Apple targets 3 new Get a Mac ads at Windows 7 (with videos)



  • Reply 121 of 371
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    In the last thread everyone was saying MS was scared of Apple because they decided to open a retail store. So it must work both ways, if Apple is launching these ad the same week MS launches a new OS then must mean Apple is scared of MS.

    Ads are ads.

    But blatantly ripping off Apple at every turn because your profits are nosediving, your company is in a steady decline, and you're totally out of ideas, is an altogether different story.
  • Reply 122 of 371
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You are corrects its hard to upgrade something like a Dell computer because you don't always know what kind of motherboard they have used, you almost always get a cheap power supply that won't handle any upgrades or a decent GPU.

    On a branded PC, I wouldn't try upgrading anything beyond RAM and HDD.

    Replacing the motherboard is usually a complete non-starter. PC manufacturers tend to fuse all of the motherboard connectors (Power On, HDD LED, etc.) into one cable and the cable isn't usually compatible with other motherboards.

    I own a PC for gaming. It's my only option since even Mac Pros don't have the best graphic card options, despite costing triple the price of the PC. However, most branded PCs are about as much use as a Mac for gaming. The only sensible option is to build your own.
  • Reply 123 of 371
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dates, times? Are you maintaining a teckstudian database of knowledge?

    Well, it's really just a table:


    CREATE TABLE teckstud_knowledge (

    tskID tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

    revealed datetime NOT NULL,

    knowledge varchar(255),

    PRIMARY KEY (tskID),

    KEY revealed (revealed)


    But, even though I've allowed the 'knowledge' column to accept null values, there are still no rows in it.
  • Reply 124 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    also if Apple launches the new iTab in the next few weeks to grab the spotlight away from Windows.

    Nothing personal Alfiejr, but enough already with the iTab .... you guys are driving me crazy (and I don't have far to go). If, and when, Apple introduces the "new iTab", I'll be more than happy to discuss it but for now, at least, could we just stop talking about a product that doesn't even exist yet ..... on every freakin thread even . P.S. Personally, I don't think Apple will ever "come out with an iTablet", but more than likely will just expand the iPod touch's role ... we'll see.
  • Reply 125 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by davebarnes View Post

    I think Apple should just ignore Windows 7.

    But, what do I know.

    They would, ..... but they don't like following the crowd.
  • Reply 126 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by BuffyzDead View Post


    NONE of these commercials have ever been intended for the geeks that frequent the Apple or Windows blogs.


    These commercials are geared for the masses, to whom these "commercials" resonate, as is evidenced by the continued growth of all things Apple.

    "This IS a commercial" it!!!

    Tru dat!
  • Reply 127 of 371
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    correct. about 3/4 of consumers can't afford to spend over $1000 for a laptop or desktop. so nearly all buy PC's, except for Apple fans. but the other 1/4 can and Mac gets a big share of that market. they can afford more Apple accessories too.

    That's OK.

    In a few years Apple will have 1/4 of the computer market and 90% of the profits.

    Same thing is happening in the cellphone market.

    Apple has enough casheesh on hand to buy every share of DELL.

    So does it really matter that they sell more computers?
  • Reply 128 of 371
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    well, it's really just a table:


    create table teckstud_knowledge (

    tskid tinyint(1) unsigned not null auto_increment,

    revealed datetime not null,

    knowledge varchar(255),

    primary key (tskid),

    key revealed (revealed)


    but, even though i've allowed the 'knowledge' column to accept null values, there are still no rows in it.

    oh snap!
  • Reply 129 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by fbrider View Post

    macs are still to expensive for the average customer. When the new macbook pros and recently the imacs came out, sales at my work were pretty much the same as any other day. today windows 7 was released and we were over 300% of budget for pcs.... what does this say i wonder....

    Judging from the "content" of your "First post" ... I'd have to believe it says you work for MS.. bye bye!
  • Reply 130 of 371
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by davebarnes View Post

    I think Apple should just ignore Windows 7.

    But, what do I know.

    millions of copies of window 7 will on macs vry soon

    if you want to play the new halo this is a must

    i wish window 7 users a better time of it than they had with the fantastic vista SW

    meanwhile apple keeps rolling on

    and on

    go apple !!
  • Reply 131 of 371
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    Overpriced? That's for us consumers to decide and 3M of us were quite happy to pay what we paid for a quality machine. Call me a fanboy, I could care less.

    Ah, so you do care.
  • Reply 132 of 371
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, it's really just a table:


    CREATE TABLE teckstud_knowledge (

    tskID tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

    revealed datetime NOT NULL,

    knowledge varchar(255),

    PRIMARY KEY (tskID),

    KEY revealed (revealed)


    But, even though I've allowed the 'knowledge' column to accept null values, there are still no rows in it.

  • Reply 133 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    You really want me to throw out all the things Apple has copied from Windows? It's quite the long list.

    Yes, I do .... this should be easy for someone who "builds their own computers".
  • Reply 134 of 371
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    The broken promises ad I saw on TV, awesome. If anything that hit home probably with a lot of ppl.

    The others, eh, not so much.

    I agree. "Broken Promises" works the best, the others seem rushed. The subtle humor in the early ads seems to have evaporated in favor of a sledgehammer approach. They should kill these ads until they can get some solid new approaches locked down.
  • Reply 135 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    My new quad core PC I just built (720 bucks total assembled by me) would blow the hinges off the new iMac and now with Windows 7 the argument about Mac having a better os has been squashed (not that it was really any better in my eyes).

    As usual, that is just your opinion (which, btw is your right to have one) .... but since you don't own, or have actually compared a new iMac ... then your opinion is meaningless .

    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Don't knock it till you try it is all I'll say, and I personally know 12 people who upgraded to 7 alone, and since students can get 7 for 30 bucks with a school email, sales are going to be IMMENSE.

    I agree that sales will probably be great, kinda hard not to be, when your customer base is maybe 8-10 times larger than Apple. But what you should be looking at instead of total sales is the sales trend ... and I'd be willing to bet that the present trend ( Apple marketshare increasing, MS decreasing) will still continue for a long time yet.
  • Reply 136 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Got news for you... McDonalds sales are 'immense'. Notice their '25 gazillion served' signs? It means jack squat... Those hamburgers are probably the worst thing for you.

    I'd take a gourmet Hawaiian hamburger made at Mauna Loa Bobs over McDonalds billion sales burger any day. And yep the gourmet burger will be 3 times the price and it will taste like it too.

    HaHa .... Great analogy ... wish I'd thought of it, .... hell, .... wish I had "a gourmet Hawaiian hamburger made at Mauna Loa Bobs" right now
  • Reply 137 of 371
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    My new quad core PC I just built (720 bucks total assembled by me) would blow the hinges off the new iMac and now with Windows 7 the argument about Mac having a better os has been squashed (not that it was really any better in my eyes).

    You mean until it blue screens. The problem with Windows is it is too damn fragile. The whole premise of a registry is flawed. Every time you upgrade a piece of software you are at risk of screwing up your entire OS. Until they get that sorted out it will never be as problem free as a Mac is.

    I think Windows is ok to work with and there was nothing really wrong with Win 2000 and I do have a bunch of win boxes. But they certainly break down A LOT! Sure, I get them up and running again but the Macs run 24/7 for years with NO issues whatsoever. Most 'off the shelf' PCs don't have the same quality hardware as a Mac. The power supplies have cheap components, the cpu and case fans are cheap and require constant replacement. If you are going to run Windows, building your own box is the way to go, but for $720 you didn't choose the highest quality components.
  • Reply 138 of 371
    Originally Posted by ifail

    My new quad core PC I just built (720 bucks total assembled by me) would blow the hinges off the new iMac and now with Windows 7 the argument about Mac having a better os has been squashed (not that it was really any better in my eyes).

    yes that sounds believable

    wait 6 months and do the same test, in your pc full of viruses and bloated registry

    at least try linux if you want something usable
  • Reply 139 of 371
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Where is this innovation you speak of? Last time Apple innovated was when they made the worlds first GUI, other than that they've been biting other peoples ideas just like MS has, so this is a weak argument.

    I guess you weren't watching when they revolutionized the home computer industry by making an all in one machine that was super popular, an idea that many are still copying to this day!

    I guess you weren't watching when they revolutionized the mp3 industry, with iPod, an idea that many are still trying to copy to this day. (think zune)

    I guess you weren't watching when they revolutionized the smartphone industry with iPhone, an idea that many are still trying to copy to this day! (think everyone else)

    I guess that you were still down in the basement, "working" on your "computer"!
  • Reply 140 of 371
    rindrind Posts: 66member
    My Opinion

    Windows is Unstable and requires to many resources to operate. Its good for playing games.

    Its OK for the internet as long as you have good Virus protection.

    That's my experience.

    Will be trying OS X in 2010 and going to give it a try.

    It would be nice to be able to use OS X on my PC, But I understand the reason I cant.

    I will buy a new MBP in 2010 and hopefully enjoy the Apple experience. If not the I could sale the MBP and get back a large portion of the cost. Not something that can be done with the majority of Windows notebooks.

    As far as Apple being scared of MS ?

    I'm sure its the other way around as MS has more to lose. While Apple is gaining customers.
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