Retailers want in on Apple's iPod touch point-of-sale system



  • Reply 21 of 57
    Originally Posted by bspears View Post

    I have purchased several items from the Apple store in Los Gatos CA that uses this system and have never been asked to sign the iPod.

    You actually will not be asked unless you spend over a certain amount - something like $75 or more. Also you sign with your finger.
  • Reply 22 of 57
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    yes but with a twist

     should lease it for free to stores that that buy macs

    and no one can hope to catch up to a free ground breaking product that moves goods out of a store fast .

    apple can kill off the competition before their born

    the commission crazed best buy workers will really like this >>>

    and very large retail <<walmart/food stores> chains can equip a top floor managers to roam around and find elderly or moms with 8kids who can;t do long lines and move them out quick .

    stuff like that .

    macrat good idea dude

    i hate lines

    go 

    peace 9

    But only if the store using the devise for free agrees to sell their products for free - as that would be a ground breaking business! Peace out!
  • Reply 23 of 57
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by gwilli View Post

    My worry was that the current POS systems are quite hard to come by, I can see people making/buying fake enclosures and the software to boot walking into large stores (other than apple) posing as staff and cloning people's cards and walking out. If you live in London you'll know what I mean. Unfortunately most people aren't as vigilante a we'd hope.

    I?ve thought of that but that is a very limited risk, IMO, and you are still protected by your financial institution (and likely Apple will give stuff if you agree to not disclose it happening ). There is also a chance that one could switch the Touch in the device, if it?s an inside job, to one that some additional software running that will intercept your info and transparently send it to another location. Both of these could happen with the Moto Symbol devices.

    PS: The craziest thing i?ve heard about are russians installing fake ATM consoles over real ones so they can snag your card and PIN.
  • Reply 24 of 57
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Wouldn?t you think Moto would have thought to go the TomTom route and make there own external HW and write (or have written) SW for it? I know I thought of this immediately and I am sure I am not he only one.

    If you can?t beat them, join them. If Moto didn?t understand the potential of iPhone OS back then they surely understand it now and I?d wager that they are now working on their own device to compete.

    PS: I?d also like to see one for the iPhone. Nextel offered a phone with a CC reader on it a decade ago so this type of PoS device isn?t out of the question.

    I would think adapting to iPhone would be piece of cake. I know doing so would open huge possibilities for people doing outdoor events, they could utilize a VPN connection over the cell data network.

    I think the reason you haven't seen anyone else step up to this plate is the same reason all current PoS devices currently on the market are clunky, in fact I think Apple probably assumed someone would but finally ended up developing their own for lack of players. The companies making them have a niche market & they've gotten used to not having much competition. They've never cared much about sleekness or stability, just so long as it's secure that's about all they care about. Why go to the effort to develop for a new platform if you feel the current one does all you need it to do.

    People are jumping at the Apple iPod solution because they realize how much the clunkiness of the WinMobile devices effect the way the customer feels about the quality of their overall shopping experience. Every time I go into a store still running the old monochrome IBM registers I cringe!
  • Reply 25 of 57
    Originally Posted by bspears

    I have purchased several items from the Apple store in Los Gatos CA that uses this system and have never been asked to sign the iPod.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    So did you not sing anything at all (do you ever sign with that card) or did you sign a paper print out?

    Did you punch in a 4 digit PIN?
  • Reply 26 of 57
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    Gotta tell you, the new POS's are very nice from a customer standpoint. They seem to be much quicker than the old Symbols they had previously. When I use my debit card they take the last four digits of the card, and when I charge on a credit card it asked for the signature.

    The stylus is that Pogo stylus that mimics the conductivity of skin - it has a kind of spongy tip to it. A little weird to write with a first as it drags more than a regular stylus or pen and is correspondingly bigger as well. The Apple employees I've talked to while ringing out seemed VERY happy with the devices.

    Also they seem to have more functions on it - like printing out gift receipts and other activity.

    I got one of the antiglare films for my iPhone & it makes the friction much less, wonder if that would help with the stylus. Protecting to screen would be an added plus.
  • Reply 27 of 57
    Originally Posted by masstrkiller View Post

    Yes I am also. But this is certainly good news. Why Apple didn't think of this sooner is also a question. But it looks like they may have turned that around.

    Where are the real companies making real life applications with 3rd party attachments? We, or at least I thought with the 3.0 software demo, seeing the iphone have the ability test and record blood levels, that this would be huge.

    I certainly hope Apple gets this together, so when I walk into BestBuy next year I can buy something while the employee whips out a Touch to take my order. I bet Apple could make lots of money with this kind of service.

    I just realized something, if there was a category on Apple Store that was only Apps that attach to a device I would be browsing that thing like crazy. As it is I don't even know what is available because you can't distinguish them from any other app.

    I believe there has actually been several developed for medical, but they likely don't care much about being visible on the app store since they have reps that actually go & visit the doctors.
  • Reply 28 of 57
    Originally Posted by gwilli View Post

    My worry was that the current POS systems are quite hard to come by, I can see people making/buying fake enclosures and the software to boot walking into large stores (other than apple) posing as staff and cloning people's cards and walking out. If you live in London you'll know what I mean. Unfortunately most people aren't as vigilante a we'd hope.

    Sorry but the store has a responsibility to keep an eye out for such things & have a plan in place for how the customer can know you are a legit employee. I wouldn't shop at any store that hasn't thought these things through as it would be telling of how secure all their systems are.

    Legit employees steal customer card numbers & stuff too, if you're not willing to be diligent & aware of who you are entrusting your money with then you're asking to get burned.
  • Reply 29 of 57
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Looks like someone's been nibbling on that pen.

    Looks like a foam "eraser" to me.
  • Reply 30 of 57
    Originally Posted by fizzmaster View Post

    Looks like a foam "eraser" to me.

    Uh no, It looks like someones been "nibbling" on the end. Where do you see any point for an eraser on a stylus?
  • Reply 31 of 57
    I emailed Gary last night as a matter of fact about if it is available to the public (in commendable fashion he got back to me quickly). I've looked high an low for barcode scanner hardware for the ipod touch to no avail. I'm organizing a photo festival (, and it would be really handy to have something like this to tied to an app to where people weren't tethered to a computer at a table to check people in. I'm going to stop in an Apple store that has business specialists and get on the list.
  • Reply 32 of 57
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: The craziest thing i?ve heard about are russians installing fake ATM consoles over real ones so they can snag your card and PIN.

    Yes... this happens daily here in Germany, as well as Albanian and Romanian installed pen-cam's etc.

    A bit off topic... but does anyone else think that the whole CC and Debit/Bank card industry is like 10 or 15 years behind in developing something a bit more secure? Something on the order of cards with the actual picture of the holder, as well as real "digital" signatures.. like with the first digit of your right hand. As for online purchases, why not password i.e. PIN number authorization?

    I'm constantly amazed at the lack of security measures whenever I go shopping... and in actuality, German banks have recently updated their TOS to make people more responsible for negligent safety of their CC's and other cards. Considering that the thieves tend to be tech advanced and always a step ahead in the game, you would think that it would be the bank's part of the job to make it harder... rather than pointing to the customer as the weakest link.

    Just IMHO.
  • Reply 33 of 57
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    … .. ...
  • Reply 34 of 57
    t_kt_k Posts: 11member
    Am I the only one who reads POS as a swear word every single time it is mentioned ?
  • Reply 35 of 57
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    PS: The craziest thing i?ve heard about are russians installing fake ATM consoles over real ones so they can snag your card and PIN.

    This has been happening in the UK for some time, and occurs regularly in my area; usually at busy stores where the ATM is a little out of the way so they are less likely to be seen. I usually take a look at the card slot before using an ATM to spot signs of tampering, but it's very easy to forget.
  • Reply 36 of 57
    It's a shame the external hardware doesn't support chip and pin. It rather limits its use in Europe.
  • Reply 37 of 57
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    A bit off topic... but does anyone else think that the whole CC and Debit/Bank card industry is like 10 or 15 years behind in developing something a bit more secure? Something on the order of cards with the actual picture of the holder, as well as real "digital" signatures.. like with the first digit of your right hand. As for online purchases, why not password i.e. PIN number authorization?

    I have seen a bank which does print a photo of the card holder on it for extra security. I think it was a friend with a student HSBC account in the UK, but I can't remember exactly.

    The problem with this is that more and more transactions are done without anyone actually seeing the card. With chip and pin, I keep hold of my card as much as possible. There's also more transactions online. This makes it a bit pointless having such a system.
  • Reply 38 of 57
    Originally Posted by t_k View Post

    Am I the only one who reads POS as a swear word every single time it is mentioned ?

    Not for anyone who has worked retail.
  • Reply 39 of 57
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    I have seen a bank which does print a photo of the card holder on it for extra security. I think it was a friend with a student HSBC account in the UK, but I can't remember exactly.

    The problem with this is that more and more transactions are done without anyone actually seeing the card. With chip and pin, I keep hold of my card as much as possible. There's also more transactions online. This makes it a bit pointless having such a system.

    We have had photos printed on our credit cards in NZ for many a year, with entering a pin no one bothers looking at them anymore.
  • Reply 40 of 57
    In the UK some banks, mine included, have secondary authentication beyond card number and security ID from the back of the card. Many transactions result in a pop-up window which requires a password.

    Strong Security and reliability are key to any solution, especially in banking apps. Billions of transactions take place every day with very close to 100% reliability. Unfortunately scammers will always find ways of trying to grab your card and security details, its a fact of a digital life. Using cash is the only solution to avoid being ripped of somewhere at sometime.

    Barclays are pushing contactless debit cards in the UK, no pin required, I don't know whether there's a value of transation above which it prompts for a pin.

    But the basic principles of verifying identity apply:

    Something you know

    Something you possess

    Something you are.

    The Wikipedia entry is a good starting point

    The Apple Stores in the UK use the Fujitsu B-pad wireless terminal, still windows powered, but they've only been in a couple of years.
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