Apple prepares for first Microsoft store by updating its own



  • Reply 101 of 112
    Or Apple did this to show shoppers that even their construction-coming-soon presence is better than Microsoft?
  • Reply 102 of 112
    Originally Posted by AeronPrometheus View Post

    Browse the Apple website and play Mac & PC ads until they make you leave.

    Why doesn't anyone realize that when the store opens, it will be all glossy screen 17" MacBook Pros running Windows 7? They are PC's too ya know

    And when they can't get bluetooth to work right it will be Apple's fault for not supplying the appropriate drivers. Damn OEMs!
  • Reply 103 of 112
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Well, don't really want to derail the thread, but "straw man" means a made up point of contention that is easily refuted.

    I s.

    Thank you for the straw man meaning.I could not grasp its intent fully .


  • Reply 104 of 112
    Originally Posted by Marc OSX View Post

    The Guru's will actually be there to teach people how to deal with the stresses of owning and using Microsoft products. There will be meditation areas or "Frustration Zones" as I believe they will be called, with whale sounds, incense and candles to help customers on their path to enlightenment (ie. the path that takes you straight out the door and down the road into an Apple store)

    Frustration Zones... LMAO! Love it!
  • Reply 105 of 112
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    Went to the Easton Apple Store and was pleasantly surprised by the renovation. It's a LOT more open feeling, all the straighter shelving is gone, with the software and accessories pushed to the back walls surrounding the Genius Bar. They added a bunch of tables with MacBooks/MBPs/iMacs for customers to use. I found it amusing that they had a kid sized table with iMacs as well, hook em early .

    Actually, we have a flag ship store in Sydney with three floors. They have macbook pros, macbooks and some imacs on the first floor, iphones, ipod touch, ipods, etc on the second floor and then the genius bar and software on the third as well as some small balls and imacs for kids to play with as well. beautiful store. Telstra, Australia's biggest telephone retailer is right opposite.

    It was hilarious when the iPhone 3g went on sale here and there was a line as far as the eye could see in front of the apple store. The telstra store had no queue so I just popped in and got my phone in 5 minutes. To get it at the apple store would have taken 3-4 hours.
  • Reply 106 of 112
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by JSmith View Post

    The comment regarding the government forcing banks to lend to minorities is a right-wing straw-man that has nothing behind it. The act in question was first put in sometime in the late 70s/early 80s. If that's what caused the problems, then it's the slowest time bomb in history.

    Try another line of attack if you must - that one's total BS.

    could you replace straw-man with another word of the same meaning

    we're having bit figh tover here on its real meaning

    good post bye the bye
  • Reply 107 of 112
    Originally Posted by DavidCarnicelli View Post

    "Every location is full of bizarre adapters, random chargers, and old boom boxes, and some sales guy is constantly hovering over you. It's like walking into your grandpa's basement. You always expect to see something cool, but it never delivers." - The Onion

    Could this be Microsoft's retail strategy?

    Just to that actual point, in Aus, Tandy, which was Radio Shack's Aussie outpost died about 8-10 years ago. I am not really sure what Radio Shack sells that keeps it so profitable.
  • Reply 108 of 112
    Originally Posted by ForceQuit View Post

    Well you have a point with libraries (and the armed forces) . The rest I am not so sure about.

    mate, i'm in sydney and medicare is the best thing ever. i am covered for nearly all medical expenses - on top of that i can take out private medical cover and get the nice stuff for "free" or discounted as well.
  • Reply 109 of 112
    Originally Posted by samanjj View Post

    mate, i'm in sydney and medicare is the best thing ever. i am covered for nearly all medical expenses - on top of that i can take out private medical cover and get the nice stuff for "free" or discounted as well.

    What's happening with those enormous red dust clouds? Saw a bit on the news.
  • Reply 110 of 112
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    See?....isn't competition great?

    US Government.....get out of the way and let everyone compete on equal footing.

    OK. I'm done now.

    No you are just clueless.

    Competition IS great ... but guess what, armchair economist, it takes government to maintain the level playing field and rules by which it works. You want a real free market with few regulations and a weak central government, go to India. Breathe in the pollution, monopolies, graft and corruption, poverty and rigid class structure and lack of enforcement. Laissez faire capitalism does not "let everyone compete on [an] equal footing."

    Okay I'm done now.
  • Reply 111 of 112
    Originally Posted by MissionGrey View Post

    Ironical there was nothing but government involvement in that whole thing.

    ie, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank.

    Fanny May, was created by the government, and banks were told loan to minorities or else.

    ... or else what?!?!

    The banks, insurance companies and rating companies did this all to themselves with their eyes wide open. No one forced them into anything that they didn't expect to make a profit from. Wake up.
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