"Not to worry"...

in iPad edited January 2014
Is SJ's statement equivalent to Alfred E. Newman's "What, me worry?"

Or does it mean one of the following?

- "Don't worry, new MBPs next Tuesday!"

- "Don't worry, no more MBPs expected...ever."

- "I am not worried about notebooks anymore, so you shouldn't either."

- "Don't worry, the current MBPs are more than enough for your computing needs for the next 10 years."

- "Don't worry, starting April 3rd, all MBPs will be replaced by our brand new powerful iPads."

So. you tell me...


  • Reply 1 of 14
    woohoo!woohoo! Posts: 291member
    Your in Switzerland, do what the Swiss do.

    Think Neutral
  • Reply 2 of 14
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Duno but I have to imagine they are going to sell as many MBs/MBPs as iPads, with a much higher profit margin, thus making more money off MBPs than iPads. What is AAPL doing with itself, not a single update this year to hardware! Every line is approaching being a year old.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    In this case "not to worry" means soon, soon enough.
  • Reply 4 of 14
    hobbithobbit Posts: 532member
    Jobs reportedly said "the iPad is the most important thing I've ever done".

    Really think about this. That is a very big statement to make for someone like Steve Jobs.

    If true, then he really, really wants to give the iPad all the focus it can get.

    And so far this seems to hold true as the www.apple.com front page has been dominated by the iPad ever since its introduction.

    What can we learn from this?

    If the iPad is as important to Apple as it seems to be then everything else will simply be put on hold.

    No other hardware will be released until the iPad is well out in the open to not spoil its impact. Nothing.

    I am really not surprised that we did not see any new hardware since the iPad's introduction.

    So when will new hardware show up?

    As soon as the iPad hoopla has calmed down.

    Mid-April at the earliest. First week of May is my guess.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    Originally Posted by hobBIT View Post

    Jobs reportedly said "the iPad is the most important thing I've ever done".

    Really think about this. That is a very big statement to make for someone like Steve Jobs.

    If true, then he really, really wants to give the iPad all the focus it can get.

    And so far this seems to hold true as the www.apple.com front page has been dominated by the iPad ever since its introduction.

    What can we learn from this?

    If the iPad is as important to Apple as it seems to be then everything else will simply be put on hold.

    No other hardware will be released until the iPad is well out in the open to not spoil its impact. Nothing.

    I am really not surprised that we did not see any new hardware since the iPad's introduction.

    So when will new hardware show up?

    As soon as the iPad hoopla has calmed down.

    Mid-April at the earliest. First week of May is my guess.

    pretty much, it still is kind of insulting to Macbook consumers, they need to just quietly release the new MBP's then if this is truly the case to satisfy others and then re-announce their availability when the Ipad hype has died down as if they were just released.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    What they really need to do is fix the damned 'sideways 2 (or 3) finger swipe to go forward and backward' bug that has just afflicted both laptop trackpads & Magic Mice…!!!
  • Reply 7 of 14
    mellomello Posts: 555member
    It might be a good idea to release the new macbook pros at the same time to take advantage of

    all the free advertising that the iPad will get on launch day.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    This thought has crossed my mind as well.

    Originally Posted by mello View Post

    It might be a good idea to release the new macbook pros at the same time to take advantage of

    all the free advertising that the iPad will get on launch day.

  • Reply 9 of 14
    Originally Posted by mello View Post

    It might be a good idea to release the new macbook pros at the same time to take advantage of

    all the free advertising that the iPad will get on launch day.

    that's assuming there is a significantly huge chunk of their consumer base that can afford both, I feel like the cheapest 13 inch macbook sells the most being that I see more of those around my college campus than anything else. It's better to sell ppl one item first then wait for them to save up to buy the second, in fact having them buy the ipad first and using it for a few weeks is better promotion for a macbook than trying to get them to buy two (unfamiliar for some) products at the same time. Alot of ppl will choose either one or the other if asked at the same time. If ppl had money to burn like that then there would'nt have been any pressure to drop the iphone price or even have a affordable price for the ipad, why do you think the biggest part of steve job's presentation was the price revelation?
  • Reply 10 of 14
    Originally Posted by psylence2k View Post

    that's assuming there is a significantly huge chunk of their consumer base that can afford both, I feel like the cheapest 13 inch macbook sells the most being that I see more of those around my college campus than anything else. It's better to sell ppl one item first then wait for them to save up to buy the second, in fact having them buy the ipad first and using it for a few weeks is better promotion for a macbook than trying to get them to buy two (unfamiliar for some) products at the same time. Alot of ppl will choose either one or the other if asked at the same time. If ppl had money to burn like that then there would'nt have been any pressure to drop the iphone price or even have a affordable price for the ipad, why do you think the biggest part of steve job's presentation was the price revelation?

    You're missing the point. It's not just for those who can buy both. It's also for those who don't buy and iPad and might be in the market for a new notebook.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    You're missing the point. It's not just for those who can buy both. It's also for those who don't buy and iPad and might be in the market for a new notebook.

    Why would a advertising/hype for a product I'm already set on NOT buying make me want to buy another product? I dont see where these dots connect as far as Ipad hype making significantly more ppl want to go out and buy a new macbook then there already was. It makes more sense to me to let the Ipad smoke clear and give the new macbooks center stage, I actually think it would have the reverse effect if it had to share the stage/apple store displays/ site front page with the Ipad. These two products are neither compliments or substitutes so i dont see how releasing them at the same time would help.
  • Reply 12 of 14
    Originally Posted by psylence2k View Post

    Why would a advertising/hype for a product I'm already set on NOT buying make me want to buy another product?

    Because it'll be all over the news, everywhere. People who don't plan on buying an iPad are still going to see the tidal wave of iPad news stories, which, if Apple did this, would almost all be appended with "Apple also released a long-awaited update to their popular MacBook Pro laptop computer", making sure as many people as possible receive that news as early as possible.
  • Reply 13 of 14
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Because it'll be all over the news, everywhere. People who don't plan on buying an iPad are still going to see the tidal wave of iPad news stories, which, if Apple did this, would almost all be appended with "Apple also released a long-awaited update to their popular MacBook Pro laptop computer", making sure as many people as possible receive that news as early as possible.

    As far as TV news segments go first it's a gamble to say who's going to care to mention the new macbook along with the ipad, second the macbook would be better advertised alone, i feel the hype around the ipad like i said before would only distract, I feel this is pretty much one of the main reasons why apple isn't rushing new MBP's at this moment and they are smart not to do so. When price sensitive first time apple consumers have time to play with the ipad they will go " wow this is a great piece of technology, but i still need a laptop" then bam they hit em with the macbook pro to cover their new interest in apple products, the ipad will work like a trojan horse the same way the ipod and iphone did, which i trully believe is part of the reason macbook growth has been so great the past few years.
  • Reply 14 of 14
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,905member

    It's astounding, time is fleeting

    Madness takes its toll

    But listen closely, not for very much longer

    I've got to keep control

    Two weeks ago my 12" PowerBook started having kernel panics like crazy. Just out of the blue. I thought "Oh great, now I have to buy an MBP right before the new ones get released." Examining the crash logs revealed that the Airport card was causing the crashes. so $40 later I have a new card from Ebay and a happy Powerbook.

    I'll continue to wait, because as you can see I keep computers a very long time. It thus behooves me to get the newest fastest model I can so it will remain usable for as long as possible.

    Or maybe I'm just in a time warp.
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