Apple Genius says dropped AT&T calls in NYC 'consistent'



  • Reply 21 of 93
    Well, we knew that some of those major cities were suffering terrible network issues so this seems pretty consistent. I'll be in San Francisco soon, so I'll get to experience this first hand (I'm curious if it'll be as bad as some have made it out to be--almost everywhere else I've traveled AT&T has done just fine).

    I'm not sure how much weight we should put in the response from a single low-level Apple employee, though. It could be that they have statistics of different areas and are simply being honest, or it could be that this is a poor employee who just fired off some general response without much attention or thought, and may not even have reliable information on the subject. 22-30% dropped calls is an extremely high percentage relative to normal statistics.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    And reality is reality. Verizon has no such problem here in NY.

    To be fair, and assuming the statistics discussed here are true, Verizon also isn't managing the iPhone.
  • Reply 22 of 93
    That would piss me off.

    Here where I live in a city with a population of about 50,000 and a city of about 500,000 about 15 miles away. I never, unless inside certain buildings get dropped calls, almost always have full 3G speeds.

    I should count my blessings it sounds like!
  • Reply 23 of 93
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Well, does that mean that these issues are only on the iPhone? Do the Blackberry users, on AT&T, experience the same % of dropped calls? Not sure.

    Well, my friends in those areas and here in Houston with competing phones don't complain about issues. Granted my friends are an extremely small amount in those areas, so it's hardly a scientific poll.
  • Reply 24 of 93
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dude I could give a rat's *** what you feel about me. I've never complained about my iPhone's service- in fact I've mentioned that I was pleasantly surprised that it's as good as it is. We've had a major upgrade here in August- havent you heard? and I have a 3Gs not a 3G. BTW I love the new MMS feature and speed that made me wait 2 years before I purchased -unlike you and your fellow beta testers.

    PS- I'm glad to see you've finally stopped defending AT&T like you had for the last 2 years especially now that it's been proven you don't know what you were talking about.

    Sweet, so you didn't go with the Pre! lol

    No if only I could text from in apps, I would be happy... for now, haha
  • Reply 25 of 93
    I can't MMS when I am on wifi, does anyone else have this problem?
  • Reply 26 of 93
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Well, my friends in those areas and here in Houston with competing phones don't complain about issues. Granted my friends are an extremely small amount in those areas, so it's hardly a scientific poll.

    Wait, you're saying that hearsay from an unnamed low paid single employee at a single store isn't a scientific poll? Not to mention that the source of the supposed hearsay is already an unhappy customer?

  • Reply 27 of 93
    On September 11, 2009 my iphone just got the best of me with the drop calls and decided to take action.. I live in New York City and travel all over the city for my job.. Anyway I called AT&T and after waiting 15 minutes i got someone to pick up the phone and i started with my complaint about the drop calls issue, only to have my called dropped while talking to the AT&T dude.. SO to make a long long long story super short the AT&T person did call me back and stated that 25 to 40 cell towers throughout NY CT NJ LI went down and they are working on the issue.. He also stated that i can not terminate my contract due to this issue or i will get charged for the early termination fee.. So now having a phone in my opinion drops about 50% of my calls and forget the voice mail thats a whole another issue.. Bottom line is I am stuck paying for this BS service and looking to go to METRO PCS for my carrier at 35 bucks a month everything included of course minus the drop calls and waiting 15 to 30 mins to get your visual voicemail. Hey guys i believe AT&T is a Lemon and what the hell is the iphone doing in there line up...
  • Reply 28 of 93
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Well, does that mean that these issues are only on the iPhone? Do the Blackberry users, on AT&T, experience the same % of dropped calls? Not sure.

    Well he had a 3G and many complaints were during the 3G era. I know 3 people (myself included) with 3Gs's that don't have problems. Was it a 3G problem ? We'll never know because Long Island , NJ and NYC have all been upgraded as of Aug so you can't compare now.
  • Reply 29 of 93
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I paid a $200 ETF with Alltel just so that I could get an iPhone 3GS on launch day. This was despite hearing all the report online that AT&T's service is crappy and that 3G speeds are often horrible.

    Luckily for me, here in Garner, NC (just outside the city limits or Raleigh), my 3G reception and phone service has been excellent. I've only had maybe 3 or 4 dropped calls altogether since I've had the phone, and three of those were while I was driving.

    So while I'm glad my service with AT&T has been great, sucks to hear that all the rest of you are having problems

    I can assure you that I would rather live (as most) in NYC with a lousy AT&T network than live in NC with a great network.

    That being said the iPhone needs to be on multiple carriers. It is clear that AT&T cannot handle the load. Apple is as much to blame, if not more so, than AT&T for the lousy network.
  • Reply 30 of 93
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Reztek View Post

    On September 11, 2009 my iphone just got the best of me with the drop calls and decided to take action.. I live in New York City and travel all over the city for my job.. Anyway I called AT&T and after waiting 15 minutes i got someone to pick up the phone and i started with my complaint about the drop calls issue, only to have my called dropped while talking to the AT&T dude.. SO to make a long long long story super short the AT&T person did call me back and stated that 25 to 40 cell towers throughout NY CT NJ LI went down and they are working on the issue.. He also stated that i can not terminate my contract due to this issue or i will get charged for the early termination fee.. So now having a phone in my opinion drops about 50% of my calls and forget the voice mail thats a whole another issue.. Bottom line is I am stuck paying for this BS service and looking to go to METRO PCS for my carrier at 35 bucks a month everything included of course minus the drop calls and waiting 15 to 30 mins to get your visual voicemail. Hey guys i believe AT&T is a Lemon and what the hell is the iphone doing in there line up...

    Do you have a 3G or 3GS?
  • Reply 31 of 93
    Originally Posted by Reztek View Post

    On September 11, 2009 my iphone just got the best of me with the drop calls and decided to take action.. I live in New York City and travel all over the city for my job.. Anyway I called AT&T and after waiting 15 minutes i got someone to pick up the phone and i started with my complaint about the drop calls issue, only to have my called dropped while talking to the AT&T dude.. SO to make a long long long story super short the AT&T person did call me back and stated that 25 to 40 cell towers throughout NY CT NJ LI went down and they are working on the issue.. He also stated that i can not terminate my contract due to this issue or i will get charged for the early termination fee.. So now having a phone in my opinion drops about 50% of my calls and forget the voice mail thats a whole another issue.. Bottom line is I am stuck paying for this BS service and looking to go to METRO PCS for my carrier at 35 bucks a month everything included of course minus the drop calls and waiting 15 to 30 mins to get your visual voicemail. Hey guys i believe AT&T is a Lemon and what the hell is the iphone doing in there line up...

    Your not stuck....sell your used iPhone, take part the money and pay the early termination fee, and take the rest of money to buy a new phone with a new service provider. You have options...other than complaining.
  • Reply 32 of 93
    I've had no dropped 3G calls in NYC on my Nokia E71.

    Maybe the problem is with the design of the iPhone making its 3G performance intrinsically weak?
  • Reply 33 of 93
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by MissionGrey View Post

    Sweet, so you didn't go with the Pre! lol

    No if only I could text from in apps, I would be happy... for now, haha

    NO way - that little plasticy thingy!
  • Reply 34 of 93
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Do you have a 3G or 3GS?

    I have 3g 8 gig with the latest O/S installed.. Would like to upgrade to the 3gS but whats the point...
  • Reply 35 of 93
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    It's easy to deflect blame to AT&T. I'm sure that when the executives of the other carriers meet in the back rooms (the rooms nobody knows about), they are collectively sighing relief knowing that they were probably in the same - or worse - shape with their network infrastructure. You don't see them getting on the podium and telling everyone that their network would have easily handled the millions of new high-bandwidth-hogging internet devices right?

    I think AT&T did bite off more than they could chew. They are doing what they can do and I'm sure the other carriers are keeping an eye so that they don't have to repeat AT&T woes should / if the iPhone or other heavy-bandwidth device is plugged into their network.

    Problems aside, I live in San Francisco and I rarely, have any problems with dropped calls. Bummer for the folks that do. It's a great device.
  • Reply 36 of 93
    Originally Posted by Reztek View Post

    I have 3g 8 gig with the latest O/S installed.. Would like to upgrade to the 3gS but whats the point...

    Ya, I am waiting till the 4G (or whatever they call it, hopfully just iPhone again), only like 9 months to go!
  • Reply 37 of 93
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Your not stuck....sell your used iPhone, take part the money and pay the early termination fee, and take the rest of money to buy a new phone with a new service provider. You have options...other than complaining.

    U Got a good point and i did think about it but i use the iphone for much more than the phone.. You know music games etc etc... So no point in selling because i got to buy something to replace all those functions... don't mean to be complaining just adding my 2 cent to this post...
  • Reply 38 of 93
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    NO way - that little plasticy thingy!

    Good Man!

    Would be nice to send texts from inside of apps don't you think?
  • Reply 39 of 93
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    To be fair, and assuming the statistics discussed here are true, Verizon also isn't managing the iPhone. appears they handle an equal amount of mobile data.
  • Reply 40 of 93
    I just feel sorry for the USA market period, you make the most money for Apple in terms of iPhone sales and you are getting screwed by the carrier.

    Do not know the deal with AT&T and Apple. But Apple need to get rid of exclusivity and allow some other carrier to compete with AT&T or my US colleagues will continue to be provided this sub-standard service.

    22-30% dropped calls in NYC, damn I may have 5% at most with Vodafone in Mumbai (I should probably take into consideration the usage compared to each city).

    Competition will drive AT&T to fix the issues faster.
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