Apple turns iPad mute button into screen rotation lock



  • Reply 41 of 82
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,015member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Yeah I suppose I'll get over it in an hour or so. It just might be little confusing at first. First they move the controls to the opposite side from the iPhone, then they change one of the buttons functions.

    Well, moving the buttons to the opposite side makes a lot of sense when you thing about it. Most people are right handed, so will more often hold the iPad in their left hand and "operate" it with their right. Having the buttons on the right side just makes this easier in portrait, and probably a bit of a toss-up in landscape .

    I'm sure they considered the matter similarly when deciding to put them on the left side on the iPhone.

    As for mute vs. rotation lock, I imagine that they found one wanted to lock/unlock rotation a lot more often than one needed to mute sound, so it's entirely sensible to switch the purpose of the button to that function and allow sound muting to become a software accessible option in the Settings app.
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  • Reply 42 of 82
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 7,015member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I think it's a good place for it. It would be nice if apps would implement this themselves. Some do. Stanza should, but they don't as far as I can tell.

    One of the 2 (well, maybe 3) things about Stanza that I dislike. There is a "book rotation" option in the More Options panel (...) but I can't see that it does anything.

    The other thing is that it's really easy to get it into the font resize mode, and even sometimes confirm the size change without intending too.

    The 3rd thing, that's a little annoying, although not a huge deal is that when you navigate back from a book to your library, it doesn't take you to the same place you came from. For example, if you were looking at authors, then went into the list of books by a particular author, then started reading one of those books, if you bring up the controls and tap "back" it takes you back to the author list, not the list of books by the author of the book you were just reading.
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  • Reply 43 of 82
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    not to discount your emotions, but "infuriating" seems a bit dramatic and an exageration. Annoying or frustrating, but to infuriate is to make extremely angry to the level of near or at violence. (sorry, just me nit-picking)

    OK. I'll accept your correction if I can add "extremely" in front of "annoying".

    As of now, I have an ebook reader which corrects the omission in the iOS/hardware, so it no longer is even slightly annoying.

    But until I found a 'reader that would do it, it was extremely annoying to have the page turn unexpectedly. I find that there's LOTS of stuff like that on the iPhone. It would be fine if the thing were configurable, but the omissions of basic functionality still bug me to the point where I am interested in getting a different phone.
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  • Reply 44 of 82
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    It does border on infuriating at times, especially when reading news whole lying down. Sometimes it even gets a bit of a spin going. Worse is when it then won't go back and gets stuck.

    I seriously hope this becomes an option for the iPhone as well.

    One trick that you can try is to rotate the picture 180 degrees. It will not rotate past that. It doesn't help in landscape mode, but you can use the trick in portrait mode.
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  • Reply 45 of 82
    caljomaccaljomac Posts: 122member
    I really need one of these for iphone. When im in bed its just annoying when im web browsing (admit it, we all do it)
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  • Reply 46 of 82
    leptonlepton Posts: 111member
    Ive was wrong, there actually is an up and down for the iPad - the pull of gravity is down. The new switch disables that, because sometimes you want a particular edge of the pad to be the 'down'.
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  • Reply 47 of 82
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    But until I found a 'reader that would do it, it was extremely annoying to have the page turn unexpectedly. I find that there's LOTS of stuff like that on the iPhone. It would be fine if the thing were configurable, but the omissions of basic functionality still bug me to the point where I am interested in getting a different phone.

    It took you a long time to find Stanza? When the most popular ebook reader has the feature, I find it hard to sympathize with your plight. I think you'd be in for a surprise if you switched to another phone. Every phone has its omissions, you just take what the iPhone has for granted. I'm not debating this with you past this point, because you don't debate, you ignore anything that you don't agree with. Happy trolling.
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  • Reply 48 of 82
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the alarms work on the iPod and iPhone even if the volume is turned down completely - could swear it does mine.

    It doesn't on mine. I turn it down at night so I dont get woken by emails and all, and then when its morning time the alarm doesn't sound at all. It's kind of dumb in that way, because I can't turn it off otherwise the alarm doesn't ring at all.

    With a Nokia you can either turn it off altogether and the alarm will still ring or simply silence your phone but then when it comes to alarms it will still ring, which is the right outcome.
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  • Reply 49 of 82
    shubiduashubidua Posts: 157member
    Originally Posted by PatsFan83 View Post

    Push Notifications and emails come to mind.

    So you would actually use your iPad as an alarm clock on the night table ? Well, if that is the case, then I understand why you want this functionality. On the other hand I don't know if many people would use it like this. I would rather use the actual phone for this.
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  • Reply 50 of 82
    citycity Posts: 522member
    With regard to convenient features that Apple may of overlooked. I have a problem with "Show My Caller ID" on my iPhone. One has to go to "settings" to to turn it off or on or see if it's off or on. Dialing *82 doesn't work. There is no indication on the phone keypad screen as to whether it's on or off. It is because of my profession that I need to frequently turn this feather on or off and know if it's on or off for each call. Having to go to settings is inconvenient. it would be great if my telephone numbers in contacts could be entered as "private" or "blocked".
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  • Reply 51 of 82
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    It doesn't on mine. I turn it down at night so I dont get woken by emails and all, and then when its morning time the alarm doesn't sound at all. It's kind of dumb in that way, because I can't turn it off otherwise the alarm doesn't ring at all.

    With a Nokia you can either turn it off altogether and the alarm will still ring or simply silence your phone but then when it comes to alarms it will still ring, which is the right outcome.

    So what you do is leave the volume where it should be and set the iphone ringer to mute. emails etc are muted, but the alarm works. I use it that way all of the time, because I can't stand being woken up by texts in the middle of the night.
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  • Reply 52 of 82
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    So what you do is leave the volume where it should be and set the iphone ringer to mute. emails etc are muted, but the alarm works. I use it that way all of the time, because I can't stand being woken up by texts in the middle of the night.

    Thanks for that... for some reason I never thought of trying it like that because I just got used to using the volume rocker and didn't seem to make the mute work for overnight. I'm with you in that I hate being woken by texts, calls, mail etc at night but still need the alarm. Much appreciated!
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  • Reply 53 of 82
    A Much better function.
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  • Reply 54 of 82
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    It doesn't on mine. I turn it down at night so I dont get woken by emails and all, and then when its morning time the alarm doesn't sound at all. It's kind of dumb in that way, because I can't turn it off otherwise the alarm doesn't ring at all.

    With a Nokia you can either turn it off altogether and the alarm will still ring or simply silence your phone but then when it comes to alarms it will still ring, which is the right outcome.

    Get the Alarm Clock app, it has its own volume settings.
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  • Reply 55 of 82
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    Thanks for that... for some reason I never thought of trying it like that because I just got used to using the volume rocker and didn't seem to make the mute work for overnight. I'm with you in that I hate being woken by texts, calls, mail etc at night but still need the alarm. Much appreciated!

    No worries. It strikes me now that one has to look at it the other way around compared to other hardware makers conventions. So very characteristic of Apple to make you "think different" -ly about it, but I think it makes sense vs. the alternatives.

    It's funny none of us have alarm clocks any more and our phones features on this front have become so essential.

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  • Reply 56 of 82
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "There isn't even a single orientation," Jony Ive, senior vice president of design with Apple, said in the iPad's initial promotional video.

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  • Reply 57 of 82
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    It's so you can watch movies swinging by your legs upside-down on the monkey bars
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  • Reply 58 of 82
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I think it's a good place for it. It would be nice if apps would implement this themselves. Some do. Stanza should, but they don't as far as I can tell.

    If you're saying that it would be nice if apps implemented a "non-rotate" feature individually, I kinda disagree.

    Like most, I get annoyed by having the rotation happen when I don't want it to, but in practice I find that the few apps that I have that do implement a non-rotation setting end up getting in my way more than when the rotation is left to the OS alone.

    I also find it hard to remember which app I have set to keep the default and which app I have locked the rotation down on. In the end, (IMO only of course), if the rotation is locked and you need to unlock it for a particular instance, it takes more effort to drill into the settings and change it, than it does to simply hold the phone a certain way to "take off" the effects of the unwanted rotation.

    So leaving it alone gives you a more reliable and repeatable ability to control what's going on than having an app by app setting IMO.
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  • Reply 59 of 82
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Yeah I suppose I'll get over it in an hour or so. It just might be little confusing at first. First they move the controls to the opposite side from the iPhone, then they change one of the buttons functions.

    Maybe the'll change the volume up/down to turning 3G on/off, but only on those models, on the WiFI only it will be for giving positive or negative ratings to App store apps

    Rumour has it the volume jack is moving from top left to top right in the next iPhone so get prepared to tear your hair out again.
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  • Reply 60 of 82
    ifoneifone Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This change so late in game makes me think reading in bed on your side wasn't even considered until someone at Apple actually tried this and realized it was an issue.

    Same as I was thinking...this irks me so much on the iPhone everytime I try to read in bed...
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