Palm snags another former Apple employee for exec role



  • Reply 21 of 38
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Maybe some former Apple employees are going to Palm because it seems

    like an opportunity to recreate a corporate culture similar to what they

    may view as "the good old days" at Apple (only better). The sad thing is,

    if they are successful, Palm probably will be acquired by some big company

    like Dell or Motorola and the soul of the new Palm corporate culture will

    be crushed by their new parent's insipid weight.
  • Reply 22 of 38
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    Curious how Palm is doing it.

    The Pre should keep them alive, but it is hard to see how they can sell the quantities required (especially with just Sprint). So much of Sprint's subscriber base is either legacy Nextel or prepaid that it is hard to imagine the Pre having an addressable market more than 2.5MM customers over a period of six months. That will keep the lights on, but the company has to show a profit so I can't imagine any big bonuses or stock options that wouldn't just decimate the share price...

    By the time Verizon is on the scene, the Pre might be a dated offering. Could Palm pull off semi-annual update cycles? (Could Apple?)

    Verizon is supposed to get the Pre in a few months. maybe 1/2010 at the latest.

    Pre is going to be as dated as the iphone 3GS by that time since they both have the same CPU and graphics core. only difference is the manufacturer.
  • Reply 23 of 38
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Exactly, the headline is probably deliberately misleading to attract attention. 'Snag' infers they are at Apple when hired. It is not really 'snagging' when the are simply ex Apple.

    I didn't read it like that. They put in the word "former" so I read it as them picking up someone who used to work for Apple. Interesting how people read things differently. I wonder if that's a left brain vs right brain thing lol
  • Reply 24 of 38
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    LOL you guys know the drill.

    "Slow news day? Fire up something controversial"

    I'm not blaming Kasper. He's running with the same story that all the boring

    ass net rags are running.
  • Reply 25 of 38
    Originally Posted by Chintan100 View Post

    2012: Jobs leaves Apple to head Palm...

    That would make Palm a .....Cocoa nut Palm. heheheh... see... cocoa nut.....
  • Reply 26 of 38
    This is actually the most interesting bit of this news story:

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    In other Palm news, the handset maker has filed a complaint with the USB Implementers Forum over Apple's attempts to block the Pre from syncing with iTunes. In a back-and-forth dispute, Apple disabled the Pre's ability to sync with iTunes, only for Palm to fire back and fix the issue. The sync works because the Pre incorrectly identifies itself as an iPod.

    Sour grapes from Palm. The complaint will never be taken seriously because of the bolded statement above. The Palm Pre has to impersonate an iPod to make the connection. No way Apple is going to allow any company to do that.
  • Reply 27 of 38
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Palm continues to poach former Apple employees for its executive-level talent, with its latest coup the signing of a former creative director at the Cupertino, Calif.-based company.

    Who cares about "snag." But poach? Seriously? What sensationalism. Too bad the execution of the word doesn't match the definition. But for discussion's sake, lets analyze the various definitions of "poach" and see if it can be properly applied to the situation at hand and also how the manner in which that article chooses to use it:

    Poach ? verb (when used with object)

    1. To trespass, esp. in order to hunt.

    Definition not related.

    2. To steal from another's property.

    Zwerner was at one time Apple's intellectual property, the most recent of which was 6 years ago, and that far exceeds any non-compete clause. Therefore, he is no longer Apple's intellectual property, regardless of whether he worked there, and so stealing occurred on Palm's part. No poaching took place.

    3. To take without permission and use as one's own: to poach ideas; a staff poached from other companies.

    Related to #2. Palm did not steal him from Apple; Zwerner was not working there at the time Palm hired him. Nor did he defect in any way. Since he is an ex Apple employee of many years, Apple itself is irrelevant. Since Zwerger is now working for Palm, he thus agreed to be hired; Palm could not have hired Zwerner without Zwerner's own permission. No poaching took place.

    4. To break or tear up by trampling.

    Definition not related.

    5. To mix with water and reduce to a uniform consistency, as clay.

    Definition not related.

    And so, it is clear from the above that no meaning of the word can be properly applied in the article. Of course, Kasper is trying to infer that Palm is "out for sport" to hire Apple's ex-employees, trying to convey the image that Palm is hunting them like game, which is completely misleading. The fact of the matter is, if Apple's ex-employees didn't want to work for Palm, they wouldn't. Palm is not holding them at gun point forcing them to work, nor is Palm adding them as trophies.
  • Reply 28 of 38
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    Of course, Kasper is trying to infer that Palm is "out for sport" to hire Apple's ex-employees, trying to convey the image that Palm is hunting them like game, which is completely misleading.

    Well, I don't think it's a stretch to say that Palm has Apple-envy. They are doing their best to mimic Apple's success with the iPhone, including hiring former Apple employees, making their phone very iPhone-like and making it impersonate an iPod so it can synch using iTunes. Palm is doing their best to ride Apple's coattails.
  • Reply 29 of 38
    When I saw this article's Title: Palm snags another former Apple employee for exec role - such were my initial thoughts:

    Maybe Palm knows something that nobody else knows, then they tease some folks at Apple with that, and those folks see that as some brighter future, and thus more lucrative opportunity! So they jump to that next big thing at Palm, betting on it being the winning horse...

    That might be what Palm want the world to believe, and at least make it into a self-fulfilling prophecy... We are the future, look at these guys from Apple jumping to our ship, cause they don't want to miss this victory train leaving the station...

    But, then I read the comments here:

    These guys have worked at Apple at some point. They didn't quit to work for Palm, cause Palm made them a better offer! And, even if that $$ was better, it's still a likely bluff, why? Cause if Pre doesn't sell to well, how long can Palm last?

    Verizon is trying to get iPhone and the tablet or whatever that device is gonna be... ATT and VZ will be both on LTE/4G, while Sprint is WiMax...

    Like I've describe in my post on another thread -- Pre has no REAL SUPPORT! That is its death verdict! Palm doesn't have $$ to run as fast as Apple, no matter how much Bono and friends sink into it... Even if MSFT or Google were to buy it, or Del, someone, how will that compete with Apple's 800 phone, and Apple Stores support, plus 10s of MILLIONS iPhone users and growing?

    Pre vs. iPhone = a joke..., no matter how Apple-esqe Pre TV spots are! And iPhone is not Pre's only competitor - WM, Nokia, and BB!

    Support is where it's ATT

    As to the MISSLEADING:

    Palm is TRYING to keep itself in the news, and create a self-fulfilling prophecy! I bet Sprint sales folks tell the shoppers: look! iPhone is dying, all Apple folks are trying to get into Palm! Then, if they trick someone to buy Pre, good luck to that person getting Support, coverage! It's a JOKE! They tech reviewers could kill Pre with a few articles, but they try to appear independent from Apple! A JOKE! They know what's up, and play stupid, looking the other way from the Truth!

    Pre is too little too late from a company that can't borrow much and quickly enough!

    So, I say: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Night Palm!
  • Reply 30 of 38
    applestudapplestud Posts: 367member
    all those people who are challenging the journalistic integrity of this site better watch out! For real, i got banned under a different s/n when i pointed out the same type of faux-journalism around here. I love the site, but they take themselves too seriously sometimes. I got banned for "ad hominem" attack. What is this, Nazi germany?
  • Reply 31 of 38
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    Apple should move to another state where no-compete clauses have some teeth

    Nah. If anyone who works at Apple wants to leave, they just should. Non-competes are nasty, lawer-driven things that should hardly ever have to be waved around at current or former employees unless they appropriate specific knowledge for the benefit of a competitor.
  • Reply 32 of 38
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    Apple should move to another state where no-compete clauses have some teeth


    No-compete clauses usually last for only 2 years and can be challenged, if you are stopping that person from making a living using their own skills.

    I would take the other approach, Apple must be doing something very special, if competitors are hiring former employees.

    Apple will just have to rise the bar again!
  • Reply 33 of 38
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    But why should they leave? What does this say about Apple? Palm? What do they see that we're not seeing?

    As a new Pre user after 2 years with the iPhone, I can tell you the Pre has a more elegant UI/OS and a more attractive, "organic" hardware design. The TV ads may be weird, but this device will give the iPhone a run for it's money especially when it arrives on Verizon's network. Oh, and the Pre is also great as a PHONE too. Sorry AT&Fee. Sprint's service in my area is amazing and I will be doing what I can to get people to switch to WebOS. Who needs 60,000 apps, when only a handful are admittedly useful at any time? As for the purported hardware build issues (oreo effect, etc.) I've had no problems, no wiggle at all. Generally speaking, except for iPhone users, most people treat their phones like sh*t. Treat your tech well people.


    Apple girl gone Pre


    Can't wait for Snow Leopard!
  • Reply 34 of 38
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by Gyokuro View Post

    As a new Pre user after 2 years with the iPhone, I can tell you the Pre has a more elegant UI/OS and a more attractive, "organic" hardware design. The TV ads may be weird, but this device will give the iPhone a run for it's money especially when it arrives on Verizon's network. Oh, and the Pre is also great as a PHONE too. Sorry AT&Fee. Sprint's service in my area is amazing and I will be doing what I can to get people to switch to WebOS. Who needs 60,000 apps, when only a handful are admittedly useful at any time? As for the purported hardware build issues (oreo effect, etc.) I've had no problems, no wiggle at all. Generally speaking, except for iPhone users, most people treat their phones like sh*t. Treat your tech well people.


    Apple girl gone Pre


    Can't wait for Snow Leopard!

    Boy, does this reek of something straight out of a Palm viral (guerilla?) advertising campaign. Consciously breezy and casual yet hits all the correct talking points--even a "girl" to make it seem less hostile. Right down to the little P.S. at the end that says: "Hey, I'm not a hater." Nice job Palm.
  • Reply 35 of 38
    gyokurogyokuro Posts: 83member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Boy, does this reek of something straight out of a Palm viral (guerilla?) advertising campaign. Consciously breezy and casual yet hits all the correct talking points--even a "girl" to make it seem less hostile. Right down to the little P.S. at the end that says: "Hey, I'm not a hater." Nice job Palm.

    You may want to take the time to read my previous posts, where I often comment about the superior nature of the iPhone and other things Apple related. I am a girl, actually, a professional woman in my late 20's that is an Apple fangirl, but I happened to find a mobile device that is superior (for me). I know this is a commentary related Apple fan site, however, don't be a hater if I chose something else over iPhone. they are actually complementary devices in function, but I like Sprint's phone service in my area and the 3G is fast. I need both as a business professional. Thank you though for the complement as I like to think of myself a casual and breezy, and I bet you'd be the one to give me a second look if I passed you by on the street.

    Not to toot my own horn or anything. I own two Macs and a Touch, so Apple is getting plenty of my dough. Apologize or I will sick SJ on you.
  • Reply 36 of 38
    Originally Posted by Gyokuro View Post

    As a new Pre user after 2 years with the iPhone, I can tell you the Pre has a more elegant UI/OS and a more attractive, "organic" hardware design.

    No it doesn't. I've tried the Pre and while it's an okay phone, compared to the iPhone it feels like a toy. And that keyboard with the tiny keys is awful and quite awkward to use. The OS is sluggish and has quite a few quirks that still need to be worked out. The Pre is maybe 75% of what the very first iPhone was, so, Palm still has a lot of catching up to do if it wants to be better than the iPhone.
  • Reply 37 of 38
    gyokurogyokuro Posts: 83member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    No it doesn't. I've tried the Pre and while it's an okay phone, compared to the iPhone it feels like a toy. And that keyboard with the tiny keys is awful and quite awkward to use. The OS is sluggish and has quite a few quirks that still need to be worked out. The Pre is maybe 75% of what the very first iPhone was, so, Palm still has a lot of catching up to do if it wants to be better than the iPhone.

    I never implied the Pre was superior, it's just better for me. Remember, I had the iPhone for two years. My beef is mainly with AT&T. While the quality of the iPhone's build may be better, the device also had to function well as a phone for me, and it didn't. Apple's fault or AT&T's, I don't know. The Pre's keyboard works just fine and may not be as nice as touching glass buttons. They both work as intended. To type. Calling the Pre a toy is immature and shortsighted. Competition is a good thing.
  • Reply 38 of 38
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    [QUOTE=Gyokuro;1460963]You may want to take the time to read my previous posts, where I often comment about the superior nature of the iPhone and other things Apple related. I am a girl, actually, a professional woman in my late 20's that is an Apple fangirl, but I happened to find a mobile device that is superior (for me). I know this is a commentary related Apple fan site, however, don't be a hater if I chose something else over iPhone. they are actually complementary devices in function, but I like Sprint's phone service in my area and the 3G is fast. I need both as a business professional. Thank you though for the complement as I like to think of myself a casual and breezy, and I bet you'd be the one to give me a second look if I passed you by on the street.

    Actually, I did check previous posts before my comment--that's one of the reasons I made it. Here are some samples that caught my eye:

    "Why is AI dragging their feet on the obvious 3GS overheating issues. Now there is a story.

    This enormous fact is why the iPhone is not as strong with business and why I will not be renewing my contract. Too many dropped important biz calls. I am now waiting for the BB Tour to be released...

    My first gen iPhone contract is nearly up. I have to say that if nothing more than what has been speculated on actually materializes with the new iPhone software/hardware, I will be defecting. My...

    I am personally offended that Microsoft is coming out with an OLED screen on the new Zune HD, without knowing if Apple will offer same on the Touch or iPhone.

    I have secretly hoped for OLED..."

    I admit that these are selective, and that there are others that are Apple fan-ish, but they were enough to get me wondering. If I am wrong, I am glad. Anything to keep you from siccing the Jesuits on me!
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