This must have been a design change that got approved when Steve Jobs was out of the office because he'd have literally physically kicked the engineers out of the room the second they slipped that card into the slot and left it sat there like a bare arse hanging from a window just waiting for a reeks of Dell...
Maybe one day they'll use a 1.8" SSD and free up some space that the hard drive is occupying now, and add some port space there (move the SD card and a USB port), and thus have space for ExpressCard again.
Also good for people who want some ports on the other side of the computer!
I had hopes of upgrading my 2 yr. old MBP but once I read that they moved this line to the internal battery I've decided I'm out of the market. I hate this new trend, why on earth they're forcing this down our throats I'll never know & I refuse to accept it. Apples move to Internal batteries, no netbook, no mid-size tower & slow internal hardware upgrades is getting a bit much. Like Nascar, the long time Apple supporters are starting to feel they're being ignored & left behind.
I just can't believe the kind of whining I am reading right now. Posts like this should never see the light. What kind of complain is that "the card doesn't enter complete, the half is out, the engineers have no imagination...", give me a REALLY BIG FUCKING BREAK! Are you a 6 years old girl? be a man please! How can you complain on that, that shows a people with too much unhappyness in his life. You will never be satisfied if you continue in that direction. The damn thing doesn't have a spring for pushing back the card? THANK GOD THEY DID IT THAT WAY. The less pieces - the better. Just imagine if the fucking spring just breaks or stop working because of use fatige. What will you do then? Then probable you will have an useless SD Card reader because of a fucking spring!! I THINK ALL SD READERS SHOULD BE LIKE THESE MACBOOKS HAVE. THESE GUYS REALLY DO THINK PROPERLY. REALLY THANK YOU APPLE ENGINEERS!!!
Apple brags about little design features like magnetic power adaptor connectors, retractible lid latches so the hooks don't get caught on anything (now replaced by magnetic latches), and display hinges slide display down and behind the bottom of the laptop so the display doesn't stick up as high and get hit by the guy sitting in front of you in coach when he lowers his seat back. They revel in telling us how their sleep indicator light has a slow, soft pulsing instead of a quick, boring flash.
So they have demonstrated that they are very conscious of the design aesthetic and space around your laptop. And they love to tell us about it. The SD slot design doesn't not live up to the standards Apple has established for itself. And Apple isn't so afraid of moving parts that it prevented them from putting the entire trackpad on a hinge and spring in order to make it one big button!
Spring loaded slots are in practically every camera out there, and I've never heard of one failing because the spring broke. I'd be more concerned about a broken SD card with half of it jammed inside of the slot and unable to get it out. If you think that the only use of the slot is to put a card in, download your photos, and take it out, we are neglecting a whole world of possibilities for use of the slot (boot drive, Time Machine backups, etc).
Would that SD slot design stop me from buying a MacBook Pro? No (but the lack of an ExpressCard slot might because that's what I really need...different topic). But isn't it great that Apple designs such great hardware that the only thing we have to complain about is this!!
I don't get the hoopla about the SD card. Most SD card readers, peripheral at least (I use a desktop), don't capture the whole card. Besides, how would you grab the card to pull it out? If it captured the entire thing, Apple would then have to place a physical ejector button on the side, and I can only assume that the Apple fanboys would freak out because their Macbook would sported an ugly side button. Pick your battles I guess, no?
"half the card hangs out of the side of the computer."
The new SDXC has capacity up to 2TB (repeat 2TB) per card and much faster speeds. Don't know if the new Mac SD slot can handle it or not or the exFAT format if it's required or not.
2 TB on that little tiny card.
So that large external hard drive i just bought is now junk ?
I can now hold more data in the palm of my hand than every book ever writen ??
I had hopes of upgrading my 2 yr. old MBP but once I read that they moved this line to the internal battery I've decided I'm out of the market. I hate this new trend, why on earth they're forcing this down our throats I'll never know & I refuse to accept it. Apples move to Internal batteries, no netbook, no mid-size tower & slow internal hardware upgrades is getting a bit much. Like Nascar, the long time Apple supporters are starting to feel they're being ignored & left behind.
I would like to see a replacable battery too, but I must say, the trade off for more time VS swappability is a reasonable move. in a former job as a Windows admin, I polled my 75 laptop usders to find how many used the $200 2nd batteries we bought them, the results were stunning, 1 sales engineer and an executive (who watches downloaded movies on trans continental flights) used the 2nd batteries, but both admitted it woulda been just as easy to plug in (I guess first class has plugs, I wouldn't know )
The batteries that I mention were rated for like 3 houirs, so they got from 90 to 120 MIN at best, the 7 hour apple battery may acctually get 3-4 for over 90% of users, that is fine, and as Apple said regaurding the cardbus slot, they no longer give a fuck about the 5%.
and as to nascar, I dont care about it any more because the first 3/4 of the season dont matter, screw the "chase to the race for the chase for the winston er sprint er nextel cup).
I can't believe this is an issue. I've waited 8 years for an SD card slot- WHO CARES! The SD card slot in itself is fantastic! Thank you , thank you Apple.
We will print and frame this post for future loves you back.
I just can't believe the kind of whining I am reading right now. Posts like this should never see the light. What kind of complain is that "the card doesn't enter complete, the half is out, the engineers have no imagination...", give me a REALLY BIG FUCKING BREAK! Are you a 6 years old girl? be a man please! How can you complain on that, that shows a people with too much unhappyness in his life. You will never be satisfied if you continue in that direction. The damn thing doesn't have a spring for pushing back the card? THANK GOD THEY DID IT THAT WAY. The less pieces - the better. Just imagine if the fucking spring just breaks or stop working because of use fatige. What will you do then? Then probable you will have an useless SD Card reader because of a fucking spring!! I THINK ALL SD READERS SHOULD BE LIKE THESE MACBOOKS HAVE. THESE GUYS REALLY DO THINK PROPERLY. REALLY THANK YOU APPLE ENGINEERS!!!
I can't believe many of the posts here. Put SD card in, download whatever, pull SD card out. Yay. Done. Spring-loaded magnetic induction whatever. Balls to that.
(Yes I'm to confused by all the posts to make a coherent one myself)
Then misplace SD card? Why not just just have a proper slot.
Originally Posted by surferfromuk
This must have been a design change that got approved when Steve Jobs was out of the office because he'd have literally physically kicked the engineers out of the room the second they slipped that card into the slot and left it sat there like a bare arse hanging from a window just waiting for a reeks of Dell...
Same as the name iPhone 3GS, he's gonna be pissed when he gets back.
Originally Posted by Wiggin
Apple brags about little design features ..........
Would that SD slot design stop me from buying a MacBook Pro? No (but the lack of an ExpressCard slot might because that's what I really need...different topic). But isn't it great that Apple designs such great hardware that the only thing we have to complain about is this!!
Excellent post. Completely agree.
Even 7 years after buying my Ti PowerBook people still comment on how nice the PCMCIA slot is with the cover and push button. Nowadays a card reader lives in the slot and is completely flush so I can keep a SD/Memory Stick in there and not worry about bending it or losing it.
In the 25 or so years I have been a Mac user and fan , this seems to be a typical design vs. cost ( and probably availbility) decision Apple seems to make with initial /new model releases . This is a beautiful piece of equipment ! Typical of the Apple we all love and support . I am among those that this desigh decision will cost Apple a sale,But only inatially ! I have been waiting for a 13" mbp to replace a 12" pb. I think I'll avoid the first release of this model, wait until they install a flush mounting slot , lets face it for a true portable from the # 1 manufacturer and designer in the world , this really is another one curious , if not embarrassing desigh decision. We all know what will happen with the first bump, say when you're on a plane, using it and the sleeping person next to you jerks awake in theie sleep amd accidentially bumps it !
Yup ! I'll wait for the proper flush mount version , then get one with a large ssd , hopefully more than 4 gb of ram , the next generation CPU , maybe even a quad core , good superdrive as the only moving part and few other things that hopefully come with a more mature model. I'll be fine for now . Hell . . . maybe I'll even look at the Air seriously, then again . . .
$1200 but a half ass SD card slot. It's almost like Apple really didn't really want to include the slot and as a big f.u only allowed the card to go half way in. Sweet.
Apple brags about little design features like ... lid latches ... sleep indicator light ...
After my last post, I was on Apple's web site reading up more on the new MBPs, and lo-and-behold, they spend an entire paragraph on their magnetic lid latch and another paragraph and pop-up video bragging about the sleep indicator light!
$1200 but a half ass SD card slot. It's almost like Apple really didn't really want to include the slot and as a big f.u only allowed the card to go half way in. Sweet.
Seriously, why are people upset with this? It's obviously designed with photographers in mind for quick photo transport. As a photographer I am so glad to have this quick means of file exchange available plus the firewire for video transport. And the reason it doesn't stick out of a camera is that it's usually the main means of camera storage. So I really don't get the comparison at all.
Finally, would you walk around with a USB stick attached to your computer? NO. Same thing.
I understand that a spring-loaded SD card slot that keeps the card flush would be ideal, but have you people looked at the teardown pics? There's no room. Nada. Nathan. Zip.
I admit I was disappointed when I discovered this, but I'm happy there's FW800 & a SD card slot where there was none before. I'm also happy it's bootable, and OS X recognizes an inserted card pretty damn quickly too.
It has a sub-woofer!?!
So is the audio output any good on the Macbook Pros then?
edit: checked and it has the same sub-woofer as the white Macbook. The output on the white macbook is pretty weak, any better on the Unibodies?
Also good for people who want some ports on the other side of the computer!
I just can't believe the kind of whining I am reading right now. Posts like this should never see the light. What kind of complain is that "the card doesn't enter complete, the half is out, the engineers have no imagination...", give me a REALLY BIG FUCKING BREAK! Are you a 6 years old girl? be a man please! How can you complain on that, that shows a people with too much unhappyness in his life. You will never be satisfied if you continue in that direction. The damn thing doesn't have a spring for pushing back the card? THANK GOD THEY DID IT THAT WAY. The less pieces - the better. Just imagine if the fucking spring just breaks or stop working because of use fatige. What will you do then? Then probable you will have an useless SD Card reader because of a fucking spring!! I THINK ALL SD READERS SHOULD BE LIKE THESE MACBOOKS HAVE. THESE GUYS REALLY DO THINK PROPERLY. REALLY THANK YOU APPLE ENGINEERS!!!
Apple brags about little design features like magnetic power adaptor connectors, retractible lid latches so the hooks don't get caught on anything (now replaced by magnetic latches), and display hinges slide display down and behind the bottom of the laptop so the display doesn't stick up as high and get hit by the guy sitting in front of you in coach when he lowers his seat back. They revel in telling us how their sleep indicator light has a slow, soft pulsing instead of a quick, boring flash.
So they have demonstrated that they are very conscious of the design aesthetic and space around your laptop. And they love to tell us about it. The SD slot design doesn't not live up to the standards Apple has established for itself. And Apple isn't so afraid of moving parts that it prevented them from putting the entire trackpad on a hinge and spring in order to make it one big button!
Spring loaded slots are in practically every camera out there, and I've never heard of one failing because the spring broke. I'd be more concerned about a broken SD card with half of it jammed inside of the slot and unable to get it out. If you think that the only use of the slot is to put a card in, download your photos, and take it out, we are neglecting a whole world of possibilities for use of the slot (boot drive, Time Machine backups, etc).
Would that SD slot design stop me from buying a MacBook Pro? No (but the lack of an ExpressCard slot might because that's what I really need...different topic). But isn't it great that Apple designs such great hardware that the only thing we have to complain about is this!!
Screw the moaning about the card....
It has a sub-woofer!?!
So is the audio output any good on the Macbook Pros then?
edit: checked and it has the same sub-woofer as the white Macbook. The output on the white macbook is pretty weak, any better on the Unibodies?
yeah, I came here to ask about the subwoofer too. What's the deal with THAT? is it a typo?
"half the card hangs out of the side of the computer."
The new SDXC has capacity up to 2TB (repeat 2TB) per card and much faster speeds. Don't know if the new Mac SD slot can handle it or not or the exFAT format if it's required or not.
2 TB on that little tiny card.
So that large external hard drive i just bought is now junk ?
I can now hold more data in the palm of my hand than every book ever writen ??
If hubble was alive today.
I had hopes of upgrading my 2 yr. old MBP but once I read that they moved this line to the internal battery I've decided I'm out of the market. I hate this new trend, why on earth they're forcing this down our throats I'll never know & I refuse to accept it. Apples move to Internal batteries, no netbook, no mid-size tower & slow internal hardware upgrades is getting a bit much. Like Nascar, the long time Apple supporters are starting to feel they're being ignored & left behind.
I would like to see a replacable battery too, but I must say, the trade off for more time VS swappability is a reasonable move. in a former job as a Windows admin, I polled my 75 laptop usders to find how many used the $200 2nd batteries we bought them, the results were stunning, 1 sales engineer and an executive (who watches downloaded movies on trans continental flights) used the 2nd batteries, but both admitted it woulda been just as easy to plug in (I guess first class has plugs, I wouldn't know
The batteries that I mention were rated for like 3 houirs, so they got from 90 to 120 MIN at best, the 7 hour apple battery may acctually get 3-4 for over 90% of users, that is fine, and as Apple said regaurding the cardbus slot, they no longer give a fuck about the 5%.
and as to nascar, I dont care about it any more because the first 3/4 of the season dont matter, screw the "chase to the race for the chase for the winston er sprint er nextel cup).
I can't believe this is an issue. I've waited 8 years for an SD card slot- WHO CARES! The SD card slot in itself is fantastic! Thank you , thank you Apple.
We will print and frame this post for future loves you back.
I just can't believe the kind of whining I am reading right now. Posts like this should never see the light. What kind of complain is that "the card doesn't enter complete, the half is out, the engineers have no imagination...", give me a REALLY BIG FUCKING BREAK! Are you a 6 years old girl? be a man please! How can you complain on that, that shows a people with too much unhappyness in his life. You will never be satisfied if you continue in that direction. The damn thing doesn't have a spring for pushing back the card? THANK GOD THEY DID IT THAT WAY. The less pieces - the better. Just imagine if the fucking spring just breaks or stop working because of use fatige. What will you do then? Then probable you will have an useless SD Card reader because of a fucking spring!! I THINK ALL SD READERS SHOULD BE LIKE THESE MACBOOKS HAVE. THESE GUYS REALLY DO THINK PROPERLY. REALLY THANK YOU APPLE ENGINEERS!!!
Time for your nap dude. Milk and cookie's later.
People here are just chit chatting .
I can't believe many of the posts here. Put SD card in, download whatever, pull SD card out. Yay. Done. Spring-loaded magnetic induction whatever. Balls to that.
(Yes I'm to confused by all the posts to make a coherent one myself)
Then misplace SD card? Why not just just have a proper slot.
This must have been a design change that got approved when Steve Jobs was out of the office because he'd have literally physically kicked the engineers out of the room the second they slipped that card into the slot and left it sat there like a bare arse hanging from a window just waiting for a reeks of Dell...
Same as the name iPhone 3GS, he's gonna be pissed when he gets back.
Apple brags about little design features ..........
Would that SD slot design stop me from buying a MacBook Pro? No (but the lack of an ExpressCard slot might because that's what I really need...different topic). But isn't it great that Apple designs such great hardware that the only thing we have to complain about is this!!
Excellent post. Completely agree.
Even 7 years after buying my Ti PowerBook people still comment on how nice the PCMCIA slot is with the cover and push button. Nowadays a card reader lives in the slot and is completely flush so I can keep a SD/Memory Stick in there and not worry about bending it or losing it.
Yup ! I'll wait for the proper flush mount version , then get one with a large ssd , hopefully more than 4 gb of ram , the next generation CPU , maybe even a quad core , good superdrive as the only moving part and few other things that hopefully come with a more mature model. I'll be fine for now . Hell . . . maybe I'll even look at the Air seriously, then again . . .
Apple brags about little design features like ... lid latches ... sleep indicator light ...
There are only two sentences (on another page) about the SD slot.
$1200 but a half ass SD card slot. It's almost like Apple really didn't really want to include the slot and as a big f.u only allowed the card to go half way in. Sweet.
Wait til the blu-ray drives arrive- tray style!
Finally, would you walk around with a USB stick attached to your computer? NO. Same thing.
I admit I was disappointed when I discovered this, but I'm happy there's FW800 & a SD card slot where there was none before. I'm also happy it's bootable, and OS X recognizes an inserted card pretty damn quickly too.