Apple Store credit for those who bought previous 13'' unibody macBook?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I purchased the 13" unibody macBook in November of 2008 after much debating over specs, etc. In the end, I went with the cheaper, base 13'' unibody macBook which omitted the backlit keyboard and had no Firewire.

Now I fully expected to see spec improvements to the processor and HD, as normal, over the months. I have to be honest in saying I was furious to find out the new 13" macBook "Pro" includes all of the missing features plus more, and is a cheaper unit. So while I am left with a great machine, I essentially was robbed of crucial features--one of which, Firewire, is offered on the cheap plastic macBook!!

Anybody else think Apple should provide a voucher, or some Apple Store credit to those affected by these updates?


  • Reply 1 of 12
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    You bought a computer over 6 months ago, and now that the manufacturer has brought out a more capable model, you think you have some money coming and that the manufacturer was somehow "dishonest" to bring out a subsequent computer that was better than the computer you bought?


    Is it crazy day at Apple Insider? Apple announces a bunch of cool new shit and half the people here are having meltdowns because they are apparently freshly arrived from the Shire and find human style commerce to be outrageous. It's headache inducing.
  • Reply 2 of 12
    bamesbames Posts: 4member
    Updates I expected. But last November, I was put in a situation to either buy an expensive MacBook with no Firewire, a super expensive 15 inch MacBook Pro with Firewire, or the plastic model with Firewire but lowsy graphics card. I sacrificed the Firewire for the graphics. What was the point in leaving out the Firewire in the first place?

    The iPhone had a similar story once they upgraded to the 3G capabilities--and yes, people received a voucher for the shortcomings of the original.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I believe the window of eligibility for people who had bought a 2G iPhone getting a rebate for a 3G was about 2 weeks, not 6 months.

    Your situation is frustrating, but computer specs change all the time. Anyone buying any computer today will likely see a much better computer at the same or lower price point within the year, if not much sooner.

    Such improvements often take the form of simple upgrades, but they just as often include brand new features or functionality. The PC laptop you buy today, for instance, might well soon include a Blu-ray drive, and maybe you agonized over which model to buy for just this reason. Maybe you really wanted an LED backlight for your screen, but didn't get it because it would have meant jumping up in the model range past your budget-- but soon enough, the cheap computers get the LED anyway.

    Nobody refunds money based on these changes. It's just how it is. It's unfortunate for you that the particular feature you wanted, firewire, was dropped and then added back, but that isn't that uncommon in the industry-- manufacturers routinely shift features around and up and down their lineup in order to fine tune their sales model.

    Apple had reason to believe that firewire was underutilized on the MacBook, got an earful when they dropped it, and (to their credit) listened to their customers and put it back. But I don't think you can characterize that as pulling a fast one, and I don't think it gives you much of a standing when it comes to getting some kind of a refund.
  • Reply 4 of 12
    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Posts: 1,772member
    You bought exactly what was advertised to you. You didn't have to buy it, for that matter you didn't have to buy a Mac. Pardon my language, but shut the f*ck up.

    You want a voucher? Hock it on eBay and buy a new one. There's your voucher. Or live with what you paid for.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    Originally Posted by Bames View Post

    I purchased the 13" unibody macBook in November of 2008 after much debating over specs, etc. In the end, I went with the cheaper, base 13'' unibody macBook which omitted the backlit keyboard and had no Firewire.

    Now I fully expected to see spec improvements to the processor and HD, as normal, over the months. I have to be honest in saying I was furious to find out the new 13" macBook "Pro" includes all of the missing features plus more, and is a cheaper unit. So while I am left with a great machine, I essentially was robbed of crucial features--one of which, Firewire, is offered on the cheap plastic macBook!!

    Anybody else think Apple should provide a voucher, or some Apple Store credit to those affected by these, in my opinion, dishonest updates?

    Is this a serious post?
  • Reply 6 of 12
    bamesbames Posts: 4member
    FuturePastNow, you've successfully shut me the f*ck up. Btw, are you in the market for a used 13" unibody MacBook? It doesn't have Firewire.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    bamesbames Posts: 4member
    It was once a serious post, but all you savy folks have given me the reprimand I deserved. Apparently you've all learned to take Apple updates like this up the *** and so must I. It doesn't feel good... sniffle, sniffle.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Bames View Post

    It was once a serious post, but all you savy folks have given me the reprimand I deserved. Apparently you've all learned to take Apple updates like this up the *** and so must I. It doesn't feel good... sniffle, sniffle.

    Now, now. I can see being a little miffed at the chilly reception you got, but there's nothing unique to Apple about updated hardware coming out and not getting a rebate because the new stuff has features your old stuff doesn't.
  • Reply 9 of 12
    Originally Posted by Bames View Post

    Updates I expected. But last November, I was put in a situation to either buy an expensive MacBook with no Firewire, a super expensive 15 inch MacBook Pro with Firewire, or the plastic model with Firewire but lowsy graphics card. I sacrificed the Firewire for the graphics. What was the point in leaving out the Firewire in the first place?

    The iPhone had a similar story once they upgraded to the 3G capabilities--and yes, people received a voucher for the shortcomings of the original.

    The FireWire was left out to allow for a housing for the removable battery. At the time of the 13" unibody's debut the built-in battery was still undergoing testing. They even talked about the fact that removable batteries waste space compared with built-in ones.

    The "point" of leaving it out was because they couldn't possibly put it in. The built-in batteries were still in prototype phase.

    Your situation and the iPhone credit scenario are nothing alike.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    Originally Posted by Bames View Post

    I purchased the 13" unibody macBook in November of 2008 after much debating over specs, etc. In the end, I went with the cheaper, base 13'' unibody macBook which omitted the backlit keyboard and had no Firewire.

    Now I fully expected to see spec improvements to the processor and HD, as normal, over the months. I have to be honest in saying I was furious to find out the new 13" macBook "Pro" includes all of the missing features plus more, and is a cheaper unit. So while I am left with a great machine, I essentially was robbed of crucial features--one of which, Firewire, is offered on the cheap plastic macBook!!

    Anybody else think Apple should provide a voucher, or some Apple Store credit to those affected by these updates?

    New-Product-Burn is a cruel mistress. I suggest you become acquainted with Craigslist. Used Mac notebooks still fetch a nice premium online.

    I've been burned many times and I've learned to ride the wave. The 13" MacBook Pro was my dream machine for years.

    I've bounced around among a cache of Mac notebooks trying to get the full utility I once enjoyed from my 12" PB. The MBP 13 is simply stunning.

    I feel your pain but, like the others, I feel Apple owes you nothing for their innovation.

    I should also point out that your unibody 13" debuted in October of 2008. 8 months... just saying...
  • Reply 11 of 12
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member

    The "El Muerte" in me thinks you should be punished for buying the Unibody despite the lunatico raving coming from us Firewire fanbois.

    There's nothing Apple can do..yes the new MBP 13" is nicer but you purchased what you thought was an acceptable deal then and cannot renege now.

    Sell still has good value and buy the new laptop. Sometimes taking a small loss is a big win.
  • Reply 12 of 12
    Thanks for your posts. They are really very cool, very wonderful.

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