MAC backup software
I'd like to back up my wife's MacBook, and I have a 2TB NAS on my home network. I was hoping to use Time Machine, but it seems to require the use of AirPort Express or Time Capsule. Assuming I cannot use Time Machine, does anyone have any advice on a good back up too. My budget is in the $50 range, and if possible, I'd like archiving capability like Time Machine.
If your wife's MacBook is not on that network you can simply connect the MacBook to your external HD(s) through a cable. eSATA is fastest, Firewire is next fastest, USB800 is next fastest after that, USB400 is slowest. When the external HD shows up ('mounts') on the MacBook's desktop you can back up the MacBook on that external HD with Time Machine.
If your wife's MacBook is not used for work you (she) may not need Time Machine's frequent incremental backups. Connecting and backing up once a week may be sufficient.
Dependent on the amount of data on the MacBook (and the transfer speed) the first, complete, backup may take hours. The incremental backups later on will take only minutes per.
No, you can not (natively) use a network drive for Time Machine. You can use any local USB or Firewire drive, or a Time Capsule, or a drive connected via USB to the Airport Express.
You can, however, HACK your machine to use a network drive for Time Machine.
I took a look and it's a simple procedure for the tech savvy, but probably too much of a pain for anyone unfamiliar with and such.
So it doesn't have to be attached to an Airport... but... perhaps is does have to be attached through Apple Hardware??? ....
I'm gonna have to bring a NAS home just to try it
hmm... see I back up my PowerBook using Time Machine... and the ext HDD I use is attached to another iMac (on the network.) It's not connected to an Airport, just to another Mac on the same wireless network.
So it doesn't have to be attached to an Airport... but... perhaps is does have to be attached through Apple Hardware??? ....
I'm gonna have to bring a NAS home just to try it
So I guess I'm wrong... maybe that's it... it has to be connected by USB or Firewire through Apple hardware? My Thecus NAS certainly doesn't work, and looking online I found the information that led me to the above conclusion.
Alternatively, you could try online backup. Carbonite ($55/year) seems to be a rather popular service, but there are others.
Alternatively, you could try online backup. Carbonite ($55/year) seems to be a rather popular service, but there are others.
Online backup is not an option if a whole HD needs to be backed up: 200GB would take well over a month of uninterrupted 24/7 backing up (and how likely is over a month of uninterrupted 24/7 backing up...?). And that's only the initial backup. Incrementals would take a full 24 hours each, on average...