Apple reveals plans for cheaper new products in the pipeline



  • Reply 81 of 85
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by matejay View Post

    Yup, that's right... No idea what is that difference supposed to be but to pay AU$1000 more for a top of the line iMac in the same config just because I'm in Australia is quite ridiulous. Anyone up for a massive hunger strike in front of the Sydney Apple store?

    I'd join you but I am in Malaysia for a while now ... And when you say hunger strike, if it means taking an occasional break to Bondi or Ku-ring-gai Chase and a bit of clubbing at some boutique trance/psy-trance nights, sure, sign me up.
  • Reply 82 of 85
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    I'd wager most companies are waiting for Windows 7. Converting in place machines is a loosing proposition. If you have volume contracts you can get PC's with monitors under $500 with the new OS. You'd burn more in labor hours trying to update old machines.

    You might be right = the recession might force people to hold off. But I think there will be a noticeable bump this quarter. Everyone I have talked with has a huge pent up demand....

    According to articles in Computerworld and Infoworld, both pretty reliable enterprise publications, business is in no rush to move to 7. Really, what features does it offer them? Little. As far as security goes, they have already set up their own measures. It offers little else for business right now.
  • Reply 83 of 85

    in retrospect, it didn't take much imagination to predict a cheap tablet in january 2010... but delivery is later than expected by apple so it seems...

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    After announcing spectacular Q4 results, Apple's Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer explained to analysts that the company is projecting lower growth in future revenues and profit margins due to cheap new products in the company's pipeline. ...

    In response to questions from Richard Gardner of CitiGroup asking "why gross margin should be down as much as you have it" in the company's future guidance, Oppenheimer answered, "we expect gross margin to decline about 34% primarily due to four factors.

    "First," Oppenheimer said, were "new products we have and will announce, delivering greater value, lower gross margin than predecessors." ...

    "Third," Oppenheimer said, the company expects to pay "significantly more air freight, while fourth, Apple anticipates having to face "higher component costs than September quarter."

    Cook later explained that costs associated with "air freight is not related to the iPhone. ..." He said that Apple expects freight costs to be "more than normal," adding that while "in general we spend more in freight in [holiday] Q1, but this increase is larger than usual. I'm sorry, I can't be specific on the product, but it's an abnormal sequential increase."


  • Reply 84 of 85
    Originally Posted by fbeckers View Post


    in retrospect, it didn't take much imagination to predict a cheap tablet in january 2010... but delivery is later than expected by apple so it seems...

    I think the decision to "go cheap" was late. That they could make something like they liked that they could deliver at a price that would compete with netbooks, but would be differentiated in important ways.

    But I think that financial announcement on the decline in margins was about bringing out consumer products...iPad being the first of them.
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