Best Buy Apple Mini Store Expansion?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
The last news I heard about this was around 3 years ago when they were expanding to 200 new stores. There are 4 Best Buy stores near me and not a single one sells any Apple computers. And of course there is no Apple store here either. Why have they not expanded this program further in the ensuing years? They said it was a test program, did it fail and that is the reason they have not expanded into more stores.

Yeah, it is easy to buy it online. But I have had several PC owning friends that had considered buying a Mac but because I couldn't go with them to an actual store and let them see it for themselves and play around with it they ended up buying PC's. I wish they would hurry up and roll out these mini-stores to all the Best Buy stores soon.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    There are 2 BestBuys within 25 miles of me (Northeast Ohio) and both of them sell apple computers (which is where I bought my iMac). I didn't know there were stores that didn't have the apple booth. I even went up north to Cleveland and the bestbuy I went to had the same setup....
  • Reply 2 of 3
    gwmacgwmac Posts: 1,810member
    I still think most Best Buys, or at least a large percentage do not have a Apple booth. I was wondering if they had any plans to expand them to more or all stores this year. It is no longer a big deal here in middle Georgia. (Macon/Warner Robins) Just this past December a new Apple only store called Peach Mac opened. They are about as close to a real Apple store as you can get. It was founded by that guy that started aka Cyberian outpost. Really well done store with some knowledgeable staff.

    Still it would be nice to have the Best Buy's here sell Apple gear as well since they are closer to me and get a lot more traffic.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    winkewinke Posts: 4member
    hope an apple store near me ,too.
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