Quick thoughts...are you going to buy an iPad?



  • Reply 21 of 46
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Will buy the 16GB on launch day, then the top model when rev. 2 comes out.

    I'm thinking about doing that as well, but part of me hates only having 16 GB (I have about 15 GB of music)

    edit: my iPod is a 20gb white iPod photo and my laptop is a 2003 iBook, so I don't have other new apple products, which might be a reason why I'm comfortable getting one of these.
  • Reply 22 of 46
    I will be replacing my MacBook with an iPad. This is a 'kitchen/ livingroom' device that is used for music, general internet news consumption and resolving disagreements. The keyboard dock is perfect. Hopefully the iTunes App for iPad will get remote library and/or speaker capabilities.
  • Reply 23 of 46
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I am, for web browsing, home email, light portable computing and some games. The 16GB version on launch day.
  • Reply 24 of 46
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by betamale View Post

    Here's the deal: I think Apple missed a massive opportunity. They should have whacked IR & RF transmitters in the iPad, so you could use it as a universal remote.

    Look at devices like the Logitech Harmony remotes. What are these things but $400 portable touch screens with an IR and RF transmitters? The expensive part is the screen, the processor, and the software development costs. The transmitters cost next to nothing.

    With the iPad and iPhone OS, Apple has the portable touchscreen device, the great software, and the great SDK. All they had to do was include two cheap transmitters.

    Heck they even have a pre-existing app for controlling external media devices: iRemote. They could have added Universal remote functionality on top of it. The new version of iRemote could be equipped with configurable generic device profiles. and you could download pre-configured vendor supplied profiles with in-App purchases. (which totally bypasses the annoying thing about universal remotes: setting them up.)


    There already at least two companies that will turn your iPod Touch/iPhone into a remote control. There's really no need for Apple to attempt to extinguish opportunties best suited for 3rd parties. Apple's delivered hardware device compatibility with the 30 pin dock connecter which is across millions of products running the same OS. We'll see nifty stuff like what you ask for coming from people specialized in delivering such accessories in time.

    Originally Posted by UncaBou View Post

    I'm new to AppleInsider. At this stage the iPad would be quite useful to me but two considerations immediately came to mind and I'd be interested to hear your response.

    I have an iPhone and I love it. I've just discovered it's possible to tether it to a computer for use as a modem and I was thinking the iPad should be able to take advantage of this feature.

    My iPhone is always with me but due to size, an iPad cannot. Why must I have to be paying for an extra/separate data service when I already have one on my phone? So my first thought was the iPad should be able to tether to my iPhone.

    Secondly, I think the ability to attach a removable USB Wireless modem would be an attractive feature.

    The Tethering question needs to be answered by AT&T soon. They've already promised some action here ..but we're still waiting.

    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    I am, for web browsing, home email, light portable computing and some games. The 16GB version on launch day.

    I'm in as well. I really don't like reading PDF and other documents on a sub 4" screen. It's doable ..but not something my aging eyes really like. I'm loving 1.5 lbs and a nice bright screen. Funny thing is some state the iPad isn't a good deal but it's the same price as the original iPod.
  • Reply 25 of 46
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Funny thing is some state the iPad isn't a good deal but it's the same price as the original iPod.

    and with 9 years of inflation on top of that. The same people were saying the iPod Touch was too small to watch TV on. People just complain.
  • Reply 26 of 46
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    The Tethering question needs to be answered by AT&T soon. They've already promised some action here ..but we're still waiting.

    Thanks for this:

    So are you saying the iPad hardware is already built to enable it to be tethered to an iPhone, using the iPhone as a modem?
  • Reply 27 of 46
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I would if had the extra money but i don't right now. I posted this in another thread but I think there are two mindsets at work here. First, Microsoft/netbooks with the idea that you can scale back the desktop/laptop form factor and still be productive and still use all the same software and operating systems. The second one is Apple/iPad/iPhone all touch based and running a modified system software optimized for mobile computing (as Apple sees it). I think for the most part Apple's concept for the iPhone (all touch based) has work, but people are not so sure about the iPad.
  • Reply 28 of 46
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I'll demand my employer pick up a couple. I have a functional MacBook Pro for the big apps, I can use these for sound and video duties, and for presentations. They'll fit into what I need far better than a laptop, and I'm very interested to see what developers will do with the platform.
  • Reply 29 of 46
    I will get a rev 2 for my parents. I really want a front facing camera so they can do video conferencing via Skype or iChat.
  • Reply 30 of 46
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by UncaBou View Post

    Thanks for this:

    So are you saying the iPad hardware is already built to enable it to be tethered to an iPhone, using the iPhone as a modem?

    I don't think anybody knows. Apple added tethering to the iPhone just last year and AT&T has yet to enable it here in the US. So it wasn't discussed during the presentation. SJ did say that they were going to start negotiating 3G plans for the rest of the world the day after the presentation. So we may find out when these plans are announced.
  • Reply 31 of 46
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    The iPad is exactly what my wife wanted. She has an netbook but all she does is surf the web and do emails and update her Facebook. She trades pictures with her out of state relatives and that sort of stuff. I showed her the iPad video presentation and she is actually excited about this product. We were thinks of buy her a Kindle DX but the iPad with a price point of $500 would fit her needs PERFECTLY!

    So is anyone else buying a iPad?

    I am ABSOLUTELY getting one to replace my old iBook G3 as a portable base...90% of my uses would be covered by what the iPad offers, and iWork was the icing on the cake...

    I think Apple has found the perfect balance between smartphones (and their tiny screens) and laptops (with bigger screens but too much power)...this thing is gonna sell like hot cakes, AGAIN.

    Which one? Probably the 64Gb WiFi, although the 3G model has the great advantage of incorporating GPS (Assisted GPS, which is as good as normal GPS, mind ya) as well...oh boy.
  • Reply 32 of 46
    Originally Posted by aresee View Post

    I don't think anybody knows. Apple added tethering to the iPhone just last year and AT&T has yet to enable it here in the US. So it wasn't discussed during the presentation. SJ did say that they were going to start negotiating 3G plans for the rest of the world the day after the presentation. So we may find out when these plans are announced.

    Staff at my local Apple shop expect the Australian iPad release will be very close to the US. Local iPad pricing hasn't been announced yet, also Wireless Broadband in Australia is quite expensive compared to the US and due to this I'll opt for the Wi-Fi only version, probably the 16GB version.
  • Reply 33 of 46
    Some people are disappointed that the iPAD does not have more functions. Or a camera.

    I think Apple made a smart distinction here.

    A laptop allows you to CREATE.

    The iPAD allows you to enjoy EXISTING MEDIA and not just at home but also on the go. So you get on a plane, you can have your New York times, business week and professional journals, all on one pleasant sized device. Some people are saying "I have a cell phone, why would I carry something else?" They don't get it. They already ARE carrying something else. The NEWSPAPER! The iPAD will replace the newspaper and in addition you will have ALL your media (journals you subscribe to as well as music and movies), all on one electronic device with a gorgeous screen. With 10 hour battery life you can get on a plane, read all your papers/journals and watch three movies and arrive in Hawaii and have a bit of battery power left.

    Remember the Enterprise on Star Trek? Other than the episode with the lawyer, you NEVER saw a book. They were all electronic!

    Anyone in 1st or 2nd year of college today will get their first apt. in 3 years and instead of buying bookshelves to house their books and DVD's they will all be on their iPAD.

    I believe this device is a game changer. And Amazon has BULLIED the publishers to lower prices for ebooks to $9.99. Apple told publishers we think between $12.99 - $14.99 is a fair price, PLUS there is a formula that takes into account the cost of the hard cover. So if a publisher releases a hard cover book for $100 the e-book price will reflect that and be substantially more than $14.99.

    Did you see what Amazon did to Macmillan this week?

    They stopped selling Macmillan's e-books bec. Macmillan is fighting them on the $9.99 price pressure. That's okay. Macmillan is one of the largest publishers in the world, and they have signed a deal with Apple for the iPAD. I predict the kindle is going to die a fast death.

    Where else is this going? Within ten years no child in a private or even a reasonably well funded public school will carry a 15 pound knapsack loaded with books. ALL their books will be on the iPAD.

    The iPAD will do for electronic media what Gutenberg?s printing press did for books.

    And let?s remember, that if you WANT to create on the iPAD Apple has facilitated that. Apple?s iWORK (word processor, spreadsheet and presentation program) will sell for $10 each.

    The iPAD is an absolute game changer.
  • Reply 34 of 46

    I have a 2006 MacBook Pro that I used a ton in school, but now that I'm out, it's basically a Mac mini. It sits closed and tethered to a 22" Samsung all day with the battery out, and disconnecting/reconnecting it is a big chore. When it ultimately runs out of gas, it will be replaced by a Mac mini. I'm hoping for 2-3 more years out of it, at least.

    I've been wanting a netbook that I can keep in the living room to avoid the whole hassle of disconnecting the MBP. Apple's got the best solution for me. Now I can lay back on the couch, watch TV, and browse the web...just as God intended.

    It would be nice to have the ability to run IRC in the background without going through all of the Colloquy push junk, but it's a small price to pay to get out of the chair I work from 12 hours a day.
  • Reply 35 of 46
    I will definitely get the 2nd gen version. No way am I going to buy the current one.
  • Reply 36 of 46
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I wouldn't underestimate the iPad's potential as a creative platform, either. It's not going to challenge a Mac Pro any time soon, but there's no particular reason it couldn't be an 80% solution. It's no accident that Omni Group are porting all their apps over. In some ways, the direct interaction of the touch platform will be better.

    Personally, I like it as a replacement for my aging PowerBook. I'm going to wait until I see some software and accessories appear that will allow it to take over the PowerBook's role completely. I assume they will appear, but there's no pressing reason for me to buy the iPad until they do.

    I should point one thing out as far as multitasking goes: The way OS X manages memory, it keeps as much of an application in memory as it can even after you quit the application. Memory pages are swapped out with what amounts to a "least recently used" approach. This is why restarting an app is so much faster than starting it for the first time after a reboot. If you're switching between two or three applications on the iPad, the most common case is that the majority of each application (including its data) is going to be lingering around in RAM anyway, so the difference between relaunching them and switching between them will be fairly academic (again, in the common case, not in every case). Even if an application does get swapped out, it's getting swapped to solid-state memory instead of a hard disk, so reading it back into memory should be significantly faster. I'm not saying there's no difference, only that the difference is minimized by the way OS X manages memory.

    The main obstacle to achieving something-like-multitasking is the problem of sharing data across applications. I'm not convinced that a Finder is the best solution to that. I'm interested to see what Apple eventually comes up with, but an expansion of the "Share" option seems obvious.
  • Reply 37 of 46
    I was going to buy an Ipad after giving my nephew my old laptop. After seeing it, I will now buy the Alienware mx11. My first pc since 1994.
  • Reply 38 of 46
    So many people are comparing this to a laptop or a netbook. It wasn't meant to be that type of device. It fits more of a "niche" that wasn't there - a whole new category. I think it's perfect for what me and my wife need -- a device to use on the couch or in bed while watching tv. I'll buy one on launch day, then buy the next model that has video chat too!
  • Reply 39 of 46
    I just need something to surf the web from my couch, laptop not needed, ipad could have done the job, but no flash, so it can't do the job, so the mx11 seems like the next best thing.....
  • Reply 40 of 46
    Originally Posted by macnyce View Post

    I was going to buy an Ipad after giving my nephew my old laptop. After seeing it, I will now buy the Alienware mx11. My first pc since 1994.

    you decided to spend twice as much on a machine that offers (at best) 6.5 hours of battery life and is twice the weight?

    I mean, it looks like a decent little netbook (thought overpriced), but its not really a similar product.
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