Sealed Box Speculation



  • Reply 21 of 30
    jerombajeromba Posts: 357member
    [quote]Originally posted by cowerd:


    What reports? You mean a couple of posts on Appleinsider. Its like everyone else quoting G5 benchmarks from The Register and MacOSRumors, and assuming remarkable performance f the part of the G5. All of this is highly speculative and very bogus, but if repeated enough it becomes fact. Do this often enough and you can start your religion.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    how true...

    PS: 27 Apple Stores = 27 Apple Churchs
  • Reply 22 of 30
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:


    how true...

    PS: 27 Apple Stores = 27 Apple Churchs</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey stop that. Show some respect. You should be proud to live in a time where he is walking the earth among us. The Great Woz.


    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 23 of 30
    razzfazzrazzfazz Posts: 728member
    [quote]Originally posted by BuonRotto:

    <strong>Supposedly Apple has tied a lot of its own OS X code to AltiVec. But then again, doesn't the kernel handle all talk with the hardware?


    The kernel does not provide complete abstraction from the CPU (like a Java VM does). Mac OS X programs contain plain vanilla PPC machine code, including AltiVec opcodes.


  • Reply 24 of 30
    [quote]Originally posted by RazzFazz:


    The kernel does not provide complete abstraction from the CPU (like a Java VM does). Mac OS X programs contain plain vanilla PPC machine code, including AltiVec opcodes.



    Exactly. The kernel handles system tasks (memory management, scheduling, etc.) not program execution.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    The flip-side to this discussion is that there's something else in the sealed box that you're not supposed to see. It could be anything... It could be nothing! And everyone is fixated on G5 or Raycer chips.

    I think more was going on than meets the eye and that the sealed cases were just part of the ruse... :cool:
  • Reply 26 of 30
    If it was really fast, it DEFINATELY was not pc hardware.
  • Reply 27 of 30
    Isn't it standard procedure for Apple to send out sealed boxes? That's what I thought.

    Even if it's not, then these boxes could have anything inside, including G5s or some sort of Raycer-derived chip.

    There is no reason to think that they have "Intel Inside", when Apple has the G5 to hide from everyone!
  • Reply 28 of 30
    scadboyscadboy Posts: 189member
    take this for what it's worth, I don't even believe it myself, so much...

    my b/f came home from work today, and we're having dinner, and we're talking, you know, the usual "how was your day" chit chat, and I'm like "oh, and on apple today, the tagline was ..." he interupts, "yeah, G5's are coming monday."

    "huh? what do you mean?" I ask puzzled, as he goes on to tell me about this kid he works with. Neither he nor my b/f are Mac freaks like myself by any means, but I guess he had mentioned how crazy I had been over the whole Macworld thing and what not, and he says something about the G5, and the kid he works with is all like "G5? aren't those out yet?"

    To which my b/f responds "Why, no..."

    "Oh, that's funny, my friend who works at apple has had one for like a month, he was all excited about it when he got it... blah blah blah, but I was all like 'whatever' so I just figured they were out." Says the kid at work.

    This could very well mean nothing, I don't know this kid, let alone his friend "who works at apple," and he could, being a non apple freak, simply mistaken G5 for G4 or whatever. But....something about this... the answers are never where you're looking for them, they just kind of find you, you know?

    So, I'm not saying it's the god-honest truth, and I'm not going to use the "C" word, but I do think it's something to chew on, and I'm slightly less skeptical, and a little more hopeful for a G5 intro on Monday.

    So anyway,

    I recommend everyone take the day off sunday, get some rest, leave these poor boards alone, meditate, read a book, write some poetry, just chill out, because, no matter how much we chit chat, nothing's going to change what does come out on monday, so we might as well just let it surprise us when it does come, actually enjoy it for a change instead of analyizing every possible outcome.


    As if... See you all tomorrow,



    [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: scadboy ]</p>
  • Reply 29 of 30
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    b/f mean boyfriend?
  • Reply 30 of 30
    scadboyscadboy Posts: 189member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>b/f mean boyfriend?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yeah... what else? like g/f, only with two boys, get over it.
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