Official complaints thread.



  • Reply 21 of 37
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I think they just know they can milk more money out of people and don't even need to use those features right now. So again... if people like this didn't buy the iPhone and iPods, and now this, we would likely have useful devices being made rather than this stuff..

    Apple have carefully constructed a timeline which they're strictly adhering to. That timeline consists of various product/software releases at key points which are designed to maximize their revenue streams.

    Apple fans are bound to this rigid diary, which as hardware used in the iPhone is actually prehistoric compared to other phones out there. This summer we'll see a 5mp camera, whoopy doo.
  • Reply 22 of 37
    iposteriposter Posts: 1,560member

    It'll be great for playing media, and....playing media.

    At least everyone else on the train/bus will be able to watch your ripped movies with you, unlike the iPhone/iTouch.

    Touch typing with no feedback? Seems unpossible but I'll reserve judgment until my next trip to an Apple store.
  • Reply 23 of 37
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post

    I think singing it's praises and calling it a success is exactly the same as saying it's a complete failure. Listing it's possible uses is a valid exercise.

    Just saw some greaseball douche on the news saying it's already a massive success and will appeal to everyone. That coupled with the predictions of 10million+ sales this year and I for one will be interested in seeing if this thing blows up in everyones faces.


    At $500 I doubt it blows up considering a 10" picture frame costs $150-200 and that doesn't come with a Touchscreen.

    There are so many uses for a small and very light 10" display/computer that Apple's assured of finding success especially after dovetailing off the success of the App Store.

    The real questions is "will the dynamic duo" of the iPhone and iPad hold off the duo of Android and Chrome OS?

    Stay tuned at 11
  • Reply 24 of 37
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    Having to have the table...t a primary PC.... a laptop... an iphone... an ipod AND a Wacom.. AND a iPad... is just ABSURD. It's beyond absurd.. it's RETARDED.

    It's actually called good business...
  • Reply 25 of 37
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    It's actually called good business...

    I disagree... they may end up doing irreparable damage to their image. Again.. if I had already paid big bucks for a low end laptop and an iPhone I would be extremely bitter about this table coming out. And eventually people are going to perceive Apple's products as nothing more than over priced toys that aren't really productive. Seems as if many are on to their MO. Wait till they come out with the REAL tablet a couple years from now after people already blew their money on this one. It could get really ugly.
  • Reply 26 of 37
    I think it is good for a iteration 1 device. Personally, I will wait for iteration 2 or 3 with built-in web camera, reduced Apple profit margins, 3G /4G unlocked, etc. This device fits in the Netbook segment though the cost factor might be a deterrent for some. The real killer app that is missing is Microsoft Office. I don't know if iWork's interoperability is that good. Maybe there are 3rd party solutions that are better on the App store?
  • Reply 27 of 37
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I disagree... they may end up doing irreparable damage to their image. Again.. if I had already paid big bucks for a low end laptop and an iPhone I would be extremely bitter about this table coming out.

    I bought a netbook a year ago seeing that Apple wouldn't release one. I paid full price for my 4GB iPhone in 2007. And then $200 for the 3G a year later. I'm not bitter at all, and frankly, I can't understand your attitude at all.

    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    This device fits in the Netbook segment though the cost factor might be a deterrent for some.

    I strongly disagree with that assessment. This has nothing in common with a netbook. It has FAR less functionality for more money. It's a totally new category of beefed up portable media players.
  • Reply 28 of 37
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I disagree... they may end up doing irreparable damage to their image. Again.. if I had already paid big bucks for a low end laptop and an iPhone I would be extremely bitter about this table coming out. And eventually people are going to perceive Apple's products as nothing more than over priced toys that aren't really productive. Seems as if many are on to their MO. Wait till they come out with the REAL tablet a couple years from now after people already blew their money on this one. It could get really ugly.

    This doesn't replace the cheapest Mac Book; it is an extra device.

    Think of it this way- iPod Touch at the gym, iPad to read a downloaded paper or watch a movie on the train ride downtown, iPad at the Starbucks before work, MB Pro at the office, iPod Touch to catch up on e-mails at happy hour, iMac or Mac Pro to work at home, relaxing on the couch watching content streamed from Apple tv, while browsing the internet on iPad. Calls all day on the iPhone. There can never be too many devices, and one doesn't really replace the other.

    Millions will buy revision 1, love it, and buy the 2G- as they have done with every iPod and iPhone models.
  • Reply 29 of 37
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Hellbound View Post

    That's because apps and itunes generate revenue. Apple have sold out.

    In their most recent financial filings, Apple reported that the App Store and iTunes Store run at a little over break even. Unless you want to accuse them of concealing profits your just making shit up.
  • Reply 30 of 37
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I think you are right. They are milking th cash cow as much as possible. It's a shame.. that is the kind of behavior that can backfire big time. Apple is becoming a big time status symbol rather than a productivity tool. Its so sad too.. because they have something of real value with their multitouch tech.. and they acquired that from Fingerworks.. and they still can't do anything really revolutionary with it. I don't get it.

    See above. Apple doesn't make much money off the App or iTunes Store. They regard those services as value added for the hardware they sell. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  • Reply 31 of 37
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by ArticulatedArm View Post

    I disagree... they may end up doing irreparable damage to their image. Again.. if I had already paid big bucks for a low end laptop and an iPhone I would be extremely bitter about this table coming out. And eventually people are going to perceive Apple's products as nothing more than over priced toys that aren't really productive. Seems as if many are on to their MO. Wait till they come out with the REAL tablet a couple years from now after people already blew their money on this one. It could get really ugly.

    I love the tone of heavy concern. FYI, the whole "Apple products are toys" was old 10 years ago.
  • Reply 32 of 37
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    I strongly disagree with that assessment. This has nothing in common with a netbook. It has FAR less functionality for more money. It's a totally new category of beefed up portable media players.

    I don't use a Netbook, but I want to know what you do with a Netbook that you can't do with the iPad (other than peripherals which can be added into iPad in subsequent iterations) ? Full fledged Windows / Linux are nice, but what can you really do with a Netbook as a user?
  • Reply 33 of 37
    synpsynp Posts: 248member
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    I don't use a Netbook, but I want to know what you do with a Netbook that you can't do with the iPad (other than peripherals which can be added into iPad in subsequent iterations) ? Full fledged Windows / Linux are nice, but what can you really do with a Netbook as a user?

    • Type

    • Edit photos (the whole "you need a strong computer to run photoshop" thing was valid when weak computers were 500 MHz. Now any computer can run photoshop)

    • video conference on Skype/iChat

    • Run any application

  • Reply 34 of 37
    Until Apple addresses the lack of a front facing web camera for video chat I won't be buying either the iPad or the iPhone. I might just have to look at the Nokia N900...
  • Reply 35 of 37
    I can't believe they didn't put a front facing iSight in!!!

    Surely video conferencing Ã* la iChat would have been one of its main selling points. It seems almost perfectly designed for that! An iSight camera wouldn't have even added much to the cost.

    Also, I think it looks slightly too big with too much of a boarder on it. An 8 or 9" screen with smaller rim would have made it more of a handbag/manbag'll have to lug a bag around almost big enough to fit a small laptop. Apple has really missed the mark with this! Even just a double size iPod Touch would have been better!!!!

    No sale!
  • Reply 36 of 37
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    While I'll be the first to welcome the Newton's return, I'm just not feeling it. I really think my iPhone has finally freed me from taking a computer with me everywhere. As I read the rumors about this device, I just kept wondering "why?". I've been freed. The world is now in my pocket, anything I need is a swipe away. I don't think I'll go back to lugging a brick around.
  • Reply 37 of 37
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    but what can you really do with a Netbook as a user?

    While a lot of people here would have you believe that netbooks are incapable of anything beyond web browsing and the occasional word processor, a netbook is a full fledged computer running a full OS that just happens to be small and cheap. What you are essentially asking is what can a PC/Mac do that an iPad can't? Think about that. Think about why you would keep your Mac around when you have the iPad. Now replace "your Mac" with "netbook" in that sentence. That's why it's more limited than a netbook.
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