BREAKING: GOOGLE to develope PC operating system

in General Discussion edited January 2014


  • Reply 1 of 8
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    So breaking, you misspelt the title and didn't add any opinion of your own?
  • Reply 2 of 8
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member


    My take:

    Windows is doooooooooomed!

    With more people using computers to browse the interwebs, check emails listen to music, watch the odd movie and play a simplastic game, the need for gigantic OSes is diminishing. People who use them and need them will always exist, but for a lot of people a simple OS that can easily let them connect to the Internet is all they need. Google will provide this, and any necessary services can be stream via the tubes from Google's servers.

    But why aren't they utilizing Android?
  • Reply 3 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Just as touch screens will begin to come into play. Google should have done this 2 years ago. Still, it's never too late I suppose. I for one would not try and predict the future of this. Could be a relative flop, or could be the way forward. Time will ultimately tell. I can't help but think the depth of Windows and OS X will have a leg up for a long time to come though. The browser could be "the OS", but most likely not for a long, long... time, for the majority of people. And probably not even ever.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    [url]But why aren't they utilizing Android?

    The see the future of the web, as the future of the OS, that's why. They probably are wrong though. Who knows. Expecting an AI article on this, lambasting Google in 3, 2...
  • Reply 5 of 8
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    Google has clearly stated in their blog that they see Android addressing different market segments. This OS is targeted at Netbook users who would like to boot up in about 5 seconds and do what they need to do online and shut it down just as fast. This is a natural evolution for people who are fed up with using a desktop for online work and find devices like the iPhone too small to be useful. This will not damper desktop sales yet. Give it a few decades for moving more technologies to the web. The desktop has to worry when they can edit and render a movie or play games over the web. (There is already a company claiming it can stream FPS games over the internet, but still...)
  • Reply 6 of 8
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member

    The desktop has to worry when they can edit and render a movie or play games over the web. (There is already a company claiming it can stream FPS games over the internet, but still...)

    Or when people realize they don't need that. Most people use their computer to browse the interwebs, and that's it.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    MS has new pressure but enterprise has huge investments in MS infrastructure but as cost to maintain and upgrade MS goes up enterprise will slowly test other operating systems to test, enterprise moves slowly--monitor how enterprise embraces or not this "new" upgrade call windows 7,(vista had huge IT costs to upgrade in lost productivity and allowed enterprise to look at alternatives) hmmmm my corp has no plans to budge from XP for at least 18 months..and business is dealing with more and more cost pressures. linux and osx are replacing servers then comes desktops..but when apple announced the cheap upgrad to SL it got noticed bigtime at my company

    now on the consumer side, price is everything (that's what MS says on its own commercials) so as broadband and wifi becomes everywhere and things like "office suites" and such are in the cloud MS inflluence goes down.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    kung fu guykung fu guy Posts: 158member
    I kind of expected Apple to throw down the guantlet and directly challenge MS. So its google and apple will just sit on the sidelines eh? If google succeeds, they will be a threat not only to MS but apple as well. If goggle fails, MS will still have a monopoly to attack others. Where's apple? This is the first salvo in a new OS war. While it's just vaporware now. Google has more credibility than IBM. You just can't compete with FREE!
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