Verizon rumored to be fast-tracking 4G for launch by early 2010



  • Reply 21 of 40
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    with the amount of data used to surf the Internet, there's no way you can do something like with the Kindle.

    The kindle works because it restricts what's downloaded significantly. If Apple wanted to mimic the Kindle model, they'd have to allow minimal data connections for apps, while opening it up for paid Apple content....


    All data-only plans from ANY network cost at LEAST $60/month, and there are plenty of restrictions on how you use the "unlimited" data they've alloted you.

    I've got a A$15 (US$12) per month data-only plan in Australia. There are 3 (of 4) networks offering a similar plan. We only get 1GB though, not unlimited. And that low rate does NOT subsidise the device in any way.

    All I'm saying is that there is scope for different models.
  • Reply 22 of 40
    jerseymacjerseymac Posts: 408member
    If Verizon sets their mind to it, they will get their new network up and running in record time. In New Jersey they were trying to get in on the cable TV game for years. Once they got approved you wouldn't believe how fast they got the FIOS system in place. They were practically banging on my door the next day to sign me up.
  • Reply 23 of 40
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ...a data-only service offering for the tablet, which will not include a microphone, would not be in violation of the existing AT&T-Apple iPhone contract, due to expire in 2010"

    Would someone please provide a credible source for the phrase "due to expire in 2010"? When the original iPhone was released, it was widely, widely, widely reported that apple had a 5-year exclusive deal with AT&T. That was two years and 1 month ago!!! According to all of the initial reports, AT&T's has exclusive rights to the iPone until June, 2012.

    So, seriously -- what kind of math are you guys using?
  • Reply 24 of 40
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Ok, so I'm a bit lost here?

    A new tablet - A phone company?

    Is it a Netbook, a tablet, A small Notebook???

    If it is sold as a netbook, then maybe they will offer a CELL PHONE at a reasonable price?

    I mean, they have a PHONE, that does why to much. Who sees the need for ANOTHER type of phone, and BIGGER I might add.

    Everyone wanted a nice small electronic toy that they could take / make phone calls with, get their email, surf the web, play games, figure out the tip when dinning out, process credit cards with and so much more. Now they are (supposedly) coming out awith a LARGE version on the same thing???

    Folks do you want small or do you want large ? let's make up our minds here.

    Now MANY of you will say - "no, it's not going to (do all of the above), but after it comes out, and it does something, you'll all say "If I could only do this (all of the above and more) with it, I wouldn't need a laptop, iPhone, iPod, iMac ? and poor old Steve / Apple will go broke, because they will no longer sell many iphones, iMacs ?

    Hey, how about a larger iPhone?

    I'm going to get a coffee now

  • Reply 25 of 40
    Since I strongly suspect that this is Apple's attempt to expand the Touch to become a media reader a la Kindle, they do not need network speed but rather be available everywhere. This will succeed if SJ has managed to negotiate with McGraw-Hill and other publishers along will all the large papers around the world to make reading something pleasant again on such a device. These industries must leave the molecular world by becoming fully electron-based ASAP or they will die. The costs of harvesting the source material (paper), printing and then distributing only to give the client news which is already old simply does not work for most of us. The beauty of papers over radio and TV is there ability to go deeper into the news. This gives them the ability to be quick with news and allow more in-depth reporting as well. What SJ has to do is find a way to make the device the tool for channeling to the client only the relevant advertising he wants. I still need to see specials on ply-wood for my renovations. This custom advertising (something better than Google) would allow groups of papers to offer the device cheaper or reduce network costs by using ad revenue to compensate. How to assure that such ads are seen? good question.
  • Reply 26 of 40
    Sprint offers their WIMAX for 45 dollars a month, and it is as fast as cable. With them launching so many markets, they have proven speed, I am sure Verizon will have competition. I think we shall see, you know Sprint will always be the cheapest, and they have already a proven 3G network that is faster and larger than AT&T.
  • Reply 27 of 40
    emcemc Posts: 27member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    I bet if I tethered my iPhone 3GS to a Pentium II it would render pages slower than the iPhone.

    The iPhone 3GS doesn't have a Core2Duo processor in it. End of story.

    The network performance isn't measured by how fast the end device renders a web page.

    I think you are missing the point. How is it helpful to have an 60 Mbps connection vs. the current 3.6 Mbps if the limitation is the hardware's ability to render the pages?
  • Reply 28 of 40
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,717member
    It seems Verizon, the company that told Apple to bug off for the first iPhone is bending over backwards to get the next Apple wireless product.


    Among other things, Apple wanted a percentage of the monthly cellphone fees, say over how and where iPhones could be sold and control of the relationship with iPhone customers, said Jim Gerace, a Verizon Wireless vice president. "We said no. We have nothing bad to say about the Apple iPhone. We just couldn't reach a deal that was mutually beneficial."

    Apparently they are kicking themselves for declining the iPhone over a loss of control when they really should have been thinking about the money! Silly Verizon.

    Maybe now that Apple is subsidized (somewhat) like the other phonemakers that Verizon is crawling back for the business?
  • Reply 29 of 40
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by EmC View Post

    I think you are missing the point. How is it helpful to have an 60 Mbps connection vs. the current 3.6 Mbps if the limitation is the hardware's ability to render the pages?

    how big are these pages you're looking at on your phone??

    maybe for safari the processor has an impact, but if you want to download a movie from itunes on your phone, download speed is more important?

    then again.... i'm still waiting for 3G in my neck of the woods... \
  • Reply 30 of 40
    ajitmdajitmd Posts: 365member
    I have received reports from friends, some in the telecom business, who say that extended WiFi and even WiMax, has been deployed in some poor Asian and Latin and African countries. The monthly rate that has been quoted to me is $10-12/mo. I do not know the bandwidth or the QoS. However, it seems to be way too expensive than anything that is offered in the US.

    How come we do not have WiMax telcos besides Sprint? In most cases, people would be happy with a service that does not need complex hand-offs. It would be ok for VoIP and data. May be somebody here can elaborate.
  • Reply 31 of 40
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by nace33 View Post

    Anyone else find it humorous that I am so anxious to leave one carrier who I despise for another carrier who I despise slightly less but have to pay more for?

    i tried to get fios today

    i Mean i went online ready to GET F I O S bundle TODAY.

    And the price said 79 or 99 a month

    it went to $179 in no time flat .

    Verizon has the most misleading ads ever. .

    I wish apple had bought the spectrum when it was up for sale /
  • Reply 32 of 40
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Ok, so I'm a bit lost here?

    A new tablet - A phone company?

    Is it a Netbook, a tablet, A small Notebook???

    If it is sold as a netbook, then maybe they will offer a CELL PHONE at a reasonable price?

    I mean, they have a PHONE, that does why to much. Who sees the need for ANOTHER type of phone, and BIGGER I might add.

    Everyone wanted a nice small electronic toy that they could take / make phone calls with, get their email, surf the web, play games, figure out the tip when dinning out, process credit cards with and so much more. Now they are (supposedly) coming out awith a LARGE version on the same thing???

    Folks do you want small or do you want large ? let's make up our minds here.

    Now MANY of you will say - "no, it's not going to (do all of the above), but after it comes out, and it does something, you'll all say "If I could only do this (all of the above and more) with it, I wouldn't need a laptop, iPhone, iPod, iMac ? and poor old Steve / Apple will go broke, because they will no longer sell many iphones, iMacs ?

    Hey, how about a larger iPhone?

    I'm going to get a coffee now


    That coffee smells good.

    I mean i am feeling all wified or wifried out .

    I would like a small powerful phone that only makes calls .

    MY MBP 15" rocks

    MY 3 OTHER
  • Reply 33 of 40
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    That coffee smells good.

    I mean i am feeling all wified or wifried out .

    I would like a small powerful phone that only makes calls .

    MY MBP 15" rocks

    MY 3 OTHER

    still gonna be the same thing -5 gb limit at $60.00 per month. it doesnt matter if the carrier changes or not, you are still gonna see high prices for the data. The only thing im looking forward to is the 4g speeds. As for verizon, never liked them and a little tablet is not gonna push me to switch carriers. perfectly happy with my iphone 3GS and macbook pro.
  • Reply 34 of 40
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    What's so funny about getting on Verizon's network? It's widely believed to be of better quality than ATT. While I've found ATT to be ok, its certainly nothing to brag about.

    But then again there aren't millions of data consuming iPhones on Verizon network either. Besides, you can't do voice and sata on Verizon yet. While it's not very often that I need to use the data services and the voice services on ATT, when the chance to use it occurs I can use them both at the same time. And the real plus for Verizon over AT&T is it's coverage, and depending on what area it's significant.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    But then again there aren't millions of data consuming iPhones on Verizon network either. Besides, you can't do voice and sata on Verizon yet. While it's not very often that I need to use the data services and the voice services on ATT, when the chance to use it occurs I can use them both at the same time. And the real plus for Verizon over AT&T is it's coverage, and depending on what area it's significant.

    Its true that we don't know how well Verizon's network would perform with millions of iPhones consuming data. That's a fair point.

    But the real attraction will be the LTE network IF Verizon are able to get it up and running early next year. That would very attractive for data consuming iPhones.
  • Reply 36 of 40
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    But the real attraction will be the LTE network IF Verizon are able to get it up and running early next year. That would very attractive for data consuming iPhones.

    In a handful of major metro areas maybe. You still need a good fallback network in the US, unless you live in a big city and never travel.
  • Reply 37 of 40
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    In a handful of major metro areas maybe. You still need a good fallback network in the US, unless you live in a big city and never travel.

    Even if you live in a top 5 metro area, you still need a fallback. When 3G was introduced to Chicago where I grew up, coverage was spotty at best. Because of all the buildings in downtown, if a certain tower hadn't been upgraded yet then turning your head would mean losing the call. Sometimes my friends got off the train and had 3G, then went downstairs to street level and they'd be back on 2G. It all depends on tower placement. And this wasn't with the iPhone, it was with an ordinary phone many months after they announced 3G was available.

    I live in LA which got 3G around the same time, but it's more spread out so it's harder to tell. Both Verizon and AT&T bragged about their 3G coverage, but both of them still have 2G towers that are alive and well in Culver City, in the heart of west LA. My girlfriend's VZ Blackberry phone says it's on 2G every once in a while, and my iPhone stays on 2G pernamently when I'm at work (which admittedly near a large hill so coverage sucked until AT&T and VZW put a tower literally on the top of our building).

    If Verizon says it will be ready in 2010, then they mean certain cities will start getting it rolled out by 2010. It won't be commonplace in those select cities in until mid to late 2010, and it won't be rolled out to a wider group of cities until 2011 or later. The smaller cities that are still on 2G (like where my large university is) won't get it until many years after 2010--they're still on 2G now, though 3G is popping up for both VZW and AT&T. It's the same as the 3G transition, and the same as VZ's FIOS rollout.

    Speaking of the FIOS rollout, VZ is stretching the numbers quite a bit on that one. I live in the most densely populated area of west Los Angeles, and they've advertised FIOS for half a year now. But it's so densely populated because it's mostly condos and apartments--there are relatively few houses. VZ claims it reaches the entire area, despite the fact that they haven't rolled out FIOS to apartments or condos yet in west LA. Not really related, but it ticks me off when I get a flier a week saying "FIOS is available in your area!"
  • Reply 38 of 40
    faxthatfaxthat Posts: 64member
    Google [Qualcomm lte] for the other side of this prediction. May be not so fast track.
  • Reply 39 of 40
    Originally Posted by yuusharo View Post

    I find it funny that so many people want the iPhone on Verizon. I'm no fan of AT&T, but for what its worth, the phone does work well in my area and the data speeds are mostly acceptable (though it can be frustrating at times).

    People forget that Verizon is notorious for crippling handsets and their capability. To AT&T's credit, they usually leave the phones they carry alone, only adding a few features they like to tout like mediaNET and such. Verizon is famous for rewriting the phone's OS and limiting/removing much of its functionality. Case in point - RAZR V3M.

    I would only want my iPhone on Verizon because of its (slightly) better coverage for my area. But other than that, they're just as bad as AT&T in terms of service and support. The only real advantage of having it on Verizon is it finally gives some competition to AT&T, forcing both companies to improve their networks and pricing for the phone.

    Well perhaps they've learned they're lesson on crippling. This article on GIGAOM this morning claims they've inked an agreement with Boingo to use their wifi network.
  • Reply 40 of 40
    dylerdyler Posts: 37member
    1. I don't believe that any company will be able to get LTE launched in the beginning of 2010. I don't believe this and the work they have to do to get this up and running would be way too much, I could see limited testing in certain larger cities, just like WiMax is right now but for a prevalent network in the first part of next year, no Way. Most likely it will be limited cities by the end of the year.

    2. Apple is not going to build a device that will only work on a network that is not running right now and may be running in a very select few markets sometime in 2010, which most likely will be the end of next year for ATT and Verizon.

    This device will be out in September and October of this year and I think will most likely have CDMA and GSM chips in it so you can buy it and go get the provider of your choice. Which is probably where the Iphone will end up eventually as well.
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