AT&T outbid Verizon with cheaper Apple iPad data plans - rumor



  • Reply 41 of 85
    I admit, I am with Verizon but it is only because AT&T's coverage where I live is so awful. I can't get a signal where I work or where I live and most places inbetween there is no signal. I live in the 77th largest city so while not NYC, I am not in the country either.

    While we do have an AT&T store here, all they can say is that they have no clue when service will expand in our area. We don't have a T-Mobile store here.

    I feel shut out of the ipad and iphone world because I can't get a signal. While GSM may be the world standard, many of us live in CDMA worlds where Verizon and Sprint has the best coverage.

    It is not that I am refusing to switch to AT&T - I just can't switch until I can get coverage. It is so silly to have just one vendor in the US.
  • Reply 42 of 85
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    I doubt that Jobs is taking it personally. My guess is that he sees it entirely as a business decision.

    I hope that is the case since it is a publicly traded company. The CEO of Apple should not make arbitrary decisions that could negatively affect the profitability of the corporation based solely on his emotional feelings about a potential partnership. Steve should act in accordance with the best interests of the shareholders.
  • Reply 43 of 85
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I hope that is the case since it is a publicly traded company. The CEO of Apple should not make arbitrary decisions that could negatively affect the profitability of the corporation based solely on his emotional feelings about a potential partnership. Steve should act in accordance with the best interests of the shareholders.

    Based on AAPL stock performance since Steve's return, one would surmise that he is doing so.

    I certainly cannot speak for all AAPL shareholders, but I -- for one -- am quite satisfied by the senior management's execution.
  • Reply 44 of 85
    Originally Posted by PatsFan83 View Post

    I think it shows that the majority of data is used while you are on a wireless network...3G ties you over while you get to your destination. Wifi is everywhere...home, work, airports, train stations (and some trains), buses.

    I would find it pretty hard to use 250 MB of 3G on the iPad with the amount of hotspots I am near, but thats just me. 3G also has a limit for apps and podcasts have to be hooked up to wireless for anything over 10MB I believe.

    Well, there are hundreds of Wi-Fi spots in my area, but most of them are someway blocked. Only few of them have free access. :-(
  • Reply 45 of 85
    Back when Morris was making predictions about the iPad and claiming a source within Apple, some of us wondered why Apple would tell this guy anything. Turns out, they didn't

    Caveat Lector, it still applies.
  • Reply 46 of 85
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by shamino View Post

    The 5-year contract was always rumor. Pundits today are claiming that it was actually a 3-year contract, which means "some time this year".

    Pundits are about as accurate as rumors. I can believe the contract had performance metrics for both parties that could lead to early termination or renegotiation, but we've no evidence that this has occurred. Rumors of Apple working with Verizon are just as likely the result of a plethora of Apple competitors wanting to instill uncertainty in the market and delay Apple buyers from committing.


    As for 4G, you're still going to want backward compatibility to CDMA if you choose to support VZW customers.

    Alternatively, Verizon will just have to roll out LTE rather broadly by mid-2012 (which actually gives them a long time) if they want to capture any of the Apple market. Seems like Verizon has a great opportunity here, since they've little data traffic to support as they upgrade. Let's watch Verizon's 4G map as this happens.


    Historically, VZW has ticked off lots of customers with their business practices.

  • Reply 47 of 85
    Originally Posted by miniMoe View Post

    It's this simple... Apple will never support CDMA.

    The iPhone was launched in South Korea late last year, and SK is a CDMA-only market.
  • Reply 48 of 85
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by TheresaL View Post

    I feel shut out of the ipad and iphone world because I can't get a signal. While GSM may be the world standard, many of us live in CDMA worlds where Verizon and Sprint has the best coverage.

    It is not that I am refusing to switch to AT&T - I just can't switch until I can get coverage. It is so silly to have just one vendor in the US.

    Do you have WiFi hotspots? iPads all support WiFi.
  • Reply 49 of 85
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  • Reply 50 of 85
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  • Reply 51 of 85
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I don't think so.

    South Korea uses WCDMA, which is the foundation of UMTS and HSPA -- and which the existing iPhone 3G/3GS already support.

    CDMA in the US (and part of China) is CDMA2000, which despite the name is incompatible.

    If I am right, perhaps you could remove your post and I will mine.

    No need to remove anything. If you're right, I am wrong. Big deal. I can live with it.
  • Reply 52 of 85
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  • Reply 53 of 85
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    One thing I find interesting about the announcement of AT&T as the sole data provider for iPad is that Apple evidently doesn't view them negatively as do many posters here and elsewhere.

    Perhaps AT&T's coverage issues are overblown and/or Apple has seen their upgrade plans and is comfortable moving forward with them for the iPad.

    Regarding iPhone, you could argue that Apple entered into an agreement with AT&T and could not move to VZW, but the iPad announcement paints a different picture I think.

    If in fact AT&T's network were as overwhelmed as some would have you believe, why would Apple hitch another data hungry product to that train? You might also question why AT&T would have agreed to offer such a seemingly good deal for 3G data on iPad if their network were as data congested as surmised.

    Very interesting indeed.
  • Reply 54 of 85
    Originally Posted by iBill View Post

    Do you have WiFi hotspots? iPads all support WiFi.

    Yes - but that sort of defeats the purpose IMO. I really want an iPhone. I want an iPad that I can use in places other than McDonalds and Starbucks. I have an iPod Touch but don't use it that often other than music because the times I am in wifi spots, I have a computer (such as work, home, etc..)

    Again, I am glad that many of you have choices. Next time you are on AT&T's website, look at the coverage at most of the midwest. It isn't that good.
  • Reply 55 of 85
    Originally Posted by DCno10 View Post

    Dude read a dictionary sometime.


    I was in a hurry DUDE! You got the the point didn't you

    DUDE!! I'd like to say something better to you, but if I do

    appleinsider will ban me for a week.
  • Reply 56 of 85
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    And this type of illiterate rapid foaming at the mouth type of post is what you get when you watch too much Keith Olbermann...

    Somebody get this Son0fsocal a real education please!

    The real problem is right wing wakos like you're self that have

    this superior complex about themselves, and think that by

    putting other people down, makes them feel better about them

    self!! So... Feel better???
  • Reply 57 of 85
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by TheresaL View Post

    Yes - but that sort of defeats the purpose IMO. I really want an iPhone. I want an iPad that I can use in places other than McDonalds and Starbucks. I have an iPod Touch but don't use it that often other than music because the times I am in wifi spots, I have a computer (such as work, home, etc..)

    Again, I am glad that many of you have choices. Next time you are on AT&T's website, look at the coverage at most of the midwest. It isn't that good.

    AT&T coverage is pretty good here in Indianapolis. Agreed regarding iPhone that if you don't get good 3G coverage from AT&T where you live, then you're kind of 'left out'.

    I'm from Pittsburgh originally, and I have friends there who would love to have iPhones but claim that AT&T coverage there is inadequate. They are all wed to Verizon unfortunately. I do wonder how bad AT&T coverage actually is there. I've no doubt that VZW is better there as they are firmly entrenched in the midwest, but they also advertise the heck out of that. I wonder how much of it is advertising bravado, and how much if it is current reality.
  • Reply 58 of 85
    This is just an idea, but do you think the lack of video chat on the ipad is due to ATT not agreeing to an unlimited data package with video chat capabilities on the ipad? Because of the higher data usage video chat would bring?

    I'll bet that's why there is no isight camera on the ipad????
  • Reply 59 of 85
    msnlymsnly Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by iBill View Post

    AT&T coverage is pretty good here in Indianapolis. Agreed regarding iPhone that if you don't get good 3G coverage from AT&T where you live, then you're kind of 'left out'.

    I disagree, where I live I typically only get Edge on my 3GS but when I travel to bigger cities I get 3G. Personally, I've never really found it to be that big of a deal, I mean I'd like to have 3G, but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep about it.
  • Reply 60 of 85
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,717member
    Verizon may want the iPhone business, but not at a price that even Apple is willing to be a part of. AT&T is willing to take the business now no matter how well their network is or isn't able to handle it.

    I think AT&T is making the right decision. Hate it or not, it works for some people enough for them to keep their phones.
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