Apple prepares for first Microsoft store by updating its own



  • Reply 41 of 112
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Microsoft stores will be as exciting as a Radio Shack.

    "Every location is full of bizarre adapters, random chargers, and old boom boxes, and some sales guy is constantly hovering over you. It's like walking into your grandpa's basement. You always expect to see something cool, but it never delivers." - The Onion

    Could this be Microsoft's retail strategy?
  • Reply 42 of 112
    cu10cu10 Posts: 294member
    Originally Posted by hypoluxa View Post

    MS Store Guru employee- " I'm sorry sir, that is a OEM problem not windows, please contact Dell, HP, etc... who's next?"

    Fail for Microsoft, they don't have a focused-enough brand to justify a dedicated store!
  • Reply 43 of 112
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    It was not minorities that cause the banking issue, middle class people also suffered due mortgages that were being sold to them way above their incomes, if the rates changed.

    I noticed that number of people in USA (not saying all), but ones I encountered borrowed to the max and had the flashiest house, car and lifestyle and lived from paycheck to paycheck. I asked about that to a US colleague and he said that pretty much standard with number of people.

    I doubt it was only minorities that caused the crash, since that's what your statement implies.

    Originally Posted by JSmith View Post

    The comment regarding the government forcing banks to lend to minorities is a right-wing straw-man that has nothing behind it. The act in question was first put in sometime in the late 70s/early 80s. If that's what caused the problems, then it's the slowest time bomb in history.

    Try another line of attack if you must - that one's total BS.

    The crash was not just the housing market, its also the "let the government bail me out" mindset. I know a few people who just stopped paying there mortgage not because they couldn't but because they were upside down and just wanted to move on.

    Ya, it was slow, that why this country is going to be in at least 12 TRILLION $$$$$ in debt in the next few years. There is no one thing that caused this economic downturn, there is a huge list. That both political parties are responsible for. Strike that, there is one thing to blame, the american people for not paying attention. You probly saw that study that 75% of high schoolers don't know who the 1st president was? Ask people off the street who members of congress are that hold important positions, I know most won't know.

    I don't smoke but its an individuals right to be able to in a free county where it is legal.

    But did you hear, they made Cloves and any flavored Cigarettes illegal?

    Its about what those in power want not what the people want.
  • Reply 44 of 112
    Originally Posted by JSmith View Post

    I was going from fuzzy memory, the date is 1977 for the act in question. Quoting from Wikipedia:

    The Community Reinvestment Act (or CRA, Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.) is a United States federal law designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.[1][2][3] Congress passed the Act in 1977 ...

    gives you a another prespective, why USA had massive slump last year

    This article states as the reasons for the financial problems in US which after near collapse of US banking system in Sept to Oct 08 affected the World economy too, the following:

    "There were central bankers who kept interest rates too low...."


    Interest rates are EVEN LOWER NOW than they were before, during the so called time that "...central bankers who kept interest rates too low....", so this CANNOT be the reason for near collapse of US economy.

    And the other reason often stated by US Media for the near collapse of US economy is that there was a "Housing bubble in US .." or that "Banks were easy in giving loans to people that could not afford it..."


    Avg house prices in US at their peak in 2006 were below a pathetic $200 per Sqft, again once you did not get that in their peak avg House prices in US were barely $200/Sqft, that is less than what avg House prices are in Canada and Western Europe today! In fact you have to go to 3rd World countries like Turkey, Bulgaria, to get avg House prices below $200/Sqft and quality of houses in US are incredibly high. And about the reason: "Banks were easy in giving loans to people that could not afford it...", House ownership percentage is Higher in Canada than it is in US, it was in 2006 and even more so today.

    So the reasons for the near collapse of US economy in todays Global economy are what our right-wing Media never alludes to as the reasons which in summary are:

    1-Our Taxes (money) wasted on one unnecessary War after another, i.e., Iraq war having wasted $2Trillion of our money so far and we are still in this

    War 7 years after starting it and EVEN THOUGH Obama/Dems ran under the promise of ending this War they are continuing with it just as Bush/Cheney/Reps and they

    even kept the same Sec of Defense as Bush/Cheney/Reps to boot!

    2- Our Taxes (money) not invested in our People & Cities as Europeans do with Universal Health care and many other Social services as a result of which

    a simple health care need can drive an American family into financial ruin or even bankruptcy while the same would cost a European family ZERO.

    After all consider that last year 2 Million Americans filed for bankruptcy due to health care costs while ZERO Europeans filed for bankruptcy due to health care costs last year, because they have Universal Health car. I mean think about it if a simple health care need can cost an American family $20,000 in deductibles and co-pays, assuming they have health insurance, how in the Hek are they going to pay their pathetic $2,000 per month Mortgages.

    3- Our Taxes (money) wasted on a Gargantuan Military. Considering that for example we have more than 300,000 troops all over European bases,

    pumping like 50Bill Euros per year into European economies, and here is Europe much richer than US as evident by Euro being more valuable than US Dollar,

    or European Auto makers doing great while US Auto makers are going bankrupt, etc. AND Europe has NO enemy TODAY that it would need 300,000 troops from

    USA to defend from.

    Now the question is how it is that USA is such a miserable place that it cannot address the above problems/issues!

    The answer is that US Media is 99% right-wing, which means it reports the news for the benefit of Rich & Big Military and not the American middle class.

    Disclaimer: This is not views of SOULIISOUL, but excerpt from an article published :-)
  • Reply 45 of 112
    Do the folks in Redmond have a single original thought?

    In addition to copying Apple's retail store idea, they couldn't even come up with a real estate consultant on their they hired George Blankenship...Apple's retail store consultant!

    And now reports that Microsoft is trying to hire away Apple store employees (for their own stores) by promising big raises.
  • Reply 46 of 112
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    Has anyone in Redmond, ever, in the entire history of the company, had anything resembling an original thought?

    Do you remember "Microsoft Bob"?
  • Reply 47 of 112
    When I first heard that Microsoft is planning to lure away Apple store employees by offering them a lot more money, I got slightly angry. Then I stopped to think. This might be a good time for Apple, now flush with vast reserves of cash and an increasingly profitable future, to look at how it handles its employees at every level. From management practices (some of which may be causing a rebellion at one store) to pay rates (which I understand aren't too great in the stores).

    I'd like to see Apple clean up its management act (where it needs it) at every level to make sure that employees are treated fairly and with respect everywhere. And particularly in the stores, raise the pay to the point where employees feel true loyalty to the company. Sure, Microsoft can always spend vast amounts and pull some people away. But Apple can build stronger loyalty in its work force that will be visible to the public.

    I have heard that conditions on the tech side of Apple are very intense in terms of hours worked and stress. They have obtained amazing amounts and quality of work out of their hardware and software designers. Maybe now is a good time to start bringing in enough new people to spread the burden and let everyone work more normal hours. Hey, with the state of the economy, there's lots of talent available. This could be an important aspect of building the company's ability to succeed in the long run. Burning people out is not efficient. They can use a deeper talent pool to maintain and accelerate their innovation and quality of products.

    And finally, the hardware manufacturing in China. That's a big problem for every company manufacturing goods there - labor conditions, both pay and physical, are absolutely terrible. Of course, the whole point is low cost above all else. Apple can step up and demand better conditions from its suppliers - Apple is the 800 lb. gorilla right now and could get meaningful results if it really wanted to. Of course, not nearly enough - it's only one company out of thousands driven by the profit motive. That's where we US citizens and customers for the many (nearly all?) of the products in our homes that are manufactured in China, Vietnam, etc. can step up to the plate. I confess to woeful ignorance on the practical steps that can be taken. We can support fair international trade rules that penalize countries that permit extreme exploitation of their citizens. Support for increased Chinese democracy is appropriate. After all, the Chinese being the ones who suffer are best positioned to change their own government and working conditions. As for pressure exerted by our own government - that would be nice, but we're not in a very strong position to tell the Chinese government what to do, our being literally in debt to them for so much.

    One good outcome of this recession may be to force China to develop its internal markets to replace the external ones that have gone away. That means citizens with enough to spend to stimulate production. That means higher wages. Sure hope that happens.
  • Reply 48 of 112
    Many valid points regarding the W$ debacle are in the last couple of posts ... I was merely pointing out the "minorities" canard was inaccurate. The rest I don't really have an argument with. There's plenty of ammunition to shoot and plenty of appropriate targets without expending it on those that are not to blame.
  • Reply 49 of 112
    Originally Posted by gordonz View Post

    Do you remember "Microsoft Bob"?

    Do you remember that "Jingle Creation Program" and its commercial that was painful to watch?
  • Reply 50 of 112
    rnp1rnp1 Posts: 175member
    [QUOTE=JSmith;1487596]Many valid points regarding the W$ debacle are in the last couple of posts ... I was merely pointing out the "minorities" canard was inaccurate.

    Sorry, can't resist:

    If it walks like a minority Canard, if it quacks like a minority Canard, then it's probably made in China!
  • Reply 51 of 112
    i cannot wait to see pictures of those stores specially of the birthday parties they allegedly will host
  • Reply 52 of 112
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    and intends to include "Guru Bars," much like the Genius Bars created by Apple.

    I just HAVE to comment about MS once again putting its foot in its mouth!

    If anyone remembers the Amiga computer (or owned an early model with teething problems of a new OS), the term "GURU" has a special meaning.

    You see, whenever the system would crash (as in BSOD for MS), the screen would flash a code number to help debug the problem.

    The title of this screen was "GURU MEDITATION MESSAGE". No kidding.

    The full message took two lines, and a sample can be viewed HERE.

    I've just GOT to have T-shirts made up with this front and back to ware at the MS store opening!

    It will look really cool.

    At least MS is finally embracing truth in advertising!
  • Reply 53 of 112
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Whether the renovations are a direct response to Microsoft's own upcoming store, or merely a coincidence is unclear.

    Why do you CONTRADICT your own headling?
  • Reply 54 of 112
    Originally Posted by jsmythe00 View Post

    Dude, you just did Radio Shack a disservice. :-), I would in fact prefer RS to the MS store. I don't own an xbox and will never own a zune, so what would they possibly sell that I would want?

    BTW, it's not Radio Shack any longer, it's The Shack! (ok, the exclamation mark was mine but I think it should have one) and they are way cooler than MS, they have their own cycling team with Lance.
  • Reply 55 of 112
    Originally Posted by DKWalsh4 View Post

    A better statement: Microsoft stores will be as exciting as a Hallmark store during a non-holiday season.

    It doesn't matter what its like, the mac community in the Apple store shows it's strengths.
  • Reply 56 of 112
    Originally Posted by rnp1 View Post

    OK, heres a huge change, for me, the biggest Apple funboy and former Apple worker bee: The new MS Courier looks very practical. Sure it's operation probably sucks, but for an electric book, it sure fits human history. To get a bigger version of an iPhone, call it, "iBook" say, will be dangerous. Think of it this way; you're reading your favorite book in bed and fall asleep. Your iBook falls on the floor and you get out of bed in the morning and step on it! I can hear the Genius say, "$899!". Or your at school with your iBook and you turn to answer the blonde in the desk behind you. Your iBook slides off the formica desk onto the hard linoleum floor! The Genius response is the same! The MS Courier (named after an early Mac font from 1984) will take a fall much better than a bigger iPhone. Plus, I love the form factor of having a real, open book to read! For hundreds of years we have used this format and it works. To tote it around, you fold it and take a walk. The cool looking big form iPhone will have to travel in a case, which covers the coolness, and once you slide it out to use it, it will be just as slippery as any iPhone, but perhaps worse! So for lots of practical reasons, the Courier fills the bill! Plus using a quill to write is as old as civilization. (I still have a Newton 100, and we had to use EasyPay at Apple-both used the quill for input!) Now, having said that, I will choose the easiest and slickest device for an eBook, but the Courier form factor does look far better than a blown up iPhone! Plus, I'm a serious book and blog reader, not interested in wasting time shooting at drug addicted stick figures with shading! (Phil told us how so many people are wasting the Touch capacities instead of just using a dedicated PSP!)

  • Reply 57 of 112
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    Has anyone in Redmond, ever, in the entire history of the company, had anything resembling an original thought?

    microsoft bob?
  • Reply 58 of 112
    Originally Posted by lightstriker View Post

    Why do you CONTRADICT your own headling?

    tiresome, isn't it?
  • Reply 59 of 112
    Guru Bar? Seems too much of a rip-off. How about something more likely? Wailing Wall sounds right.
  • Reply 60 of 112
    So... the store will be full of "Gurus" helping people with their Service Pack updates and virus maintenance?
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