Apple sued over 'false' iTunes card promises



  • Reply 21 of 48
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by lightstriker View Post

    These people are buying gift cards to give to themselves in June/July?

    You've never heard of birthdays, Father's day, Mother's Day, or an iTunes Gift card to simply put money on Junior's iTunes account so Mom & Pop don't have to put their CC info on his account?
  • Reply 22 of 48
    On an iTunes card with the 4G iPod, it says, "Download $15 worth of songs." it also says on the back that Apple "makes no warrantees, expressed or implied, with respect to prepaid cards or the iTunes Music Store and disclaim any warranty to the fullest extent available." The latest version of the iTunes Store card, which mentions apps, and features a silhouette person holding what appears to be an iPod Touch, has similar text on the back.

    Can anyone say, "frivolous lawsuit"?
  • Reply 23 of 48
    When buying gift cards, you're buying a dollar amount, not a quantity of items, otherwise itunes gift cards should be 10 songs instead of $9.99. I hope Barbara and Daniel loses the case and is stuck to pay the legal fees.

    People in this country sue for the stupidest things and raises prices for everyone else.
  • Reply 24 of 48
    denmarudenmaru Posts: 208member
    Don't wanna ne an american idiot....
  • Reply 25 of 48
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    well, this is the stupidest lawsuit that I have seen.

    No one was really hurt here. but... of course the lawyers who bring this "Class Action" suit will settle and get their "Fees" Ridiculous!

    You're not really clear on when to use quotation marks, are you?
  • Reply 26 of 48
    mitchelljdmitchelljd Posts: 167member
    Originally Posted by R36 #9346 View Post

    On an iTunes card with the 4G iPod, it says, "Download $15 worth of songs." it also says on the back that Apple "makes no warrantees, expressed or implied, with respect to prepaid cards or the iTunes Music Store and disclaim any warranty to the fullest extent available." The latest version of the iTunes Store card, which mentions apps, and features a silhouette person holding what appears to be an iPod Touch, has similar text on the back.

    Can anyone say, "frivolous lawsuit"?

    in this kind of a lawsuit, it really isnt for any real consumers that had problems, it is really about legal fees. namely... the lawyers that create this class action and sue, will later settle and try for legal fees. and some kind of stupid coupon, credit or something. its possible these numskulls think apple would settle.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    What a surprise that they are looking for "They also seek "additional relief" where possible."
  • Reply 28 of 48
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    It's not a HUGE amount of money, and I suspect Apple Customer Service would simply take the card back and refund it, if lawyers weren't on the trail of bigger gains. But Apple IS in the wrong. Apple DID sell cards that were labeled misleadingly.

    The label may have been misleading because they're outdated, but almost certainly not with any intent to mislead. I can see this being a debacle if it looked like they intended to mislead, but without that, it would probably be difficult to get a judgment in your favor.

    Originally Posted by rdhazrd View Post

    Seriously? Apple's in the wrong, not say Wal-Mart for keeping the card in question on the shelf? Unless this card was bought at an Apple store I don't see how Apple could be at fault. I'm guessing the card says something about prices can change and what not.

    Maybe Apple could have sent a recall note. But these days, given that just about every store of every kind sells iTunes cards, is that really a problem worth solving? If the cards contained toxic materials or so poorly made that some shattered into infant-edible fragments, then it might be worth it the recall effort.

    Also, if you want, you can still buy lots of $0.99 cent songs. It's not as if all songs now are $1.29. And if you can find them, there might be about 10 token $0.69 songs. It's a game of Where's Waldo, except involving the lies of the RIAA.
  • Reply 29 of 48
    bigmc6000bigmc6000 Posts: 767member
    What about TAX?!?!?! Hello?!?!?! $25 iTunes cards have NEVER been good for 25 songs in Texas as it's taxed! (I'm not sure how many other states are like this but I've had my iTunes purchases taxed for quite a while now) So maybe I should sue Apple for saying 25 songs when they d@mn well know I can't buy 25 songs? Good Lord people, come on, let's think about this for a second - it's a $15 iTunes gift card and specifically says $15 on it - guess how much music that will buy. Yep, you guessed it - $15 worth. For those of us in states with tax it's never been 15 songs. This is a big time "get over it, being an idiot doesn't mean the legal system should reward your idiocy."
  • Reply 30 of 48
    fulldecentfulldecent Posts: 108member
    >> It lists iTunes 4.7 as one of the system requirements. It could still be activated and used, though.

    Ask your mom what version of iTunes she has?
  • Reply 31 of 48
    fulldecentfulldecent Posts: 108member
    I am declaring this thread as journalism 1.0 until we see an actual photo of the gift card in question and we are able to make our own judgements.
  • Reply 32 of 48
    clymansclymans Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by lightstriker View Post

    These people are buying gift cards to give to themselves in June/July? Fuck Santa, Jesus, Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima in DEcember.

    Maybe they don't do it where you live, but many of the convenience stores around here sell iTunes cards at 10% off face value. Why wouldn't you buy gift cards for ALL of your purchases if this discount is available?

    Also, BJ's Wholesale Club regularly sells 3 packs of $10.00 iTunes cards for $25.00. Again, why would you pay full price in the store when this option could be available to you?

    Not to mention Father's Day, Birthday, etc., as the other respondent to your post pointed out.
  • Reply 33 of 48
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by jm6032 View Post

    I don't have one of the gift cards so maybe I missed something, but if I had one, and it said songs on iTunes are $0.99, and then I tried to buy a $0.99 tune and it didn't work, then maybe I would have a complaint.

    Apple, if they were smart, should never quantify things like "all songs .99¢" especially knowing all the shoots and ladders they had to go through to get the contracts with all the record companies and the pain in the backside they were. Unless Apple quantified the price with a caveat or expiration date. But for Apple to state flat out that 'ALL songs .99¢' when they don't control the material and are limited by contract from the various music labels that own the rights to the catalogs of music was dumb. Kind of like ordering t-shirts silk screened with a timed certain event like 'Mardi Gras 2009!' and after it's over, what to do with those left over t-shirts? Sell them at Mardi Gras 2010? Doubt it but Good Luck with that. If they left off the date and had a cool design, they could be sold multiple years at multiple Mardi Gras, as it were.

    Apple, LEAVE PRICE SPECIFICS OFF at least regarding products you don't own and without any caveats!. Would prevent a lot of headaches.

    That said, the lawsuit is just as stupid also. No common sense in some people these days! Can't see the forest for the trees.
  • Reply 34 of 48

    Here's what it says :-

    Download your favorite songs, TV shows and music videos. Buy songs for 99c and videos for $1.99. Millions of choices, any day, anytime.

    So the question is would "Buy songs for 99c" suggest to you that all songs were 99c or simply that it was possible to buy songs at 99c (which is technically true).
  • Reply 35 of 48
    jeffharrisjeffharris Posts: 822member
    I have no brain. I will call a lawyer to sue someone and buy one for me.

    Idiots, or maybe scheming swine, like this should just be taken out and beaten to a bloody pulp.

  • Reply 36 of 48
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by Chase R View Post

    Apple definitely is in the wrong here, no doubt, but filing a lawsuit about it? Seriously? People like this really make me sick.

    Yes you do sometimes have to file a lawsuit. Lawsuits can be used to force correct and legal action on the part of a company, not just to take money from a company.

    The respectable use of a lawsuit here would be to force Apple to accept those cards at face value....number of songs and not cost. This is purely Apple's fault for not thinking ahead to cover their butts.
  • Reply 37 of 48
    bigmc6000bigmc6000 Posts: 767member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Yes you do sometimes have to file a lawsuit. Lawsuits can be used to force correct and legal action on the part of a company, not just to take money from a company.

    The respectable use of a lawsuit here would be to force Apple to accept those cards at face value....number of songs and not cost. This is purely Apple's fault for not thinking ahead to cover their butts.

    If you redeem a $15 card and you don't get $15 credit then, yes, Apple should be forced to accept those cards at face value but guess what - face value isn't "15 songs" - it's $15 - ignorance and stupidity is no excuse suing someone...
  • Reply 38 of 48
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Yes you do sometimes have to file a lawsuit. Lawsuits can be used to force correct and legal action on the part of a company, not just to take money from a company.

    The respectable use of a lawsuit here would be to force Apple to accept those cards at face value....number of songs and not cost. This is purely Apple's fault for not thinking ahead to cover their butts.

    Your screenname says it about read the whole post before adding a comment that's already been added and I might add proven wrong.
  • Reply 39 of 48
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by raymccrae View Post

    Here's what it says :-

    Download your favorite songs, TV shows and music videos. Buy songs for 99c and videos for $1.99. Millions of choices, any day, anytime.

    So the question is would "Buy songs for 99c" suggest to you that all songs were 99c or simply that it was possible to buy songs at 99c (which is technically true).

    I was just about to say that.... he have an case of people being idiots, or may more conniving to think they can try and take advantage of situation.

    this is no different than buying any gift card with a $ value on it for any store or business and them increasing their prices. You can come around later and say hey you raised your price since you bought it and you have to now give me the product at the price when i bought the card. Does not work that way.

    Just another classic class of a stupid lawyer taking on a case and no tell these people they have no case.

    Oh, by the way I have a number of gift card credit to my account which date back a year ago, and ops i bough apps with it, no where on that gift card did it say i could use it for apps, i am going to sue them since i wanted only to use it for songs.
  • Reply 40 of 48
    timontimon Posts: 152member
    Originally Posted by raymccrae View Post

    Here's what it says :-

    Download your favorite songs, TV shows and music videos. Buy songs for 99c and videos for $1.99. Millions of choices, any day, anytime.

    So the question is would "Buy songs for 99c" suggest to you that all songs were 99c or simply that it was possible to buy songs at 99c (which is technically true).

    Your right, Apple still sells songs at 99c so they are not deceiving anyone. They also happen to sell other songs for more and less than 99c and in fact they give some away for free.

    So what this idiot couple are saying is "Apple can change their pricing without giving us back money." Are you kidding! That the most stupid thing I've heard. Apple is living up to their promise and allowing you to buy many songs for 99c but they NEVER said all songs would be 99c forever.

    Now the fact that there are old display cards that don't talk about the fact you can buy some songs at 69c and other at $1.29 does not mean that those cards have to be taken off the shelf. Anyone that has had an iTunes account has know for a long time prior to the change that Apple was going to switch to a multi-tier pricing structure. So anyone buying cards after the switch should have know about it.

    Bottom line is that these are money grubbing SOBs that thing the world owes them and they found a slime bag lawyer who was willing to file the suit. I for one hopes that the Judge order the couple and the lawyer to pay all of Apples legal fees and fines them to boot.
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