Early glimpse at Zune HD: "better" than iPod touch



  • Reply 221 of 268
    Originally Posted by GregoriusM View Post

    Zune you will!

    The fact there are people who think the new Zune is pretty, definitely proves the point that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; but i think those folks have a serious macular disease problem
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  • Reply 222 of 268
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    And for anyone who thinks it won't display your hd videos on the screen, I found this at the site they set up for it:


    So that settles the whole "I need the av dock just to see my movies" argument.

    WOW i made a post to you . but its not here ??

    look i am sorry also

    i was too strong . i wish zune the best .

    peace ok

    Anyway it looks like the zune is HD. In most ways except it can't play full HD on its screen .It would burn out the battery anyway .

    But since it can handle HD files. It will or maybe will be an incredible x-box link and or an x-box lite player . << if that is true i will buy 3 right now .>>. x box has powerful data streaming thru. Halo 3 and all that .

    i wish they made more mac games .
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  • Reply 223 of 268
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Dude maybe I was too strong I am sorry .It just seemed that you hate apple. I also wish zune the best . As you said its just a machine .

    Also it is misleading to say zune hd , when it does not play hd on the zune itself .99 percent of the people will never get it . They will be fooled . Now hd out means what ??? I first put hd into the zune and then I play it on my tv ???

    Yeah, that's what the HD out is. Lots of people I talk to love the idea of being able to carry around an hd movie collection in a small device. It might not play in HD on the screen, but it will play in HD when connected to an HD tv. So you WILL be able to watch your movies in crisp detail on the screen while riding the subway, but what's even better is you'll be able to watch it in crisp detail on a large HD tv when you arrive to your destination.

    I'm constantly bringing movies over to friend's houses. I would love it if I could bring a library of digital copies in a single device instead.
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  • Reply 224 of 268
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Well we'll find out soon. Apparently they'll announce what can run on the software at E3. The other nerds I talk to seem to think what I think. But again, I added to the hearsay and I apologize.

    First off - try reading through the thread. I apologized for contradicting myself by adding hearsay and guesses, but that doesn't matter to you.

    Second - Like I said, don't speak about what you don't know. Go do some reading. WM apps can run on touch screens, as they have for years now. This really was a bad comment to make.

    So like I said, sorry for adding to hearsay, but at least I'm not adding complete misinformation as you are.

    You didn't understand what I meant. I'll explain it. See, if Apple did the same as Microsoft and gave us a glimpse of the 2009 Touch, we could compare. They haven't. So we can't. We know what's in the 3.0 update, but that's about it. Whatever awesome innovations Apple has up their sleeve, we can't speak to, and this is something a lot of people are doing.

    When we know more about the new Touch, it will make more sense to compare it's features to the features Microsoft has said the Zune will have.

    See, it's hard to have a serious discussion when you ignore reality. 30 million units sold isn't a "few." Besides that, do you seriously think they design these devices with the middle aged businessman in mind?

    OK... You do understand it's a pain to pick that TV up and take it with you right? Having the ability to plug an ipod directly into a TV doesn't mean much compared to being able to plug a device like the Zune into any TV (even the ones designed for the iphone/ipod.) I mean, I know video cables exist, but that's standard definition.

    Face it, HD video output capability is REALLY cool, and yes I do hope the Touch gets it. I'm not sitting here brown nosing Microsoft. Packard Bell could have made this thing, and if it did hat they said it did, I'd still be interested in it. It's why I'm holding out for a netbook that supports hdmi.

    glad we can agree on something.

    The HD is for video also. If you notice, it will have hd out capability. Of course it's little screen isn't going to be 1920x1080 or even 1280x720. Even if they could squeeze that pixel density into a screen, would it really make a difference? Is it really bothering you that the little screen isn't HD!? At that size, even standard definition looks great.

    As fas as babbling on about a product yet to be released, isn't that the norm around here? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't there been article after article posted containing "rumors" about the upcoming iphone or touch? Give me a break. If you want to ridicule me for doing this, you should ridicule everyone else as well.

    Listen, I know it's an odd concept, but I don't play favorites when it comes to technology. It may seem odd that I sit here and try to defend the positive traits the Zune HD carries against people's comments on how it sucks and won't beat the Touch 2009, but the honest truth is I couldn't care less about who made this product if I tried. If packard bell was behind the zune and announced these types of features, I'd still get stoked. I'm a TECHNOLOGY fanboy and I don't limit my preferences to a single company. That's boring and moronic. BTW I have an ipod touch 8gb. Isn't that WEIRD?

    Now, to squash this. I apologize for assuming the Windows CE OS will run apps designed for Windows CE. They heavily modified it so this might not be the case, but again, it will be made clearer at E3.

    I'm sorry that I said I think it seems to be a decent product and that the HD output intrigues me. I know by saying this, I did not join in with the collective consciousness around here and somehow ANGERED some folks.

    I'm sorry that because I think this might be a decent product, people here somehow think I don't like the Touch, hate Apple, and want to cradle Microsoft's balls with my chin and drink their gravy.

    I'm sorry that I have to say sorry when really, I see a lot worse.

    If anyone like bru cp is wondering: I don't come to an Apple site to start trouble, I don't come here to defend Microsoft no matter what and bash Apple. I come here because I'm interested in Apple news just as I am with any news in technology. I try not to attack anyone for their opinion, please don't attack me for mine.

    dude you posted this twice

    below is what i wrote above

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>repost >>>>>

    Dude maybe I was too strong I am sorry .It just seemed that you hate apple. I also wish zune the best . As you said its just a machine .

    Also it is misleading to say zune hd , when it does not play hd on the zune itself .99 percent of the people will never get it . They will be fooled . Now hd out means what ??? I first put hd into the zune and then I play it on my tv ???
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  • Reply 225 of 268
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    WOW i made a post to you . but its not here ??

    look i am sorry also

    i was too strong . i wish zune the best .

    peace ok

    Anyway it looks like the zune is HD. In most ways except it can't play full HD on its screen .It would burn out the battery anyway .

    But since it can handle HD files. It will or maybe will be an incredible x-box link and or an x-box lite player . << if that is true i will buy 3 right now .>>. x box has powerful data streaming thru. Halo 3 and all that .

    i wish they made more mac games .

    ya double post by me LOL
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  • Reply 226 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Galapagos View Post

    The fact there are people who think the new Zune is pretty, definitely proves the point that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; but i think those folks have a serious macular disease problem

    It's no uglier than the first gen Touch and certainly no worse than a white moused, black and silver, shiny screened, white wired iMac.
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  • Reply 227 of 268
    wplj42wplj42 Posts: 439member
    Originally Posted by RCO3 View Post

    Since the day I signed up for an unlimited 3G data plan for other purposes. Because I (and every other AT&T iPhone customer, AFAIK) already have a 3G plan (and I would even if I weren't required to), listening to MLB over 3G is free. I don't pay per game, I don't pay per byte. There is no monthly fee from MLB, either.

    I mean, if you are wanting to amortize my 3G plan costs over the usage share due to MLB.com's app, you might as well do the same thing for my home internet service and go ahead and amortize the cost of equipment, wiring, electricity to run the access point, etc. Or, you could look at it from the point of view of incremental cost: once I've invested in the infrastructure (iPhone 3G, dataplan), there is NO incremental cost.

    Did either of those answer the question you wanted to ask?

    I was making a modest attempt at humor. I would have no use for the iPhone, nor the additional expense of being able to use it. While radio has changed for the worse, it would be nice if the iPods had a built-in tuner. So far it isn't a deal breaker for the 75% of people who have iPods over other portable media devices. Guess I could just buy an AM/FM radio, but for the most part, it will not include anything to play other music. I don't wish to return to the cassette days. So far I have only seen one portable device with AM and FM. So I guess that is the one I want. Don't even get me started on Sirius XM. I could get baseball there. An iPhone app is coming, but will it get all of Sirius and XM? I doubt it will get more than is available via the Internet. So probably no baseball or other sports. I suppose Steve doesn't do radio, so why put it in the iPod? I, on the other hand, cannot imagine renting a movie on iTunes and watching part of it on an iPod. Steve and I are almost the same age, and born in similar areas. But we have absolutely nothing in common. <Grin!>
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  • Reply 228 of 268
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Yeah, that's what the HD out is. Lots of people I talk to love the idea of being able to carry around an hd movie collection in a small device. It might not play in HD on the screen, but it will play in HD when connected to an HD tv. So you WILL be able to watch your movies in crisp detail on the screen while riding the subway, but what's even better is you'll be able to watch it in crisp detail on a large HD tv when you arrive to your destination.

    I'm constantly bringing movies over to friend's houses. I would love it if I could bring a digital copy in a single device instead.


    i see. I play alot of movies on the subway . my black macbook is great compared to the old mac laptops for movies . the glossy screen does it .. But now the OLED WILL BE the future so i will wait until a large tablet or laptop 8in plus gets the OLED screen .

    I have a 1080p

    Aquos 32in TV i have only twice seen real HD /. Most times the TV drops down to 780 or 720. Which is still great. or so . Oddly it was a bootleg of star trek that was in HD . It sent chills down my spine . I turned it off after 5 minutes . Better to see in the movie theatre big screen .

    peace dude

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  • Reply 229 of 268
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by WPLJ42 View Post

    I was making a modest attempt at humor. I would have no use for the iPhone, nor the additional expense of being able to use it. While radio has changed for the worse, it would be nice if the iPods had a built-in tuner. So far it isn't a deal breaker for the 75% of people who have iPods over other portable media devices. Guess I could just buy an AM/FM radio, but for the most part, it will not include anything to play other music. I don't wish to return to the cassette days. So far I have only seen one portable device with AM and FM. So I guess that is the one I want. Don't even get me started on Sirius XM. I could get baseball there. An iPhone app is coming, but will it get all of Sirius and XM? I doubt it will get more than is available via the Internet. So probably no baseball or other sports. I suppose Steve doesn't do radio, so why put it in the iPod? I, on the other hand, cannot imagine renting a movie on iTunes and watching part of it on an iPod. Steve and I are almost the same age, and born in similar areas. But we have absolutely nothing in common. <Grin!>

    Yeah the HD radio is another feature that caught my eye. The reason is because where I live, for whatever reason, NOTHING comes in clear over standard FM. When I bought my car radio, I made sure had bluetooth and started looking at HD radio kits. It just got too expensive. If the zune hd has bluetooth, that will be cool because it means I'll finally have clear radio just as I have clear music now with my phone via bluetooth. If it doesn't have bluetooth I'll just use the auxillary input, but thats more wires.

    Either way, there ARE people who will make use of these things and enjoy them very much.
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  • Reply 230 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    It's no uglier than the first gen Touch and certainly no worse than a white moused, black and silver, shiny screened, white wired iMac.

    and here comes the trolling bag of $hit, right on cue. On Apple's behalf, allow me to apologize for their industrial design, which, despite award after award, obviously can't please everyone.
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  • Reply 231 of 268
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by WPLJ42 View Post

    I was making a modest attempt at humor. I would have no use for the iPhone, nor the additional expense of being able to use it. While radio has changed for the worse, it would be nice if the iPods had a built-in tuner. So far it isn't a deal breaker for the 75% of people who have iPods over other portable media devices. Guess I could just buy an AM/FM radio, but for the most part, it will not include anything to play other music. I don't wish to return to the cassette days. So far I have only seen one portable device with AM and FM. So I guess that is the one I want. Don't even get me started on Sirius XM. I could get baseball there. An iPhone app is coming, but will it get all of Sirius and XM? I doubt it will get more than is available via the Internet. So probably no baseball or other sports. I suppose Steve doesn't do radio, so why put it in the iPod? I, on the other hand, cannot imagine renting a movie on iTunes and watching part of it on an iPod. Steve and I are almost the same age, and born in similar areas. But we have absolutely nothing in common. <Grin!>

    There are a couple of very small devices you can add to your ipod that play am/fm or maybe just fm i forgot . itrip is the name ??

    You can play MLB over 3g on your itouch or iphone . Well that is what someone just said above us here. So read the whole topic pages 4,5,6 and you will see.

    Also THERE is away to stream internet radio to your home p/c network .and then stream from there to your itouch/iphone .

    Also you can D/L maybe great MUSIC shows as a podcast ,

    hundreds and play them at your leisure on any ipod model at all . or the zune .


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  • Reply 232 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    and here comes the trolling bag of $hit, right on cue. On Apple's behalf, allow me to apologize for their industrial design, which, despite award after award, obviously can't please everyone.

    Now you're making up kool-aid bullsheet. What multiple awards for that current iMac design?
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  • Reply 233 of 268
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    and here comes the trolling bag of $hit, right on cue. On Apple's behalf, allow me to apologize for their industrial design, which, despite award after award, obviously can't please everyone.

    hey man, no need for name calling. Don't let him get you mad like that.

    As far as Apple's designs goes, to each his own, know what I'm sayin? I think the aluminum MBP looks cool, but someone else might think it looks incredibly homosexual, something only gay men would want, but who cares?
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  • Reply 234 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    It's no uglier than the first gen Touch and certainly no worse than a white moused, black and silver, shiny screened, white wired iMac.

    teckcrud obviously prefers this design -

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  • Reply 235 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Now your making up kool-aid bullsheet. What multiple awards for that current iMac design?

    I was referring to apple's overall record of industrial design.


    The "iLamp" iMac also won awards....and for some reason I doubt anything Dell or Microsoft has designed is sitting in the Museum of Modern Art in new york.
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  • Reply 236 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Now you're making up kool-aid bullsheet. What multiple awards for that current iMac design?

    hey man, modify your posts all you want. You're entitled to not like the design of Apple's computers. Just recognize you're in the minority.
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  • Reply 237 of 268
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    teckcrud obviously prefers this design -


    I think he was pointing out the first generations of those products weren't the best looking. I don't see where he mentioned he liked cables lol.

    I've seen that image before, and it sparked a pretty ferocious conversation lol. You have to understand each one of those computers is a tool used for different things, and when you compare them, you see the toss up for having that compact design is a more expensive cost-to-performance ratio.

    Besides that, you can buy wireless mouse and keyboard using a compact usb bluetooth transmitter, and monitors with built in web cams.
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  • Reply 238 of 268
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    So that settles the whole "I need the av dock just to see my movies" argument.

    I don?t see how that was ever an argument. We know that it can output 720p to an external device so it was a given that those 720p files would reside on the device and play, downgraded, to the built-in display.
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  • Reply 239 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    I was referring to apple's overall record of industrial design.


    The "iLamp" iMac also won awards....and for some reason I doubt anything Dell or Microsoft has designed is sitting in the Museum of Modern Art in new york.

    We all know Apple's overall design is fantastic and award winning and there is no competition. But don't be spreading bullsheet and putting down something that is not an Apple product for that reason alone. That current mishmash of an iMac is not MOMA material by far.
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  • Reply 240 of 268
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I think it's kinda interesting that with Vista and Zune, and presumably Windows and WinMo 7, MS has really gone to town on the eye candy, while with OS X and the iPhone OS Apple has further refined a kind of low key pragmatism.

    Used to be that Windows folks pointed and laughed at Apple users for their unseemly devotion to "esthetics." XP and grim little text list and stylus based mobile devices were plenty fancy enough, because anything more was a waste of CPU cycles. Real people with real tasks didn't do "pretty." "Pretty" equaled "a toy", right?

    And here we are: the Zune HD is "better" than the iPod touch because it has flippy animations and "edgy" graphics and "fun" typography. Things like making the category headers so big you can't really read them does nothing whatsoever for usability, it just gives the UI a little kick the first time you see it. But that little kick-- the stuff that is there to signify that MS is hip and fun-- seems to be becoming more and more its signature style.

    And poor old Apple is stuck with their old fashioned ideas about how the UI ought to make it easier to do what you want to do and clearer as to how you would do that.

    So I guess I can dismiss the new Zune as a toy? Or should that be "declare toys the new awesome"?
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