Ad for Palm Pre



  • Reply 21 of 37
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    A couple points, first I didn't say they would get all 6 million. I stated a fraction of them would be a big market boost

    I know exactly what you said. But a fraction of ... say ... 2 million... is a lot smaller than of 6 million.


    Second, I'm pretty (if memory serves right) that Apple spent almost the entire first year in only the domestic market with AT&T.

    No They sold the 3G iPhone in the UK, France and Germany around the end of 2007.


    Also it isn't like they have to grab them all at once. Let's be optimistic and say they get 10% of iPhone 2G users. That would be an extra 50,000 sales per month for the entire first year. Not a bad return at all for a direct ad appeal. Some might have upgraded, but then again, some might be tired enough of AT&T to terminate early.

    Targeting a known market segment and offering them more for less reflects a very sound business strategy.

    I don't claim to be an ad person. I do know that simple ideas that appeal to a brand identity seem to do better in my view. Two guys representing computers worked best for Apple. Dancing two dimensional shapes, people, etc. worked for the iPhone. A lot of the iPhone people aren't automatically Mac people. They might be PC people, or converts from any number of areas who don't have the whole Apple philosophy and history of understanding in their mentality.

    People on these forums post threads about momentum all the time and who has it. Maybe the whole purpose will do nothing more than generate a headline that says 10% of early iPhone adopters buy the Pre. Business is war and anything that helps alter the perception and trajectory of people probably toward a business helps that business. Apple does this all the time. They take a small number, make it seem like a good stake in the ground and then see, now imagine this a year from now, or two years.

    Well that's great, and I wish them every success, but that has nothing to do with the point. You are the one that compared Apple's ads (targeting a competitor), with this Sprint ad.

    Someone posted that the campaigns were different and you said that was wrong. I have been trying to explain how these two campaigns differ...


    One of those groups should certainly be iPhone users.

    ... and the Sprint advertisement targets that one group, while the 'Get a Mac' ads target .... well... pretty much everyone. That's the difference.
  • Reply 22 of 37
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    The reason this ad is an epic fail while the apple ads are not is the presumption that folks are pissed off at the iPhone. Odds are they aren't piseed off based on the number of GS buyers...even as crappy as AT&T is given that Sprint sucks even worse. If the Pre was launched on Verizon the ad would work a lot better. Hey, here's a phone as good as the iPhone on a network that doesn't suck. Welcome back to Verizon.

    On the other hand, the Apple ads targets windows users tired of windows (a good number of those given XP security and Vista) with a solution that sucks less (OSX), not sucks more (Sprint).

    With Windows 7, Apple is likely to take a new tack.
  • Reply 23 of 37
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    I know exactly what you said. But a fraction of ... say ... 2 million... is a lot smaller than of 6 million.

    No They sold the 3G iPhone in the UK, France and Germany around the end of 2007.

    Well that's great, and I wish them every success, but that has nothing to do with the point. You are the one that compared Apple's ads (targeting a competitor), with this Sprint ad.

    Someone posted that the campaigns were different and you said that was wrong. I have been trying to explain how these two campaigns differ...

    ... and the Sprint advertisement targets that one group, while the 'Get a Mac' ads target .... well... pretty much everyone. That's the difference.

    The point was that a poster claimed that comparing yourself to your competitor was...that type of advertising always looks desperate and carries the stink of death.

    It isn't.

    The second claim was that they are different. It is effective and both are comparing and competing against the perceived leader in terms of standards within their respective markets. It isn't a straight up comparison, but smartphone to smartphone, it works. Conflating it with overall cell phones doesn't change that.
  • Reply 24 of 37
    I've noticed that if you think an ad is stupid, you're labeled an Apple Fanboy.
  • Reply 25 of 37
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by His Dudeness View Post

    I've noticed that if you think an ad is stupid, you're labeled an Apple Fanboy.

    Is it not true?
  • Reply 26 of 37
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    The point was that a poster claimed that comparing yourself to your competitor was...that type of advertising always looks desperate and carries the stink of death.

    It isn't.

    I agree. And sadly AI is seeing an ever increasing number of such posts.


    The second claim was that they are different. It is effective and both are comparing and competing against the perceived leader in terms of standards within their respective markets. It isn't a straight up comparison, but smartphone to smartphone, it works. Conflating it with overall cell phones doesn't change that.

    Sprint's advertising may or may not be effective, but my contention that Apple and Sprint's choice of 'target' IS different, still remains. Apple is targeting everybody else. Sprint is targeting a player with just 20-30% of the US smart phone market. Rim is still the leader. As either a % or as a real figure the market for US, consumer PC owners is a lot larger than ALL the us iPhone owners.

    Look, our whole conversation might become irrelevant if this one ad is only part of a campaign. Is Sprint advertising on TV? Is there a larger press campaign? I don't know
  • Reply 27 of 37
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    The point was that a poster claimed that comparing yourself to your competitor was...that type of advertising always looks desperate and carries the stink of death.

    It isn't.

    It's not the stink of death but it certainly isn't an inspired one.

    Take BK vs McDonalds. When their marketing went toe to toe against McDs they gained no ground. When they shifted their marketing away from McD's core demographic strengths (kids and moms) to teens and adults they started gaining a lot of ground.

    Trying to take share away from Apple or RIM is idiotic. Apple didn't even go after RIM in their business stronghold. They aren't stupid. They went for the easy win in the consumer space. Two models later they still aren't SERIOUSLY going toe to toe against RIM even with the enterprise upgrades but nibbling around the edges with smaller buisnesses.

    The ad would be a heck of a lot better if it said:

    "We're back! The new Pre is everything a Palm should be."

    There were plenty of Palm adherents and it wasn't too long ago that everybody in business had a Palm PDA. They shouldn't mention Apple at all given that any direct comparison is likely to be highly negative given how poorly they've performed the last several years. The corporate message should be a bit of mea culpa coupled with "we got a new product that we're really proud to call Palm" and invite folks to give Palm a second (or in somce folks cases, a third) chance.

    So in this case, going toe to toe against the iPhone IS the stink of death given that Palm isn't thinking very well strategically. Building an iPhone killer is the LAST thing they want to do. They want to position themselves as Palm back at the top of their OWN game. And folks like underdogs and I think many ex-Palm owners still have reasonably good memories of Palm products before they tanked. If they don't have a BB or iPhone they might switch from a winmo or linux smartphone to give them another shot rather than the 3 GS.

    WinMo is the weak player (besides Palm itself). They should target an easy target before they take on the iPhone or BB. Then with the NEXT great phone go after Apple or RIM. In this case RIM might be easier than Apple given that Pre is more sexy than most BB and Palm knows business...or at least used to.

    What you see is hubris and lack of self confidence at the same time. If that isn't the stink of death I dunno what is.
  • Reply 28 of 37
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    I think that they made a mistake with this ad campaign, they should have used an old apple. Looking at this just makes me hungry for an apple, and intense red color of the apple peel makes the pre look less appealing...

    they shoulda laid out the price argument:

    Unlimited voice data GPS Map service and sms/mms:

    iphone 3gs AT&T: $159 (no MMS as of today price will be the same when mms is live)

    Pre Sprint: $99 for everything, and MMS works today!

    With nearly everyone that I know of losing jobs, getting pay cuts, or at best not getting raises or promotions these days, that would be a great point to push...

    37% off is a good headline.
  • Reply 29 of 37
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    they shoulda laid out the price argument:

    Unlimited voice data GPS Map service and sms/mms:

    iphone 3gs AT&T: $159 (no MMS as of today price will be the same when mms is live)

    Pre Sprint: $99 for everything, and MMS works today!

    With nearly everyone that I know of losing jobs, getting pay cuts, or at best not getting raises or promotions these days, that would be a great point to push...

    37% off is a good headline.

    If you lost your job you should pay the $175 termination fee and drop your expensive monthly cell, cable, etc contracts and switch to a pay as you go phone.

    The target audience for both the Pre and iPhone probably doesn't care that much. $99/month is effectively the same as $159/month. Plus, a lot of us aren't paying $159 a month or we'd all be eligible for a new subisidzed 3GS...
  • Reply 30 of 37
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Sprints biggest issue is LOSING it's present customers if

    they don't stop that bleeding well they are done the ad is

    about telling present sprint customers we can take

    care of you so don't leave us

    but they did not make it simple to stay withsprint that is

    why they are doomed. Check the stats for net customer base

    loss. The pre has not been handled well as a bandaid

    using the iPhone as a target only invites the direct comparison

    as already discussed

    do you think an iPhone owner will switch?
  • Reply 31 of 37
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    I agree. And sadly AI is seeing an ever increasing number of such posts.

    Sprint's advertising may or may not be effective, but my contention that Apple and Sprint's choice of 'target' IS different, still remains. Apple is targeting everybody else. Sprint is targeting a player with just 20-30% of the US smart phone market. Rim is still the leader. As either a % or as a real figure the market for US, consumer PC owners is a lot larger than ALL the us iPhone owners.

    Look, our whole conversation might become irrelevant if this one ad is only part of a campaign. Is Sprint advertising on TV? Is there a larger press campaign? I don't know

    Let me put it across this way. In my opinion, smartphone is a false distinction. When you ask someone to define it, you never get the same definition and basically what it boils down to are people who are "high end" in the cellphone market and don't mind spending more to improve their productivity, real or perceived.

    One of the criticisms about Apple is the fact that they WON'T go after the entire PC market. They will not tackle the low end, low margin aspects of the market. They specifically highlight this aspect.

    So no, Apple isn't targeting the entire PC market. They aren't targeting econoboxes. They aren't targeting netbooks. They aren't targeting the majority at all. They are targeting the small segment they meet. They are targeting those who value their time and don't mind a larger upfront cost to improve their productivity.

    To me, that sounds like exactly the smartphone distinction.

    That's my last word on it too.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    It's not the stink of death but it certainly isn't an inspired one.

    Take BK vs McDonalds. When their marketing went toe to toe against McDs they gained no ground. When they shifted their marketing away from McD's core demographic strengths (kids and moms) to teens and adults they started gaining a lot of ground.

    Trying to take share away from Apple or RIM is idiotic. Apple didn't even go after RIM in their business stronghold. They aren't stupid. They went for the easy win in the consumer space. Two models later they still aren't SERIOUSLY going toe to toe against RIM even with the enterprise upgrades but nibbling around the edges with smaller buisnesses.

    The ad would be a heck of a lot better if it said:

    "We're back! The new Pre is everything a Palm should be."

    There were plenty of Palm adherents and it wasn't too long ago that everybody in business had a Palm PDA. They shouldn't mention Apple at all given that any direct comparison is likely to be highly negative given how poorly they've performed the last several years. The corporate message should be a bit of mea culpa coupled with "we got a new product that we're really proud to call Palm" and invite folks to give Palm a second (or in somce folks cases, a third) chance.

    So in this case, going toe to toe against the iPhone IS the stink of death given that Palm isn't thinking very well strategically. Building an iPhone killer is the LAST thing they want to do. They want to position themselves as Palm back at the top of their OWN game. And folks like underdogs and I think many ex-Palm owners still have reasonably good memories of Palm products before they tanked. If they don't have a BB or iPhone they might switch from a winmo or linux smartphone to give them another shot rather than the 3 GS.

    WinMo is the weak player (besides Palm itself). They should target an easy target before they take on the iPhone or BB. Then with the NEXT great phone go after Apple or RIM. In this case RIM might be easier than Apple given that Pre is more sexy than most BB and Palm knows business...or at least used to.

    What you see is hubris and lack of self confidence at the same time. If that isn't the stink of death I dunno what is.

    We clearly disagree here. I can see your view, but obviously Palm wants a break with the past rather than just recalling old goodwill.

    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    they shoulda laid out the price argument:

    Unlimited voice data GPS Map service and sms/mms:

    iphone 3gs AT&T: $159 (no MMS as of today price will be the same when mms is live)

    Pre Sprint: $99 for everything, and MMS works today!

    With nearly everyone that I know of losing jobs, getting pay cuts, or at best not getting raises or promotions these days, that would be a great point to push...

    37% off is a good headline.

    Clearly since Microsoft is hitting the value angle as well, something about the numbers out there show it as a good strategy. Walmart is crushing retailers like Target as an example. Given how long iPhone users have been clamoring for GPS, the free GPS is a very compelling feature to advertise as you note. The fact that first generation iPhone users WON'T get GPS or even MMS is really something that would be worth hitting in an ad.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    If you lost your job you should pay the $175 termination fee and drop your expensive monthly cell, cable, etc contracts and switch to a pay as you go phone.

    The target audience for both the Pre and iPhone probably doesn't care that much. $99/month is effectively the same as $159/month. Plus, a lot of us aren't paying $159 a month or we'd all be eligible for a new subisidzed 3GS...

    Everyone cares about money. Being able to cut your expenses by a third while being able to keep doing what you already do is a profoundly appealing purchase argument.

    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    Sprints biggest issue is LOSING it's present customers if

    they don't stop that bleeding well they are done the ad is

    about telling present sprint customers we can take

    care of you so don't leave us

    but they did not make it simple to stay withsprint that is

    why they are doomed. Check the stats for net customer base

    loss. The pre has not been handled well as a bandaid

    using the iPhone as a target only invites the direct comparison

    as already discussed

    do you think an iPhone owner will switch?

    While Sprint isn't the greatest thing ever, they offer a very fair value and according to the Washington Post, they have managed to stem the bleeding and are ready to turn it around.


    By some measures, Sprint is turning a corner. While the company lost 182,000 total subscribers in the first quarter, this was a small fraction of the 1.27 million who bolted in the fourth quarter of last year. The company also improved its financial health in the first quarter through cost cuts that increased cash holdings to $796 million, from $536 million in the fourth quarter. Sprint, meanwhile, paid down $800 million in debt, chipping away at its total debt of $17.1 billion.

    Not perfect, but certainly much better. I know that when my next contract is up, I'm willing to give Sprint a look whereas before I wasn't. I'm on Verizon now and I will NOT give AT&T a look because they offer no bundles and terrible service where I live. Paying more to get less just doesn't appeal to me.
  • Reply 32 of 37
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    If you lost your job you should pay the $175 termination fee and drop your expensive monthly cell, cable, etc contracts and switch to a pay as you go phone.

    The target audience for both the Pre and iPhone probably doesn't care that much. $99/month is effectively the same as $159/month. Plus, a lot of us aren't paying $159 a month or we'd all be eligible for a new subisidzed 3GS...

    First, I wanted to compare directly, for the same exact level of service.

    second, I did lose my job in Feb. I kept my iphone contract and service at the same level, because I have a savings account that I regularly added to for "rainy days" I could do this with little financial pressure. The iphone was key in helping me land the job I started this week. In fact, they called with the offer while I was at a job fair, and I was able to immediately reply to the formal offer letter sent out via email. I cant tell you how crucial something like the iphone is when you are job hunting, I could not have done the massive job search that I did as rapidly as I did without a smartphone on me 24x7. and while my bill is slightly less than $100/Mo, I woulda been fucked were it not for the roll over minutes that I hadnt used when not job hunting...

    In short, I did cut cable, but I increased my DSL speed, kept my cell phone, killed things like Audible, cut way down on music and tv shopw purchases, from like 10 items per month to maybe 1, and cut back in many other ways, but I did not cut my connectivity to the people who want to hire people like me, that would be stupid.

    I would say that anyone who cant keep a smart phone while job hunting, at least for the first 10 months, is in one of two positions: a career that pays very little in which they shouldnt have been paying for an iphone before being laid off, and people who made plenty of scratch but dont understand that you must save for a rainy day...or week. I knew it was bad in 2007 when I talked to a banker about a mortgage and the bank offered me a HUGE loan with no money down, no background check and they didnt even bother to call my employer and confirm my job, let alone my income from it...I RAN from that transaction and started pooring cash into savings cause I saw a storm coming.

    as to the second part, you say that iPhoen users dont care about price? are you insane? have you ever read the whiney threads the day after apple cuts a price? the chears when Apple announced Snowleopard cost points, and the recent upgerade price fiasco with ATT on the 3gs? Apple fans most certinly do care about price, they just want the OSX/iPhone experience, and they have judged that to be worth a certin premium. And $60 is a lot of money, I could do a pretty nice date on under that, or see every interesting movie that comes out over the summer (as I dont buy popcorn and soda) and much more, just cause you dont understand the value of a dollar, or have the lugsury of ignoring it, doesnt mean that the rest of us do.
  • Reply 33 of 37
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    We're now tying to justify how the Pre is "successful" even though it completely failed to live up to its label of "iPhone Killer."

    It's really now an also-ran that does a few things better than the other also-rans.

    Palm and Sprint need to pursue an aggressive development cycle and achieve some "firsts" with respect to innovations and implementations in order to move out of the iPhone's shadow.
  • Reply 34 of 37
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    We're now tying to justify how the Pre is "successful" even though it completely failed to live up to its label of "iPhone Killer."

    It's really now an also-ran that does a few things better than the other also-rans.

    Palm and Sprint need to pursue an aggressive development cycle and achieve some "firsts" with respect to innovations and implementations in order to move out of the iPhone's shadow.

    What the hell are you talking about? Their first step is 95% of the way to Apple's best and industry leading effort to date.

    Do you ever go to the Apple support forums and look at the problems there? There are people who are reporting worse reception on their 3GS than in their 2G or 3G. There are people that are reporting excessive heat and battery use whereby their iPhone is dead by noon. There are people who have their iPhone 3GS's dropping all manner of signal when sitting right next to their 3G on the same network in the same house, on the same block.

    Apple is certainly not perfect.

    I'd call it an easy 3G killer. Clearly it isn't killing the 3GS but guess what, Palm is addressing their problems in weeks to months, not once a year.

    I'm sorry, I love Apple as much as the next fan, but I'll call them for sitting on their ass or doing wrong when the circumstance dictates. I was the guy in here talking about how the previous camera wasn't cutting it and wow, Apple addressed and now I am silent on that. No amount of rationalization before that point justified the previous camera though.(It was and is crap)

    No amount of rationalization can justify the weak signal, weak battery, etc. the iPhone still has three years in. Palm may have some weak areas they are still addressing but again, months, not years. The WebOS SDK has already leaked and people see it is 99% done and will easily meet the claim of being released at the end of the summer (Not a year like Apple after which you pull back the push notification for yet another year)

    Apple needs to make a leap again. Jobs claimed a five year head start with the first iPhone. It turns out people are nipping at their heals after two. They tried to change the subsidized model and instead AT&T is starting to really screw over iPhone users on both MMS, tethering and GPS.

    Apple needs to get a move on.
  • Reply 35 of 37
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    What the hell are you talking about? Their first step is 95% of the way to Apple's best and industry leading effort to date...

    Such passion. Sorry, I also believe that the Pre is another also ran. It may well be the best of the also rans, but it is still an also ran. What Palm, and everyone else needs to do is not build a better iPhone. That is all they seem to focused on. All phones these days have the same general shape and button layout as the iPhone. They all have multi-touch, pinch, zoom, etc. They all have accelerometers. They try to distinguish themselves by being the iPhone plus some feature not implemented in the iPhone. "Look at me! I am an iPhone plus a keyboard! I'm an iPhone plus background processes! I'm an iPhone plus a better camera!" On it goes. That is not how to beat the iPhone. What Apple did was redefine the industry. They redefined the shape and functionality of smart-phones as well as the target audience. They redefined how carriers sold and activated phones. They created a new kind of device and sold it to a new market. Palm needs to figure out what the smart-phone space is lacking and innovate around that need. They will die if the best they can do is compete against the last generation iPhone. Someone needs to take some risks and do what others say can't be done. That is what Apple did with the iPhone and that is the only thing that will compete with it.
  • Reply 36 of 37
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    First, I wanted to compare directly, for the same exact level of service.

    second, I did lose my job in Feb. I kept my iphone contract and service at the same level, because I have a savings account that I regularly added to for "rainy days" I could do this with little financial pressure.

    So for you $159/month was the same as $99/month even when you had no income because you kept your iPhone anyway. And you could easily do so for 10 months while looking for a job.

    So exactly how is this a compelling selling point for the demographic that buys iPhones?


    as to the second part, you say that iPhoen users dont care about price? are you insane? have you ever read the whiney threads the day after apple cuts a price?

    And yet, they still purchased an iPhone instead of a cheaper Blackberry or WinMo smart phone.

    And yet, they still purchased an expensive Mac instead of a cheaper tower or laptop or netbook.

    If cost was a significant driver for Apple customers, they would be Nokia, Samsung or HP customers instead.


    Apple fans most certinly do care about price, they just want the OSX/iPhone experience, and they have judged that to be worth a certin premium. And $60 is a lot of money, I could do a pretty nice date on under that, or see every interesting movie that comes out over the summer (as I dont buy popcorn and soda) and much more, just cause you dont understand the value of a dollar, or have the lugsury of ignoring it, doesnt mean that the rest of us do.

    i find it very funny that you will make one statement and immediately reverse position on it. Apple fans care about price but...don't care enough about price to pay a premium for the Apple experience.

    Throwing in an ad hom to hide your questionable logic doesn't make for a compelling argument.

    $60/month is a lot of money except $159/month isn't even when you have no job. Because you need a smartphone (particularly the iPhone) to find that next job. But you know, the Pre is $60 cheaper a month. Woot!

    But gosh...this is even cheaper:

    $39.99 Pick Your Plan 300 Anytime Minutes, Unlimited Mobile to Mobile

    $4.99 1MB data plan

    $4.99 200 Text Messages


    $49.98/month with voice, texting and email.

    Just limit yourself to using the texting and data plans for job searching and not personal use.

    Even if you spluge on a $99 Samsung A177 (refurb) it's $374 in the 1st 2 months vs $318 for the iPhone (using your inflated pricing). By month 3 the pricing is $424 vs $477.

    For the 10 month period you stipulate:

    Pre: $1000 ($1199 with phone since you're an iPhone switcher)

    Pre: $699 ($69.99 minimal plan with 450 minutes and unlimited texts. $898 including phone)

    iPhone: $1590 (uber plan)

    iPhone: $749 ($74.99 minimal plan with 450 minutes and 200 texts...gee a $5 differential if you don't text a lot)

    Samsung: $674 ($775 with $99 phone and $175 breakage fee)

    $0 phone with cheapest voice plan: $474 ($29/month + $175 breakage fee).

    And you STILL have your iPhone to use when near a free access point. Which I would also consider doing and dropping FiOS but I have a laptop and maybe you don't.

    $60 is a lot of money! But, uh, $300-$1000 isn't and doesn't make a lot of financial sense to downgrade to a cheaper phone with no contract even when you have no job.

    Yep, I clearly have no understanding of the value of a dollar and either don't save enough for a rainy day or living beyond my means by having an iPhone.
  • Reply 37 of 37
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    Apple needs to make a leap again. Jobs claimed a five year head start with the first iPhone. It turns out people are nipping at their heals after two.

    An assertion I do not concede. Folks are still years away from the same level of infrastructure as Apple has with iTunes, App Store, iPhone OSX and iPhone SDK. And XCode > Eclipse.

    This is like saying that because the Zune has similar specs to the iPod that MS is "nipping at their Apple's heels". Sure, from a hardware perspective the new Zune is nice. Heck, the old Zune wasn't bad.


    They tried to change the subsidized model and instead AT&T is starting to really screw over iPhone users on both MMS, tethering and GPS.

    Apple needs to get a move on.

    If they are "screwing" you on SMS/MMS, tethering and GPS then so is Verizon.
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