Steve Ballmer calls Apple's Mac growth a "rounding error"



  • Reply 221 of 272
    ameristamerist Posts: 77member
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    You guys quit dogging Ballmer. He is eminently qualified to be Microsoft CEO. He was Bill Gates' college buddy.

    Nepotism at it's best!
  • Reply 222 of 272
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Funny, I have a PC and a Mac and *both* just work. Maybe you're doing something wrong?

    quite possibly. I'm not an IT person. I just need a solid word processor, internet machine, plus I dabble with photography and some video. (hardly a power user). I don't even need a MacBook pro. So, I have 3 MacBooks and an iMac (a couple of PCs, including an HTPC). I need PCs still since my immigration software (I'm an immigration lawyer) requires Internet Explorer (I run VMWare on the unibody but, it's still more convenient for me to start up a dedicated PC (especially when I'm meeting with clients in the conference room). I only run that PC (an ASUS EeePC Netbook) when I'm firing up the immigration software. With the HTPC, it runs XP and I only use it for home media stuff (including Netflix streaming). I don't really use that for internet surfing or anything else. So both my PCs now work given the very limited tasks I give them. When I needed a PC for general purposes, that's when I got screwed.

    I have Windows 7 installed on my iMac with Sun Virtual Disk. Haven't played with it (no real reason to), but it seems snappier (who the hell knows)....
  • Reply 223 of 272
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Steve balmer and gates and all the msft crew have never ever told the truth about anything. that mislead us with the truth

    1/2 truths

    and out right lies

    In the post that I wrote is this possible .?

    Well all of this strange actions mean something .

    msft makes a ton of money from selling apple clients SW

    And WINTEL scored big when apple went intel chip .

    Now we can buy XP on the mac if we want. Wouldn't balmer be happy about this .?

    So why does balmer attack its clients / attack apple computer ??

    sohy does balmer open 6 or 7 ventures that cost billions and then ignore them ??

    Except xbox .


    Why would a company fumble for 12 yrs straight. MISTAKE AFTER MISTAKE. Remember longhorn ??

    BECAUSE BALMER AND GATES ARE GENIUS ,THEY HAVE A MONOPOLY control on the OS and the work place SW and if they just had sat back and raked in the billion;'s in profit without expanding into side ventures then the glaring white klieg lights would show the world what they are and the strangle hold they have on certain parts of the market place,

    So THEY misdirect us into these phony fake issues like the one here on AI ,

    OVER 200 false posts .

    You guys never heard of Daniel Ellsberg but this whole situation is a page out of the CIA play book .

  • Reply 224 of 272
    Originally Posted by dballecer View Post

    is Phalanx really the best Microsoft can do? Or is he just a troll not working for MS? I'm tired of the spec comparison PC v Mac. Specs don't matter when it takes forever to start up. Programs are sluggish or just crash. Hard resetting my ms laptops were just part of my workday (a necessary evil). Then I had to remember to run avg anti virus, spybot search and destroy, cleanup, windows defender every night. Oh, there's also that wonderful msconfig where I had to continually disable certain programs from startup (despite the fact that they had already been disabled).

    Oh, then there's the awesome experience I had when windows genuine advantage warned me that I had counterfeit windows software when I bought the damn thing at best buy. Then vista came and that was the proverbial straw. I don't care if they tell me thy can sell me a pc with 10 terabytes of Ram and 1 million gazillionabytes of hard disk space that runs a 20 core. 1000.8 gigahertz processor. I'll take my poor unibody 13inch. It just works and that's all I care about.

    I doubt phalanx is a MS employee/representative. I have two nieces that have worked for MS for several years in Redmond (one worked on the Vista development team). They both own multiple Macs (along with the necessary PC). My point is .... employees of MS know better. Phalanx is just a troll as you guessed.
  • Reply 225 of 272
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Funny, I have a PC and a Mac and *both* just work. Maybe you're doing something wrong?

    Maybe you don't have a pre-teen, that is able to inadvertently infect your PC with spyware, etc. using a non-admin account just by playing Flash/Macromedia games on the web (because of zero day vulnerabilities in these tools and with Windows in general).

    What I know I'm doing right is that we don't have any of these problems since he has to use a Mac instead of the PC.
  • Reply 226 of 272
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Maybe you don't have a pre-teen, that is able to inadvertently infect your PC with spyware, etc. using a non-admin account just by playing Flash/Macromedia games on the web (because of zero day vulnerabilities in these tools and with Windows in general).

    What I know I'm doing right is that we don't have any of these problems since he has to use a Mac instead of the PC.

    Funny you mention that.... I have a good friend with a 10 yr old son. His son played online games on the company PC at work and got so many viruses, it shut down his whole network. He bought his son a Mac Mini for the office and when his son comes to visit , is only allowed to play online games on the Mini.
  • Reply 227 of 272
    If you continue to make a shitty product like Windows.... and you fail to you're just another follower.... eventually you'll pay with lost market share and customer loyalty.

    I think two brands with the highest customer loyalty (ie.... they will come back to buy one again) are Mercedes Benz and Apple..... I own both.... and will continue to for the exact reason above.

    Ballmer is a TICK...... a technological parasite. I haven't read anything about Window's 7.... will be interesting to see if it blows chunks as much as Vista.... which would only be par for the course.

    Bye bye MS..... Chrome OS is most likely going to make mince meat out of them.

    So sad, so sad indeed,

  • Reply 228 of 272
    Ballmer certainly spends a lot of time talking about a supposedly insignificant competitor. I run a business, and I don't waste time talking about competitors in general, and certainly don't go on ad nauseum about unimportant ones.

    Methinks Steve doth protest too much!
  • Reply 229 of 272
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by Bwana_Dik View Post

    Methinks Steve doth protest too much!

    You nailed it.

    This is one of the reasons why I think Ballmer has been so ineffective at leading the company.
  • Reply 230 of 272
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Hudson1 View Post

    As Steven Wright once asked:

    What if there were no hypothetical questions?

    ha ha

    good one

    took me A DAY TO GET IT

  • Reply 231 of 272
    When Microsoft never used to even mention Apple???? This should tell you that things have changed!
  • Reply 232 of 272
    Ballmer makes a good point about the difference between Apple's business model and Microsoft's business model. Given the fact that Microsoft is well settled in the corporate environment and Linux can't replace Active Directory without getting sued, they don't have a problem.

    The consumers on the other hand are warming up to Apple. That is how Microsoft made its entry into the market in the 1980s. If Apple's traction with the consumers continues, it will eventually make a dent in the corporate sector. Given the migration to SAS instead of running your own data center, Apple might leap frog the traditional business model and get into one of the newer niches.

    Personally, I don't want Apple to become another Microsoft.
  • Reply 233 of 272
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    It was closer to $1.2 billion according to my research, which Apple could have burned through in a year or so, but the point is still the same. Apple was not on the verge of bankruptcy in 1997, and Microsoft's $150 million stock purchase did not save Apple. The entire package was a big PR boost, however, which was a turning point for Apple.
  • Reply 234 of 272
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    The best way to parse this kind of stuff is to remember that Balmer is a "sales guy" and most of what he says here is standard "sales guy speak."

    When faced with Apple taking share, he frames it as a tit for tat. When faced with the fact that their hardware is better he comes out with (essentially) "just you wait and see what's coming out soon on our side." These is all standard marketing replies and the fact that he's used that "just you wait and see" crap at least a dozen times before doesn't seem to register on most investors. Microsoft has been just one quarter away from the some amazing device or other almost since they started, but they never have delivered it. To say these kinds of things isn't dumb it's shrewd and it's typical sales-spin, the interesting part of his remarks is where he genuinely seems to not understand what he's talking about. Specifically this remark:

    He should get fired for saying this. He really should. Because it shows that he just does not understand anything about the markets he's dealing with, the product he himself sells, and how his company is responding to a very real threat.

    He conflates hardware with software (when he talks about the "low price"), and doesn't seem to get that it's his product that's vastly overpriced for the market. If Microsoft was actually to survive on the model he suggests here, they would have to cut back to a company a fifth of their current size and drop everything they do except making Windows and Office.

    Great post! (Sorry this is an old reset, just working through the thread.)

    Both he and, to a lesser degree, Bill are trained in "salesman speak" where logic and intellectual honesty have no home. I saw a roundtable on PBS one time where all the titans of eIndustry were on stage, including Ballmer, and Bill G. was on a big screen from some other location and the MC was asking each about proprietary software and open markets and when it got to Bill, he said how MS was this engine of choice and a force in innovation. The other CEO's barely contained their smirks and chuckles and the MC tried to hint at his incredulity with a polite version of "c'mon, man are you for real?!" but both he and Ballmer stoically ignored every non-verbal cue and sense of reason and in a reality distortion field that might humble Steve Jobs, they acted so matter of factly that the MC would have had to call each a liar to continue the conversation and he awkwardly moved on.

    Not to pontificate, but this is such a problem with the way Wall Street and big business goes about their business. These guys have so deluded themselves into a form of selfrighteousness that it makes journalists and analysts who may have been more critical, simply move on and not rock the boat - thus Enron, thus AIG, thus GM ...

    And all of the talking heads on the financial news stations just repeat this stuff as if reality and honesty don't matter. Of course Apple does the same thing, but it hasn't retarded the innovation of an entire industry in the way that MS has, plus it drives innovation, so we can cut it some slack.
  • Reply 235 of 272
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    Ballmer makes a good point about the difference between Apple's business model and Microsoft's business model. Given the fact that Microsoft is well settled in the corporate environment and Linux can't replace Active Directory without getting sued, they don't have a problem.

    The consumers on the other hand are warming up to Apple. That is how Microsoft made its entry into the market in the 1980s. If Apple's traction with the consumers continues, it will eventually make a dent in the corporate sector. Given the migration to SAS instead of running your own data center, Apple might leap frog the traditional business model and get into one of the newer niches.

    Personally, I don't want Apple to become another Microsoft.

    Yeah, but an Apple dominated industry would look ALOT better than a Microsoft dominated one.
  • Reply 236 of 272
    cdyatescdyates Posts: 202member
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    This is what I've always thought. You hear about how PCs just go spectacularly wrong in this forum, and how the user has paid MILLIONS for virus software, yet my Windows PC 'just works' and I have a free antivirus installed. It's either ignorance, or trolling.

    Yeah why is there so much emotion about it?
  • Reply 237 of 272
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post


    Do NOT delude your self into believing that Microsoft bailed out Apple. Didn't happen. They bailed THEMSELVES out of just one more in a long list of ethical (not to say CRIMINAL) activities here and around the world.

    Like their locking in of customers with IE, while locking out competition, which has cost 'm 1,5 BILLION in fines in the EU sofar. Locking customers in, and the competition out with Windows Media Player is the current case. Wonder how many billions that's going to cost 'm.

    And just wait until Russia, India, China, Japan, and Australia wake up to that music...!
  • Reply 238 of 272
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    This is what I've always thought. You hear about how PCs just go spectacularly wrong in this forum, and how the user has paid MILLIONS for virus software, yet my Windows PC 'just works' and I have a free antivirus installed. It's either ignorance, or trolling.

    I really get irriated when someone makes this quote, you are one person out of many millions and because yours works fine, Hey its ok. Hmm please if you going to quote at least have some FACTS and understand the virus issue with MS.

    This basically a translation of your quote to allow you to see how silly it was 'Hey my country has never been to war, so I can't understand why everyone is talking about all the wars around the world'

    There are many people who are probably virus free, BUT when you compare the number of people/coporations that have been infected, it is vastly significant compared to Apple community.

    I changed to Mac computers not because there look bloody good, superior quality compared to similar priced brands or because it just works. I changed due to security superority in OS especially now OSX.

    Btw CNET is not a Mac lover site but there have rated iMac and MacBook Pro has the TOP products in their class, I wonder why?

    As this statement:

    The CEO also, in a roundabout way, acknowledged that Apple is known for making higher-quality hardware than Microsoft's PC partners. But Ballmer said he expects consumers to be surprised at some of the new offerings available this fall alongside the debut of its new operating system, Windows 7.

    Ballmer, you just do not get it, reason why Mac is better quality is because you have one company ensuring that hardware/sofware works. Ther is a saying "two many cooks spoil the Broth"

    No matter how good the operating system is, it is only has good as the hardware that runs it.
  • Reply 239 of 272

    I really get irriated when someone makes this quote, you are one person out of many millions and because yours works fine, Hey its ok. Hmm please if you going to quote at least have some FACTS and understand the virus issue with MS.

    If you end up with a virus on your computer, it's because you're ignorant, and have done something you shouldn't have done. You were ignorant because you didn't know about the necessary precautions to take. As such, anyone who claims to have switched to a Mac due to the many viruses they had was either ignorant, or are simply trolling.
  • Reply 240 of 272
    Originally Posted by mrochester View Post

    If you end up with a virus on your computer, it's because you're ignorant, and have done something you shouldn't have done. You were ignorant because you didn't know about the necessary precautions to take. As such, anyone who claims to have switched to a Mac due to the many viruses they had was either ignorant, or are simply trolling.

    or....lives with someone, or visited a trusted website with a zero day flash infection, or received an email with a .doc attachment from a trusted source which was nevertheless infected with a virus. I don't think that everyone who's been infected by a PC virus is ignorant. The truly smart PC users should just avoid the internet, I guess.
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