Nano video phone

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Why not ???


  • Reply 1 of 9
    synpsynp Posts: 248member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Why not ???

    Because to get it to be "nano" enough, you are left with an unuseable touch screen.

    There are other vendors who sell tiny phones for cheap. I don't see how Apple can do anything remarkable here.
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  • Reply 2 of 9
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member

    A NANO phone with face time and a full touch screen that makes calls and does ipod stuff may be in reach for hundreds of millions of poorer people world wide . Dick Tracey agrees with me.


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  • Reply 3 of 9
    Not sure about video on the nano not really practical unless you combined it with 3rd party glasses.

    Also to expensive to research and make and not enough demand yet, wouldn't expect to see them

    for a few years yet. You would control it with your voice mostly.

    Does anyone know of an adaptor for the Ipod mini that turns it

    into something resembling a blue tooth headset?

    Could never workout why they didn't create that, would have been

    extremely practical and wires just aren't they're a nuisance
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  • Reply 4 of 9
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by The Angel of the Abyss View Post

    Not sure about video on the nano not really practical unless you combined it with 3rd party glasses.

    Also to expensive to research and make and not enough demand yet, wouldn't expect to see them

    for a few years yet. You would control it with your voice mostly.

    Does anyone know of an adaptor for the Ipod mini that turns it

    into something resembling a blue tooth headset?

    Could never workout why they didn't create that, would have been

    extremely practical and wires just aren't they're a nuisance

    they already have all the pieces and spec's made for iphone >>ipad

    and video phone is low power

    a camera phone sucks juice

    anyway 300 million sold in 36 months if its cheap with a low or free wifi plan like the ipad !!!

    dick tracey lives on !!!!
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  • Reply 5 of 9
    Id buy one.
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  • Reply 6 of 9
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by jim1405 View Post

    Id buy one.

    whats your address ??
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  • Reply 7 of 9
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by VBurd2128 View Post

    Not sure I'd buy one - smaller isnt always better! The keybad on the iPhone is hard enough to use with my fat fingers. I can only imagine what the typing would be like on a nano version. Yikes!

    i sorry

    the nano would be limited in function to a iphone-

    it would have 3g 4g/7g video calling

    it would do all a nano can do today .

    as for internet or streaming hulu or emails

    i think a full screened nano would have to be invented

    if yes to full screen ..then maybe some internet could be included

    it is nor meant to be a mini iphone

    its thought to be a nano with face time phone service .


    nice first post dude
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  • Reply 8 of 9
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    It would be a more limited device that iPhone obviously. Based on todays tech that is.

    Folder or not it wouldn't a Touch device. The nano is to small for that. Instead they could leverage the click wheel. So it wouldn't be an iPhone at all.

    The thing is it doesnt have to be an iPhone to be useful. As long as you can sync your phone book you will have a nice compact cell phone / mp3 player. Not everyone needs or wants a iPhone in their pocket everyday.

    The question is does Apple want to play in the somewhat smart phone market. That is a cell phone with a modest feature set beyound run of the mill. I think there is potential there with the same user that buys the Nano now.

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  • Reply 9 of 9
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    It would be a more limited device that iPhone obviously. Based on todays tech that is.

    Folder or not it wouldn't a Touch device. The nano is to small for that. Instead they could leverage the click wheel. So it wouldn't be an iPhone at all.

    The thing is it doesnt have to be an iPhone to be useful. As long as you can sync your phone book you will have a nice compact cell phone / mp3 player. Not everyone needs or wants a iPhone in their pocket everyday.

    The question is does Apple want to play in the somewhat smart phone market. That is a cell phone with a modest feature set beyound run of the mill. I think there is potential there with the same user that buys the Nano now.


    Thanks dave you have a clear way of stating simple fact sthat i seem to muddle up .

    To me

    >having all what the fantastic nano has now

    adding radio

    adding the new face to face video 3g calls

    and thats about it

    >>>>>>>>MY 4AM NYC DREAM IS

    Making the A4 CHIP NANO a double sideD phone with the fat nano form factor with scroll click wheel on one side >>>>


    No camera for still shots just video. .

    well what ever would fit I am addressing the 900 million phone buyer market CUT out so far by high buy in cost and high data costs s .

    SO APPLE could then sell 160 million phones in a 18 MONTH product run

    $10-20 a month in data charges

    apple is the gate keeper

    $250 to $300 total cost for device

    free calls of course .

    buyer signs up for 5 yr plans that become legacy to the vid phone for life .

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