Apple testing Safari 4.0.5 with Flash plug-in crash protection



  • Reply 21 of 47
    pjb00pjb00 Posts: 16member
    aiy, aiy, aiy. Apple Insider continues in it's Childish obsession with Flash. Even readings AI's own description of the enhancements, this has nothing to do with Flash at all... it's another real stretch here. Lets see... Apple is putting in some fixes to the plugin manager --> Flash is a plugin --> therefore Adobe stinks and is buggy and crashy? That's basically what the headline was screaming out. Come on guys, grow up.
  • Reply 22 of 47
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A short list of other enhancements planned for the Safari 4.0.5 include improved HTML5 Video Playback, quicker loading of the Top Sites panels, faster JavaScript performance, better performance loading YouTube, and an overall reduced memory footprint.

    Good, 724MB is a lot more memory than a web browser should be using.
  • Reply 23 of 47
    woohoo!woohoo! Posts: 291member

    Apple testing Safari 4.0.5 with Flash plug-in crash protection

    Apple is currently evaluating a handful of upcoming Mac software updates with the help of an elite group of testers, including Safari 4.0.5, QuickTime 7.66, and significant maintenance release for its pro applications.

    Wow, bet those elite testers are surfing a lot of porn sites, that's one good way to test the Flash crash protection.

    Mostly got a nice list from users who hit "Submit" when the crash reporter appeared.
  • Reply 24 of 47
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Check out Movist. Essentially, it's the versatility of VLC with the look and feel of Mac app. I find myself using it more often for non-MP4 files.

    I was hoping Movist would be the answer to my media player woes but unfortunately it doesn't play nice with my JVC receiver over optical with DTS or AC-3 pass-thru. I have the same problem with MPlayer OSX Extended. VLC is the only one that always works but it has other bugs which haven't been fixed. Grr...

    As for Safari, I'm looking forward to the update. Safari is my browser of choice because it is the only one which will sync bookmarks with iTunes/iPhone. I was also very impressed with Chrome.
  • Reply 25 of 47
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Will Apple (back)port QuickTime X to Leopard and/or Windows?
  • Reply 26 of 47
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    Will Apple (back)port QuickTime X to Leopard and/or Windows?

    None of us know for sure, but historically speaking I'd say QTX will not be developed for Leopard. As for Windows, they'll surely update it, maybe giving it visual features from QTX and a better de/encoding engine, but I don't think much of the technology in QTX would be remotely Windows compatible. As I recall, they developed it for iPhone OS since QT7 wasn't a viable option and then adapted it Mac OS X.
  • Reply 27 of 47
    yesicanyesican Posts: 46member
    Originally Posted by alkrantz View Post

    QT7 is still in use on Macs to. in fact I can't stand QTX. It lacks so many features that QT7 Pro has and yet there is no Pro version. Not only that but the UI has problems too. It's pretty, but manually having to roll over the player an then roll out in order to get the control bar to go away annoys me to no end. It should just be off by default and appear on roll over.

    Although to be fair, I don't use QTX at in part because if I just want to watch a video I use spotlight, which is an awesome feature that behaves like I expect it and I'm sure it uses the QTX engine.

    Totaly agree. QTX is really awful- you can't trim anywhere in the middle, constantly crashes, etc. And converting video to ATV or iPhone takes forever.
  • Reply 28 of 47
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Flash? What's that, abandonware?! ;-) Didn't Adobe abandon it years ago and relegate it to crashing and poor performance for many years?! Now they raise it from the grave?

    Perhaps Adobe decided to keep at it, with or without Apple's cooperation.

    As much as everyone likes to hate Adobe and flash around here, one would think Apple really truly had nothing to do with Flash running poorly in osx.

    Originally Posted by pjb00 View Post

    aiy, aiy, aiy. Apple Insider continues in it's Childish obsession with Flash. Even readings AI's own description of the enhancements, this has nothing to do with Flash at all... it's another real stretch here. Lets see... Apple is putting in some fixes to the plugin manager --> Flash is a plugin --> therefore Adobe stinks and is buggy and crashy? That's basically what the headline was screaming out. Come on guys, grow up.


    Nobody around here cares. If Apple tells them to hate Flash, they will, no questions asked. It's not like Flash runs great in Windows because Microsoft cooperated with Adobe developers or anything, oh no.

    It's all good though because if more people listen, it will mean Adobe will just have to step up their game, which means cooler stuff for everyone.
  • Reply 29 of 47
    rbryanhrbryanh Posts: 263member
    It'll certainly be amusing to watch Steve and the Bloatmeisters at Adobe slug it out. In general, watching people seethe and flux over ubiquitous but inferior software is reminiscent of an extended family where a terribly handsome, utterly charming alcoholic who gives great presents is also know to cruelly beat his children. But here, where no actual children are being abused, we're free to giggle without guilt as the various naked emperors model their pretensions.

    Personally, I dealt with Flash's legendary unreliability by removing it. It's remarkable how the performance of Safari and of OS X improve in its absence, and the environment in which I spend 8-10 hours a immediately became so much more peaceful that I felt as though some office hero had finally silenced the coffee room smoke alarm.

    I'd never stopped to consider that nearly all Flash content on the web is either advertisement or entertainment. The former is deceit, the latter trivia: both are arguably the excrement of capitalism, and my daily life is much improved by their absence. With rare exceptions, I don't want objects in my environment to move or speak without my permission. (I have friends who serve that purpose.) Without my pausing to consider it, Flash content had turned my virtual environment into the equivalent of a nightmare circus where my stapler, ruler, and pen jar might at any moment leap up on tiny cybernetic legs, dancing and singing "It's a Small World" without warning or invitation.

    Perhaps I'm getting old but I find this intrusion both distracting and offensive. I wrote a little script to restore Flash in a trice, should I ever want it. I've never run it. All that imagery turns out to be endless emotional manipulations with virtually no factual content. Who knew?
  • Reply 30 of 47
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    pro Apps Still rely on QuickTime 7.

    Also pro users use qt7 to convert videos the pro way, something that has been removed in QuickTime X (booooooh!)

    Originally Posted by shubidua View Post

    Just because a new version is released doesn't mean that the support for older versions drop, especially in this case where QT X is not a real replacement, but rather a new start, sort of.

  • Reply 31 of 47
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 570member
    As a professional video user, QTX is unusable. I deleted it and installed QT7, but even after changing the 'open with' info on all files, the system still looks for QTX and nothing happens. I have to drag the file to the QT7 icon every time to open
  • Reply 32 of 47
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Originally Posted by jasonfj View Post

    As a professional video user, QTX is unusable. I deleted it and installed QT7, but even after changing the 'open with' info on all files, the system still looks for QTX and nothing happens. I have to drag the file to the QT7 icon every time to open

    I thought Plug-in Crash Protection was an features of Saferi 4? Why is it suddenly a 4.05 feature?
  • Reply 33 of 47
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    It'll certainly be amusing to watch Steve and the Bloatmeisters at Adobe slug it out. In general, watching people seethe and flux over ubiquitous but inferior software is reminiscent of an extended family where a terribly handsome, utterly charming alcoholic who gives great presents is also know to cruelly beat his children. But here, where no actual children are being abused, we're free to giggle without guilt as the various naked emperors model their pretensions.

    Personally, I dealt with Flash's legendary unreliability by removing it. It's remarkable how the performance of Safari and of OS X improve in its absence, and the environment in which I spend 8-10 hours a immediately became so much more peaceful that I felt as though some office hero had finally silenced the coffee room smoke alarm.

    I'd never stopped to consider that nearly all Flash content on the web is either advertisement or entertainment. The former is deceit, the latter trivia: both are arguably the excrement of capitalism, and my daily life is much improved by their absence. With rare exceptions, I don't want objects in my environment to move or speak without my permission. (I have friends who serve that purpose.) Without my pausing to consider it, Flash content had turned my virtual environment into the equivalent of a nightmare circus where my stapler, ruler, and pen jar might at any moment leap up on tiny cybernetic legs, dancing and singing "It's a Small World" without warning or invitation.

    Perhaps I'm getting old but I find this intrusion both distracting and offensive. I wrote a little script to restore Flash in a trice, should I ever want it. I've never run it. All that imagery turns out to be endless emotional manipulations with virtually no factual content. Who knew?

    I like your writing.
  • Reply 34 of 47
    alkrantzalkrantz Posts: 89member
    This is easily one of the most narcissistic comments I have ever read on these forums.

    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    I'd never stopped to consider that nearly all Flash content on the web is either advertisement or entertainment. The former is deceit, the latter trivia: both are arguably the excrement of capitalism,

    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    advertisement ...... is deceit

    Equating all advertisement to deceit is an astonishing oversimplification of not only advertising, but economics and social structure.

    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    entertainment..... trivia

    Equating all entertainment as trivial is at its core an admonishment of art itself. Because before you can decide that entertainment is trival, you must agree on what entertainment actually is, a hardly ubiquitous perception.

    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    both are arguably the excrement of capitalism,

    Why don't we just tell everyone that anything they find entertaining is trivial and unnecessary and every shop owner that their advertisements are the excrement of capitalism.

    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    I don't want objects in my environment to move or speak without my permission.

    That sounds like a severe mental disorder. Control issues anyone?

    Originally Posted by rbryanh View Post

    In general, watching people seethe and flux over ubiquitous but inferior software is reminiscent of an extended family where a terribly handsome, utterly charming alcoholic who gives great presents is also know to cruelly beat his children.

    Actually using Flash is nothing at all like beating children. Beating children can actually kill them which is wrong on a moral level. Using Flash is something you can choose to do or not by closing your browser or disabling the plug-in..if you didn't spend "8-10" hours a day on the web you would probably understand the difference.

    At best sir, you are facetious and narcissistic, at worst you're mentally and emotionally disfunctional. I do agree however, you're not a bad writer. But then neither was Hemingway. He was however a drunk **hole.
  • Reply 35 of 47
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Originally Posted by alkrantz View Post

    This is easily one of the most narcissistic comments I have ever read on these forums.

    Equating all advertisement to deceit is an astonishing oversimplification of not only advertising, but economics and social structure.

    Equating all entertainment as trivial is at its core an admonishment of art itself. Because before you can decide that entertainment is trival, you must agree on what entertainment actually is, a hardly ubiquitous perception.

    Why don't we just tell everyone that anything they find entertaining is trivial and unnecessary and every shop owner that their advertisements are the excrement of capitalism.

    That sounds like a severe mental disorder. Control issues anyone?

    Actually using Flash is nothing at all like beating children. Beating children can actually kill them which is wrong on a moral level. Using Flash is something you can choose to do or not by closing your browser or disabling the plug-in..if you didn't spend "8-10" hours a day on the web you would probably understand the difference.

    At best sir, you are facetious and narcissistic, at worst you're mentally and emotionally disfunctional. I do agree however, you're not a bad writer. But then neither was Hemingway. He was however a drunk **hole.

    Get the F*** outta here! If anybody is "emotionally dysfunctional, it is you "sir"! We've been over this on a different thread, and you actually did a pretty good job showing us some "decent" uses for Flash. Yippee! However, personally attacking other poster's for writing their opinions, which in this case was quite entertaining, is plain "boorish"... and may I remind you, against the forum rules!

    Some lyrics come to mind:

    John Oszajca - I Hate You ( My Friend ) Lyrics

    No one here likes you

    Go away

    Get a clue

    Go back to your fucking zoo

    Or whatever it is you do

    I don't know why

    I don't like what's in your eyes

    and I'd love to split 'em wide

    I could pretend

    Can't you understand

    I hate you, my friend

    And some call it obsession

    And some call it pure hate

    And others call it pathetic

    But some totally relate

    I'd rather go to hell

    Than shake your hand or wish you well

    In case you couldn't tell

    Go ahead boy drink your drink

    Go ahead boy do your thing

    Can you ????

    and the words to every song I sing

    I could pretend

    Can't you understand

    I hate you, my friend
  • Reply 36 of 47
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    I hated Flash since it wouldn't work with Linux 64 bit in 2004 and afterwards I've always blocked it, even Farmville is so shit lately I've left a desolate wasteland of withered crops I can't be bothered fixing up, maybe it's this:-

    Shockwave Flash

    Shockwave Flash 10.1 d51 ? from file ?Flash Player.plugin?.

    which really hasn't made much difference.

    Maybe I should put this bit in spotlight--> "Flash Player.plugin", find it and delete it, that's how I manage plug ins.

    OMG it's stinking Flash bane of my weblife for 6 years.

    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Perhaps Adobe decided to keep at it, with or without Apple's cooperation.

    As much as everyone likes to hate Adobe and flash around here, one would think Apple really truly had nothing to do with Flash running poorly in osx.


    Nobody around here cares. If Apple tells them to hate Flash, they will, no questions asked. It's not like Flash runs great in Windows because Microsoft cooperated with Adobe developers or anything, oh no.

    It's all good though because if more people listen, it will mean Adobe will just have to step up their game, which means cooler stuff for everyone.

  • Reply 37 of 47
    jovikejovike Posts: 11member
    I installed the latest Flash Player beta (MAC 10,1,51,95) from No crashes yet, and better CPU use so my fans don't spin up as much, but I'll keep clicktoflash to grey-out the ads.
  • Reply 38 of 47
    mharttmhartt Posts: 3member
    A "much improved Plug-in manager" could mean a wide variety of things. Although I doubt Apple would do it, but I'd certainly welcome something like Click2Flash functionality as a native control in Safari. It wouldn't need to be targeted at Flash specifically, perhaps by offering customized control of other plug-ins as well. But if they did add it, then the Apple/Adobe drama would certainly get even more interesting.
  • Reply 39 of 47
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    Yes Safari runs plug-ins.

    Yes developers know all about it.

    Yes Apple provides (minimal) support docs for writing them.

    but ...

    No, the fact is not advertised nor mentioned outside of developer circles hardly at all.


    No, the average user has no idea that this is possible.


    There are no but's. You are confusing two different and unrelated things. As others have pointed-out, Apple provides the Internet Plug-ins folder as a global repository for Netscape-style plug-ins. There are a few plug-ins that are browser-specific. With these few exceptions, however, every browser on the Mac uses the same plug-ins. You are correct that Safari does not provide a tool for managing them. I will leave it to others to argue about the necessity of such a tool.

    You are confusing Firefox Add-ons with Internet Plug-ins. Add-ons come in two flavors--Extensions which add functionality to the app and Themes which change the appearance of the browser. Firefox includes the Add-ons Tool that allows the user to manage Extensions, Themes, and Plug-ins. Safari supports neither extensions nor themes. However, the plug-ins that are managed using the Firefox Add-ons Tool are same plug-ins used by Safari and every other browser on the Mac.

    Are things clear to you now?
  • Reply 40 of 47
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Get the F*** outta here! If anybody is "emotionally dysfunctional, it is you "sir"! We've been over this on a different thread, and you actually did a pretty good job showing us some "decent" uses for Flash. Yippee! However, personally attacking other poster's for writing their opinions, which in this case was quite entertaining, is plain "boorish"... and may I remind you, against the forum rules!

    To being with, if you are concerned about personal attacks being against the forums rules than why are you doing it to me?

    Secondly, I stand by my statement that equating Flash to beating children is out of line. Domestic violence is a real issue and for those who have to deal with it in real life it is neither funny nor entertaining.

    There are some issues in life that it is simply inappropriate to make light of, such as racism, sexual discrimination and many others. Domestic violence is one of them. I do sincerely believe that anyone who views Flash in the same light as beating children, or even someone who just thinks that is funny, does need to seriously reevaluate themselves.

    MOST of us know, there are some issues that just aren't laughing matters.

    Some lyrics come to mind:

    John Oszajca - I Hate You ( My Friend ) Lyrics[/QUOTE]

    You Hate me? Really? I can't imagine expending that much energy on you. You don't mean enough to me for me to hate you. I'm flattered.
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