Verizon-compatible CDMA iPhone 4 rumored to be in production



  • Reply 101 of 125
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by pembroke View Post

    Thanks for the explanation. Next question, what are the chances European MNOs will ever adopt CDMA technology? Or is GSM already equivalent if not superior?

    technically they already have, CDMA is a channel access method (don't confuse it with the the Qualcomm technologies which people shorten to CDMA), one of the UTMS access methods is W-CDMA which is a varient of CDMA
  • Reply 102 of 125
    i-johni-john Posts: 13member
    Isn't this like the hundredth time it's been "rumored"?
  • Reply 103 of 125
    jlamb00jlamb00 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by NormM View Post

    I wonder if this rumor was started by Verizon to try to keep their customers from defecting to ATT?

    Totally agree.
  • Reply 104 of 125
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Oldandintheway View Post

    Right you are solipsism, I stood in line well over 12 minutes with the Best Buy salesman and when I finally showed him the story posted on Appleinsider that's all it took. I plopped down my $200 and walked out knowing I'll be the first person with a iPhone 4 on Verizon.

    LOL I see now problem with that plan at all. Just make sure you by the Bumper from Best Buy as it's the only way to get the bumper-to-bumper coverage on the iPhone 4.
  • Reply 105 of 125
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Second: The only way I see this happening is that Apple offers a model with both GSM and CDMA.


    This should not be difficult to answer. Many phone manufacturers create phones that work with different carriers in the US. Do they manufacture phones as you indicated? Or, from the point of view of Apple's aesthetics (not usually reserved only for what is seen outside) and penchant for efficient design, will your proposal makes sense to Appple?

    This aside, I espoused before as to why Apple should and most likely would create other iPhones that will work for other carriers, provided it will not break their contract with AT&T (or until they find a contract breaker). As noted by other posters here, there are AT&T moves that may be consistent (not not positive proof) that they are trying to lock customers this year:
    • Steep increased termination fee.

    • Early eligibility for those who are within 6 months

    If it is not possible for Apple to break its contract with AT&T, as noted by others too, there are other parts of the world, notably China, where a CDMA iPhone would have a potentially big market.

    I do not buy the argument that Apple will wait for LTE technology to be more widespread -- before Apple introduces a Verizon iPhone. It will take years for that "mature transition" to be realized.

    Apple knows very the threat of the Android to its market. If it can find a way, it will not let customers become to entrenched with an Android phone, simply because there is not iPhone in those carriers.

    The unknow here is the perspective of carriers, like Verizon, Did they think they have a good bargaining chip with the "popularity" of the Androids and RIMs in their arsenal of iPhone competiitors? How Verizon perceives the strength of their cards matter how they negotiate with Apple/Steve Jobs?

    One thing for sure, Apple/Steve Jobs did not simply kiss the hands of the Chinese carriers when they were playing hardball, thinking their vast market would be enough to dictate terms on all foreign tech companies.

    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    The best way to force Verizon to accept their demands would be to release an iPhone on Sprint and T-Mobile and not for Verizon. AT&T, SPrint, and T-Mobile combined would dwarf Verizon and leave them little choice but to agree to any and all terms Apple wants.

    Apple should or would likely do this, irrespective of what Verizon does. It is good move for Apple to appeal to the "elite" (as opposed to simply affluent) customers in every carrier.

    I do not think technology is what limits move to other carriers. I am sure there are other valid reasons why Apple has not offered iPhone for other carriers already. I will not attempt to second guess the rationale behind the moves of such a very successful team.

  • Reply 106 of 125
    johnlewjohnlew Posts: 26member
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    Nice rewriting of history. Apple wanted to go with Verizon first but Verizon wouldn't agree to Apple's terms. Apple then went to AT&T.

    Actually, the idea that Apple went to VZW first and VZW turned them down is re-writing history. The original poster is correct. That whole BS was started by a single USA Today article (obviously known for their hard hitting journalism).

    Unless, that is, you don't want to believe it from the horse's mouth.

    Ivan Seidenberg, Verizon CEO - "Apple never seriously considered making a CDMA version of the iPhone because it didn't have as wide a distribution opportunity." (2007)

    ... as far as the CDMA iPhone rumors, I keep on waiting for these to die.

    Note the timing of the rumor - one day after iPhone 4 preorders (record setting, btw) and prior to Pegatron stock going public. Stock manipulation much?

    If AT&T were trying to be sly about locking people in, why wouldn't they let anyone with a 3GS upgrade? 6 months early doesn't cover any of the 3GS purchasers (unless they already qualify early due to high revenue).

    This is a lot of smoke but absolutely no fire, just like every rumor for the last 3 years... most of you just sound like suckers.
  • Reply 107 of 125
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by Splash-reverse View Post

    Suppose I'm Steve Jobs and this story is true, my strategy would be selling this CDMA phone for the China market, gauge the reactions and shortcomings while at the same time let Verizon drools.... Along with their customer until the time is right i.e. it will be among one of the last resort strategy but I doubt I would need that (just let them get the LTE version instead).

    I could never see Apple doing that. Apple has never made a product just to gauge market reaction especially when iPhones can be had for a cheaper price on the black market that going into the store and buying one.

    Why does LTE have to be the reason the time is right? Many other companies, smaller than Apple, are currently doing phones on multiple carriers in the US. Even Palm who almost went out of business. Why can't doubling the pool of potential subscribers can't be enough of a reason?

    AT&T treats their customers like crap. They send them C&D letters, now have data caps while charging for tethering and have had two separate security issues in two weeks. There is something new happening everyday. Today they just announced that they are putting data caps (your 2GB data plan is the cap) on their Microcell users. These are the same users who have lousy coverage and have to buy this $150 device to have a mini cell tower in their house while AT&T uses it to enhance their own network. AT&T, these are the reasons people hate you. I dare any crazed fanboys to come back at me and say AT&T is great after what I've stated.

    People can talk all they want about simultaneous voice/data but that is useless if you can't even make a phone call in areas like NYC & SF. If you prefer AT&T then stick with them but others that have a problem should have a choice.
  • Reply 108 of 125
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Actually, here is what Verizon says:

    "We said no." Said Jim Gerace, a VZW VP. "We have nothing bad to say about the Apple iPhone. We just couldn't reach a deal that was mutually beneficial."

    The source is not just a "single USA Today article" - it came from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

    I also find it interesting that you quote from the Wall Street Journal when it is convenient for you (the Seidenberg quote) but not when the paper disagrees with your point:

    There may be some shenanigans going on, but with AT&T's incompetence, Android seriously challenging the iPhone in the US (but not anywhere else in the world where the network isn't the main reason for not getting an iPhone), and persistent rumors, there is more here than just "smoke."

    And the real suckers (and I include myself on this) are the ones that have been paying $80 to $100 a month for the crappy service they've been getting from AT&T.

    Originally Posted by JohnLew View Post

    Actually, the idea that Apple went to VZW first and VZW turned them down is re-writing history. The original poster is correct. That whole BS was started by a single USA Today article (obviously known for their hard hitting journalism).

    Unless, that is, you don't want to believe it from the horse's mouth.

    Ivan Seidenberg, Verizon CEO - "Apple never seriously considered making a CDMA version of the iPhone because it didn't have as wide a distribution opportunity." (2007)

    ... as far as the CDMA iPhone rumors, I keep on waiting for these to die.

    Note the timing of the rumor - one day after iPhone 4 preorders (record setting, btw) and prior to Pegatron stock going public. Stock manipulation much?

    If AT&T were trying to be sly about locking people in, why wouldn't they let anyone with a 3GS upgrade? 6 months early doesn't cover any of the 3GS purchasers (unless they already qualify early due to high revenue).

    This is a lot of smoke but absolutely no fire, just like every rumor for the last 3 years... most of you just sound like suckers.

  • Reply 109 of 125
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    I think the elephant in the corner is that GSM is already the backbone for most cell networks around the world & at this point no one would be wise to buy a CMDA iPhone unless it was capable of both CDMA & GSM. Otherwise when CDMA goes the way of the dodo (which it will some day) people will be stuck with a phone that doesn't work anywhere anymore. .

    Well, most people replace their cell phones in 2 years or so, so as long as you think CDMA will be around in 2 years and it is fully supported by your carrier, there's nothing unwise about buying a CDMA phone.
  • Reply 110 of 125
    mudpudmudpud Posts: 38member
    I got sick and tired of waiting...I went with the DROID Incredible and I don't regret a thing. I love my MBP, but it drives me nuts sometimes how restrictive Apple is - iPhoto and iVideo want to take control of your whole's crazy. And I'm certainly not willing to put up with no Flash. Google got it just right - I really love this phone!
  • Reply 111 of 125
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    Actually, here is what Verizon says:

    "We said no." Said Jim Gerace, a VZW VP. "We have nothing bad to say about the Apple iPhone. We just couldn't reach a deal that was mutually beneficial."

    And the real suckers (and I include myself on this) are the ones that have been paying $80 to $100 a month for the crappy service they've been getting from AT&T.

    Well i think that Verizon surely has noticed by now that accepting the iPhone on their network would have been highly beneficial!

    They could have so many more customers if they would have took it to begin with and AT&T may not even been in the runnings anymore..

    I personally have been waiting for a verizon iphone simply because I refuse to have AT&T's crappy service. They don't even have 3G in my county, i have to travel about an hour to find 3G coverage from AT&T ( so my friend tells me)!
  • Reply 112 of 125
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    No, I am not expecting that my phone habits are the norm, but neither should you. Most people on AT&T are not using an iPhone. So even on AT&T, that type of usage is far from the norm since feature phones still greatly outnumber smart phones. I don't need to use an app to find a restaurant, so you will have to give a better example than that. What did you do before you had an iPhone, starve or never go out to eat? My built in GPS in my car is far better than an iPhone for finding restaurants by the way and I can easily multitask by using that while simultaneously talking to you via bluetooth through the car speakers. I am not attacking the iPhone, I think it is a great phone and would certainly get one if it comes to Sprint. But for me, the killer feature of a phone is reliable voice coverage and no dropped calls. At least where I live, AT&T sucks. If you live within a city where AT&T has good coverage, congrats but I don't. So the iPhone is not an option for me because it would make a poor phone.

    P.S. my boyfriend has an iPhone, and we spend almost every day together so it is not like I don't know what I am talking about. Even he has to use my Sprint phone many times to make actual calls. We also often go out of town every week-end and once you get into rural areas he often has no signal at all while I still have great coverage. I am just not willing to put up with spotty coverage and dropped calls even if it is an iPhone. Even he is considering getting an EVO and not the new iPhone because he is getting sick and tired of the spotty coverage even though he loves his iPhone in all other respects. Saving him about $60 a month doesn't hurt either.

    Point well taken. It's a PHONE and the first priority is GETTING SERVICE. Hopefully IPHONE 4 improves connectivity but AT&Ts service sucks. Yes Verizon & Sprint have AT&T beat hands down. But once exclusivity of the IPHONE go it's likely several carriers will have the IPHONE not just verizon.
  • Reply 113 of 125
    csmagorcsmagor Posts: 1member
    I get that Verizon runs CDMA, so technically a CDMA iPhone would be Verizon-compatible - I just don't think that it is aimed at Verizon.

    The iPhone has seen very little action in Japan, because they picked the worst carrier for the operation: Softbank. If Apple wants to move iPhones they really need to be with AU KDDI or Docomo. Softbank is the only GSM carrier in Japan, but they have really limited range. Go into the mountains and my AU piece of junk 3 year old phone will get three bars, my buddy's iPhone won't get any.

    A CDMA iPhone would give Apple much, much more of Japan, more of China and more of South Korea. Then, maybe, when all exclusive agreements are up - it might find its way to Verizon.
  • Reply 114 of 125
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    IPHONE4 most likely has HIDDEN FEATURES locked up. These features will probably be released a few months from now to spur new excitement in the phone, also to keep the competition guessing.
  • Reply 115 of 125
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Just got an HTC Droid Incredible. I am jailbreaking my old iPhone and putting it on T-Mobile. Goodbye AT&T - and good riddance.
  • Reply 116 of 125
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    Nice rewriting of history. Apple wanted to go with Verizon first but Verizon wouldn't agree to Apple's terms. Apple then went to AT&T.

    Actually, they went to Cingular, not AT&T. They went to AT&T by default I think before the first iphone ever hit the shelves.
  • Reply 117 of 125
    I just don't understand why people are so stuck on Verizon. I get it if you live in a big city when AT&T has dropped calls and a clogged network...but most people aren't affected by this. I don't have dropped calls, unless my battery dies.

    I switched from Verizon to AT&T and I lived to tell about it.

    I've heard this "Verizon iPhone coming next year" for three years now. I'm one of those I'll believe it when I see it people. In the meantime, life is short, and I'm enjoying my iPhone.
  • Reply 118 of 125
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by ranchogirl View Post

    I just don't understand why people are so stuck on Verizon. I get it if you live in a big city when AT&T has dropped calls and a clogged network...but most people aren't affected by this. I don't have dropped calls, unless my battery dies.

    I switched from Verizon to AT&T and I lived to tell about it.

    I've heard this "Verizon iPhone coming next year" for three years now. I'm one of those I'll believe it when I see it people. In the meantime, life is short, and I'm enjoying my iPhone.

    Because our friends and family also have Verizon. In minutes.
  • Reply 119 of 125
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by ranchogirl View Post

    I just don't understand why people are so stuck on Verizon. I get it if you live in a big city when AT&T has dropped calls and a clogged network...but most people aren't affected by this. I don't have dropped calls, unless my battery dies.

    I switched from Verizon to AT&T and I lived to tell about it.

    I've heard this "Verizon iPhone coming next year" for three years now. I'm one of those I'll believe it when I see it people. In the meantime, life is short, and I'm enjoying my iPhone.

    As Aquatic basically states, there are a lot of people on Verizon. As the largest carrier in the US with over 1/3 the MNO subscriber base and in many ways (but not even close to all) better than other carriers, there will be more customers asking for the iPhone from Verizon than other carriers assuming all things are equal.

    If we remove AT&T's subscriber base from the equation since they can get the iPhone it becomes even more pronounced with over 50% of the MNO subscriber base. There is surely some psychology involved with constant clamoring for a Verizon iPhone more so than other carriers. For instance, if we consider the implications of mob mentality and potentially the subscribers of lesser carriers not feeling their carrier is adequate for Apple to care about we may never hear them speak up despite wanting the iPhone on their network, too. There is also yearly rumours ? which I think come from Verizon ? about an impending Verizon iPhone that tend to get people worked up. I don't recall ever hearing about a Sprint iPhone.
  • Reply 120 of 125
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As Aquatic There is also yearly rumours ? which I think come from Verizon ? about an impending Verizon iPhone that tend to get people worked up. I don't recall ever hearing about a Sprint iPhone.

    LOL, I have at least two friends (and mind you, I'm an older adult, tho not sure if that makes a difference) that are "waiting" for the Verizon iphone and have not moved to AT&T because of that. They look at my phone and say "I'm waiting for the iPhone from Verizon, it's coming next year" Because they've been with Verizon "forever."

    Apple people are not afraid of change.
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