Beyond 'Nexus One,' Google rumored to create netbook hardware



  • Reply 21 of 52
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    I could cut a boy a break, but not a grown up man. Immaturity amazes me..

    All I wrote was "First to Post... Goodbye". Not that big of a deal.

  • Reply 22 of 52
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    To those who suggest a netbook Mac - hope it never happens. Why? Cause netbooks are useless. They are slow, lack features and do nothing that my Touch can't. If anything, make a Touch with a bigger screen.

    As for a google netbook... meh will suck. I played around with Chrome OS in parallels, and it is just like the netbooks it will live on: featureless, boring and can do nothing my phone can't do today.

    Anyway that's my view, I would take a 13 macbook pro with 4G for over a grand over 13 inch netbook with 4G any day, even if the netbook was given to me for free.

    Depends on what you want to do with the device.

    Netbooks are very good at internet related stuff. Web browsing, social networks, email, IM, Google's web applications, and other, standards-compliant web applications. Browser improvements mean that slower hardware can feel faster than faster hardware running the older browsers.

    They're a lot lighter too. I expect ARM netbooks, based on cloud storage and 10" displays, will be under 2lbs in weight, eventually as low as 1lb.

    Chrome OS is very young, it will mature. It will incorporate Android at some point as well, and the app store, and "native" applications (of course running on the Dalvik VM, but it means Android is processor architecture agnostic from the start - Intel's greatest nightmare.

    I'd take a 2lb 10" netbook for £200 over a 4.5lb £1000 13" MacBook Pro. I can make do with an iMac for serious computing work - I have no real mobile work needs - I know other people do, so my situation doesn't apply. Also I'm still going to get a real computer, the netbook is an add-on.
  • Reply 23 of 52
    I don't trust Google and I don't use it. They do seem like the next Microsoft, but in the "cloud." They compete against everybody regardless of platform and in about just about ever market. Netbooks, phones, desktops, web applications and in a way, desktop applications (mail, docs, etc.).

    I guess there will be netbooks with Google labels and netbooks with Windows labels but none with an Apple on it... and that's fine by me. Anything less than 13" is basically unusable to me.
  • Reply 24 of 52
    zepzep Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    netbooks are junk, my roommate bought one and it was a new toy for a few weeks, and then he went back to his desktop and realized WoW is much better on a 24" monitor. I have not seen him use it in months.

    sounds like your roommate failed to do some research and has no idea of tech specs.

    if he wanted to play WoW on that netbook, he's delusional. a netbook is made to get online quickly. nothing more.
  • Reply 25 of 52
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    It's too bad that Apple is too short-sighted and arrogant to see the worth of the netbook space. Something in the $300 range. Too bad.

    In less than 18 months, you'll revisit this and realize a dead market in profits today will be a dead market in production then.
  • Reply 26 of 52
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    To those who suggest a netbook Mac - hope it never happens. Why? Cause netbooks are useless. They are slow, lack features and do nothing that my Touch can't. If anything, make a Touch with a bigger screen.

    And do nothing a Touch can't? Please, turn the netbook on. When it's off it's useless.
  • Reply 27 of 52
    sipsip Posts: 210member
    All I want is an iPod Touch with a larger screen and decent ebook reader software so I can read my books and magazines -- I can't see myself doing that on a netbook
  • Reply 28 of 52
    Google rumored to be doing this.... google wants to do that... google has alot of money, blah blah blah.

    Google makes all their money on promise... on potential. They don't actually do very well when it comes to actual physical products. Think about this. They made an OS for a phone. BFD. Sybian did that quite nicely for 10 years or so. And .... meh.

    What is their actual plan to MAKE MONEY? Ads? Analytics about a nonexistent market?

    How do they break from from the phone companies that bury their "brilliant" and "freeing" OS? THEY CAN'T. That is the genius of Apple. That is what they got away with. They did it to the music industry, and they've done it to the phone industry.

    In both cases, they leveraged a product that no one could even come close to touching.

    Moreso in the iPhone case. Remember they marketed the iPhone for more than a year before they got a taker. Apple has at least 3 years on any other company in the market. They also have managed to build amazing loyalty and habit out of people, just like the ipod did with the itunes store. Why the hell would you EVER leave ipod and move to some other music service. What a pain in the butt that would be.

    Same thing with the iPhone. The only possible issue here is if you don't like the AT&T layer in all of this, and I can assure you Apple will drop AT&T exclusivity as soon as it becomes beneficial to their business. ( which is real soon now, once Verizon gets a network that can handle voice and data at the same time and everyone realizes that the storms, and droids and all the current 2nd generation offerings STILL suck compared with iphone.

    Google, thankfully, will not be a player in this and will go back to being the ad agency it pretends it's not.
  • Reply 29 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post

    And do nothing a Touch can't? Please, turn the netbook on. When it's off it's useless.

    Tell me sir, what can your netbook do that my touch can't? And don't say flash, cause that's an apple imposed limitation that can be overcome (imobile cinema for jailbroken devices).

    Also tell me what Google OS can do that I can't do on a touch. I would like a detailed list please.
  • Reply 30 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    Depends on what you want to do with the device.

    Netbooks are very good at internet related stuff. Web browsing, social networks, email, IM, Google's web applications, and other, standards-compliant web applications. Browser improvements mean that slower hardware can feel faster than faster hardware running the older browsers.

    They're a lot lighter too. I expect ARM netbooks, based on cloud storage and 10" displays, will be under 2lbs in weight, eventually as low as 1lb.

    Chrome OS is very young, it will mature. It will incorporate Android at some point as well, and the app store, and "native" applications (of course running on the Dalvik VM, but it means Android is processor architecture agnostic from the start - Intel's greatest nightmare.

    I'd take a 2lb 10" netbook for £200 over a 4.5lb £1000 13" MacBook Pro. I can make do with an iMac for serious computing work - I have no real mobile work needs - I know other people do, so my situation doesn't apply. Also I'm still going to get a real computer, the netbook is an add-on.

    All speculation about a future non existant product. You know the iTablet will run core i7, have 1GB DDR3 video ram, 16GB DDR3 RAM and 1 TB Flash storage. Which device is better now.

    As it stands i easily substitute an iPod Touch for a netbook, and don't miss a beat. Oh and it's cheaper then a netbook too, and has 100,000 apps (give or take cause some are iphone specific)
  • Reply 31 of 52
    Originally Posted by ssttuu View Post

    Google will not produce any handsets or net-books. These rumours are completely unfounded. The Nexus One is a Google Christmas present to employees, made by HTC and running Android 2.1. The G1 was given last Christmas, and in keeping with Google's beliefs and to prevent locking in employees to a certain Carrier world-wide. All deceives come completely unlocked, this allows Engineers to create whatever they like and test the handsets to near destruction.

    It is however true that Google is starting a "Powered by Google" programme. This programme is a set of stricter requirements, meeting them allows manufacture to place the Google logo on their products.

    For netbooks, the same is true. The strict requirements are things like;
    • Screen Size

    • Capacitive touch

    • SSD Drive

    • Android market place (not a custom store)

    • HSDPA/CDMA (LTE) compatible

    * Edit - Reselling their own handset would also destroy the agreement with the Open Handset Alliance and damage Androids growth.

    Hey this is a rumour site. We don't want the truth. We can't handle the truth.
  • Reply 32 of 52
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Tell me sir, what can your netbook do that my touch can't? And don't say flash, cause that's an apple imposed limitation that can be overcome (imobile cinema for jailbroken devices).

    Type a long report without going insane?

    Run Eclipse?

    Run Visual Studio?

    Hackintosh it and run iLife?

    Store 500GB of movies, photos and stuff on it?

    Sure some things are slow and some things suck on a 10" screen. But I can get some real work done that would be impossible on a touch.
  • Reply 33 of 52
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Also tell me what Google OS can do that I can't do on a touch. I would like a detailed list please.

    Type on a physical keyboard.
  • Reply 34 of 52
    1) Vaporware.

    2) Me-too. Google is the new Microsoft.

    3) Yawn.


    That said, I predict: September 6, 2010 news headline (you heard it here first): -- "Apple files IP theft lawsuit against Schmidt, CEO of Google." Google will countersue. And, from then on, it will be Apple v. Google, not Apple v. Microsoft ("Hi, I'm a Google.......").
  • Reply 35 of 52
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    It's too bad that Apple is too short-sighted and arrogant to see the worth of the netbook space. Something in the $300 range. Too bad.

    Au contraire...

    This validates their approach. Google is going to beat MS's pants off in the race to the bottom while Apple solidifies the premium/quality end. Joining in this dive is the last thing Apple wants to do.
  • Reply 36 of 52
    Originally Posted by ssttuu View Post

    Google will not produce any handsets or net-books. These rumours are completely unfounded. The Nexus One is a Google Christmas present to employees, made by HTC and running Android 2.1. The G1 was given last Christmas, and in keeping with Google's beliefs and to prevent locking in employees to a certain Carrier world-wide. All deceives come completely unlocked, this allows Engineers to create whatever they like and test the handsets to near destruction.

    It is however true that Google is starting a "Powered by Google" programme. This programme is a set of stricter requirements, meeting them allows manufacture to place the Google logo on their products.

    For netbooks, the same is true. The strict requirements are things like;
    • Screen Size

    • Capacitive touch

    • SSD Drive

    • Android market place (not a custom store)

    • HSDPA/CDMA (LTE) compatible

    * Edit - Reselling their own handset would also destroy the agreement with the Open Handset Alliance and damage Androids growth.

    This is the most likely explanation of Google's intentions, and previous acts (the G1 handout last Xmas) bear this out.

    If so, it comes as a relief to those of us fearing the worst - that Google had taken leave of their sane and calculated strategy of playing to their strengths and core competencies to plunge head-first into hardware, branding, retailing and the rest of that massive "bag of hurt" required to pull this off.

    As things appear(ed), in addition to the ever-present threat of number one rival and STILL incumbent threat Microsoft, they seem(ed) to be going down the path of cultivating another deadly foe, ex-partner Apple Inc and its CEO Steve Jobs.

    No matter how healthy the balance sheet of the firm and how rosy its future prospects, Google needs that scenario like they need a hole in the head.

    I still think Android is fast turning into a regretted enterprise with diminishing returns, but I guess the die is cast and what's done can't be (easily) undone...
  • Reply 37 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Type a long report without going insane?

    Run Eclipse?

    Run Visual Studio?

    Hackintosh it and run iLife?

    Store 500GB of movies, photos and stuff on it?

    Sure some things are slow and some things suck on a 10" screen. But I can get some real work done that would be impossible on a touch.


    - Run Eclipse, no I guess you can't really code on an ipod.

    - Run Visual Studio, same as above

    - Hackintosh it and run iLife, well no but how well would that work on a netbook? BTW didn't apple kill atom support, though it may have been worked round already. You can in theory get a photoshop app and do some basic editing on a touch. (plus in a way you are running OSX on a touch anyways

    In Between:

    - Type a long report without going insane, I think a crammed netbook keyboard and screen would make that hard on a netbook as well. Plus a long report can wait until you get home .

    - Store 500 GB of movies, photos and stuff, 500GB netbooks are not very popular in my experience, more like 160 or 250. I guess I could store a bit at a time or make use of online storage.
  • Reply 38 of 52
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by ssttuu View Post

    Google will not produce any handsets or net-books. These rumours are completely unfounded. The Nexus One is a Google Christmas present to employees, made by HTC and running Android 2.1. The G1 was given last Christmas, and in keeping with Google's beliefs and to prevent locking in employees to a certain Carrier world-wide. All deceives come completely unlocked, this allows Engineers to create whatever they like and test the handsets to near destruction.

    It is however true that Google is starting a "Powered by Google" programme. This programme is a set of stricter requirements, meeting them allows manufacture to place the Google logo on their products.

    For netbooks, the same is true. The strict requirements are things like;
    • Screen Size

    • Capacitive touch

    • SSD Drive

    • Android market place (not a custom store)

    • HSDPA/CDMA (LTE) compatible

    * Edit - Reselling their own handset would also destroy the agreement with the Open Handset Alliance and damage Androids growth.

    Makes sense to me. Thanks.
  • Reply 39 of 52
    Originally Posted by airmanchairman View Post

    I still think Android is fast turning into a regretted enterprise with diminishing returns, but I guess the die is cast and what's done can't be (easily) undone...

    Android's job (as well as ChromeOS) is to prevent any single company gaining too much power and locking Google out. Google doesn't care about hardware or operating systems. They are not looking to make money from the Android OS. Apple and RIM were quickly carving up the smartphone market between the two of them. Introducing Android helps the competition such as HTC and Motorola whilst boosting the web as an open and fully standard platform (Google's real goal). So far it seems to be working.
  • Reply 40 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Originally Posted by Orlando View Post

    Android's job (as well as ChromeOS) is to prevent any single company gaining too much power and locking Google out. Google doesn't care about hardware or operating systems. They are not looking to make money from the Android OS. Apple and RIM were quickly carving up the smartphone market between the two of them. Introducing Android helps the competition such as HTC and Motorola whilst boosting the web as an open and fully standard platform (Google's real goal). So far it seems to be working.

    Good point. There was a discussion about this on the latest diggnation, and I think Alex and Kevin brought up some good points about google being able to enter a business and totally redefine it specifically because they don't have to make money and can give products away for free. In the end though, it all comes back to making sure google is the defaul search engine though.
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