Google adds iPhone App Store links to mobile search results



  • Reply 21 of 32
    christopher126christopher126 Posts: 4,366member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    On the desktop search is where it?s at; that?s where the money is. But on a mobile device search hasn?t happened. Search is not where it?s at, people are not searching on a mobile device like they do on the desktop.

    People are going into apps. They?re not just going onto to websites. And people love apps. This is an entirely new thing ? they aren?t using search, they?re using apps like Yelp.

    Yep, good points!
  • Reply 22 of 32
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by aaarrrgggh View Post

    About time that there is a slightly more usable way to search for apps. It is amazing how challenging the AppStore has become for browsing applications!

    Agree. Apple really should look into alternate methods for searching through these 200K+ apps. Not all are worth looking at, but maybe some new kind of 'multi-dimensional' search is needed, not just the name, description, ratings, position in the sales charts... I find the app Genius to be lacking in accuracy these days.
  • Reply 23 of 32
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Thank you for the communist perspective. Unfortunately your are the one who has created a Utopia in your mind that is deeply out of touch with the real world.

    Now for a dose of reality. People did not take huge risks and invest time and money to create google to serve the public interest. They took risks and made investments because there was an outside chance they could wind up with a multi billion dollar company as a reward. No potential for big proffits would mean there would be no google, no apple, no ibm, no personal computers, cell phones etc. Personally, I am glad there are google's out there trying to EARN money through inovation that makes my life a heck of a lot better than the one my great grandparents had.

    Why don't you go back to working the land by hand and by mule and let the rest of us enjoy whatever it is google wants to offer us in exchange for a few ad dollars.

    you can back way off the political crap and Cliff Notes glorious American history lesson for starters. You make it difficult to have an intelligent exchange when you aren't holding up your end

    I have no trouble with Google (or anyone else) making boatloads of money off their efforts. I have no problem with Google driving ad revenue with their tools - I have a MAJOR problem with them doing it assuming my tacit acceptance of them using whatever information they can glean out of my email, my browsing, my viewing (Google TV) or anything else I don't particularly want others to pry into without my direct permission. And since they aren't upfront about the data they collect from users - they deserve to be called out on it. And should be.

    Do you know what you actually get when you run a Google search? Is it a completely agnostic representation of the internet content available, or is it keyed to other things which make the actual search suspect? And how would you - the user, know? Is Google giving the best search results for your needs - or theirs? Do you know - since all you see is what they give you? And what are your options? Yahoo? Bing?

    These are the questions a smart capitalist and techno geek should ask. Are you getting the best output from your "free" search or not. And if not - why not?

    Try again.

  • Reply 24 of 32
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by swinge View Post

    I hope Google doesn't start slanting their results to their fairness, in doing this search for the Mint app: The iPhone version comes up first. (the reason one would assume is that it has the most entries, is the most popular and is assumed to be the most relevant).

    It still is creepy though... There are no real challengers to Google in search... as they expand into more businesses, they constantaly need to be monitored. If they ever do start creating biases in their results, God help us all....

    There was a time when Yahoo ruled the search world, seems like almost overnight they were dethroned. Search is one of those things that is easily changed, I just don't see it being possible for them to get a stranglehold on it unless we all started using Android & Chrome OS.
  • Reply 25 of 32
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Oh give me a break, you are the one who brought up the evil railroad barron BS. Spew empty and distorted political rhetoric and expect to be called on it.

    Average joe user can figure out which search engine serves THEIR needs best. It is real easy. Type in a search and see how far down the list you need to go to find what you were looking for. If you have to go through three pages with SEARCHX and SEARCHY gives you what you want in the first three lines, guess what SEARCHY was better. They don't need to know any details about what happened behind the scenes to figure that out.

    I have a real simple answer to the privacy issues with Google or Facebook or anyone else. If I don't want them to have my data, I don't give it too them. No one forces you to use Google, no one forces you to search on terms you don't want advertisers to associate with you.

    If you want to start a not-for-profit search with no ads that does not collect any personal data, go ahead and good luck. If you can actually deliver search results that are better than Google or Bing I might even use it. For now I am willing to put up with what the established players are offering me for the price they are charging.
  • Reply 26 of 32
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    There was a time when Yahoo ruled the search world, seems like almost overnight they were dethroned. Search is one of those things that is easily changed, I just don't see it being possible for them to get a stranglehold on it unless we all started using Android & Chrome OS.

    WHAT? If you offer consumers a better product they will switch on their own? What a silly concept.
  • Reply 27 of 32
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by arlomedia View Post

    I don't use gmail. I do use Google Analytics, but the moment I'm done using it, I log out. This keeps my search activity anonymous.

    Hardly. There are cookies, os and browser fingerprinting, your IP address - plenty of ways for them to still correlate your activities with your identity.
  • Reply 28 of 32
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Oh give me a break, you are the one who brought up the evil railroad barron BS. Spew empty and distorted political rhetoric and expect to be called on it.

    For now I am willing to put up with what the established players are offering me for the price they are charging.

    at all. Go back and read what I said. I did not describe them as evil - I described what they did without valuative judgement. Period. It was not empty political rhetoric, it was a simple and factual description. You are the one throwing in the political crap and accusing others of doing the same. Give. It. Up. You have completely undermined your argument with all this diatribe and the glory of our American empire BS.The US has done some fantastic things and some not so fantastic thingsin the course of our history. It is the reality of owning our mistakes together with our successes that make us more viable as a country.

    Really, you need to stop drinking so much caffeine, take your meds or something because you argue incoherently, and attribute ideas and concepts that just aren't there. This will be my terminus in responding to you further because you cannot do anything but react from whatever failed logic you are employing and contribute nothing of any quality whatsoever to the discussion.

  • Reply 29 of 32
    kellya74ukellya74u Posts: 171member


  • Reply 30 of 32
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by kellya74u View Post

    to deliberately set up a scenario where the mob majority rules open discussion, & can censor you, will yield the kind of skewed results talked about on this page. At least AI leaves a lame, unpopular post up for everyone to see, unless it doesn't conform to the usage rules.

    AI routinely removes posts from the fora. Unpopular opinions are routinely censored.

    Generally, the regulars gang up on the victim. The victim must post over and over again that the criticisms are misplaced. Then the victim gets labeled and banned.

    It happens again and again.
  • Reply 31 of 32
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Average joe user can figure out which search engine serves THEIR needs best. It is real easy. Type in a search and see how far down the list you need to go to find what you were looking for. If you have to go through three pages with SEARCHX and SEARCHY gives you what you want in the first three lines, guess what SEARCHY was better. They don't need to know any details about what happened behind the scenes to figure that out.

    Except what if Google never shows you what would be the best result for you? By only checking google how would you ever know? That was his original and very valid point.

    Google gets a free ride on this. They hide behind their proprietary algorithm arguments, and I have no problem with that for the. Most part - but I still think the original premise is valid - how do we know Google is not outright filtering based on some financial conflict of interest?

    Nothing is free...
  • Reply 32 of 32
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Except what if Google never shows you what would be the best result for you? By only checking google how would you ever know? That was his original and very valid point.

    Google gets a free ride on this. They hide behind their proprietary algorithm arguments, and I have no problem with that for the. Most part - but I still think the original premise is valid - how do we know Google is not outright filtering based on some financial conflict of interest?

    Nothing is free...

    Your right. And smart users will shop around, trying different search engines.

    I don't buy this "their the only game in town so we should fear them argument." They are the best. But the only game in town? Hardly. Baidu beat them in China. Just like they beat Yahoo when they started. Internet search is a competitive market. Google could easily get dethroned if they didn't stay in top shape.

    As for them hiding search results. They could. But if they did that all the time, sooner or later users are not going to get the search results they want and the popularity of Google's search engine (for apps at least) will wane. It's in their best interest to get you the best results.
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