Microsoft says Apple legal wanted 'Laptop Hunter' ads pulled



  • Reply 121 of 203
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    A built PC doesn't come with Windows. The user needs to install it. Manufacturers like HP and Dell preload Windows before selling the machine. Common sense I know, but my point was if their ads are against PCs, why always talk about Windows? (I had misinterpreted your point to begin with so i went off on an idea without needing to lol.)

    To be honest, I don't remember a commercial that mentioned third party nonsense software.

    Also, people mention dell and hp from their popularity.

    Are you talking about home built PCs? I was talking about PCs from all the PC manufacturers. I know that HP and Dell preload Windows, but they also preload lots of "other stuff".....I'm assuming it is done from some kind of image and that some poor schmuck isn't sitting down with each PC and installing the OS and "other stuff" manually.

    The ad that I remember is called "Out of the Box" from 2006. The one with PC and Mac sitting in their boxes and Mac was ready to go, but PC first had to erase all the trial software.
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  • Reply 122 of 203
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    First, I kind of think your wife bought the PC out of spite. Sounds like she's sick of listening to your rantings about mac vs pc and wanted to get a pc to be rebellious in some manner (lol )

    Second, your story about the anti virus messing up the system sounds like horse poo. Sorry, not trying to start a fight here or anything, but if your IT guy had half a brain, updates like that would be controlled by his department, and if the update rendered the PC inoperable, they wouldn't push it out to the network.

    Now, that said, if the update did cause an issue like that, being bitter towards the PC because of a third party's screw up is like me saying I hate ford because the supercharger I put on blew the engine up...

    You really shouldn't speak about that which you know nothing about. Our Symantec AV server hoses machines all the time (especially Vista machines). Yes we test the updates, on more than one machine, yet somehow there is always someone who's machine takes a bad turn.

    If you don't work in IT, don't act like you understand anything about it. Computers are a complicated mess of electronic parts & none of them behave quite the same.

    By the way, though Symantec has it's share of issues but they are few & far between compared to the unexplainable wacko things that Windows updates bring.
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  • Reply 123 of 203
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,362member
    It's the legal appartment, folks. They're paragraph riders. Of course they wanna stop a tv spot stating prices that aren't up to date. Not that it would destroy the point of the commercial, but... Microsoft could even stop the commercial at the point where they say the Mac's price and have a dude pop in and say "Hi, I'm from the legal appartment, and I just wanna say Apple has lowered the price to $1700. Ok... on with the commercial..." to drive the point even further home.

    As long as the world is measured in money, these commercials will always win.
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  • Reply 124 of 203
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Really, a service pack that removes the majority of the legacy code, takes the installed size on the Hard disk from 8 GB to somewhere around 1.5 GB, is fully 64-Bit, and adds over 150 features? Windows 7 is closer to being called Vista SP 3.

    Yup, a "BIG" SERVICE PACK you're being charged for. Is W7 Vista's SP3?, so what. What's your pain?, isn't this things a way to express personal points of view, i'm not trying to convince anyone, just let my opinion out and on the way help anyone decide for their self, stop trolling plz.

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  • Reply 125 of 203
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Perhaps full of vulnerabilities compared to my refrigerator.

    If it's running Embedded Linux, you bet.
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  • Reply 126 of 203
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by hezekiahb View Post

    You really shouldn't speak about that which you know nothing about. Our Symantec AV server hoses machines all the time (especially Vista machines). Yes we test the updates, on more than one machine, yet somehow there is always someone who's machine takes a bad turn.

    If you don't work in IT, don't act like you understand anything about it. Computers are a complicated mess of electronic parts & none of them behave quite the same.

    By the way, though Symantec has it's share of issues but they are few & far between compared to the unexplainable wacko things that Windows updates bring.

    Well, you can take my word for it that not only do I know exactly what I'm talking about, and in fact do work in IT, but I do not witness the constant hosing of machines from the simple updates we push out.

    If you don't understand computers, and you simply view them as a complicated mess of electronic parts, perhaps this isn't the field you should be in. One person here said their IT department took FOUR DAYS to figure out how to uninstall simple video drivers. These are the kind of "IT guys" I can see hosing machines through inexperience.

    I'm not trying to make it sound like problems don't exist with PC's and Windows. I'm just a bit skeptical when someone tells a story like that on forums like these. Almost like a far stretch of the truth to continue the spread of misinformation about PC's running Windows.

    In my experience here at work, I've seen more hardware issues than software issues. I guess we're just lucky.
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  • Reply 127 of 203
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Well, you can take my word for it that not only do I know exactly what I'm talking about, and in fact do work in IT, but I do not witness the constant hosing of machines from the simple updates we push out.

    If you don't understand computers, and you simply view them as a complicated mess of electronic parts, perhaps this isn't the field you should be in. One person here said their IT department took FOUR DAYS to figure out how to uninstall simple video drivers. These are the kind of "IT guys" I can see hosing machines through inexperience.

    I totally agree with you on this. However, I have seen where McAfee and Symantec have pushed out updates that cause major problems. These programs have gotten so complex and embedded that sometimes doing a full test is impossible. It's called Managed Risk. As an IT department, you understand that there is a risk when doing updates to machines and when those updates go out, people are on standby. Most of the time nothing happends, it comes and goes without a hitch. However, sometimes there's a problem and everyone understands, jumps in and fixes it.

    Personally, I think this quote from this COO is a bunch of crap. It's WAY out of character of something Apple would do.

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  • Reply 128 of 203
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Can you name a specific statement that's now inaccurate that wasn't before? The only one I can think of that might be inaccurate is the one of the video editor lady. Otherwise, the price drops weren't enough to change the accuracy of the statements in other ads that I remember.

    Dear Jeff

    All of the MSFT ad's are grossly deceptive and misleading . In fact they reflect the gross and misleading way dell and the rest sell there boxes and the way msft joins them in people for over 17 yrs . And msft does not sell computers anyway .

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  • Reply 129 of 203
    Originally Posted by IT-GuySV View Post

    If it's running Embedded Linux, you bet.

    It is NOT running Embedded Linux, Mac OS X is based on the Mach kernal with certain parts of Free BSD, and NetBSD that were incorporated into NeXtstep.

    Linux is based on the Linux Kernel, while there is similarities on both to UNIX, you will find no Linux in Mac OS X.
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  • Reply 130 of 203
    Originally Posted by IT-GuySV View Post

    Yup, a "BIG" SERVICE PACK you're being charged for. Is W7 Vista's SP3?, so what. What's your pain?, isn't this things a way to express personal points of view, i'm not trying to convince anyone, just let my opinion out and on the way help anyone decide for their self, stop trolling plz.


    And I would ask the same of you.

    Unless you have bought a Windows Computer within the last month, you will also be paying for the Windows 7 upgrade. If you buy a Mac now, you'll get Snow Leopard when available too.
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  • Reply 131 of 203
    djnchidjnchi Posts: 5member
    People seem to forget you get what you pay for. I work in the IT field and I have to say PC's are infearior to MAC's. They may cost a bit more but I have no trouble with them. I was so tired of having the infamous Blue Screen of Death I totally went MAC.

    Ask those people who bought cheap PC's next year and see if they are still happy. I'm betting they won't be.

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  • Reply 132 of 203
    Originally Posted by MACsucks View Post

    My sociology teacher once said "The masses are morons." Ads like this, and their success might be proof. I don't mean to sound hateful or anything, but the ads are pretty dorky.

    Your Sociology teacher is correct and all of you are proof of it. Apples arent any better than PC's, maybe worse. It is proven that Apples have just as many vulnerabilities as PCs. But Apple make-up less than 5% of the market share for computers, so who do you think hackers and virus programmers are going to focus on? 5% of the market or 95% of the market? Yeah, maybe they dropped the prices of their laptops, but that still doesnt reduce the price of replacement parts, or the cost to get an Apple serviced. That is why a business will never use all Apples. Anyways, if you haven't figured it out, Apple over-charges for sub-par products, then tells everyone you have to have one to be cool, ie iPod, the airbook, or MacBook Pro. For every single one of those, there is a cheaper version with better features and functions from a different company. People need to wake-up and learn to think for themselves.

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  • Reply 133 of 203
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member

    Can I count the ways that a 600 dollar product in any other venue would never ever ever ever get away with the shit that the wintel does?

    Buy a pair of Levi jeans and they alway alway zip up. Buy a sony camcorder and they just film and record and simply work. On and on I can name products that simply work without add ons or spyware or crashing or 3rd party support being pulled,w/o 2 day cust service waits. Since msft has a monopoly they can make a crappy product and get away with it.

    Turn on msft dell and you never know what will happen and for 99 percent of the public they have no idea why there p/c keeps crashing or filled with useless lite bloatware.

    MSFT has a monopoly with windows. How stupid are some people here. If you truly think that apple and msft are even on the same planet quality wise then Go buy a dell and forget apple. GOODBYE GOODLIFE .


    Dollar for dollar my apple 15" MBP3.02GHz 500G 7200 rpm ALUM UNIBODY Computer is cheaper . much cheaper over all than any dell or wintel box/

    Again to the deaf out there . APPLE IS CHEAPER

    My 15" 3.02 z MBP will last an easy 5 years .

    So with dozens of FREE whole working Software programs >>like the award winning itunes iphoto imovie ichat quicktime etc etc

    And hey window boys all my software syncs with each other and all my software will carry forward for A LONG WHILE. ADD the finest OSX ever invented snow leopard. An apple buyer gets a Complete integrated software solution.

    Also i plug in a device and almost it always is plug and play.

    So an apple buyer saves hundreds and hundreds of dollars on the software front . WE also save hundreds and hundreds over a five yr time span on not having to buy virus protection ever year.

    No one ever talks about that huh . Also apple buyers as a rule do not spent hour upon hour on costly tech support . The hassle alone having things not working sucks . How much is your wasted time worth ?

    With a solid alum unibody enclosure as opposed to plastic. How much is that worth !!

    With a glass screen that display the finest video ever, Star trek looks unreal good.

    Dollar for dollar my 15inch MBP 3,02 GHz will last longer and hold its resale value than any dell wintel made . ANY

    My OSX SNOW LEP is the finest os ever made. and its all getting better stronger and faster.

    Welcome to openCL >GCS

    There are some tech savvy guys who give me the hackintosh shit and how they can build a cray computer from taco chips. So to beat apple you resort to being a thief . Also Most of the public me included are not so tech Savvy. And they are always amazed at apples ease of use.

    Dollar for dollar Apple is cheaper and much better in all ways.

    So when people here comment on stupid tv ads about a 900 dollar box with no os inside and say apple is over price i get a little hot. One inch away is a White MB for 999 that creams the whole dell field .

    no soup for you
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  • Reply 134 of 203
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    Are you talking about home built PCs? I was talking about PCs from all the PC manufacturers. I know that HP and Dell preload Windows, but they also preload lots of "other stuff".....I'm assuming it is done from some kind of image and that some poor schmuck isn't sitting down with each PC and installing the OS and "other stuff" manually.

    The ad that I remember is called "Out of the Box" from 2006. The one with PC and Mac sitting in their boxes and Mac was ready to go, but PC first had to erase all the trial software.

    Actually Dell (i am not sure about the others ,) can now be bought with ubuntu, and some servers can be ordered with linux
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  • Reply 135 of 203
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Well, you can take my word for it that not only do I know exactly what I'm talking about, and in fact do work in IT, but I do not witness the constant hosing of machines from the simple updates we push out.

    If you don't understand computers, and you simply view them as a complicated mess of electronic parts, perhaps this isn't the field you should be in. One person here said their IT department took FOUR DAYS to figure out how to uninstall simple video drivers. These are the kind of "IT guys" I can see hosing machines through inexperience.

    I'm not trying to make it sound like problems don't exist with PC's and Windows. I'm just a bit skeptical when someone tells a story like that on forums like these. Almost like a far stretch of the truth to continue the spread of misinformation about PC's running Windows.

    In my experience here at work, I've seen more hardware issues than software issues. I guess we're just lucky.

    Same here brother I rarely have problems, but when i do they are usually squarly between the chair and the keyboard doing there best to circumvent my security.
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  • Reply 136 of 203
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by hezekiahb View Post

    Computers are a complicated mess of electronic parts & none of them behave quite the same.


    Apple computer work just fine . And their insides are not a mess their beautiful to behold

    Apple would put all you IT guys out of work.


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  • Reply 137 of 203
    camcam Posts: 35member
    Smells like a publicity stunt to me.
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  • Reply 138 of 203
    xwiredtvaxwiredtva Posts: 389member
    AppleInsider legals contacted me the other day about my postings and asked I stop posting.

    Mountain Dew legals called NBC and asked them to not report on MD being bad for your health.

    Apple contacted Me the other day about my ramblings.

    Microsoft legal call me twice today about me exposing their vulnerabilities on the web with How-To's and videos. I told them to shut up.

    Micheal Jackson called me right before he died, Said I could have everything.

    NOW... Do you believe anything I said? Why should we believe them. Without proof, hell a phone log would work and YES they do keep them, it's BS trying to get Publicity in the news.

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  • Reply 139 of 203
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    In this tough economy, regardless of how good a Mac is, if you need to put food on the table and are struggling to get by, I don't think a $1000+ Mac is such a wise decision when a PC for $500 could just as easily get you buy. Sure, it may break down, but let's not live in a fairy tale world here, people are hurting.

    Now, I'm not saying that Apple isn't getting more sales than they have been in previous years; they are certainly still breaking records. But to believe that Macs are superior while ignoring that on average they cost more is the same as saying that a BMW is better because of the logo and not extra thousands you are paying for higher quality parts and service.

    Bull That $500 pc is a complete waste of money flushed down the drain to people you say are so needy. If they have no money then don't buy a computer

    Buy milk .

    That person hurting fr money could buy a great used G4 computer very cheap and still get a great working computer so stop the bullshit tears .

    They could even buy an acer to surf the net for 300 .
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  • Reply 140 of 203
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    ... One person here said their IT department took FOUR DAYS to figure out how to uninstall simple video drivers. These are the kind of "IT guys" I can see hosing machines through inexperience. ....

    I can sure confirm this part at least.

    I also work in IT and in all honesty I think it's pretty Mickey Mouse around my workplace and I would say my skill level is on the fairly low end of things, but ...

    even I know that anyone who takes four days to re-install drivers doesn't know what the heck they are doing. The only alternative explanation is that they are talking about some kind of management failure rather than the quality of the IT support, but then these guys were also stupid enough to roll out the card in the first place without proper testing.
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