CES: Skiff, Que, Notion Ink e-readers take spotlight



  • Reply 41 of 63
    All these wannabees should just cut their loses and move on. Mark my words: the final showdown will be between Apple's iSlate and Microsoft's Courier which is shown in the video below:


    Normally, as an avid Apple fan, I would go Apple all the way, but the Courier has really peaked my interest.
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  • Reply 42 of 63
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    and unlike MBP's it's using the new i5 laptop CPU's at a very nice price downside is that no internal optical drive

    Can you imagine the Apple Slamboys on the forums if Apple released a Macbook Pro without an optical drive?

    I was very interested in the Envy but the moment I saw no optical drive I was instantly turned off.

    Let me check out this Core i5 Envy and get back to you...
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  • Reply 43 of 63
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    And if the fabled Apple tablet functions as an e-reader with content available from iTunes, you don't think it's going to be wrapped in Fairplay DRM or some other Apple-specific DRM that renders it incompatible with every other e-reader device on the market? If you going to complain about this, at least admit that Apple WILL be contributing to the problem as well.

    You know, I was just finishing dinner and I knew someone would bring this up after I posted it.

    Yes, Apple will lock you down, with the exception of iTunes music which is now all DRM free. So, iTunes Store music can be used with any music player. Your iPod will take any AAC, MP3 and MP4 file.

    I'm fine with admitting Apple has a proprietary ecosystem of applications and devices. I find it gives me a consistent, convenient and pleasing experience with enough flexibility to interact with the rest of the world physically and digitally.

    If Microsoft had a locked down Zune, ZuneTablet, ZunePhone and ZuneAppStore, let it be so. Let's then evaluate what benefits it brings.

    The problem is that all these other eReaders and tablets and app stores (Intel just announced another one) are all creating all sorts of proprietary bits and bobs that doesn't seem to promise any sort of unified, compelling overall experience.

    Android maybe is the closest with gaining traction as a viable proprietary ecosystem, alongside what Kindle has established...

    Everyday as more standards are ratified more new platforms and formats are devised.
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  • Reply 44 of 63
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Just a thought, but the size might preclude it from the world market... The rest of the world is metric (what happened to the progress in the US towards this?) and standard paper is A4.

    A4 is 8.27 x 11.69 inches, so these readers are pretty much A4 aren't they?
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  • Reply 45 of 63
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Apple is at least a completely different platform. It's amazing to see the Windoze world work against itself so hard.

    Yup, this too. Apple may be locked down but at least it's different, innovative and purposeful.

    On the other side you've got predominantly x86 and Windows as the basic building blocks but within that paradigm it's a free for all. It's like reinventing the wheel a few hundred times over and still ending up with an ox cart.

    And what about 3D? Boy, you're going to see all sorts of different standards and more bits and bobs.

    I would not be surprised if at Apple's January event, Steve Jobs comes out and says, "Well, a lot of people are expecting a certain kind of device and other stuff from us. But, you know, eBooks and 3D HDTV is a bag of hurt". (This would not excuse Apple from still not having BluRay as options).
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  • Reply 46 of 63
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You seem fairly certain about a product that doesn't exist yet.

    Oh, like the Courier existence? we can bank on the fact Apple will deliver a product that will define a genre of technology and create a market that everyone will attempt to follow suit in.I mean where is microsfts Pink Phone?
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  • Reply 47 of 63
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    and unlike MBP's it's using the new i5 laptop CPU's at a very nice price

    downside is that no internal optical drive

    HP Envy ~$1,300. Nice price, great graphics card, pity about the optical drive. Screen is low res as well. Less than 1440x900. Although 1920x1080 is only $75 more as an option, I think. Close but no cigar.

    But, to those that would enjoy it, go ahead, go nuts. That Core i5 with ATI 1GB 5830 would be a great portable gaming machine. Pity console gaming is so dominant now.
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  • Reply 48 of 63
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Originally Posted by Traqqer7777 View Post

    All these wannabees should just cut their loses and move on. Mark my words: the final showdown will be between Apple's iSlate and Microsoft's Courier which is shown in the video below:


    Normally, as an avid Apple fan, I would go Apple all the way, but the Courier has really peaked my interest.

    You do know the courier is vaporware right?
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  • Reply 49 of 63
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    A4 is 8.27 x 11.69 inches, so these readers are pretty much A4 aren't they?

    Yeah US Letter and A4 aren't too far apart, it's workable.

    BTW is it just me but isn't defining a screen size based on a physical PAPER size is rather backwards-looking?
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  • Reply 50 of 63
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Yep you are correct I think. To all the morons that claim we Mac fans would buy anything Apple make, this is not true we are very discerning and it is simply because the products are insanely great that we do.

    BTW, I dropped my beloved iBook G4, used for web and mail when not on my Mac Pro last week . It is kaput ... my wife refuses to believe this wasn't timed to justify a new Tablet! It is pure coincidence I tell you, really.

    I bought my G4 Powerbook in June of '05 and a couple of months ago, still running tiger, it started dying; every time I boot up it makes this horrifying clanking noise; the hard drive has disappeared from the desktop and I'm running the system off an external drive. How does a computer know when to commit seppuku?


    Perhaps it knows it will have an honourable death and a worthy replacement to carry the banner within the month?
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  • Reply 51 of 63
    jtblqjtblq Posts: 86member
    Good God people!!!

    This is all so ridiculous now...


    Make an iPod touch spec bump and roll out.

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  • Reply 52 of 63
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by jcsegenmd View Post

    I bought my G4 Powerbook in June of '05 and a couple of months ago, still running tiger, it started dying; every time I boot up it makes this horrifying clanking noise; the hard drive has disappeared from the desktop and I'm running the system off an external drive. How does a computer know when to commit seppuku?


    Perhaps it knows it will have an honourable death and a worthy replacement to carry the banner within the month?

    It's those Intel Arrandale processors. Have you been reading up on it on your Powerbook G4? That probably ticked it off.

    Originally Posted by JTBLQ View Post

    Good God people!!!

    This is all so ridiculous now...


    Make an iPod touch spec bump and roll out.


    Seriously, I'm now hoping Apple DON'T RELEASE any tablet whatsoever. CES might as well have been called the Consumer Tablet Show. They went off the deep end on this one, trying to pre-empt what they thought might be the next iPhone.

    The electronics industry could have done so much better in terms of innovative, sustainable, affordable products and services.

    The real winners are the Vegas strip joints. \
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  • Reply 53 of 63
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    Originally Posted by jcsegenmd View Post

    I bought my G4 Powerbook in June of '05 and a couple of months ago, still running tiger, it started dying; every time I boot up it makes this horrifying clanking noise; the hard drive has disappeared from the desktop and I'm running the system off an external drive. How does a computer know when to commit seppuku?


    Perhaps it knows it will have an honourable death and a worthy replacement to carry the banner within the month?

    Hey, maybe Apple build in a secret device they can trigger to do this when they want you to buy a new one?
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  • Reply 54 of 63
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    ... is it just me but isn't defining a screen size based on a physical PAPER size is rather backwards-looking?


    It's sort of like making an electronic reading device (which can reproduce any number of page configurations or even be page-less), and forcing it to have two screens and open like a paper book, because "that's the way books work," even though said design severely restricts the devices potential.

    It's also the same design heuristic behind the inclusion of the physical keyboard on devices that already have multiple virtual keyboards.
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  • Reply 55 of 63
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Yup, this too. Apple may be locked down but at least it's different, innovative and purposeful.

    I could turn around and say the same things on the Windows side. Your point is simply a matter of opinion.


    On the other side you've got predominantly x86 and Windows as the basic building blocks but within that paradigm it's a free for all. It's like reinventing the wheel a few hundred times over and still ending up with an ox cart.

    If you're going to play that game, then I guess I'm free to throw OS X on the *nix pile and make the some comments. It's not Windows/Microsoft vs. Apple. It's Dell vs. HP vs. Apple vs. Acer vs. Sony, etc.


    And what about 3D? Boy, you're going to see all sorts of different standards and more bits and bobs.

    Actually, 3D standards have been established already. The TV's may have different 3D tech, but that is inconsequential as they will still be compatible with all incoming 3D video sources.


    I would not be surprised if at Apple's January event, Steve Jobs comes out and says, "Well, a lot of people are expecting a certain kind of device and other stuff from us. But, you know, eBooks and 3D HDTV is a bag of hurt". (This would not excuse Apple from still not having BluRay as options).

    And naturally, the Apple fanboys would eat it up. And anyone without fanboy blinders on would correctly translate it as, "We only want you to use something if Apple profits from it."

    Instead of waiting around for Apple to eventually (maybe) get around to it, I've been enjoying 1080p and lossless audio via Blu-Ray for nearly 2 years now. By year's end, I hope to be enjoying 3D Blu-Ray content and not waiting for Apple to eventually (maybe) make a jump into the 3D realm.
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  • Reply 56 of 63
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Sure looks like folks don't like taking a back seat to Apple, and are getting a bit of a head start on them

    I think the good news is, Apple will likely come out with something no one has been thinking or talking about, and that will put them back in the forefront thus stealing some of the thunder from these folks ? I think.

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  • Reply 57 of 63
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Sony may have used the chicklet key before Apple, but they did not originally embrace the design across all of its models the way Apple did.

    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    Those Sony VAIO laptops pionnered chiclets keyboards way before the Apple laptops.

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  • Reply 58 of 63
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Have any of you critical folks even used an e-reader let alone even seen one in person? I have and let me tell you, they are great for the purpose they are designed for. Reading books. Obviously, reading books removes a majority of the posters here.

    The "e-ink" is so incredibly easy on the eyes. Almost zero eye-strain. It is almost like reading on paper itself. If you enjoy reading and prefer not to have books lying around taking up space, these are something to seriously consider. That Skiff looks really slick. I hope the price get competitive.

    I cannot use my iPhone for extended reading. I love my i7 iMac but again, extended reading on a brightly lit screen can get a bit much.

    Stop applying that PC-mentality to e-readers people. They are not for playing video games or watching video. They are not for talking into, and they should not be considered handheld computers in literal sense. They are toasters, meant to do one thing very well.

    Totally agree! I was using my Sony-505 for a month. Yes, there are some problems - slow page turning, small screen size. But overall expression is the same.

    I'm waiting for the next generation of e-readers with a bigger screen and faster refreshing rate.
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  • Reply 59 of 63
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Well matte screen LCD's do the same, easy to read.

    No way, man! Try it yourself and you'll find the difference
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  • Reply 60 of 63
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    there is no reason that reading from an LCD would be any different or cause any "strain" on the eyes at all relative to other things like ePaper or eInk.

    Please, don't imagine. Just try it yourself.
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