imac 27 inch loud HD?

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
For those of you that have the new imac, is your HD also pretty loud? I notice it constantly. Whenever I am browsing I can hear the ticking noise for a couple of seconds, this restarts every time I navigate to another page or simply by typing text like I'm doing now or scrolling down. I realize this is with all HDs, but this one is pretty darn loud. Does anyone else have the same issue?



  • Reply 1 of 26
    Originally Posted by wesley84 View Post

    For those of you that have the new imac, is your HD also pretty loud? I notice it constantly. Whenever I am browsing I can hear the ticking noise for a couple of seconds, this restarts every time I navigate to another page or simply by typing text like I'm doing now or scrolling down. I realize this is with all HDs, but this one is pretty darn loud. Does anyone else have the same issue?


    Considering that their using only 7200 RPM drives in the iMacs (hoping that they move to 7200 across the line) it should be fairly quiet...I would've thought you'd notice the fans way more than the hard drive. It's not beyond the realm of possibility you got a faulty hard drive.
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  • Reply 2 of 26
    Thanks, I'd love to hear from some people who also have the 27 inch imac. As well as what model HD you have, I have the seagate. I hear the hitachi is supposed to be quieter. Is apple using 2 HD models in the same imac model (basically at random) or is hitachi simply for another imac configuration? (I have the i7).

    I basically want to confirm this is a real issue before I call apple. So even if you do not hear a thing, do post a reply.
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  • Reply 3 of 26
    Can you try recording it using the built-in microphone? It's hard to know if it's problematic if we can't hear what's going on. It would a huge pain to have to take it in to an Apple Store and have them assess it. It could also be completely normal.

    Originally Posted by wesley84 View Post

    Thanks, I'd love to hear from some people who also have the 27 inch imac. As well as what model HD you have, I have the seagate. I hear the hitachi is supposed to be quieter. Is apple using 2 HD models in the same imac model (basically at random) or is hitachi simply for another imac configuration? (I have the i7).

    I basically want to confirm this is a real issue before I call apple. So even if you do not hear a thing, do post a reply.

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  • Reply 4 of 26
    Tried to record it, but I guess it's not loud enough, it doesn't pick it up. I'm not so much concerned with the loudness, rather the fact that it seems to be doing this the entire time, and if that is normal, I'd want a quieter drive.. If it were only when I was downloading or copying something, I'd be fine with this.

    Anyway, rather surprised that no one else at appleinsider seems to have this issue, there's alot of talk on it at other forums. Even if your mac is OK and you don't hear a thing, I'd really like to know so please reply with the model HD you have and if you hear it alot or not (you can check in system profiler).

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  • Reply 5 of 26
    I've signed up to these forums especially to answer your question. I too have the i7 with exactly the same model of hard drive. I can hear the drive, and it can be noisy, but generally, this iMac is no louder than my old white one. The drive makes a gentle whirr all the time, and clicks when it's seeking, but the clicks are relatively infrequent when just typing and are quite muffled. My desk is like an amplifier for vibrations and I can safely say this iMac vibrates less than my old plastic one. Apart from a really tiny spec of dust under the glass, it's pristine!!
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  • Reply 6 of 26
    Well, i get the ticking noise when I'm simply browsing and what not, so I don't think that's normal. Anyway, I called and they are going to replace the entire machine..

    I don't have to miss my old imac either, they told me to schedule the fedex pickup 10 days or so from now since I should have the new imac by then. Of course there's no guarantee that the new one won't do it either.. But since I don't see many people replying on this forum, I assume this issue isn't affecting alot of people? Again, if you do not hear a thing, please reply as well with your model HD.
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  • Reply 7 of 26
    I have the same Seagate drive as you in my new 27 inch i7 and it also constantly clicks away when I am not really doing anything. I can hear it over the noise of my typing this message right now.
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  • Reply 8 of 26
    I just got my Quad Core i5 iMac in a couple days ago from ClubMac and haven't noticed any hard drive noise like you described at all.
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  • Reply 9 of 26
    Originally Posted by jsvalmont View Post

    I just got my Quad Core i5 iMac in a couple days ago from ClubMac and haven't noticed any hard drive noise like you described at all.

    Do you hear anything at all? For instance when I'm looking at iPhoto I can hear the HD grumble (similar to stomach grumbling) - also get the same intermittent grumble when browsing the internet.
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  • Reply 10 of 26
    Originally Posted by spcdust View Post

    Do you hear anything at all? For instance when I'm looking at iPhoto I can hear the HD grumble (similar to stomach grumbling) - also get the same intermittent grumble when browsing the internet.

    I get the exact same problem on my Imac 27inch, its brand new also i got it Saturday, It sounds exactly like a stomach rumbling, I only notice this while browsing on the internet, is there a solution? I dont fancy sending my Imac back, im considering this aint a big problem compared to some people receiving lemons and faulty screens.
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  • Reply 11 of 26
    rplatrplat Posts: 22member
    Originally Posted by Owz600 View Post

    I get the exact same problem on my Imac 27inch, its brand new also i got it Saturday, It sounds exactly like a stomach rumbling, I only notice this while browsing on the internet, is there a solution? I dont fancy sending my Imac back, im considering this aint a big problem compared to some people receiving lemons and faulty screens.

    I am convinced that this is just disk activity noise that is characteristic of the Seagate internal drive. I've had 4 iMac quads (both i5 and i7) and the noise exists on all four. At any rate, it is unobtrusive, appears to be benign, and I simply don't worry about it.
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  • Reply 12 of 26
    Originally Posted by rplat View Post

    I am convinced that this is just disk activity noise that is characteristic of the Seagate internal drive. I've had 4 iMac quads (both i5 and i7) and the noise exists on all four. At any rate, it is unobtrusive, appears to be benign, and I simply don't worry about it.

    There are many 27" iMac for which the HD noise is not acceptable nor normal, Apple is taking care of them under warranty. This is one of the many problems that are sadly common in this last series of iMacs (screen flickering, yellow non-uniform cast on the screen, many iSight dead pixels).
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  • Reply 13 of 26
    rplatrplat Posts: 22member
    Originally Posted by palple View Post

    There are many 27" iMac for which the HD noise is not acceptable nor normal, Apple is taking care of them under warranty. This is one of the many problems that are sadly common in this last series of iMacs (screen flickering, yellow non-uniform cast on the screen, many iSight dead pixels).

    Have the causes been isolated and identified on these unacceptable and abnormal noises?
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  • Reply 14 of 26
    Originally Posted by rplat View Post

    Have the causes been isolated and identified on these unacceptable and abnormal noises?

    I only know that Apple is offering to replace the HD or the whole iMac to people with this noise problem.

    Here are some reports about the problems:

    As regards my new 27" iMac, I got 1 dead pixel (but I find this acceptable), 12 iSight dead pixels, a yellow cast on the bottom right of the screen (very noticeable on a white background, but luckily I'm not a graphic pro) and the screen is noisy (a high pitch sound coming from the lcd panel, but it is presumably from the internal power adapter) when dimmed or when put to a stop (the screen is noisy for me only when the gpu temp is > 50°C, ie the majority of the time). I won't return it for now (unless it starts to flicker) because I heard that the chances that the replacement has the same or worse problems is not that low, so I'll wait as soon as all the problems are apparently fixed before sending mine for a repair. I'm reading that Apple is taking care of all the problems, even sending refunds to people who ask them, so kudos to them for that.

    Other than that (which may be unacceptable for many), this is the best Mac I have ever owned. It has the speed I've always dreamed of when using OSX, and it looks simply stunning.
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  • Reply 15 of 26
    rplatrplat Posts: 22member
    Originally Posted by palple View Post

    I only know that Apple is offering to replace the HD or the whole iMac to people with this noise problem.

    Here are some reports about the problems:

    As regards my new 27" iMac, I got 1 dead pixel (but I find this acceptable), 12 iSight dead pixels, a yellow cast on the bottom right of the screen (very noticeable on a white background, but luckily I'm not a graphic pro) and the screen is noisy (a high pitch sound coming from the lcd panel, but it is presumably from the internal power adapter) when dimmed or when put to a stop (the screen is noisy for me only when the gpu temp is > 50°C, ie the majority of the time). I won't return it for now (unless it starts to flicker) because I heard that the chances that the replacement has the same or worse problems is not that low, so I'll wait as soon as all the problems are apparently fixed before sending mine for a repair. I'm reading that Apple is taking care of all the problems, even sending refunds to people who ask them, so kudos to them for that.

    Other than that (which may be unacceptable for many), this is the best Mac I have ever owned. It has the speed I've always dreamed of when using OSX, and it looks simply stunning.

    Thanks . . . very useful information.
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  • Reply 16 of 26
    Same happened to me. new iMac 27.... expensive... excited and all of a sudden this noise coming from the inside. I called them within the first 14 days and they said it is only the fan. I called again and they say press ctrl+cmnd+p+r. Three times they asked me to do the same.

    For weeks they said it is only the fan. I insisted. Eventually they said I need to get it back to the store (taxi £20) I said enough! so they sent someone to take it from my place (couldn't you say this from the beginning, it is a 27 mac after all).

    A whole week passed by, I called and they said it was repaired, they just want to keep it in there for few more days to check it is all right. A LIE!!!

    I called after 2 days and someone else said the new part just arrived.

    They should have replaced the computer, I paid almost £2000 and need to go through weeks of frustration and misery, missing the deadline for my degree show project.

    I didn't expect this from Apple!

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  • Reply 17 of 26
    Same happened to me. new iMac 27.... expensive... excited and all of a sudden this noise coming from the inside. I called them within the first 14 days and they said it is only the fan. I called again and they say press ctrl+cmnd+p+r. Three times they asked me to do the same.

    For weeks they said it is only the fan. I insisted. Eventually they said I need to get it back to the store (taxi £20) I said enough! so they sent someone to take it from my place (couldn't you say this from the beginning, it is a 27 mac after all).

    A whole week passed by, I called and they said it was repaired, they just want to keep it in there for few more days to check it is all right. A LIE!!!

    I called after 2 days and someone else said the new part just arrived.

    They should have replaced the computer, I paid almost £2000 and need to go through weeks of frustration and misery, missing the deadline for my degree show project.

    I didn't expect this from Apple!

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  • Reply 18 of 26
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by yaqovisrael View Post

    Same happened to me. new iMac 27.... expensive... excited and all of a sudden this noise coming from the inside. I called them within the first 14 days and they said it is only the fan. I called again and they say press ctrl+cmnd+p+r. Three times they asked me to do the same.

    For weeks they said it is only the fan. I insisted. Eventually they said I need to get it back to the store (taxi £20) I said enough! so they sent someone to take it from my place (couldn't you say this from the beginning, it is a 27 mac after all).

    A whole week passed by, I called and they said it was repaired, they just want to keep it in there for few more days to check it is all right. A LIE!!!

    I called after 2 days and someone else said the new part just arrived.

    They should have replaced the computer, I paid almost £2000 and need to go through weeks of frustration and misery, missing the deadline for my degree show project.

    I didn't expect this from Apple!


    Compensation? Are you bloody serious?

    Welcome to life, it does not come with a guarantee of compensation for every little irritant!
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  • Reply 19 of 26
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by yaqovisrael View Post

    They should have replaced the computer, I paid almost £2000 and need to go through weeks of frustration and misery, missing the deadline for my degree show project.

    I didn't expect this from Apple!

    Just to understand: you had a deadline to meet and you sent in for repair your, otherwise, perfectly functioning computer because of a hard drive noise. The repairs take time (you are not the only one who need them) and as a result you missed the deadline. How is that Apple's own fault as long as you could keep the computer and send it after the deadline?
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  • Reply 20 of 26
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    Just to understand: you had a deadline to meet and you sent in for repair your, otherwise, perfectly functioning computer because of a hard drive noise. The repairs take time (you are not the only one who need them) and as a result you missed the deadline. How is that Apple's own fault as long as you could keep the computer and send it after the deadline?

    He made a bad decision, but it doesn't look like he wants to admit it, as he's blaming Apple for his own poor choice. I'm guessing that he has a history of blaming others instead of taking responsibility for his own actions.
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