And The Oscar Goes To...?



  • Reply 21 of 68
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    Black Hawk Down should be best picture (is it even nominated?). There are so many reasons why, but I won't get into them. Don't argue, just my opinion. Black Hawk Down wasn't nominated for visual effects?!?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!?!?!?

    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: G4Dude ]</p>
  • Reply 22 of 68
    If the Russians can win at skating I guess Blackhawk could win an Oscar for historical accuracy.
  • Reply 23 of 68
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    [quote]Originally posted by RollerBovine:

    <strong>If the Russians can win at skating I guess Blackhawk could win an Oscar for historical accuracy. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    lol , but it's pretty accurate. It doesn't have to be 100% exact to get the point across. That's my opinion
  • Reply 24 of 68
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Waking Life not nominated for an oscar for best animated film?

    Jimmy Neutron is nominated for an oscar for best animated film.
  • Reply 25 of 68
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    [quote]Obviously Falcon has not seen Moulin Rouge.<hr></blockquote>

    How'd you guess? But I still stand by LOTR:FOTR

    [quote]Also, Final Fantasy was not nominated for Best Animated Feature. But Jimmy Neutron was....<hr></blockquote>

    I know it hasnt been, thats why its a snub. TSW... didnt. I am going to KILL whoever does these nominations. While greatness of TSW can be debated (your all wrong, its awsome ), I think that its a given that it kicks the crap out of Jimmy ****ingCrap, and that one movie, what was it? Shit? of yeah Shrek.

    Its the best animated movie ever created, and the Oscars should be ashamed for snubbing it.
  • Reply 26 of 68
    Wow, I havent seen that many of these movies, but I dont see how LOTR couldnt win for most of them, ESPECIALLY visual effects.

    Maybe Memento will get it for film editing, that would be great.
  • Reply 27 of 68
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Ben Kingsley should definitly get best supporting actor for his role in Sexy Beast and the fact that that film did not get nominated for best foreign is a true shame . . it'll probably go to some cutsey cutsey little forgettable fluff

    and Moulin Rouge was crap!!! some clever songwriting; taking titles of old songs and phrases and using them for every line in a song is pretty clever, and some pretty good ideas for action (though it stole its overall style choives in editting and texture from the DiCaprio version of Romeo And Juliette) . . .but the story was pure Garbage, even as it tried to hide behind the mask of irony and pastiche . . .it couldn't save itself . . .

    As for that many years ago thing: Saving Private Ryan: great twenty minute scene then cliche-train

    Sissy Spacek will win best actress

    Beautifull Mind will win and I haven't even seen it, it just looks like the kind of psuedo-sophisticated garbage that holliwood feels good about liking. . .I can tell it just massages the audiences sense of their being intelligent and plays into all the myths of the tortured genius: they eat that stuff up.

    Monster's Ink should win: far netter than Shrek!!!

    Memento will win best screenplay . . . if the judges are smart, because its the idea that is good in that film and the sceenplay is where the idea first shows itself.

    It might also win editing . . . now there is a place where LOTRings should NOT win : it was pretty much hacked together: see it twice and you will really notice.

    Moulin Rouge will win for Art Direction . . .people know it cost alot to make and think it deserves something.... no, but seriously, it was pretty inventive with its sets and designs.

    But the one movie that really lowered the Oscars for me (besides Titanic, Shakespeare, Gladiator (and these sank it too)) was that piece of utter trash with Mel Gibson as the Scottish Hero.... don't want to even say its name. . .besides I forgot
  • Reply 28 of 68
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Saving Private Ryan:

    I don't know if there's been enough time to get past the taboo of saying something negative about it, but pfflam is dead on.

    Watch a World War II movie from the 1940s/50s, it's like Spielberg slapped a gut-wrenching Normandy invasion scene onto the beginning of one of those.
  • Reply 29 of 68
    Didn't see many movies this year either. The only one of the best picture nominees I saw was LoTR. IMO it deserves some kind of award but not having seen the competition I don't know if it deserves best picture. I agree with Belle about Peter Jackson, though.

    Memento should have been nominated. I did see A.I. - disappointing. Off Topic: has anybody else seen the director's cut of BladeRunner? What did you think?
  • Reply 30 of 68
    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 31 of 68
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    I don't understand why Black Hawk Down is there. It's an okay movie (Where the heck is the character development?!), but it's a rehash of every war movie ever made.

    Where's that little bit of sparkle that makes it unique? It's hardly an "outstanding achievement" if it's all been done before.
  • Reply 32 of 68
    Black Hawk Down McSucked with bacon.


  • Reply 33 of 68
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    People BlackHawk Down is based off of the events in Mogadishu in 93. Ridley Scott tried to keep things as close to the book as possible. If you had read the book you would have received the necessary backdrop to why this event blew up like it did. The movie actually focused on a character(Hartnetts Eversmann) while the book was a whirlwind of names and action from nonsequential timelines. The effects were outstanding...check some VFX sites to see before and after shots..amazing work.

    Moulin Rouge- Great first I was stunned but it pulled together nicely and really is an emotional rollercoaster if you don't know what to expect. However it does not compare to the immense work required to bring Tolkiens world to life. After watching LotR and then going back and reading the first part of the trilogy(I know it's not a Trilogy..let's not go there right now) I realize the huge ordeal it must have been to adapt this for the Silverscreen. Kudos Jackson!

    Alas I haven't seen a Beautiful Mind, AI, Mulholland, Amelie, Sexy Beast and many others. Last year was an off year for movies for me.
  • Reply 34 of 68
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by hmurchison:

    <strong>People BlackHawk Down is based off of the events in Mogadishu in 93. Ridley Scott tried to keep things as close to the book as possible. If you had read the book you would have received the necessary backdrop to why this event blew up like it did. The movie actually focused on a character(Hartnetts Eversmann) while the book was a whirlwind of names and action from nonsequential timelines. The effects were outstanding...check some VFX sites to see before and after shots..amazing work.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Even so, I still didn't see anything in the movie that merited an award for "outstanding achievement". It may have been based on real events, and stayed true to that, but it still offered nothing we haven't seen before.

    It dragged a lot, and most worryingly I didn't feel particularly sympathetic toward any of the main characters because we weren't allowed to see any depth to them.
  • Reply 35 of 68
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:


    Even so, I still didn't see anything in the movie that merited an award for "outstanding achievement". It may have been based on real events, and stayed true to that, but it still offered nothing we haven't seen before.

    It dragged a lot, and most worryingly I didn't feel particularly sympathetic toward any of the main characters because we weren't allowed to see any depth to them.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I concur there are plenty of ways I would have changed the filming of the movie. Ridley Scott did a great Directing job but audience could have been involved moreso than they were.
  • Reply 36 of 68
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:

    <strong>I don't understand why Black Hawk Down is there. It's an okay movie (Where the heck is the character development?!), but it's a rehash of every war movie ever made.

    Where's that little bit of sparkle that makes it unique? It's hardly an "outstanding achievement" if it's all been done before.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Where was the character development in real life? Ebert said it best. These guys didn't even really get to know each other...why should we know about them? Why should we know whether one of them is a carpet cleaner from Toledo, Ohio? Why should we know one of them has a dog named Biscuit or so on?

    The film would have been unrealistic with character development of this sort. Or would you prefer a Pearl Harbor-esque love triangle?
  • Reply 37 of 68
    [quote]Originally posted by Belle:


    Even so, I still didn't see anything in the movie that merited an award for "outstanding achievement". It may have been based on real events, and stayed true to that, but it still offered nothing we haven't seen before.


    I was just grateful that the story wasn't "Oliver Stoned".

    When the two Delta Force Sargeants were put on the ground in an attempt to rescue the pilot Mike Durant, the camera moved back and the music changed. It did feel as though Scott was trying to pay a particular tribute to Shugart and Gordon which I found to be quite moving.
  • Reply 38 of 68
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Army vets and the people who were in Mogadishu that very day concur that Black Hawk Down was technically accurate. A lot of research was done to make sure everything looked and sounded exactly right... from the hiss of the bullets flying past the camera to the sound of each individual type of rifle, to the way the Black Hawks hit the ground.

    Based on these assessments, Black Hawk Down *should* win for Sound and Cinematography at the very least.
  • Reply 39 of 68
    pfflam: Your right about Moulin Rouge not having a plot, but that was the point. It was a comedy about how bad love stories/musicals are. Hell, look at how friggin CORNEY almost EVERY song was (except Roxanne, which was a terrific scene).

    And for LOTR, I thought that it was a bit chopped together at first, but my second time over I actually thought that it was really good. Ya, bits were spliced together with that slight "hack" feeling due to the fact that you cant really show the 275683h of walking that they do in the book, but over all its quite an acheivment to have done it that well.

    Of course its not film editing award quallity, as you said, but it wasnt bad.

    That being said, I agree with you on almost every judgment call. I too am boycotting "Beautiful Mind". Hell, its a frikin Ron Howard film.

    [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: The Toolboi ]</p>
  • Reply 40 of 68
    My thoughts:

    Best Picture

    Should win: Fellowship of the Ring

    Will win: A Beautiful Mind

    Best Actor

    Should win: Russell Crowe

    Will win: Russell Crowe

    Best Actress

    Should win: Haven't seen enough of these movies to know.

    Will win: Sissy Spacek

    Best Supporting Actor

    Should win: Ian McKellen. He gave FOTR its soul.

    Will win: McKellen. "Sexy Beast" isn't on enough radar screens among the voters.

    Best Supporting Actress

    Should win: Jennifer Connolly

    Will win: Connolly.

    Best Director

    Should win: Peter Jackson

    Will win: Robert Altman. The "lifetime achievement award" theory.

    FOTR will sweep most of the technical categories for which it was nominated, except perhaps Art Direction, which might go to Gosford Park (although it shouldn't).
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