Apple's iPhone captures 17% of worldwide smartphone market



  • Reply 41 of 65
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You?d think after this much time with the iPhone people would look at UI, ease of use and ecosystem instead of thinking that features on a spec sheet are what sells phones.

    Yes, you'd think. And, you'd think, so would their acolytes. Yet they love to hang around in Apple forums like AI instead, and attempt to keep bashing the company by rehashing the same nonsense ad nauseum. They keep saying the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different outcome.

    Pathetic, isn't it?
  • Reply 42 of 65
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yes, you'd think. And, you'd think, so would their acolytes. Yet they love to hang around in Apple forums like AI instead, and attempt to keep bashing the company by rehashing the same nonsense ad nauseum. They keep saying the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different outcome.

    Pathetic, isn't it?

    Might have something to do with some natural (or socially ingained) hesitation to express adulation over a single company, over an extended period of time. It's somehow wrong to enjoy tech from the same company at the expense of enjoying it from other companies.

    Now if only I actually liked the crap that every other tech company produces . . .

    Oh well.
  • Reply 43 of 65
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yes, you'd think. And, you'd think, so would their acolytes. Yet they love to hang around in Apple forums like AI instead, and attempt to keep bashing the company by rehashing the same nonsense ad nauseum. They keep saying the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different outcome.

    Pathetic, isn't it?

    And their excuse is that they want to educate Mac users!!

    The problem with most of them is lack of comprehension, writing skills, and communication skills. I doubts most of them even finished high school.
  • Reply 44 of 65
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You’d think after this much time with the iPhone people would look at UI, ease of use and ecosystem instead of thinking that features on a spec sheet are what sells phones.

    I've come to think that there is a kind of user experience autism, endemic to tech enthusiasts, which renders them literally incapable of understanding what it is about the sum of an artfully integrated hardware, software and ecosystem that might appeal to people. Literally don't get it.

    For such people it must seem as if matching or surpassing "features" and a few broad elements (touch screen, fast browser, availability of apps) gives the user everything they could possibly want .Any talk of why the iPhone provides a better, more satisfying experience is dismissed as Koolaid or fanboyism, with features and specs brandished as "proof" that other handsets are superior.

    And, of course, success of a carefully designed product like the iPhone, even in the face of rivals that are "just as good or better", can only be the result of a mass delusion or marketing or both. Because sweating the details the way Apple does is just putting "form over function."

    It's really a matter of art, as distasteful that term is to some people. If you can't intuit how integrated form is function, and how that might appeal in ways most people can't even articulate, you're in the position of a person with no aesthetic sense staring at a painting and figuring it's just a matter of getting a bigger canvas.
  • Reply 45 of 65
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I've come to think that there is a kind of user experience autism, endemic to tech enthusiasts, which renders them literally incapable of understanding what it is about the sum of an artfully integrated hardware, software and ecosystem that might appeal to people. Literally don't get it.

    For such people it must seem as if matching or surpassing "features" and a few broad elements (touch screen, fast browser, availability of apps) gives the user everything they could possibly want .Any talk of why the iPhone provides a better, more satisfying experience is dismissed as Koolaid or fanboyism, with features and specs brandished as "proof" that other handsets are superior.

    And, of course, success of a carefully designed product like the iPhone, even in the face of rivals that are "just as good or better", can only be the result of a mass delusion or marketing or both. Because sweating the details the way Apple does is just putting "form over function."

    It's really a matter of art, as distasteful that term is to some people. If you can't intuit how integrated form is function, and how that might appeal in ways most people can't even articulate, you're in the position of a person with no aesthetic sense staring at a painting and figuring it's just a matter of getting a bigger canvas.

    Very well articulated. In fact, I wish I had written it. Nicely done.
  • Reply 46 of 65
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Unlike some I want everyone to be within 1% of each other. Competition breeds innovation. You might have heard that before.

    Massive oversimplification, much?

    You assume that close market share creates competition which in turn then drives innovation. While it is possible it is only one of many plausible causalities for innovation and less likely than many. it 's just silly to live off such bland aphorisms.

    Many product markets have stable and relatively equal market shares where the competitors act more like a cartel - they are all fat and happy and like the status quo - most consumer goods fall in this category. Innovation there typically comes from the small guy or to counter the newcomer.

    Innovation comes from many places and competition amongst equals is hardly the most productive one. New entrants/startups, leverage of ideas from outside a category, random visionaries are all more common. Big companies are generally good at incremental innovation/improvement, but rarely at the game changer. Apple has done it 3 times, Mac (popularized GUI), iPod, iPhone and Jobs has done it again with Pixar (destroyed traditional Disney animation). That is why he gets the props.

    Apple came from nowhere with the iPod and iPhone and I doubt that RIM or Nokia or even HTC's market share have any impact on the schedule of Apple's innovation.
  • Reply 47 of 65
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Have you ever spoken to a blackberry user about their phone? There's no convincing them of anything better. That's not going away anytime soon.

    I said it before and I'll say it again: Whatever comes along and "trumps" the iphone won't look anything like an iphone.

    Have you spoken to one recently? I do every day. Most of my collegues have BBs and none of them love them. All know that there are many better phones out there (except for the BES capability). We need to separate need and like.

    They mostly need them because they have become slaves to the BES. They are all really pleased with their upgrades because the BBs become a little less crap at the non-BES features each time - e.g. 8830 to Tour was a good leap but it is still an embarrassment in almost all other ways against the iPhone, Droid etc. and they know it.

    One just traded his BB for a droid - loves it. A few others pack BB and iPhone and leave the BB as a purely work brick. Anyone who 'loves' their BB hasn't had their friends do the iPhone/Android comparison yet - a smaller and smaller crowd these days.

    The corporate slave market is not enough the keep RIM in a leading position. Globally, the corporate market is far smaller than the consumer one, apparently just as, if not more, price conscious and has a slower upgrade cycle than consumers. Thank god for young girls with nails too long to use a virtual keyboard for texting - they are RIM's other major segment. Talk to them about app envy.
  • Reply 48 of 65
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by Capnbob View Post

    Have you spoken to one recently? I do every day. Most of my collegues have BBs and none of them love them. All know that there are many better phones out there (except for the BES capability). We need to separate need and like.

    They mostly need them because they have become slaves to the BES. They are all really pleased with their upgrades because the BBs become a little less crap at the non-BES features each time - e.g. 8830 to Tour was a good leap but it is still an embarrassment in almost all other ways against the iPhone, Droid etc. and they know it.

    One just traded his BB for a droid - loves it. A few others pack BB and iPhone and leave the BB as a purely work brick. Anyone who 'loves' their BB hasn't had their friends do the iPhone/Android comparison yet - a smaller and smaller crowd these days.

    The corporate slave market is not enough the keep RIM in a leading position. Globally, the corporate market is far smaller than the consumer one, apparently just as, if not more, price conscious and has a slower upgrade cycle than consumers. Thank god for young girls with nails too long to use a virtual keyboard for texting - they are RIM's other major segment. Talk to them about app envy.

    Really? My bold dances circles around iPhones, the only model in the same leauge as my phone is the 3gs. What's really nice is I get push email on all my email accounts, it's quite amazing and my keyboard blows the iPhone out the water.

    Oh and if your going to act like you know what your talking about, you should know well over half of RIMs subscribers are BIS users.

    Oh and if RIM caters to girls with nails, Apple must cater to whom, the wannabe cool kids of starbucks?

    Quadra why post two of the same articles? RIM isn't going to be bought by anyone, sorry but analyst speculation is just that...speculation
  • Reply 49 of 65
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Unlike some, I want some folks to vanish from this Forum.

    Ain't going to happen either!

    You made me almost choke to death on my coffee! LMAO
  • Reply 50 of 65
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    Right, I've been doing some digging and it's become evident that Gartner are a bunch of idiots.

    Here is Apple's official financial report for calendar period Q3 2008 (Apple's financial Q4 2008).

    Apple officially sold 6.9mil iPhones in Q3 2008, a figure backed up by Canalys. Gartner's figure of 4.7 mil is total nonsense and invalidates their entire report.

    Apple's growth was 6-7% rather than nearly 50%. Still a very good figure considering the market conditions and the evolutionary upgrade from the 3G to the 3GS.

    "Quarterly iPhone units sold were 6,892,000 compared to 1,119,000 in the year-ago-quarter. " ... quote taken from your link. Isolating iPhone sales shows approx. 600% increase, YOY quarterly sales. .... not too shabby! Any other mobile phone company do that?
  • Reply 51 of 65
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Might have something to do with some natural (or socially ingained) hesitation to express adulation over a single company, over an extended period of time. It's somehow wrong to enjoy tech from the same company at the expense of enjoying it from other companies.

    Now if only I actually liked the crap that every other tech company produces . . .

    Oh well.

    I think it has more to do with trying to justify their poor, IMHO, choice of choosing an Apple competitor, usually, but not always, based on price. If somehow they can convince the world that they're right then they would not be thought of as having made a poor choice. That's why they wail on an Apple fansite, not a M$ website.... can't really call it "penis envy", since it was done by choice ..... maybe just plain old MacEnvy will suffice.
  • Reply 52 of 65
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    "Quarterly iPhone units sold were 6,892,000 compared to 1,119,000 in the year-ago-quarter. " ... quote taken from your link. Isolating iPhone sales shows approx. 600% increase, YOY quarterly sales. .... not too shabby! Any other mobile phone company do that?

    So they just launched the Droid phone, sales went from 0 a year ago to 100,000 --- that's an infinite percentage growth.
  • Reply 53 of 65
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    RIM isn't going to be bought by anyone, sorry but analyst speculation is just that...speculation

    Why on earth would Apple even want Rim? If Apple wanted to"give away profits" to "gain marketshare" they could easily do that with iPhone.
  • Reply 54 of 65
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    What's the likelihood that Droid3 sales will increase 600% year over year?

    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    So they just launched the Droid phone, sales went from 0 a year ago to 100,000 --- that's an infinite percentage growth.

  • Reply 55 of 65
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    So they just launched the Droid phone, sales went from 0 a year ago to 100,000 --- that's an infinite percentage growth.

    So you're just arguing to be arguing?
  • Reply 56 of 65
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    So they just launched the Droid phone, sales went from 0 a year ago to 100,000 --- that's an infinite percentage growth.

    A large number, to be sure, but not "infinite" ... still a "dumb" comparison ... hope you weren't being serious, as that would make you "dumb" as well.
  • Reply 57 of 65
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    What's the likelihood that Droid3 sales will increase 600% year over year?

    It can happen very easily --- Verizon/Motorola just have to mismanage their next generation Droid rollout, causing Verizon to run out their original Droid phone inventory in a quarter sometime next year --- right before they introduce the next generation of Droid phones.

    That 600% increase was an Apple mistake --- they "ran out" of previous generation of iphone for 2 months until the new generation of iphone was launched.
  • Reply 58 of 65
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    That 600% increase was an Apple mistake --- they "ran out" of previous generation of iphone for 2 months until the new generation of iphone was launched.

    Funny how that doesn't show up in YOY profits
  • Reply 59 of 65
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Funny how that doesn't show up in YOY profits

    Subscriber accounting smooths out the huge swings in profits.
  • Reply 60 of 65
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Really? My bold dances circles around iPhones, the only model in the same leauge as my phone is the 3gs. What's really nice is I get push email on all my email accounts, it's quite amazing and my keyboard blows the iPhone out the water.

    Oh and if your going to act like you know what your talking about, you should know well over half of RIMs subscribers are BIS users.

    Oh and if RIM caters to girls with nails, Apple must cater to whom, the wannabe cool kids of starbucks?

    Quadra why post two of the same articles? RIM isn't going to be bought by anyone, sorry but analyst speculation is just that...speculation

    Your opinion. Nothing more. I've used a Bold and a Tour and I found them lame, clumsy and poorly designed. My opinion. To praise email and the keyboard aon a BB is pointlessly tautologous. They are the only things it does well - really well. That said, I can whip my colleagues in a typing race between their BBs and my 3GS. All depends on practice and what you are comfortable with.

    Don't complain about the girls with nails they are a real market - I got that from the neighbor's teenagers - the horse's mouth.

    Apple caters to everyone else - the hip, the nerdy and most points in between.

    Keep enjoying your Bold - it would be a double whammy - lame phone on lame net, but I doubt you use that much bandwidth natively (non-tethering) on it anyway.
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