Microsoft unveils Project Pink as Kin social media phones for kids



  • Reply 61 of 83
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member

    Kin phones evidently won't work with Windows Phone 7 apps, as Microsoft spoke of both as completely separate product lines, just as it positioned the Zune and PlaysForSure music players are separate products each running their own incompatible music DRM. Just like Zune and PFS, the new Kin, Zune and Windows Phone 7 are all based on the same Windows CE core operating system.


    Microsoft is run by idiots!
  • Reply 62 of 83
    reliasonreliason Posts: 135member
    I'm looking at price (Verizon) here.

    Data Package

    9.99 for 25 Meg (25 MEG? christ I get EMAILS that large)

    29.99 unlimited

    Cheapest Text&Talk Package: $59.99 for 450 Minutes

    This thing has data streaming to it continuously, so the 9.99 data plan is out.

    So we're looking at $90.00 per month, unless Verizon cuts MS a deal on the data (and why would they set that precedent?)

    I can't see kids forking out $90+ (or their parents) for something so... limited.
  • Reply 63 of 83
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    You can really tell who the trolls are here, the hardcore trolls aren't even posting in this thread because they know it's a fail, the wannabe trolls are all saying "hey this could be big"...

    As opposed to the Apple trolls who bash any product not made by Apple. And then deride anyone who dares to speak ill of Apple by calling them trolls in return.

    How many negative comments have already been made about these products?

    A couple dozen by now.

    How many people here have ever used any of these devices?


    I know this is an Apple fan site but does that mean intelligent dialogue should be banned?
  • Reply 64 of 83
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    ok, not compatible with next gen WinMo 7 apps, etc. and not backwards compatible with WinMo 6.x stuff either. $90 a month for the unlimited plan.

    even if it's free, the biggest joke of 2010. as if teens are really that stupid.

    i got it: buy an XBox, get a Kin free.
  • Reply 65 of 83
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    As opposed to the Apple trolls who bash any product not made by Apple. And then deride anyone who dares to speak ill of Apple by calling them trolls in return.

    How many negative comments have already been made about these products?

    A couple dozen by now.

    How many people here have ever used any of these devices?


    I know this is an Apple fan site but does that mean intelligent dialogue should be banned?

    I thought perhaps you didn't notice this is an Apple enthusiasts' blog? But you did, sooo ?
  • Reply 66 of 83
    ijohnijohn Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Exactly, I don't see this as intended to compete with iPhone at all. iPhones aren't for everyone.

    This is what I see from this device. Not all phones are targeted at the iPhone.
  • Reply 67 of 83
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    As opposed to the Apple trolls who bash any product not made by Apple. And then deride anyone who dares to speak ill of Apple by calling them trolls in return.

    How many negative comments have already been made about these products?

    A couple dozen by now.

    How many people here have ever used any of these devices?


    I know this is an Apple fan site but does that mean intelligent dialogue should be banned?

    How is someone who shows a preference for Apple gear on an Apple enthusiast site a "troll"? How is "bashing" non-Apple gear "trolling"? How is saying that one doesn't think the Kin is a very good product "trolling"? Do you even know what the word means? It appears you do not.

    Hint: it doesn't mean "disagreeing with my preferences in technology." It would be more along the lines of me telling you to get out of Steve Balmer's ass and stop mindlessly championing everything Redmond does like the good little robot you are, you nauseating sycophant.

    See how that's way nastier than simply saying I don't care for the Kin? That's trolling. Were I to talk like that (and I don't, and I don't think anything of the kind about you) it would be an obvious attempt to incite anger. To win an argument by getting people upset, or just generally sewing chaos.

    But that's the the level of the "intelligent dialogue" that you apparently think is being banned. Which suggests to me that you don't know what either of those words mean, either.
  • Reply 68 of 83
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    One device. All you need is ONE device that represents a solution for ALL. Apple's done it.

    All? HEY THAT'S ME TOO! I guess I have a right to say Apple has NOT created one device that represents a solution for all since I can say the iphone is not for me They have gotten the closest to it however.
  • Reply 69 of 83
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by iJohn View Post

    This is what I see from this device. Not all phones are targeted at the iPhone.

    I could see someone like my ex girlfriend using a phone like this. She's a dingbat when it comes to anything remotely technical, but she seemed to master facebook and myspace perfectly fine, as well as giving head, because she is a dirty tramp.
  • Reply 70 of 83
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    I could see someone like my ex girlfriend using a phone like this. She's a dingbat when it comes to anything remotely technical, but she seemed to master facebook and myspace perfectly fine, as well as giving head, because she is a dirty tramp.

    My Ignore List just got a new entry ...
  • Reply 71 of 83
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    What's this? A well-balanced article from Prince about a competitor -- and it isn't laced with venom? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet, what has the world come to?

    That being said, this should be great for tweeners on up to high schoolers -- nothing more, nothing less. College-age kids are gonna want something a bit more versatile.

    It is truly amazing how stupid this company is. Can you think of a company that could be less cool to the youth market when it comes to a mobile device (mobile phone, music player, handheld gaming device)? Also, here they are presenting a social networking focused handheld device to the youth market while showing teenagers riding in a car. What would be the last place you would want your teenager to be using twitter, facebook, et al. Why not just show a picture from a couple of years ago of the cheerleaders killed in a ball of fire as they collided with a gas truck while the driver was texting! And then, to be introducing a product aimed at 15 year olds in a bar? Very sensitive. This company is so out of touch, and dysfunctional, its unbelievable. Oh, but he has a pink shirt on that isn't tucked in so he must be cool!
  • Reply 72 of 83
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    To paraphrase SJ: "Microsoft has simply no taste".

    This what you get when you design by commitee, rather than have a visionary and a passionate designer create that vision into a useable, cool, gotta-have-it product.

    I also had to look at the date to see if this wasn't posted on April 1st, and just missed it.

    PS: Really... is Apple the ONLY company in America that has designers on board?
  • Reply 73 of 83
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    I could see someone like my ex girlfriend using a phone like this. She's a dingbat when it comes to anything remotely technical, but she seemed to master facebook and myspace perfectly fine, as well as giving head, because she is a dirty tramp.

    I bow to you. The only post in this mess worth reading.
  • Reply 74 of 83
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by mudpud View Post

    Although I love my MBP and most things Apple...I had to laugh, having read the article's headline on appleinsider, after having read Engadget's, BGR's and Gizmodo's articles...I know that this website is pro-Apple, but I don't think that it even pretends that it's not unabashedly subjective and highly critical of all things non-Apple. "social media phones for kids" --> this is the first and only article about the Kin phones today to have such a negative tone to it - dismissing the Kin phones as those befitting of "kids."

    But it it is for kids, so what's your beef? They even have some teen girl voicing the ads in a sultry suggestive way, insinuating how cool it would be to own one of these and how cool it would be to take her down a dark alley. I thought this kind of sex marketing was passe, but what do I know...

    Tough luck though for MSFT that kids want ipod touches and iphones...

    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    It is truly amazing how stupid this company is. Can you think of a company that could be less cool to the youth market when it comes to a mobile device (mobile phone, music player, handheld gaming device)? Also, here they are presenting a social networking focused handheld device to the youth market while showing teenagers riding in a car. What would be the last place you would want your teenager to be using twitter, facebook, et al. Why not just show a picture from a couple of years ago of the cheerleaders killed in a ball of fire as they collided with a gas truck while the driver was texting! And then, to be introducing a product aimed at 15 year olds in a bar? Very sensitive. This company is so out of touch, and dysfunctional, its unbelievable. Oh, but he has a pink shirt on that isn't tucked in so he must be cool!

    Excellent comment, I particularly liked when you said " company is so out of touch, and dysfunctional, its unbelievable", for they truly are, the most psychotic company by far...

    Originally Posted by dadsgravy View Post

    I bow to you. The only post in this mess worth reading.

    Hahhaha, I bow to this guy too, what a poetic comment... so damn funny...
  • Reply 75 of 83
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Verizon Wireless and its parent company Vodaphone.


    Microsoft has not released pricing details yet, nor have Verizon or Vodaphone.

    It's Vodafone, not Vodaphone.
  • Reply 76 of 83
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I thought perhaps you didn't notice this is an Apple enthusiasts' blog? But you did, sooo ?

    Okay, but when did being an enthusiast when it comes to anything turn people into seemingly brain-dead zombies? Sort of my point. Nobody here has even touched a Kin phone yet lots of people are calling it a piece of sh*t based off of what little they know about it for two simple reasons: 1) It's not Apple 2) It's by Microsoft. Either condition alone would have scores of people here deriding the product sight unseen but you put the two together and anyone saying anything positive turns into a "troll." Maybe it is a piece of sh*t, I don't know, but I'm not going to mindlessly proclaim that until I've actually used the product.
  • Reply 77 of 83
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    One device. All you need is ONE device that represents a solution for ALL.

  • Reply 78 of 83
    bullheadbullhead Posts: 493member
    Originally Posted by iJohn View Post

    This is what I see from this device. Not all phones are targeted at the iPhone.

    But the phone + monthy fee is iPhone territory. The choice is simple, get a crippled Microsoft phone, or a fully functional iPhone. I guess if you work for Microsoft, you would consider the Kin, but anyone with half a brain will choose the iphone.
  • Reply 79 of 83
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    "Roz Ho, leader of the Microsoft team behind the Kin, said the company has been working on the Kin devices for several years"

    This has to be a joke.

    Would have been cheaper to buy palm.
  • Reply 80 of 83
    My teens love the keyboard and texting. They also love taking photos and videos and sharing with friends. If Microsoft prices this correctly, they have a real winner on their hands. The software on the KIN looks fun and easy to use and the capacitive screen looks very snappy and high quality. With HD video and 8 megapixel camera, I think they have a real winner. I'm also impressed that they were able to squeeze a radio and streaming of music on this thing. Great job Microsoft!
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