Apple now allowing iPhone apps to make VoIP calls over 3G networks
In an update to its iPhone SDK, Apple is now permitting apps to make VoIP calls over 3G wireless networks, an option that was once only available over a WiFi connection.
According to a press release issued Wednesday by iCall, Apple has revised its SDK to allow VoIP calls over cellular networks. This is a major change from Apple's previous agreement with AT&T which only allowed VoIP communications over a WiFi connection.
Back in October, AT&T announced that it would open up its 3G network to VoIP applications on the iPhone, and it appears that Apple is just now taking action.
iCall's VoIP application is, according to the release, "the first and only VoIP application that functions on the iPhone and iPod Touch over cellular 3G networks."
Previously, as part of a concession made to AT&T, Apple's terms for software approval on the App Store prohibited VoIP-based applications like Skype from utilizing networks operated by wireless carriers.
In April, internet advocacy group Free Press asked the FCC to investigate both AT&T and Apple over claims that both companies were violating federal net-neutrality protection.
AppleInsider also reported in October that increased pressure from the FCC over net neutrality could have contributed to AT&T's decision to change its policy with Apple.
iCall CEO Arlo Gilbert is quoted as saying, "I applaud Apple's decision to allow iCall to extend its functionality beyond Wi-Fi and onto the 3G networks. This heralds a new era for VoIP applications on mobile platforms, especially for iCall and our free calling model. I hope that now more developers will begin using our VoIP as a platform to integrate VoIP into their applications."
According to a press release issued Wednesday by iCall, Apple has revised its SDK to allow VoIP calls over cellular networks. This is a major change from Apple's previous agreement with AT&T which only allowed VoIP communications over a WiFi connection.
Back in October, AT&T announced that it would open up its 3G network to VoIP applications on the iPhone, and it appears that Apple is just now taking action.
iCall's VoIP application is, according to the release, "the first and only VoIP application that functions on the iPhone and iPod Touch over cellular 3G networks."
Previously, as part of a concession made to AT&T, Apple's terms for software approval on the App Store prohibited VoIP-based applications like Skype from utilizing networks operated by wireless carriers.
In April, internet advocacy group Free Press asked the FCC to investigate both AT&T and Apple over claims that both companies were violating federal net-neutrality protection.
AppleInsider also reported in October that increased pressure from the FCC over net neutrality could have contributed to AT&T's decision to change its policy with Apple.
iCall CEO Arlo Gilbert is quoted as saying, "I applaud Apple's decision to allow iCall to extend its functionality beyond Wi-Fi and onto the 3G networks. This heralds a new era for VoIP applications on mobile platforms, especially for iCall and our free calling model. I hope that now more developers will begin using our VoIP as a platform to integrate VoIP into their applications."
2- Thethering
3- Multitasking
Scam. So much for the supposed "free calls." They only let you make free US/Canada calls for 5 minutes and the software doesn't work, on the web or installed.
Thanks for choosing iCall! With iCall, you get free outbound calling to any phone in the US or Canada for free. That's right, free.
Went through all the trouble installing in nasty Vista to find this out.
Bummer. Now I gotta wash my hands.
Part of the iPad grand scheme for world domination. VOIP on the iPad also. Cool.
Google voice??
Google Voice is not VOIP service.
Google Voice is not VOIP service.
I know this. Apple made the statement they didn't know.
Ca't really see calls coming through via push notifications.
Part of the iPad grand scheme for world domination. VOIP on the iPad also. Cool.
Exactly. The iPad's "unlimited" data plan is $30/month, without a contract. Hello Skype!
(not seriously though - at least not for me, dedicated cell ftw)
I know this. Apple made the statement they didn't know.
what is the point you are trying to cmmunicate???
Having phone capabilities on the iPad would allow for not having to carry around an iPhone as well (or maybe that's what Apple wants).
1 - VOIP using 3G ----- Check
2- Thethering
3- Multitasking
Been there, done that on points one and 2 from day one.
iCall's VoIP application is, according to the release, "the first and only VoIP application that functions on the [snip] iPod Touch over cellular 3G networks."
It isn't, because it doesn't.
Apparently this was the only thing holding them back.
I would have expected them to have enabled the simple process by now.
Anyway not sure about you and you can't ad a camera before it's release but yo can ad lots of features.
This is nothing more than a giant iPod and one that's worse than a jailbroken one.
I am so dissapointed with apple I don't know where to begin. Where is the innovation, non iTunes codecs, multitaskng, pricing, especially for this, and on and on.
Over at our buddies Mac rumors, one article has like 700 negative to 177 positives and that's teling you a lot. I thought Jobs was supposed to be uber proud of this. This is almost embarrising and I love Apple products but since the drop of computer, they just haven ben the same. There is so much you CANNOT do with this, it's a shame, even the pricing to HD space is a joke. I am very surprised that after all these years, this is their anwser, it's just unbelievable and dissaponting.
Anyway not sure about you and you can't ad a camera before it's release but yo can ad lots of features.
This is nothing more than a giant iPod and one that's worse than a jailbroken one.
I am so dissapointed with apple I don't know where to begin. Where is the innovation, non iTunes codecs, multitaskng, pricing, especially for this, and on and on.
Over at our buddies Mac rumors, one article has like 700 negative to 177 positives and that's teling you a lot. I thought Jobs was supposed to be uber proud of this. This is almost embarrising and I love Apple products but since the drop of computer, they just haven ben the same. There is so much you CANNOT do with this, it's a shame, even the pricing to HD space is a joke. I am very surprised that after all these years, this is their anwser, it's just unbelievable and dissaponting.