Verizon, Google collaborating on Android-powered iPad competitor



  • Reply 61 of 86
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by g3pro View Post

    That is a false dichotomy.

    The iPad is missing several features, including Flash, including video conferencing, including full-featured multi-tasking, including AMOLED screen, including higher-resolution screen, including running ABC shows over 3g.

    Oh... I guess Apple will reduce the iPad's price 30% and give refunds to early adopters

  • Reply 62 of 86
    avidfcpavidfcp Posts: 381member
    Today, 03:31 AM\t * #59


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    NEW iPhone 4G / iPhone HD leaked

    LEAKED... Expect an article on AppleInsider very soon, I suppose.



    saw that at

    mac rumors

  • Reply 63 of 86
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    We can almost guarantee the VerOogle pad will include features everyone complained were missing in the iPad, right?

    Video conferencing, possibly camera.... what else?

    Yea I know right, the same features that made the iPad such a flop on its release, the same iPad that every other company will try and copy down to the tee. I mean, Apple clearly has no clue on what features consumers need. /Sarcasm off.
  • Reply 64 of 86
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    The gPad is an interesting idea, but what OS will it run? If it runs Android - it could be a nice competitor to the iPad. If it runs ChromeOS, forget it. I like the idea of a Google - Verizon - HTC tablet, it could really be something, but somehow I feel Verizon might screw it up.

    Even if this gPad become successful it will be an affirmation of the legitimacy of a brand new device category basically invented (reinvented if u will) by Apple, which will in turn make more people want to use an iPad.

    One more thought - Apple is the only "computer" manufacturer that is in this market. HP is trying with Palm tablet and dell with their 5 inch phone/ tablet, but none are considered front runners and don't even have a mass production going. Google-HTC are becoming the dell of computer world, with a verity of hardware with a lot of compatibility problems, and Apple remains apple with a limited offering, but a solid plug and play (now almost literally) capabilities and a great ecosystem of accessories that are guaranteed to work and of course great software that is stable and intuitive.
  • Reply 65 of 86
    ilogicilogic Posts: 298member
    It's ironic how Verizon could not work with Apple on this, but instead they'll work with Google, you know, the makers of the super smart and successful Nexus One.
  • Reply 66 of 86
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    The gPad is an interesting idea, but what OS will it run? If it runs Android - it could be a nice competitor to the iPad. If it runs ChromeOS, forget it. I like the idea of a Google - Verizon - HTC tablet, it could really be something, but somehow I feel Verizon might screw it up.

    Even if this gPad become successful it will be an affirmation of the legitimacy of a brand new device category basically invented (reinvented if u will) by Apple, which will in turn make more people want to use an iPad.

    One more thought - Apple is the only "computer" manufacturer that is in this market. HP is trying with Palm tablet and dell with their 5 inch phone/ tablet, but none are considered front runners and don't even have a mass production going. Google-HTC are becoming the dell of computer world, with a verity of hardware with a lot of compatibility problems, and Apple remains apple with a limited offering, but a solid plug and play (now almost literally) capabilities and a great ecosystem of accessories that are guaranteed to work and of course great software that is stable and intuitive.

    That is a very well said response, in addition the reason why other companies are failing to offer anything comparable to the iPad is because they do not have control of the software or hardware they make. The very system they're trying to assemble is made up from a slew of different companies and their road map is filled with fragmented hardware/software with no clear cut approach.

    The gPad or whatever it may end up being called will have its shortcomings because it will be running either windows operating system software/ Android OS/ Chrome OS, none of which was designed for tablet computing, none of which has a rich full touch environment, and that is where they will fail against the iPad. I once watched a video of Chrome OS running a 3D game, and the developer had to fall back to a keyboard and mouse to play the game, now tell me what sense does that make?
  • Reply 67 of 86
    ilogicilogic Posts: 298member
    Here is another reason why the Voogle pad will not mean anything, cause a bunch of other carriers will want one too, which means self imploding competition (too many differences in hardware, not enough support or updates, sound familiar?) meanwhile the iPad will still remain at the top of the heap...
  • Reply 68 of 86
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by cgc0202 View Post

    The competition has to really work hard and be very innovative and very imaginative to come up with something that will compare with the iPad.


    Not really. Take a cellphone design, use a big screen, eliminate the phone.

    Android is equivalent to Iphone OS. It would not be very hard to make an Android tablet.

    And because Android is customizable, it would be easy to add a layer above the standard UI to optimize it for a tablet.

    I dunno. ISTM that an Androidx tablet is easy. It need not be either innovative nor imaginative. I was disappointed that the iPad was not so.
  • Reply 69 of 86
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I suppose this either makes people love Apple or hate Apple...

    I think that in truth, Apple is not even on the radar screens of the vast majority of people.
  • Reply 70 of 86
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    We can almost guarantee the VerOogle pad will include features everyone complained were missing in the iPad, right?

    Video conferencing, possibly camera.... what else?

    USB host.

    The ability to install software sourced from your choice of vendor.

    16x9 screen.

    Internet video.

    Playback of HD videos from internal storage.

    HDMI output.

    Ability to use as an external disk.


    What else?
  • Reply 71 of 86
    Originally Posted by johnboi1978 View Post

    This reply has nothing to do with your post. Just thought you should know that the "]" after html5 in your signature link to youtube screws up the link.

    Thanks...I think
  • Reply 72 of 86
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    I think that in truth, Apple is not even on the radar screens of the vast majority of people.

    Well, obviously, I ment among the people who do care...

    ...But I guess being dense is what you are going for in your posts today...

    You said that the iPad was not inovative, but there was nothing like it in existance before, so how is it not? Sure, there is no doubt that Android tablets are on their way and some might be great. I'm sure there will be many people who prefer them to iPads. But the market will have been created by Apple.

    Hindsight will make this progression seem obvious, but 6 months ago it was common knowledge that a tablet had to be full featured. If it can't run Word, PowerPoint, Flash...FAIL!

    Think about how an Android tablet would have been recieved before the iPad: "What can it do that my $300 netbook can't? It is not cheaper, and it doesn't have the storage or connectivity. FAIL!"

    you don't have to like the iPad or want an iPad, but it is already too late to dismiss the iPad!
  • Reply 73 of 86
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Google/verizon will release a 'Free' (2yr contract) iPad 3g clone. It will be crap but sell millions!

    'Give the razor/camera away and sell the sh*t out of razor blades/film."

    Only thing is it isn't working out as far as I can tell. We read somewhere on AI last week that Android smart phones were outselling iPhone but the web usage stats still put iPhone 1000% higher than Android. So you can give it away but if it is so user unfriendly that no one sees your ads, giving it away BOGO becomes counterproductive.
  • Reply 74 of 86
    Does anyone really and honestly think/believe that Verizon will not force it's crappy software in some way on any of these tablet devices? Well, i'll tell ya, since i worked for Verizon....the answer is NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Verizon has a similiar model, much like Apple's. Customer controll. Apple supplys its customers via Itunes with media in various forms. Verizon does the same. What i get from reading this article is that there are NO verizon Iphones coming, nor Ipads..less the customer uses vzw's wifi. That verizon knows that it missed the ball with the Iphone, now the Ipad and finally gets that its been left behind. It's now up to Verizon to find a company thats competitive with Apple, and develop out some new products, much like AT&T has done. Only problem is now they are YEARS behind, and i see them loosing overall....could be wrong, but really doubt it....
  • Reply 75 of 86
    qualiaqualia Posts: 73member
    I doubt that an Android tablet would be as successful as the Android phone is. The thing about phones is that everybody "needs" one, so some of these people in the market for new phones purchased an Android phone not because of the OS, the promise of Flash, or developer freedom, but because it was a phone that fit their price range, perhaps through BOGO deals, and was decent. I'd even wager that many of the people who have Android phones don't even know they're Android phones. It's just a phone to them. The same can't be said about the iPhone.

    A pad/tablet/slate isn't as necessary. I don't ever see a gPad having the same allure as an iPad. The people who buy a gPad will be people who want an iPad-like device but won't buy one either because they hate AT&T, because they want something that caters more to the tech crowd, or because it's cheaper. There is also the "I hate Apple for irrational reasons" crowd, but that's such an insignificant minority.

    I don't understand the appeal of the 16x9 screen. Sure, it's perfect if all you do is watch movies on it, but it's awkward otherwise. I thought my MacBook was wide, but then I saw my friend's wide-screen notebook; even she thinks it's weird.
  • Reply 76 of 86
    tontontonton Posts: 14,067
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    If someone would come up with a tablet that can do half as much as a netbook you might be right.

    There's no netbook that can do half as efficienly what the iPad can do.

    Let me elaborate. There's no netbook that doesn't "feel" slow. The iPad does NOT feel slow. It is not slowed down by a full OS powered by a ultramobile processor.
  • Reply 77 of 86
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    The iPad sold over 1 million units in little over a month, lets see the Android based tablets do that, then I'll give them respect.
  • Reply 78 of 86
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    I think that in truth, Apple is not even on the radar screens of the vast majority of people.

    Then how do you explain that Apple is the #3 brand in the country? I would say that they're on quite a few radar screens.

    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    USB host.

    The ability to install software sourced from your choice of vendor.

    16x9 screen.

    Internet video.

    Playback of HD videos from internal storage.

    HDMI output.

    Ability to use as an external disk.


    What else?

    You left out:

    SD card slot

    CF card slot

    MM card slot

    A few more card slots for good meausre

    ExpressCard slot

    At least 5 USB ports

    Two analog audio ports

    Optical audio port

    Parallel port

    Serial port

    Floppy disk drive

    Blu-Ray disk drive


    I wonder why it is that no one seems to understand that when you have a great product, you don't automatically make it better by adding a bunch of other features. That can actually take away from its value.

    Look at Microsoft Office. At one time, that was a very usable suite. Easy to use and very productive for most people. Now that they've added everything but the kitchen sink (most items added 4 or 5 times), it's a sloppy mess and extremely hard to use. The average user is probably far LESS productive than they were a decade ago. All these attempts to start with an iPad and add lots more features will have the same result.
  • Reply 79 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    The iPad sold over 1 million units in little over a month, lets see the Android based tablets do that, then I'll give them respect.

    I'm sure they will, but it will take time to rewrite Android to be an effective tablet OS. There are just too many opportunities for that free OS to be pushed to cheap ARM-based tablets. I don't foresee any one vendor having a product that outsells the iPad or makes more money, but in several times things could looks differently. Hopefully HP bought Palm/WebOS specifically for that reason.
  • Reply 80 of 86
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by OzExige View Post

    Wow - all those things?

    I had no idea that the iPad was so limited, why hasn't anyone pointed this out before?

    EDIT: - what about those million or so people that have bought an iPad, do they know how 'ham-strung' it is?

    They have but people still bought it. I think all these people would also buy Apple branded ice if they lived in the north pole.
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