world and may not have the best grasp on the English language.
They do get their point across yet are slammed by someone pointing out a typo.
Great site for a Server Farm? "North Carolina has a long and notorious history of destruction by hurricanes. Ever since the first expeditions to Roanoke Island in 1586, hurricanes are ..."
The sites their talking about are about 300 miles inland. Not a factor.
They'll be building them with Xserves and Mac OS X. It would only cost a fraction of that with Dell hardware and Linux.
At least we know where they are putting their savings. Instead of buying up companies here and there, they are buying the whole internet. Google ads will all be links to Apple products, links to Microsoft will all end up with 404 errors.
They could do a number of things with an expensive farm. Given that system spec on the Mac side is typically low, they could offer a service like this:
that would stream even the latest high end games to Apple's lower end devices. Assuming they used Mac Pros instead of Xserves with 8GB Ram and 4 x GT 120. That's $3000 to buy but would be much less for Apple - say $2000.
With half of the $1b budget on hardware, that's 250,000 servers with 4 GPUs each with centers in every state to maintain low latency and $10m to build each center. That could mean 1 million simultaneous games of Crysis streaming to Apple TVs and tablets. Only for America though.
No more system requirements for Apple products for games besides a fast enough internet connection. No more waiting for game ports. No more games piracy. Interesting that one of the people who developed the 1 millisecond compression software was a former Quicktime developer:
If Apple are streaming HD movies to their ATVs, they can stream games content too.
First of all, Apple has "declined to comment" on this, so who knows if it will happen. This aritcal states what North Carolina wants to happen. Not what Apple has confirmed.
Second - The type of servers depends on what function they host. As an example, iTunes runs on an Oracle back end and does not use Apple Servers. You cant say for sure what hardware would be installed without knowing what the purpose of the site is. Apple does not have any big iron servers in their product line. They buy the right hardware for the task. They use SAP to run their internal business systems - again not on Apple servers. Hell, they even use Windows based handhelds in the Apple stores as Point of Sale units.
Wonder why Apple wouldn't do this project closer to home in California?
Maybe it is the same reason why every other company is moving out of the state.
They better get rolling on this project before the federal government finds some way to tax them into the ground over some rediciolus thing like energy/carbon.
Several reasons come to mind. Cheaper electricity, redundancy for disaster recovery when Cali has a major earthquake, cheaper workforce / building cost / insurance, the backbone of the internet runs right through the middle of NC.
I also wonder the NC location is closer to major backbone of the network.
I've heard a rumor that Apple should go into content service biz.
TV, cable shows, movie streaming and of course MobileMe server hosting which would give it a
boost from current slow-to-death speed.
Hey Steve, hang tough and bring iPhones to Korea this year, pls~
The 2 locations they are talking about are right on top (practically speaking) of the internet backbone. It runs right through the middle of North Carolina.
And I'm afraid you make no sense at all either. Please explain.
(i) Either American CEOs are also -- along with workers -- to be equally credited for driving the productivity, hours worked, and innovation in American firms, or neither group deserves credit.
(ii) If, indeed, US workers are more productive (defined as output produced per unit input), then sectors in which they are more productive should see little outsourcing/offshoring. It would make no economic sense for a profit-making business to send production elsewhere, since such a move would result in making itself less competitive.
Yeah, I don't get why they picked North Carolina at all. I wish someone with some actual knowledge of server farms would comment here as this seems like a very weird deal from what I can find out.
First off, it seems like a billion dollar server farm is absolutely HUGE. Is this their first "home grown" server farm? If so, it's weird for them to start off by building one twice the size of everyone else's.
Secondly, it seems like a billion bucks is about a sixth of what all the top five Internet companies combined spent on capital expenditures last year? That can't be right can it?
Third, everyone else is building server farms in the Pacific Northwest where it's cool, temperate, and there is abundant cheap power (hydroelectric). Why is Apple building something in a hot, stormy area down south? And maybe someone who lives there can say what kind of power they have in North Carolina? I thought it was all coal-fired down there which makes no sense at all.
Here is a link to an artical on a Microsoft DC in Texas. If you need a big center, $500m goes fast.
There are 11 nuclear power plants in North and South Carolina. Two are in the same county as one of these possible sites. There are coal fired plants too.
You should know that the crazy disjointed style you usually write in makes it very hard to read and I generally just skip your posts as a result. I may be the only one, but I doubt it. So, if the post you replied to was too negative for your tastes, consider what I'm saying - if you want your posts to be read and replied to, do yourself a favor and write in a style like everyone else. It's for your own good if you want to participate.
I know you are already being pilloried by others, but I have to say this is the dumbest statement I've heard in a while.
Automobiles for example can be made very cheaply if you make them out of old newspapers and cheap plastic resin, that doesn't mean that this is a good idea or that it would improve the welfare of the world.
I think you are reading it too literally.
Anyone can -- at least, I could -- see that, read in context, he seems to be simply saying "less expensively produced, for a given level of quality and price."
Steve is part of the Illuminati, the server farm will somehow aid them in taking over the world.
I thought Disney was trying to take over the world? That may be why he sold Pixar to Disney and got a seat on their board.
Originally Posted by brucep
My first thought was too slam you bad, But then I thought that is how your kind creates the teckspud kind .I went and fixed my last two offensive posts. Yes, they were poor. It was late, I was sloppy and the new gaming site really rocks . And I do change them because to a point ,I do want to fit in. And I would never want to upset anyone here ,for any reason. Even bill gates would get a hug from me .
My writing is a bit dis-jointed .No matter how much I try to be normal like you. You will have to accept it dude .
You are either trying to communicate something or you are not. If it?s the latter then you trolling, but I dont? think you are a troll or I would have stated that. So that leaves you trying to communicate with the forum. Going out of your way to use a made grammar is not exactly communication. I?m not the only one to point this out to you, I first posted links abour sentence structure and said you were trying, but I don?t know what that means, so I gave you time. The posting of sentence fragments down a page which seem like free flowing emotional outbursts is not a viable way to communicate with most English speakers. It?s funny that you obviously can write well when you want to. I?ve seen you add good info to this forum so I have no reason to ignore you, but I would like to see a post that is looks like it was well thought out like the one I?m replying to. You certainly don?t have to, but I think you?d get more positive replies, even if your PoV is not agreed with.
Not to mention, employing contractors, firms, construction companies, etc. That's only the beginning. Don't forget electricity, upkeep, IT monitoring, blah blah blah. As I said, 1bil is most likely NOT just an initial cost.
And how the hell would a g3 imac do the job? What job do you think things are doing? Do you have any idea how iTunes works? How it works to stream gigabytes of data out of a server farm to clients all over the world every second? Apple has iTunes, MobileMe, Developer Tools, Software Update, etc that all need to be sent out fast. I can attest that MobileMe has incredibly slow upload/download speeds compared to these other services. They need a new / expanded farm desperately. And when you build (and have 18bil in reserves), why not build for the future?
Sorry my post was not so clear . I was saying how many servers does it take to the large arrayof r servers . And would you need a third set of server to run THOSE SERVERS that run the large array of servers .
I applaud the move to make a server farm . I hope it is one of many apple builds . I hope they add a ton solar and wind to offset the high amounts of needed electricity to cool said servers .
i guess things will steam faster. games will play better .
To the bits of this that are actually relevant to the article above:
1. Al Gore is a lying hypocrite, a tool of the Global Warming-money making fear machine, and Jobs does want Apple to be "greener". "Greener" does not mean "Whatever Al Gore wants" as Jobs is at least smart enough to recognize that about half the green campaign is a total scam. Putting Gore on the board probably seemed like a good idea until he went on his Global ManBearPig ALlelujah Carbon-tax Tour.
2. China losing money hand over fist to bad US debt and refusing to lose any more isn't "market manipulation", it's FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, something Obama would not recognize if it fell out of the sky, landed on his face, and started to wiggle.
3. Your interweb article data are "Advanced Estimates" created well before the August 17 2008 publishing date of this article, and they are WRONG. I am a CA taxpayer, and as of TODAY, our state income tax rate is 10.5% , and when added into the federal rate of taxation, along with the taxes that we Californians are paying on the local City and County levels, we are the NUMBER ONE HIGHEST-TAXED INDIVIDUALS IN THE UNITED STATES. Period, end of story. Your articles are quite fond of citing only state income tax rates because telling the whole truth would require those poor "journalists" to actually do real research, instead of a fast google-search for the data that will keep their fat asses planted in their news chairs.
4. you should be embarrassed to say something this absurd. California made the vast majority of its annual wealth over the last ten years from Property taxation, NOT capital gains, please go back to school or stop typing. CA's budget since its inception as a State in the 1800s grew to 90 billion dollars as of 1998. Over one hundred years it took to reach a budget of 90 billion dollars. Then, between 1998 and 2008, it DOUBLED to 180 billion Dollars. Please, point out to me exactly where the second government is hiding its additional statewide police force, unions, fire depts, and public services, because we're clearly paying for TWO of everything we had in 1998, but I sure as hell don't see it. CA has not a shred of fiscal responsibility, and that is why it is in the financial crisis its in right now, much as you'd like to blame the stock market and big, evil CAPITALISM for the problem. You'd do yourself a great justice focusing on the truth: irresponsibility, and extremely liberal social services for the illegal population here in CA.
5. Corporations in CA are the not the primary source of revenue and never have been. Small-business owners are, and they are leaving this state in droves. While you don't understand this yet, you soon will, because as the state's revenue streams continue to decrease, they will panic, and eventually seek to levy massive taxes on the few corporations left in CA, which will, sooner or later, leave the state as well. These tax measures CA has enacted are ridiculous, meaningless, asinine paper banners being pushed in your face because those politicians up in Sac want you to think it ain't their fault. But, it IS their fault, and yours, because you keep voting them back to Sac.
Good info dude about California. Would you please state what YOU would do to fix this giant mess you guys are in.
I thought Disney was trying to take over the world? That may be why he sold Pixar to Disney and got a seat on their board.
You are either trying to communicate something or you are not. If it?s the latter then you trolling, but I dont? think you are a troll or I would have stated that. So that leaves you trying to communicate with the forum. Going out of your way to use a made grammar is not exactly communication. I?m not the only one to point this out to you, I first posted links abour sentence structure and said you were trying, but I don?t know what that means, so I gave you time. The posting of sentence fragments down a page which seem like free flowing emotional outbursts is not a viable way to communicate with most English speakers. It?s funny that you obviously can write well when you want to. I?ve seen you add good info to this forum so I have no reason to ignore you, but I would like to see a post that is looks like it was well thought out like the one I?m replying to. You certainly don?t have to, but I think you?d get more positive replies, even if your PoV is not agreed with.
Your points above are Accepted .
I guess when i slow down to think my thoughts thru and thru it reads better .
(ii) If, indeed, US workers are more productive (defined as output produced per unit input), then sectors in which they are more productive should see little outsourcing/offshoring. It would no economic sense for a profit-making business to send production elsewhere, since such a move would result in making itself less competitive.
Why would a firm do that?
Because if a company can get the same product produced for pennies on the dollar it makes the share holders happy and the company in the end makes a better profit.
Company A starts outsourcing their widgets and have a bottom line cost of $1.00 Company B doesn't outsource and they have a bottom line cost of $3.00.
What does company B have to do to compete. Company B now starts outsourcing.
Not a pretty picture but it is the state of business (at least in the US).
Because if a company can get the same product produced for pennies on the dollar it makes the share holders happy and the company in the end makes a better profit.
Company A starts outsourcing their widgets and have a bottom line cost of $1.00 Company B doesn't outsource and they have a bottom line cost of $3.00.
What does company B have to do to compete. Company B now starts outsourcing.
Not a pretty picture but it is the state of business (at least in the US).
So what would you do? Not allow Company A to outsource, so that Company B cannot? Ban all trade across borders? Not allow, say, a Company C from another country with access to the aforementioned $1.00 outsourced widgets to sell their product here? Not allow a consumer here to buy a $1.00 widget from Company C's country? I could go on, but you get the point....
Indeed, let me make this a bit personal: Do you, in your own purchase decisions, not ever look for the least expensive products (assuming same quality)?
Add: It's the state of business not just here, but to a greater or lesser degree, just about everywhere (except perhaps countries like North Korea and Cuba).
So what would you do? Not allow Company A to outsource, so that Company B cannot? Ban all trade across borders? Not allow, say, a Company C from another country with access to the aforementioned $1.00 outsourced widgets to sell their product here? Not allow a consumer here to buy a $1.00 widget from Company C's country? I could go on, but you get the point....
Indeed, let me make this a bit personal: Do you, in your own purchase decisions, not ever look for the least expensive products (assuming same quality)?
Add: It's the state of business not just here, but to a greater or lesser degree, just about everywhere (except perhaps countries like North Korea and Cuba).
The question posed said what would you do?
I believe I gave my answer in my response. In order to compete (in the US) you have to outsource to have a competitive advantage.
Do I like it. No. But that wasn't what he was asking. I merely gave my opinion on a rumor site board. It's an opinion and if I had the answer to world peace and how we get out of the recession I don't think I'd be in an Apple Rumor Site giving my opinion.
And please for future comments (at least to me)...
Don?t make it personal because I don't know you and therefore it can't be personal, you are nothing more than a widget to me.
I believe I gave my answer in my response. In order to compete (in the US) you have to outsource to have a competitive advantage.
Do I like it. No. But that wasn't what he was asking. I merely gave my opinion on a rumor site board. It's an opinion and if I had the answer to world peace and how we get out of the recession I don't think I'd be in an Apple Rumor Site giving my opinion.
And please for future comments (at least to me)...
Don’t make it personal because I don't know you and therefore it can't be personal, you are nothing more than a widget to me.
OK, I'll make it completely impersonal: what would you do?
You did not answer that question.
Btw, it's the same anonimity allows a cheap talk and easy moralizing (like yours) to pervade forums like these. If you are making a point, please at least try to think through the implications of what you're saying. Or, perhaps, one should have the intellectual honesty to say one hasn't, and move on.
OK, I'll make it completely impersonal: what would you do?
You did not answer that question.
Btw, it's the same anonimity allows a cheap talk and easy moralizing (like yours) to pervade forums like these. If you are making a point, please at least try to think through the implications of what you're saying. Or, perhaps, one should have the intellectual honesty to say one hasn't, and move on.
For future reference "BTW" & "OMG" doesn't show any intellect. It's just a faceless widget that chooses to speak with acronyms.
The grammar in Appleinsider's headlines is getting more and more bizarre. Would it have hurt to put 'to be' in the sentence so it actually made sense?
This is a rumor site. Is it too much to ask that every punctuation, spelling or grammar error not get pointed out?
I can understand if the error actually changes the meaning of the post, but this is not the Wall Street Journal and the meaning came across clear enough.
I've been reading this and many rumor sites for years and the entire subject of the posting gets derailed by pointing out mistakes.
Please also keep in mind that many people read this from all over the world and may not have the best grasp on the English language.
They do get their point across yet are slammed by someone pointing out a typo.
Just my 2 cents.
Great site for a Server Farm? "North Carolina has a long and notorious history of destruction by hurricanes. Ever since the first expeditions to Roanoke Island in 1586, hurricanes are ..."
The sites their talking about are about 300 miles inland. Not a factor.
They'll be building them with Xserves and Mac OS X. It would only cost a fraction of that with Dell hardware and Linux.
At least we know where they are putting their savings. Instead of buying up companies here and there, they are buying the whole internet. Google ads will all be links to Apple products, links to Microsoft will all end up with 404 errors.
They could do a number of things with an expensive farm. Given that system spec on the Mac side is typically low, they could offer a service like this:
that would stream even the latest high end games to Apple's lower end devices. Assuming they used Mac Pros instead of Xserves with 8GB Ram and 4 x GT 120. That's $3000 to buy but would be much less for Apple - say $2000.
With half of the $1b budget on hardware, that's 250,000 servers with 4 GPUs each with centers in every state to maintain low latency and $10m to build each center. That could mean 1 million simultaneous games of Crysis streaming to Apple TVs and tablets. Only for America though.
No more system requirements for Apple products for games besides a fast enough internet connection. No more waiting for game ports. No more games piracy. Interesting that one of the people who developed the 1 millisecond compression software was a former Quicktime developer:
If Apple are streaming HD movies to their ATVs, they can stream games content too.
First of all, Apple has "declined to comment" on this, so who knows if it will happen. This aritcal states what North Carolina wants to happen. Not what Apple has confirmed.
Second - The type of servers depends on what function they host. As an example, iTunes runs on an Oracle back end and does not use Apple Servers. You cant say for sure what hardware would be installed without knowing what the purpose of the site is. Apple does not have any big iron servers in their product line. They buy the right hardware for the task. They use SAP to run their internal business systems - again not on Apple servers. Hell, they even use Windows based handhelds in the Apple stores as Point of Sale units.
Wonder why Apple wouldn't do this project closer to home in California?
Maybe it is the same reason why every other company is moving out of the state.
They better get rolling on this project before the federal government finds some way to tax them into the ground over some rediciolus thing like energy/carbon.
Several reasons come to mind. Cheaper electricity, redundancy for disaster recovery when Cali has a major earthquake, cheaper workforce / building cost / insurance, the backbone of the internet runs right through the middle of NC.
Sounds like a good reason WelshDog.
I also wonder the NC location is closer to major backbone of the network.
I've heard a rumor that Apple should go into content service biz.
TV, cable shows, movie streaming and of course MobileMe server hosting which would give it a
boost from current slow-to-death speed.
Hey Steve, hang tough and bring iPhones to Korea this year, pls~
The 2 locations they are talking about are right on top (practically speaking) of the internet backbone. It runs right through the middle of North Carolina.
And I'm afraid you make no sense at all either. Please explain.
(i) Either American CEOs are also -- along with workers -- to be equally credited for driving the productivity, hours worked, and innovation in American firms, or neither group deserves credit.
(ii) If, indeed, US workers are more productive (defined as output produced per unit input), then sectors in which they are more productive should see little outsourcing/offshoring. It would make no economic sense for a profit-making business to send production elsewhere, since such a move would result in making itself less competitive.
Why would a firm do that?
Yeah, I don't get why they picked North Carolina at all. I wish someone with some actual knowledge of server farms would comment here as this seems like a very weird deal from what I can find out.
First off, it seems like a billion dollar server farm is absolutely HUGE. Is this their first "home grown" server farm? If so, it's weird for them to start off by building one twice the size of everyone else's.
Secondly, it seems like a billion bucks is about a sixth of what all the top five Internet companies combined spent on capital expenditures last year? That can't be right can it?
Third, everyone else is building server farms in the Pacific Northwest where it's cool, temperate, and there is abundant cheap power (hydroelectric). Why is Apple building something in a hot, stormy area down south? And maybe someone who lives there can say what kind of power they have in North Carolina? I thought it was all coal-fired down there which makes no sense at all.
Here is a link to an artical on a Microsoft DC in Texas. If you need a big center, $500m goes fast.
Apple has a DC in the bay area now.
There are 11 nuclear power plants in North and South Carolina. Two are in the same county as one of these possible sites. There are coal fired plants too.
Much better.
You should know that the crazy disjointed style you usually write in makes it very hard to read and I generally just skip your posts as a result. I may be the only one, but I doubt it. So, if the post you replied to was too negative for your tastes, consider what I'm saying - if you want your posts to be read and replied to, do yourself a favor and write in a style like everyone else. It's for your own good if you want to participate.
I know you are already being pilloried by others, but I have to say this is the dumbest statement I've heard in a while.
Automobiles for example can be made very cheaply if you make them out of old newspapers and cheap plastic resin, that doesn't mean that this is a good idea or that it would improve the welfare of the world.
I think you are reading it too literally.
Anyone can -- at least, I could -- see that, read in context, he seems to be simply saying "less expensively produced, for a given level of quality and price."
Steve is part of the Illuminati, the server farm will somehow aid them in taking over the world.
I thought Disney was trying to take over the world? That may be why he sold Pixar to Disney and got a seat on their board.
My first thought was too slam you bad, But then I thought that is how your kind creates the teckspud kind .I went and fixed my last two offensive posts. Yes, they were poor. It was late, I was sloppy and the new gaming site really rocks . And I do change them because to a point ,I do want to fit in. And I would never want to upset anyone here ,for any reason. Even bill gates would get a hug from me .
My writing is a bit dis-jointed .No matter how much I try to be normal like you. You will have to accept it dude .
You are either trying to communicate something or you are not. If it?s the latter then you trolling, but I dont? think you are a troll or I would have stated that. So that leaves you trying to communicate with the forum. Going out of your way to use a made grammar is not exactly communication. I?m not the only one to point this out to you, I first posted links abour sentence structure and said you were trying, but I don?t know what that means, so I gave you time. The posting of sentence fragments down a page which seem like free flowing emotional outbursts is not a viable way to communicate with most English speakers. It?s funny that you obviously can write well when you want to. I?ve seen you add good info to this forum so I have no reason to ignore you, but I would like to see a post that is looks like it was well thought out like the one I?m replying to. You certainly don?t have to, but I think you?d get more positive replies, even if your PoV is not agreed with.
uhm, what? so many things wrong with that.
Not to mention, employing contractors, firms, construction companies, etc. That's only the beginning. Don't forget electricity, upkeep, IT monitoring, blah blah blah. As I said, 1bil is most likely NOT just an initial cost.
And how the hell would a g3 imac do the job? What job do you think things are doing? Do you have any idea how iTunes works? How it works to stream gigabytes of data out of a server farm to clients all over the world every second? Apple has iTunes, MobileMe, Developer Tools, Software Update, etc that all need to be sent out fast. I can attest that MobileMe has incredibly slow upload/download speeds compared to these other services. They need a new / expanded farm desperately. And when you build (and have 18bil in reserves), why not build for the future?
Sorry my post was not so clear . I was saying how many servers does it take to the large arrayof r servers . And would you need a third set of server to run THOSE SERVERS that run the large array of servers .
I applaud the move to make a server farm . I hope it is one of many apple builds . I hope they add a ton solar and wind to offset the high amounts of needed electricity to cool said servers .
i guess things will steam faster. games will play better .
And by the by apple has over 28 bn in cash .
To the bits of this that are actually relevant to the article above:
1. Al Gore is a lying hypocrite, a tool of the Global Warming-money making fear machine, and Jobs does want Apple to be "greener". "Greener" does not mean "Whatever Al Gore wants" as Jobs is at least smart enough to recognize that about half the green campaign is a total scam. Putting Gore on the board probably seemed like a good idea until he went on his Global ManBearPig ALlelujah Carbon-tax Tour.
2. China losing money hand over fist to bad US debt and refusing to lose any more isn't "market manipulation", it's FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, something Obama would not recognize if it fell out of the sky, landed on his face, and started to wiggle.
3. Your interweb article data are "Advanced Estimates" created well before the August 17 2008 publishing date of this article, and they are WRONG. I am a CA taxpayer, and as of TODAY, our state income tax rate is 10.5% , and when added into the federal rate of taxation, along with the taxes that we Californians are paying on the local City and County levels, we are the NUMBER ONE HIGHEST-TAXED INDIVIDUALS IN THE UNITED STATES. Period, end of story. Your articles are quite fond of citing only state income tax rates because telling the whole truth would require those poor "journalists" to actually do real research, instead of a fast google-search for the data that will keep their fat asses planted in their news chairs.
4. you should be embarrassed to say something this absurd. California made the vast majority of its annual wealth over the last ten years from Property taxation, NOT capital gains, please go back to school or stop typing. CA's budget since its inception as a State in the 1800s grew to 90 billion dollars as of 1998. Over one hundred years it took to reach a budget of 90 billion dollars. Then, between 1998 and 2008, it DOUBLED to 180 billion Dollars. Please, point out to me exactly where the second government is hiding its additional statewide police force, unions, fire depts, and public services, because we're clearly paying for TWO of everything we had in 1998, but I sure as hell don't see it. CA has not a shred of fiscal responsibility, and that is why it is in the financial crisis its in right now, much as you'd like to blame the stock market and big, evil CAPITALISM for the problem. You'd do yourself a great justice focusing on the truth: irresponsibility, and extremely liberal social services for the illegal population here in CA.
5. Corporations in CA are the not the primary source of revenue and never have been. Small-business owners are, and they are leaving this state in droves. While you don't understand this yet, you soon will, because as the state's revenue streams continue to decrease, they will panic, and eventually seek to levy massive taxes on the few corporations left in CA, which will, sooner or later, leave the state as well. These tax measures CA has enacted are ridiculous, meaningless, asinine paper banners being pushed in your face because those politicians up in Sac want you to think it ain't their fault. But, it IS their fault, and yours, because you keep voting them back to Sac.
Good info dude about California. Would you please state what YOU would do to fix this giant mess you guys are in.
I am from NYS and i thought we were bad shape .
I thought Disney was trying to take over the world? That may be why he sold Pixar to Disney and got a seat on their board.
You are either trying to communicate something or you are not. If it?s the latter then you trolling, but I dont? think you are a troll or I would have stated that. So that leaves you trying to communicate with the forum. Going out of your way to use a made grammar is not exactly communication. I?m not the only one to point this out to you, I first posted links abour sentence structure and said you were trying, but I don?t know what that means, so I gave you time. The posting of sentence fragments down a page which seem like free flowing emotional outbursts is not a viable way to communicate with most English speakers. It?s funny that you obviously can write well when you want to. I?ve seen you add good info to this forum so I have no reason to ignore you, but I would like to see a post that is looks like it was well thought out like the one I?m replying to. You certainly don?t have to, but I think you?d get more positive replies, even if your PoV is not agreed with.
Your points above are Accepted .
I guess when i slow down to think my thoughts thru and thru it reads better .
Have a good holiday day dude .
(ii) If, indeed, US workers are more productive (defined as output produced per unit input), then sectors in which they are more productive should see little outsourcing/offshoring. It would no economic sense for a profit-making business to send production elsewhere, since such a move would result in making itself less competitive.
Why would a firm do that?
Because if a company can get the same product produced for pennies on the dollar it makes the share holders happy and the company in the end makes a better profit.
Company A starts outsourcing their widgets and have a bottom line cost of $1.00 Company B doesn't outsource and they have a bottom line cost of $3.00.
What does company B have to do to compete. Company B now starts outsourcing.
Not a pretty picture but it is the state of business (at least in the US).
Could be some new cool symbol I am missing: what's "9"?
Because if a company can get the same product produced for pennies on the dollar it makes the share holders happy and the company in the end makes a better profit.
Company A starts outsourcing their widgets and have a bottom line cost of $1.00 Company B doesn't outsource and they have a bottom line cost of $3.00.
What does company B have to do to compete. Company B now starts outsourcing.
Not a pretty picture but it is the state of business (at least in the US).
So what would you do? Not allow Company A to outsource, so that Company B cannot? Ban all trade across borders? Not allow, say, a Company C from another country with access to the aforementioned $1.00 outsourced widgets to sell their product here? Not allow a consumer here to buy a $1.00 widget from Company C's country? I could go on, but you get the point....
Indeed, let me make this a bit personal: Do you, in your own purchase decisions, not ever look for the least expensive products (assuming same quality)?
Add: It's the state of business not just here, but to a greater or lesser degree, just about everywhere (except perhaps countries like North Korea and Cuba).
So what would you do? Not allow Company A to outsource, so that Company B cannot? Ban all trade across borders? Not allow, say, a Company C from another country with access to the aforementioned $1.00 outsourced widgets to sell their product here? Not allow a consumer here to buy a $1.00 widget from Company C's country? I could go on, but you get the point....
Indeed, let me make this a bit personal: Do you, in your own purchase decisions, not ever look for the least expensive products (assuming same quality)?
Add: It's the state of business not just here, but to a greater or lesser degree, just about everywhere (except perhaps countries like North Korea and Cuba).
The question posed said what would you do?
I believe I gave my answer in my response. In order to compete (in the US) you have to outsource to have a competitive advantage.
Do I like it. No. But that wasn't what he was asking. I merely gave my opinion on a rumor site board. It's an opinion and if I had the answer to world peace and how we get out of the recession I don't think I'd be in an Apple Rumor Site giving my opinion.
And please for future comments (at least to me)...
Don?t make it personal because I don't know you and therefore it can't be personal, you are nothing more than a widget to me.
The question posed said what would you do?
I believe I gave my answer in my response. In order to compete (in the US) you have to outsource to have a competitive advantage.
Do I like it. No. But that wasn't what he was asking. I merely gave my opinion on a rumor site board. It's an opinion and if I had the answer to world peace and how we get out of the recession I don't think I'd be in an Apple Rumor Site giving my opinion.
And please for future comments (at least to me)...
Don’t make it personal because I don't know you and therefore it can't be personal, you are nothing more than a widget to me.
OK, I'll make it completely impersonal: what would you do?
You did not answer that question.
Btw, it's the same anonimity allows a cheap talk and easy moralizing (like yours) to pervade forums like these. If you are making a point, please at least try to think through the implications of what you're saying. Or, perhaps, one should have the intellectual honesty to say one hasn't, and move on.
OK, I'll make it completely impersonal: what would you do?
You did not answer that question.
Btw, it's the same anonimity allows a cheap talk and easy moralizing (like yours) to pervade forums like these. If you are making a point, please at least try to think through the implications of what you're saying. Or, perhaps, one should have the intellectual honesty to say one hasn't, and move on.
For future reference "BTW" & "OMG" doesn't show any intellect. It's just a faceless widget that chooses to speak with acronyms.